Byte: | 0-2 | 3 | 4 | 5 - 20 | 21 - 36 | <- ... -> | n-32 - n |
Contents: | magic | version | options | salt | validator | ... ciphertext ... | HMAC |
- magic (3 bytes): "RNC"
- version (1 byte): Data format major version (0x04)
- options (1 byte):
- bit 0 - (boolean) uses password
- bit 4-6 - (iff bit 0 is 1) (int) log10(pbkdf2_iterations). Bit 6 is MSB. 0 defaults to 10,000.
- salt (16 bytes)
- validator (16 bytes): used to determine if password is correct
- ciphertext (variable): Encrypted in CBC mode
- HMAC (32 bytes): HMAC-SHA512-256
All data is in network order (big-endian).
Note that the version of the RNCryptor ObjC library is not directly related to the version of the RNCryptor file format. For example, v2.2 of the RNCryptor ObjC library writes v3 of the file format. The versioning of an implementation is related to its API, not the file formats it supports.
RNCryptor uses either a 256-bit random key or a password. It extracts a 512-bit pseudorandom key (PRK) from this using HKDF-Extract or PBKDF2. It then uses HKDF-Expand to expand this key material into the IV, a validation token, the encryption key, and the HMAC key.
Using the validation token, the encryption key can be tested without validating HMAC.
Unless otherwise noted, all example implementations are given in an abtract, idealized language. It includes the following constructs:
- Operator that concatenates two octet strings.RandomDataOfLength(n)
- Returnsn
random octets generated by a CSPRNG.PBKDF2(PRF algorithm, password, Salt, iterations, output length)
- Returns the result of PBKDF2 algorithm.AESEncrypt(key length, mode, key, iv, plaintext)
- Returns the AES encrypted ciphertext.AESDecrypt(key length, mode, key, iv, plaintext)
- Returns the AES decrypted plaintext.HMAC(hash function, key, data, length)
- Returns the result of the HMAC algorithm, truncated tolength
- Returns a list of components as defined by the format.ConsistentTimeEqual(x, y)
- Comparesx
in consistent time (without shortcuts).Assert(condition)
- Indicates a programming error if condition is not met.KEY_MISMATCH
- Token indicating an incorrect key or password.CORRUPT
- Token indicating a corrupt message.SHA512
- Token indicating SHA-2 hash function with 512-bit length.CBCMode
- Token indicating cipher block chaining (CBC) block cipher mode. This implicitly includes PKCS#7 padding.
Expand PRK to 96 bytes for required material using HMAC-SHA-512 + HMAC-SHA-512-256.
def Expand(prk[64]) =
info = "rncryptor"
T1 = HMAC(SHA512, prk, info || 0x01, 512 bits)
T2 = HMAC(SHA512, prk, T1 || info || 0x02, 256 bits)
return T1 || T2
Takes a 512-bit pseudorandom key (prk). Expands it into the encryption key,HMAC key, IV, and validator. Validator is last so attacker cannot short-cut Expand().
def Encrypt(prk[64], options[1], salt[16], plaintext) =
(encryptionKey[32], hmacKey[32], iv[16], validator[16]) = Expand(prk)
magic = "RNC" (0x52 0x4e 0x43)
version = 0x04
header = magic || version || options || salt || validator
ciphertext = AESEncrypt(256 bits, CBCMode, encryptionKey, iv, plaintext)
hmac = HMAC(SHA512, hmacKey, header || ciphertext, 256 bits)
return header || ciphertext || hmac
- Expand PRK into validator, IV, and keys
- Construct header from version, options, salt, and validator
- Encrypt ciphertext with AES-256
- Compute HMAC with SHA-512-256
- Return message with header, ciphertext, and HMAC
def Decrypt(prk[64], options[1], salt[16], validator[16], ciphertext, hmac[32]) =
(encryptionKey[32], hmacKey[32], iv[16], validator[16]) = Expand(prk)
if (! ConsistentTimeEqual(expectedValidator, validator) return KEY_MISMATCH
magic = "RNC" (0x52 0x4e 0x43)
version = 0x04
header = magic || version || options || salt || validator
expectedHmac = HMAC(SHA512, hmacKey, header || ciphertext, 256 bits)
if ! ConsistentTimeEqual(expectedHmac, hmac) return CORRUPT
else return AESDecrypt(2556 bits, CBCMode, encryptionKey, iv, ciphertext)
- Expand PRK into validator, IV, and keys
- Verify (in constant time) that validators match. If not, the password was incorrect.
- Construct header from version, options, salt, and validator.
- Compute expected HMAC with SHA-512-256
- Verify (in constant time) that HMACs match. If not, the ciphertext is corrupt.
- Return decrypted data.
Input is 256 random bits of source keying material (called key
). To maintain
consistency with PBKDF2, and to improve poorly generated keys (key reuse or
non-random key selection), the actual pseudorandom key (PRK) is extracted with
HKDF and a 128-bit random salt.
def KeyBasedEncrypt(key[32], plaintext) =
salt = RandomDataOfLength(16 bytes)
// HKDF-Extract
prk = HMAC(SHA512, salt, key, 512 bits)
options = 0
return Encrypt(prk, options, salt, plaintext)
- Generate random salt.
- Extract 512-bit PRK from 256-bit key + 128-bit salt via HKDF.
- Perform generic encryption.
def KeyBasedDecrypt(key[32], message) =
(version, options, salt, validator, ciphertext, hmac) = Split(message)
if (version != 4) return CORRUPT
if (option & 0x01 != 0) return CORRUPT
// HDF-Extract
prk = HMAC(SHA512, salt, key, 512 bits)
return Decrypt(prk, options, salt, validator, ciphertext, hmac)
- Pull apart the pieces as described in the data format.
- Verify that the header is legal. If not, return a failure.
- Extract 512-bit PRK from 32-bit key via HKDF.
- Perform generic decryption.
def PasswordBasedEncrypt(password, plaintext, log10Rounds = 0) =
Assert(password.length > 0)
Assert(log10Rounds >= 0)
Assert(log10Rounds <= 7)
if (log10Rounds == 0) rounds = 10000
else rounds = exp10(log10Rounds)
salt = RandomDataOfLength(16 bytes)
// PBKDF2 (standing in for HKDF-Extract)
prk = PBKDF2(SHA1, password, salt, rounds, 512 bits)
options = (1 << 0) | (log10Rounds << 4)
return Encrypt(prk, options, salt, plaintext)
- Password must not be empty.
- The number of rounds must be between 10 (0 means 10,000) and 1,000,000.
- If
is zero, setrounds
to the default value of 10,000. Otherwise, setrounds
. - Generate a random salt.
- Generate the 512-bit PRK using PBKDF2 and the given number of rounds.
- Generate options field.
- Perform generic encryption.
def PasswordBasedDecrypt(password, message) =
(version, options, salt, validator, ciphertext, hmac) = Split(message)
if (version != 4) return FAIL
if (option & 0x01 != 1) return FAIL
rounds = (options & 0x70) >> 4
if (rounds == 0) rounds = 10000
else rounds = exp10(rounds)
// HDF-Extract
prk = PBKDF2(SHA1, password, salt, rounds, 512 bits)
return Decrypt(prk, options, salt, validator, ciphertext, hmac)
- Pull apart the pieces as described in the data format.
- Extract bits 4-6 from options. If zero, then rounds is 10,000. Otherwise, raise ten to that power and set as rounds.
- Generate the 512-bit PRK using PBKDF2 and the given number of rounds.
- Perform generic decryption
When comparing the computed HMAC with the expected HMAC, it is important that your comparison be made in consistent time. Your comparison function should compare all of the bytes of the ExpectedHMAC, even if it finds a mismatch. Otherwise, your comparison can be subject to a timing attack, where the attacker sends you different HMACs and times how long it takes you to return that they are not equal. Using this, the attacker can progressively determine each byte of the HMAC.
Here is an example consistent-time equality function in ObjC:
- (BOOL)rnc_isEqualInConsistentTime:(NSData *)otherData {
// The point of this routine is XOR the bytes of each data and accumulate the results with OR.
// If any bytes are different, then the OR will accumulate some non-0 value.
uint8_t result = otherData.length - self.length; // Start with 0 (equal) only if our lengths are equal
const uint8_t *myBytes = [self bytes];
const NSUInteger myLength = [self length];
const uint8_t *otherBytes = [otherData bytes];
const NSUInteger otherLength = [otherData length];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < otherLength; ++i) {
// Use mod to wrap around ourselves if they are longer than we are.
// Remember, we already broke equality if our lengths are different.
result |= myBytes[i % myLength] ^ otherBytes[i];
return result == 0;
RNCryptor is similar to draft-mcgrew-aead-aes-cbc-hmac-sha2 AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 in how it produces authenticated encryption from AES-CBC and HMAC-SHA. It differs slightly in how it generates the keys (via HKDF rather than splitting the PRK), and it computes the IV via HKDF rather than passing a random IV.
SHA-1 is used (rather than SHA-2) in PBKDF2 to maintain better platform support. .NET's Rfc2898DeriveBytes only supports SHA1HMAC. There is no security concern in using SHA-1 here. PBKDF2 only requires a PRF to maintain itssecurity proof, and SHA-1, even with its known attacks, continues to be a PRF. Hopefully .NET will eventually support SHA-2 PBKDF2 and we'll be able to drop SHA-1 as a matter of housekeeping (minimizing the number of algorithms required).
RNCryptor relies on HKDF (RFC 5869) to generate random octet strings from a master 512-bit PRK.
The HMAC is truncated according to RFC 2104 Section 5. Private HMACs (i.e. HMACs not directly encoded in the file format) are not truncated.
SHA-512 is used throughout to favor CPU rather than GPU performance. Most legitimate uses will be computed on CPU. Attackers prefer high-speed GPU implementations.
- Employs draft-mcgrew-aead-aes-cbc-hmac-sha2 and HKDF.
- Computes IV and keys from salt and master key.
- Adds validator for fast password checking
- Replaces SHA-1 and SHA-256 with SHA-512.
- Unifies key- and password-based formats.
- Adds magic to beginning to identify format
Comments from Maarten Bodewes. Not yet integegrated into the spec:
- Generating 512 bits of data using PBKDF2/SHA1 is not recommended in my opinion. It requires 4 calls to the internal PBKDF2 function, including all the iterations. Furthermore, the internal state will be no more than 160 bits - the output of SHA-1. It would be better to use SHA-512, even if that is less available to some implementations. Of course, most passwords will never reach 160 bits of entropy.
- The protocol should be described in terms of HKDF instead of the underlying HMAC function (a further explanation of what that means in HMAC operations could be provided of course).
- Instead of generating one large output of HKDF-extract, the keys and validation value should be generated by providing a different "OtherInfo" value. This frees the protocol from the awkward repeated use of HMAC.
- Mixing SHA-512 and SHA-512 / 256 for HKDF is not recommended in my opinion. SHA-512/256 is not often available anyway. It could be that SHA-512 was meant, taking the leftmost bits. That is different from SHA-512/256 as that uses different vectors internally. The use of the leftmost bits of 512 should be made clear, unless the previous comment was heeded of course, in which case it is not needed.
- It could be considered to to allow a key size of 16, 24 or 32 bytes for the key based encryption; it will be put through the extract phase of HKDF anyway (using more possible sizes will make implementations harder to validate).
- You should not refer to the expired draft for AEAD using AES-CBC & HMAC-SHA2: Note that that draft does not explicitly specify how the IV should be used and if it is included in the calculations. That's the absolute minimum I would expect from a draft specifying an AEAD scheme really. Just leave the RNCryptor stand on it's own merit, there is no proof or anything for that draft anyway.
- You may want to restrict decryption depending on specific parameters / protocol versions etc..