- Google tests (Gtest) for SDK
- Removed dependency in core-lib from struct sockaddr_in and changed it to ip addr and port
- Fixed bug with request and response on hello packet
- Fixed ntoh and hton methods into core library
- Added the ability to get information about the device from the hello package
(does not require the connection to the device):
- General information:
- Device name
- Serial number
- IP address
- MAC address
- Profile port
- Service port
- Working ranges:
- Zsmr
- Zmr
- Xsmr
- Xemr
- Versions:
- Firmware
- Hardware
- General information:
- Added new methods of getting additional information about scanners to examples of searching.
- Added new methods of setting scanner's parameter to examples with parameterization.
- Changed returned value type of core_version() function from uint32_t to char*
- Changed returned value type of sdk_version() function from uint32_t to std::string