Releases: Rainbow-CPaaS/Rainbow-Node-SDK
Rainbow SDK for Node.JS v1.33.0
Pre-release - Do not used
Rainbow SDK for Node.JS 1.32.0
New service
to organize contacts has been added. -
New guide Managing Groups has been added to explain how to have create groups and add users in.
Updating guide Answering Chat Messages to list the Markdown tags unofficially supported by the Rainbow Web client.
New methods
have been added to manage groups. -
New methods
have been added to manage a users in a group. -
New events
have been added for listening to changes on groups.
Fix issue with manual presence not dispatched to other connected ressources
Fix issue with offline resources that are not removed (memory leak)
Fix documentation issues for models
Rainbow SDK for Node.JS v1.31.1
- Force XMPP PLAIN Sasl mechanism for authentication
- Fix Gruntfile default rules
- #29146: Fix global variable
- Update XMPP.js to 0.3.0
- #28868: Fix documentation around event rainbow_onmessagereceived
- #28880: Add date and timestamp to logger
- #28863: Impossible to reconnect after token expiration
- #28919: Fix signinCLI which was not promised
- #28930: Rework of custom data
- #28865: Allow to create anonymous guest user
- #28955: Limit message chat to 1024 characters
- #28866: Add explanation on specific messages received in bubble
- #29009: Add property connectedUser to retrieve the user account information
- #29012: No initial presence information for roster's contacts when offline
- #29017: Add new tutorial for managing contacts
- #29145: Re-inviting a declined user in a bubble
Rainbow SDK for Node.JS 1.30.1
- #28960: Temporarily avoid sending application token
- #28989: Allow to get all bubbles from the server
- #28994: Add API getAllActiveBubbles() and getAllClosedBubbles()
- #29050: Fix bad fullJID identifier
- #29051: Avoid to send 2x the initial presence in bubble
Rainbow SDK for Node.JS 1.30.0
- #28821: Add new tutorial for managing bubbles
Rainbow SDK for Node.JS 1.29.4
- #28706: Fix crash when no AppID is provisionned
Rainbow SDK for Node.JS 1.29.3
- #28639: Fix Node.JS version 4.x compatibility
- #28463: Add new tutorial for managing users
- #28656: Document data models used and events parameters
- #28439: New methods createUserInCompany(), createGuestUser(), inviteUserInCompany(), changePasswordForUser(), updateInformationForUser() and deleteUser() have been added for managing users.
- #28456: [Changes] Methods getContactByLoginEmail() now search contacts on server side if not found locally.
- #28503: Return error codes when using in CLI mode.
- #28380: Add new tutorial for answering to chat messages.
- #28391: Limit the number of log files generated to 10
- #28375: Do not send receipt on specific bubble messages (admin message)
- #28388: Allow to add custom data to bubble.
- #28393: Add new tutorial for debugging.
- #28397: Add new tutorial for configuring the Proxy
- #28557: Unable to connect websocket behind a proxy