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Rainbow-Android-SDK-Samples / Conversations (Kotlin)

This sample uses the Rainbow Android SDK.

To install this sample, clone this repository and open the project with Android Studio.

You must have a valid Rainbow account and application on sandbox to be able to login and test.

Please, be sure to update app\src\main\java\com\ale\push\MyApplication.kt according to your application
This sample works with the SDK 2.12.0 and higher

In addition, you must have a working push configuration to run this sample. To do so, you can follow This link to configure step by step the push notifications for your application.

After following the guide, you should have a google-service.json file at the root of your project. If you have correctly added the firebase server key and the firebase sender id in your application on the dashboard your push configuration is functional, you can install the sample on your smartphone.

How to test

Login your user by replacing the login and password of the MyApplication.kt class. Launch the application and press the login button. You should see a message indicating that the connection was successful.

You can then send a message or call this user to see the notifications. After the application has switched to background mode, you will continue to see notifications through push.


Main Activity Login Message notification
main_activity login message_notification
Incoming call notification Message notification pushed
incoming_call message_notification_pushed