This package contains the URDF (Unified Robot Description Format), STL and configuration files for the Kortex-compatible robots.
To load the description of a robot, you simply have to load the ARM.xacro or the ARM_GRIPPER.xacro file, with ARM being your arm's name (gen3, gen3_lite), and if you have a gripper, GRIPPER being your gripper's name (robotiq_2f_85, gen3_lite_2f).
- sim : If this argument is true, the Gazebo-specific files will be loaded. The default value is **false **.
For example:
To load the Gen3 description with a Robotiq 2-F 85 gripper for simulation, you would put in your launch file :
<param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro --inorder $(find kortex_description)/robots/gen3_robotiq_2f_85.xacro sim:=true"/>
To load the Gen3 lite description, you would put in your launch file :
<param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro --inorder $(find kortex_description)/robots/gen3_lite_gen3_lite_2f.xacro sim:=false"/>