This is the primary Order Class used for ordering Domino's food!
If you have cloned this repo, you can run the example with this command:
node ./example/order.js
extends DominosFormat
class, see more in
Here is an example of a complete order process, including a single tracking check.
import {Order,Customer,Item,Payment,NearbyStores} from 'dominos';
//extra cheese thin crust pizza
const pizza=new Item(
//16 inch hand tossed crust
//sauce, whole pizza : normal
X: {'1/1' : '1'},
//cheese, whole pizza : double
C: {'1/1' : '2'},
//pepperoni, whole pizza : double
P: {'1/2' : '2'}
const customer = new Customer(
//this could be an Address instance if you wanted
address: '2 Portola Plaza, Monterey, Ca, 93940',
firstName: 'Brandon',
lastName: 'Miller',
//where's that 555 number from?
phone: '941-555-2368',
email: '[email protected]'
let storeID=0;
let distance=100;
//find the nearest store
const nearbyStores=await new NearbyStores(customer.address);
//inspect nearby stores
//console.log('\n\nNearby Stores\n\n')
//get closest delivery store
for(const store of nearbyStores.stores){
//inspect each store
//we check all of these because the API responses seem to say true for some
//and false for others, but it is only reliably ok for delivery if ALL are true
//this may become an additional method on the NearbyStores class.
&& store.IsDeliveryStore
&& store.IsOpen
&& store.ServiceIsOpen.Delivery
&& store.MinDistance<distance
throw ReferenceError('No Open Stores');
const order=new Order(customer);
// console.log('\n\nInstance\n\n');
// console.dir(order,{depth:0});
// add pizza
//validate order
await order.validate();
// console.log('\n\nValidate\n\n');
//price order
await order.price();
// console.log('\n\nPrice\n\n');
// console.dir(order,{depth:0});
//grab price from order and setup payment
const myCard=new Payment(
// dashes are not needed, they get filtered out
//slashes not needed, they get filtered out
//place order
//will throw a dominos error because
//we used a fake credit card
console.log('\n\nPlaced Order\n\n');
//inspect Order Response to see more information about the
//failure, unless you added a real card, then you can inspect
//the order itself
console.log('\n\nFailed Order Probably Bad Card, here is order.priceResponse the raw response from Dominos\n\n');
new Order()
argument | type | required | description |
customer | Customer |
yes | This is a dominos customer instance |
Instance Hidden Methods & Hidden Fields
Also check the as this class extends it.
Hidden Method Name | Params | Description |
.addCustomer | Customer Instance | This will populate all Customer fields on the Order Instance |
.addCoupon | String | This will add a coupon string to the coupons array |
.removeCoupon | String | This will find and remove a coupon string from the coupons array |
.addItem | Item Instance | This will sanitize and add a product Item to the .products array |
.removeItem | Item Instance | This will find and remove a product Item from the .products array |
.orderInFuture | Date | Will set the order time to be in the future. Very useful when testing but stores are closed, or when you want to order things in the future. |
.orderNow | This will ensure an order is made now and not in the future. If you had previously used .orderInFuture , its date will be removed. |
async .validate |
This will request validate the current Order Instance. |
async .price |
This will request price the current Order Instance. |
async .place |
This will place the order with using the current Order Instance. |
Hidden Field Name | Type | Description |
.payload | JSON | n/a |
.formatted | Object | this comes from DominosFormat Class but the setter is overloaded for special Dominos Order format |
.validationResponse | Object | Validation Response Object from Dominos |
.priceResponse | Object | Price Response Object from Dominos |
.placeResponse | Object | Place Order Response Object from Dominos |
member/method | type | default | description |
.address | Address | Address for customer | |
.amounts | Object | ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. We are just using what the website uses here. It may be legacy and could be removed. | |
.amountsBreakdown | AmountsBreakdown | populated by order.price , this is the break down of costs and taxes |
.businessDate | String | This is the date the order was created at the business. | |
.coupons | Array | This is an array of coupon codes. | |
.currency | String | This is the currency for the order, lik USD it will be populated by dominos |
.customerID | String | If the customer has an ID set it here. Not tested, may work. | |
.estimatedWaitMinutes | String | Estimated wait time from when the order is placed and paid for. | |
String | Customer's email, pupulated when instantiated by the passed Customer Object | ||
.extension | String | Phone extension | |
.firstName | String | Customer's first name, pupulated when instantiated by the passed Customer Object | |
.hotspotsLite | Boolean | false | ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. We are just using what the website uses here. We are just using what the web uses here. |
.iP | String | The IP where you are making requests from, dominos servers will auto populate this | |
.lastName | String | Customer's last name, pupulated when instantiated by the passed Customer Object | |
.languageCode | String | 'en' | appears to be a 2 letter language code |
.market | String | Dominos populates this based on where the order is happening. | |
.metaData | Object | Dominos passes various important meta data objects here, like prop65 warning to let you know that pizza causes cancer in California... If you figure out more information on the list of things that can be passed back here, please contribute the information. |
.newUser | Boolean | ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. We are just using what the website uses here. | |
.noCombine | Boolean | ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. We are just using what the website uses here. | |
.orderChannel | String | 'OLO' | This is what the site passes... ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. |
.orderID | String | The ID of the order, this seems to change even if passed to dominos. It gets auto populated apparently... ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. | |
.orderInfoCollection | Array | ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. | |
.orderMethod | String | 'Web' | This is how the site passes this information, there could be other options, but we do not know them. ?If you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. |
.orderTaker | String | 'node-dominos-pizza-api' | ? Perhaps the name of the person that took your order? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. |
.partners | Object | ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. | |
.payments | Array of Payment Instances | This is how you pay for the order when you use the .place method. |
.phone | String | Customer's phonenumber, pupulated when instantiated by the passed Customer Object | |
.priceOrderMs | Number | ?Perhaps how long it took to complete the pricing? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. | |
.priceOrderTime | String | The time when the order was priced by the .price method. This is provided by the dominos servers |
.products | Array of Item Instances | Your product items are sanitized and added here by the .addProduct method |
.promotions | Array | ? Not sure, perhaps some special promotions, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. | |
.pulseOrderGuid | String | ? populated by and used by dominos | |
.serviceMethod | String | 'Delivery' | How you plan to get your pizza, 'Delivery' /'Carryout' /'DriveUpCarryout' |
.sourceOrganizationURI | String | '' | |
.storeID | String/Number | Id for the store you wish to order from. get this through the NearbyStores class | |
.tags | Object | ? Not sure, if you figure it out, please contribute to this doc. | |
.userAgent | String | Auto populated when requests are made. We use node-fetch |
.version | String | '1.0' | api version |
import {Order,Customer,Item} from 'dominos';
const customer = new Customer(
//this could be an Address instance if you wanted
address: '900 Clark Ave, 63102',
firstName: 'Barack',
lastName: 'Obama',
//where's that 555 number from?
phone: '1-800-555-2368',
email: '[email protected]'
const cheesePizza=new Item(
//full pizza sauce
X: {'1/1' : '1'},
//full piza double cheese
C: {'1/1' : '2'}
const order=new Order(customer);
await order.validate();
//expected output
Order {
address: {Address},
amounts: {},
amountsBreakdown: {AmountsBreakdown},
businessDate: '',
coupons: [],
currency: '',
customerID: '',
estimatedWaitMinutes: '',
email: '[email protected]',
extension: '',
firstName: 'Barack',
hotspotsLite: false,
iP: '',
lastName: 'Obama',
languageCode: 'en',
market: '',
metaData: [Object],
newUser: true,
noCombine: true,
orderChannel: 'OLO',
orderID: '',
orderInfoCollection: [],
orderMethod: 'Web',
orderTaker: 'node-dominos-pizza-api',
partners: {},
payments: [],
phone: '1-800-555-2368',
priceOrderMs: 0,
priceOrderTime: '',
products: [],
promotions: {},
pulseOrderGuid: '',
serviceMethod: 'Delivery',
sourceOrganizationURI: '',
storeID: '',
tags: {},
userAgent: '',
version: '1.0'
import {Order,Customer,Item} from 'dominos';
const customer = new Customer(
//this could be an Address instance if you wanted
address: '900 Clark Ave, 63102',
firstName: 'Barack',
lastName: 'Obama',
//where's that 555 number from?
phone: '1-800-555-2368',
email: '[email protected]'
const cheesePizza=new Item(
//full pizza sauce
X: {'1/1' : '1'},
//full piza double cheese
C: {'1/1' : '2'}
const order=new Order(customer);
await order.validate();
//Expected outpuut
Order {
address: {
street: '110 S Fairfax Ave',
streetNumber: '110',
streetName: 'S FAIRFAX AVE',
unitType: '',
unitNumber: '',
city: '',
region: '',
postalCode: '90036',
deliveryInstructions: '',
countyName: 'LOS ANGELES',
countyNumber: '037'
amounts: {},
amountsBreakdown: {AmountsBreakdown},
businessDate: '',
coupons: [],
currency: 'USD',
customerID: '',
estimatedWaitMinutes: '0',
email: '[email protected]',
extension: '',
firstName: 'Barack',
hotspotsLite: false,
iP: '',
lastName: 'Obama',
languageCode: 'en',
market: 'UNITED_STATES',
metaData: [Object],
newUser: true,
noCombine: true,
orderChannel: 'OLO',
orderID: 'vwfapIKoJ9-24rkVlO29',
orderInfoCollection: [],
orderMethod: 'Web',
orderTaker: 'node-dominos-pizza-api',
partners: {},
payments: [],
phone: '1-800-555-2368',
priceOrderMs: 0,
priceOrderTime: '',
products: [Array],
promotions: {Object},
pulseOrderGuid: '',
serviceMethod: 'Delivery',
sourceOrganizationURI: '',
storeID: 8244,
tags: {},
userAgent: 'node-fetch/1.0 (+',
version: '1.0',
status: 1
import {Order,Customer,Item} from 'dominos';
const customer = new Customer(
//this could be an Address instance if you wanted
address: '1 alvarado st, 93940',
firstName: 'Barack',
lastName: 'Obama',
//where's that 555 number from?
phone: '1-800-555-2368',
email: '[email protected]'
const cheesePizza=new Item(
X: {'1/1' : '1'},
C: {'1/1' : '1'}
const extraCheesePizza=new Item(
X: {'1/1' : '1'},
C: {'1/1' : '2'}
const order=new Order(customer);
await order.validate();
await order.price();
// expected output
Order {
address: {Address},
amounts: {},
amountsBreakdown: {
foodAndBeverage: '15.99',
adjustment: '0.00',
surcharge: '0.00',
deliveryFee: '4.99',
tax: 1.99,
tax1: 1.99,
tax2: 0,
tax3: 0,
tax4: 0,
tax5: 0,
bottle: 0,
customer: 22.97,
roundingAdjustment: 0,
cash: 0,
savings: '0.00'
businessDate: '2021-03-04',
coupons: [],
currency: 'USD',
customerID: '',
estimatedWaitMinutes: '26-36',
email: '[email protected]',
extension: '',
firstName: 'Barack',
hotspotsLite: false,
iP: '',
lastName: 'Obama',
languageCode: 'en',
market: 'UNITED_STATES',
metaData: {Object},
newUser: true,
noCombine: true,
orderChannel: 'OLO',
orderID: 'vwfapIKoJ9-24rkVlO29',
orderInfoCollection: [],
orderMethod: 'Web',
orderTaker: 'node-dominos-pizza-api',
partners: {},
payments: [],
phone: '1-800-555-2368',
priceOrderMs: 1452,
priceOrderTime: '2021-03-05 01:43:14',
products: [Array],
promotions: {Object},
pulseOrderGuid: 'b802d070-8aff-4a8e-bd51-835ead079c34',
serviceMethod: 'Delivery',
sourceOrganizationURI: '',
storeID: 8244,
tags: {},
userAgent: 'node-fetch/1.0 (+',
version: '1.0',
status: 1
import {Order,Customer,Item,Payment,NearbyStores} from 'dominos';
//extra cheese thin crust pizza
const pizza=new Item(
//16 inch hand tossed crust
//sauce, whole pizza : normal
X: {'1/1' : '1'},
//cheese, whole pizza : double
C: {'1/1' : '2'},
//pepperoni, whole pizza : double
P: {'1/2' : '2'}
const customer = new Customer(
//this could be an Address instance if you wanted
address: '2 Portola Plaza, Monterey, Ca, 93940',
firstName: 'Brandon',
lastName: 'Miller',
//where's that 555 number from?
phone: '941-555-2368',
email: '[email protected]'
let storeID=0;
let distance=100;
//find the nearest store
const nearbyStores=await new NearbyStores(customer.address);
//get closest delivery store
for(const store of nearbyStores.stores){
&& store.IsDeliveryStore
&& store.IsOpen
&& store.ServiceIsOpen.Delivery
&& store.MinDistance<distance
throw ReferenceError('No Open Stores');
const order=new Order(customer);
// add pizza
//validate order
await order.validate();
//price order
await order.price();
//grab price from order and setup payment
const myCard=new Payment(
// dashes are not needed, they get filtered out
//slashes not needed, they get filtered out
//place order
console.log('/n/nPlaced Order/n/n');
//inspect Order Response to see more information about the
//failure, unless you added a real card, then you can inspect
//the order itself
console.log('\n\nFailed Order Probably Bad Card, here is order.priceResponse the raw response from Dominos\n\n');
// expected output
// will buy a pizza tomorrow and get the real info