This repository uses yarn.
You will need to start by installing the packages at the root of this repository by running:
Once package installation is complete navigate to this file (cd packages/onchain
) and install the required packages by running:
Once all packages are installed you are able to run any of the following commands.
To compile the contracts run:
yarn build
If at any point the build script fails with a non-compile related error run:
yarn clean
You should now be able to run build without issue.
To run the tests on the contracts run:
yarn test
To run coverage on the contracts run:
yarn cover
Current coverage:
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
shared/ | 48 | 26.32 | 39.29 | 46.15 | |
ModifiedErc721.sol | 48 | 26.32 | 39.29 | 46.15 |... 552,557,563 |
test-helpers/ | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Erc20_Token.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Erc721_Token.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
treasure-maps/ | 71.43 | 50 | 66.67 | 71.43 | |
TreasureMaps.sol | 71.43 | 50 | 66.67 | 71.43 |... 141,143,150 |
treasure-plannet/ | 78.33 | 53.13 | 82.61 | 81.36 | |
ModifiedOwnership.sol | 85.71 | 66.67 | 85.71 | 87.5 | 81,86 |
PlannetFactory.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
TokenOwnership.sol | 91.67 | 62.5 | 100 | 91.3 | 152,153 |
TreasurePlanet.sol | 43.75 | 30 | 50 | 50 |... 108,136,150 |
All files | 63.98 | 39.19 | 62.3 | 63.8 | |
is mostly unchanged from the OpenZeppelin ERC721 implementation.TreasurePlanet
has receiving hooks for ERC721 and ERC1155, as well as ERC165. Only one hook is tested.
To deploy locally you will need to expose the local testnet (in a separate terminal within the onchain
folder) by running:
yarn start
Then in your original terminal run:
yarn deploy:local
You can copy the .env.example
and then rename it .env
, and add an infura key as well as a private key for a rinkeby address that has rinkeby eth.
Then run:
yarn deploy:rinkeby