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Synthetic Data Generation



This tool is designed to facilitate the simulation of 10x-Visium-style (capture-based) spatial transcriptomics data. We follow the simulation pipeline described in the cell2location paper, with key modifications enabling us to:

  1. assign arbitrary spatial patterns to zones (co-localized cell type groups) and
  2. add additional noise to account for cell-type-independent dependencies.

In brief, we first overlay designated patterns with a two-dimensional Gaussian process to generate the per-zone abundance values in space (Step 1), then assign cell types to patterns and sample gene expression profiles at each location from a scRNA-seq reference according to the cell type composition (Step 2). The aggregated ST data is further combined with various sources of noise, including a lateral diffusion term to introduce confounding dependencies where each spot shares a certain proportion of mRNA to its neighbors directly, and a multiplicative per-gene gamma noise (by default shape = 0.4586, scale = 1/0.6992) to represent sampling error.

Quick Start

Before running the simulation make sure all the prerequisites are installed. The tool requires scanpy for processing and storing single-cell and ST data, and squidpy and fuzzy-c-means for histology image processing (if needed).

# installing dependencies
conda install -c conda-forge scanpy
pip install squidpy fuzzy-c-means

Generating donut-shaped simulated spatial dataset using a mouse brain snRNA-seq reference:

# cd <this_folder-path>
python -ne 10 -ns 50 50 -rz 15 -uz 0 -o <abundance_df-path>

python -ne 10 -ns 50 50 -sm 0 \
    -d ./example_adata/E-MTAB-11115_subset.h5ad -l annotation_1 \
    -i <abundance_df-path>/zone_abundances.csv -o <output-path> 

Generating simulated spatial dataset based on a histological image of human glioblastoma:

# cd <this_folder-path>
python -ne 10 -ns 50 50 -rz 5 -uz 2 -i ./example_images/glioblastoma_1000x1000.png -o  <abundance_df-path>

python -ne 10 -ns 50 50 -f False \
    -d ./example_adata/E-MTAB-11115_subset.h5ad -l annotation_1 \
    -i <abundance_df-path>/zone_abundances.csv -o <output-path> 

Descriptions of output files

Spatial zone abundances (from step 1):

  • zone_abundances.csv contains information about the abundance of each spatial zone at each location.
    (n_spots * n_exp) x (n_regional_zones + n_ubiquitous_zones)

Cell type abundances (from step 2):

  • celltype_zone_assignment.csv is the abundance matrix of cell types in spatial zones.
    n_cell_types x (n_regional_zones + n_ubiquitous_zones + 2)
    The last two columns denotes the category of each cell type:

    • is_uniform: 1 for being uniformly distributed (thus in ubiquitous zones).
    • is_high_density: 1 for being highly abundant (major cell types). The expected densities of high/low-density cell types are set with -p/-muh -mul.
  • celltype_abundances.csv contains information about the captured abundance of each cell type at each location.
    (n_spots * n_exp) x n_cell_types
    For deconvolution purpose it is used to calculate ground truth cell type proportions.

  • celltype_counts.csv is the discrete count of each cell type at each location used to sample single cells before down-scaling.
    (n_spots * n_exp) x n_cell_types

  • celltype_capture_eff.csv is the capture efficiency matrix calculated by celltype_abundances / celltype_counts used to down-sample UMIs. Capture efficiency is always ≤1 and is lower at sparse spots which mimics the dropout event of single cell sequencing.

Marker genes (from step 2):

  • markers_lfc.csv contains the log2fold changes of marker genes identified using the Wilcoxon test.
    n_genes x n_cell_types

Deconvolution inputs (from step 2):

Count matrices (keep only marker genes) and spatial coordinates stored in the /deconv_inputs/ subfolder.

  • ref_avg_raw_count_markers.csv is the reference count matrix for deconvolution calculated by averaging raw counts per cell type.
    n_genes x n_cell_types
  • ref_avg_norm_count_markers.csv is the normalized reference count matrix for deconvolution calculated by averaging depth-normalized counts (target_sum=1e4) per cell type.
    n_genes x n_cell_types
  • syn_sp_count_markers_exp{i}.mtx is the synthetic raw count matrix in experiment i.
    n_spots x n_genes
  • coords_exp{i}.csv contains the spatial coordinates of spots in experiment i.
    n_spots x 2

Synthetic anndata (from step 2):

Optional set -oa True or --output_anndata True to save all data generated from simulation

  • synthetic_sp_adata.h5ad: gzip compressed h5ad file containing the synthetic anndata object
    • Cell-type-abundance-related dataframes are saved in the metadata adata.obs
    • coordinates for all experiments are saved in adata.obsm['X_spatial']
    • UMI per cell type ct are calculated and saved in adata.obs[f'UMI_count_{ct}']
  • paired_sc_adata.h5ad: gzip compressed h5ad file containing paired single-cell data (unseen in simulation).


Check this notebook for the visualization of synthetic data.

Simulation details step-by-step:

Step 1. Patterns to Zones

a. Random GP patterns as presented in the cell2location paper

                      OUT_DIR [-vr VARIANCE_RG] [-vu VARIANCE_UB] [-s SEED]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ne N_EXPERIMENTS, --n_experiments N_EXPERIMENTS
                        Number of simulated experiments wanted
  -ns N_SPOTS N_SPOTS, --n_spots N_SPOTS N_SPOTS
                        Number of spots, needs to be 2 int n_row n_col
                        Example: --n_spots 50 50
  -rz N_REGIONAL_ZONES, --n_regional_zones N_REGIONAL_ZONES
                        Number of regional zones with sparse spatial patterns
  -uz N_UBIQUITOUS_ZONES, --n_ubiquitous_zones N_UBIQUITOUS_ZONES
                        Number of ubiquitous zones with uniform spatial patterns
  -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
                        Output directory for abundance matrix
  -vr VARIANCE_RG, --variance_rg VARIANCE_RG
                        Variance required for GP (regional zones)Increase this will increase the sparsity of patterns
  -vu VARIANCE_UB, --variance_ub VARIANCE_UB
                        Variance required for GP (ubiquitous zones)Increase this will increase the sparsity of
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Random seed

b. Donut-shaped patterns

                          [-uz N_UBIQUITOUS_ZONES] -o OUT_DIR [-w WIDTH] [-v VARIANCE] [-s SEED]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ne N_EXPERIMENTS, --n_experiments N_EXPERIMENTS
                        Number of simulated experiments wanted
  -ns N_SPOTS N_SPOTS, --n_spots N_SPOTS N_SPOTS
                        Number of spots, needs to be 2 int n_row n_col
                        Example: --n_spots 50 50
  -rz N_REGIONAL_ZONES, --n_regional_zones N_REGIONAL_ZONES
                        Number of regional zones with sparse spatial patterns
  -uz N_UBIQUITOUS_ZONES, --n_ubiquitous_zones N_UBIQUITOUS_ZONES
                        Number of ubiquitous zones with uniform spatial patterns
  -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
                        Output directory for abundance matrix
  -w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
                        Width of each concentric circular patternsIncrease this will increase the overlap between
                        each zone.
  -v VARIANCE, --variance VARIANCE
                        Variance required for GP (all zones)Increase this will increase the sparsity of patterns
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Random seed

c. Histology-based patterns

                         -o OUT_DIR [-i IMG_DIR] [-m M_FUZZY] [-v VARIANCE] [-s SEED]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ne N_EXPERIMENTS, --n_experiments N_EXPERIMENTS
                        Number of simulated experiments wanted
  -ns N_SPOTS N_SPOTS, --n_spots N_SPOTS N_SPOTS
                        Number of spots, needs to be 2 int n_row n_col
                        Example: --n_spots 50 50
  -rz N_REGIONAL_ZONES, --n_regional_zones N_REGIONAL_ZONES
                        Number of regional zones with sparse spatial patterns
  -uz N_UBIQUITOUS_ZONES, --n_ubiquitous_zones N_UBIQUITOUS_ZONES
                        Number of ubiquitous zones with uniform spatial patterns
  -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
                        Output directory for abundance matrix
  -i IMG_DIR, --img_dir IMG_DIR
                        Path to histological image
  -m M_FUZZY, --m_fuzzy M_FUZZY
                        m for fuzzy c-means clustringIncrease this will increase the fuzziness of patterns.m should
                        be an int >=1 (default 2)
  -v VARIANCE, --variance VARIANCE
                        Variance required for GP (all zones)Increase this will increase the sparsity of patterns
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Random seed

d. Custom patterns

To use a custom pattern, user needs to provide a non-negative n_row by n_col matrix, similar to the generated zone_abundances.csv, where:

  • n_row = n_spots[0] * n_spots[1] * n_experiments
  • n_col = n_regional_zones + n_ubiquitous_zones

Step 2. Zones to Counts

NOTE: the number of experiments -ne and the number of spots -ns must be the same as used in Step 1.

usage: [-h] -i ABUNDANCE_DIR -d REF_DIR -l ANN_LABEL [-o OUT_DIR] [-oa | --output-anndata | --no-output-anndata]
                          [-ne N_EXPERIMENTS] [-ns GRID_SIZE GRID_SIZE] [-s SEED] [-sp | --split | --no-split] [-ph P_HIGH_DENSITY]
                          [-muh MU_HIGH_DENSITY] [-mul MU_LOW_DENSITY] [-f | --multi-pattern | --no-multi-pattern] [-sm SMOOTH_SCALE]
                          [-gn | --gamma_noises | --no-gamma_noises] [-lfcmin LOG2FC_MIN] [-pv P_VALUE] [-nm N_MARKERS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i ABUNDANCE_DIR, --abundance_dir ABUNDANCE_DIR
                        Path to zone abundance matrix (.csv).
  -d REF_DIR, --ref_dir REF_DIR
                        Path to reference single cell dataset (anndata).
  -l ANN_LABEL, --ann_label ANN_LABEL
                        Key to access celltype information in the reference anndata.
  -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
                        Output directory. Default: None to use the same directory as the input.
  -oa, --output-anndata, --no-output-anndata
                        Whether to output entire anndata objects for synthetic spatial data and paired single cell data. Default: True. 
  -ne N_EXPERIMENTS, --n_experiments N_EXPERIMENTS
                        Number of experiments to simulate. Default: 1.
                        Grid size, needs to be 2 int n_row, n_col. Default: 50 50.
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Random seed. Default: 253286.
  -sp, --split, --no-split
                        Split training and testing set to seperate single cells used in data simulation and deconvolution. Default: True.
  -ph P_HIGH_DENSITY, --p_high_density P_HIGH_DENSITY
                        Proportion of high-density cell types in each zone. Default: 0.4.
  -muh MU_HIGH_DENSITY, --mu_high_density MU_HIGH_DENSITY
                        Average abundance for high-density cell types. Default: 4.0.
  -mul MU_LOW_DENSITY, --mu_low_density MU_LOW_DENSITY
                        Average abundance for low-density cell types. Default: 0.4.
  -f, --multi-pattern, --no-multi-pattern
                        Flag specifies whether celltypes have several spatial patterns number of patterns per celltype is sampled with a Gamma distribution. Default: False.
  -sm SMOOTH_SCALE, --smooth_scale SMOOTH_SCALE
                        Scale for smoothing from neighboring spots specifying the proportion of cells that are shared with neighboring spots. Default:
  -gn, --gamma_noises, --no-gamma_noises
                        Add gamma noises to the synthetic count matrix. Default: True.
  -lfcmin LOG2FC_MIN, --log2fc_min LOG2FC_MIN
                        Minimum log2fc for marker gene selection. Default: 1.0.
  -pv P_VALUE, --p_value P_VALUE
                        P-value threshold for marker gene selection. Default: 0.01.
  -nm N_MARKERS, --n_markers N_MARKERS
                        Number of marker genes per celltype in the simulated count matrix. Default: 0 to return all genes passed log2fc_min and