Releases: RLBot/RLBotPack
Releases · RLBot/RLBotPack
incr-78: cea48af -> c754f49
incr-77: 2aaafad -> cea48af
2aaafad -> cea48af
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
cea48af Merge pull request #208 from RLBot/dependabot/pip/RLBotPack/TensorBot/src/tensorflow-2.7.2
3023731 Bump tensorflow from 2.5.3 to 2.7.2 in /RLBotPack/TensorBot/src
incr-76: cba38b2 -> 2aaafad
cba38b2 -> 2aaafad
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
2aaafad Merge pull request #207 from JoshyDevRL/master
2b856f8 Merge branch 'RLBot:master' into master
2de87d0 Cheesus Tags
946e659 Cheezer Tags
7135241 CheeseBot Tags
f5c4158 Merge branch 'RLBot:master' into master
dbbd3dc Added Cheezer, Cheesus & CheeseBot Update
3703b80 Delete RLBotPack/Cheesus directory
6af595a Delete RLBotPack/CheeseBot directory
incr-75: 9e67994 -> cba38b2
9e67994 -> cba38b2
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
cba38b2 Minor updates to Omus (#213)
incr-74: 917b358 -> 9e67994
917b358 -> 9e67994
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
9e67994 Omus critical error fixed (#211)
incr-73: 1368973 -> 917b358
1368973 -> 917b358
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
917b358 Omus update. It now does kickoffs! (#210)
incr-72: 23796af -> 1368973
23796af -> 1368973
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
1368973 Adding Sinc to botpack (#206)
incr-71: 669d2c6 -> 23796af
incr-70: 4fcb7f0 -> 669d2c6
4fcb7f0 -> 669d2c6
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
669d2c6 Fix Necto/Nexto on non-ascii paths (#204)
incr-69: fdc6dcc -> 4fcb7f0
fdc6dcc -> 4fcb7f0
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
4fcb7f0 Last Version of Cheesus 🥶 (#202)