Releases: RLBot/RLBotPack
Releases · RLBot/RLBotPack
incr-127: 4b22ba4 -> f44944f
incr-126: 1b8aca3 -> 4b22ba4
1b8aca3 -> 4b22ba4
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
4b22ba4 Fix Beast celebration (#289)
incr-125: 310f5dc -> 1b8aca3
incr-124: fa8b994 -> 310f5dc
fa8b994 -> 310f5dc
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
310f5dc Updating Oneborg again! (#286)
incr-123: 071c9de -> fa8b994
071c9de -> fa8b994
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
fa8b994 typo in king's fun fact (#287)
incr-122: 13ce8a8 -> 071c9de
13ce8a8 -> 071c9de
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
071c9de Adding BitBot to the botpack (#276)
incr-121: 861a511 -> 13ce8a8
861a511 -> 13ce8a8
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
13ce8a8 Added TMCP Requirement to Molten (#274)
incr-120: 885fa74 -> 861a511
885fa74 -> 861a511
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
861a511 Added Molten + Updated Redbot and King to .Net 6 (#273)
incr-119: f806f5f -> 885fa74
incr-118: 4f86c56 -> f806f5f
4f86c56 -> f806f5f
This is an automated incremental update zip, Not meant for end users.
f806f5f Ignore unwanted C# bot project files (#271)