Enables React Native projects written in ClojureScript to use Figwheel's live reloading and REPL.
The things discovered here will inform changes to Figwheel-main and perhaps the ClojureScript compiler.
The ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for this library in the first place and be able to support React Native directly from figwheel-main or even the ClojureScript compiler.
Because of this, this library is going to primarily be compatible with
for now as I'm not going to be make incremental
improvements to both figwheel-main
and lein figwheel
during this
period of discovery.
I do advise that you use this library as it represents a very straightforward way to use React Native along with Figwheel.
When you run npx react-native run-ios
it launches the metro bundler
which basically runs a babel
based watcher/compiler process with
some specific React Native presets. This compiles the index.js
to a bundle that is loaded by React Native framework code that is
written in Objective-C.
You can see the Native code that loads the bundle in
The important thing to note about this, is that in terms of relating to ClojureScript and its tools, a React Native project is simply JavaScript that gets loaded into a React Native host environment.
Our goal is to get our compiled ClojureScript into the RN host environment and establish a REPL connection so that we can get reloading, editor integration, etc.
So this is not the hardest problem but there are a few tricky parts and that's where this library comes in.
One of the tricky parts is the use of require
. require
is not just
used to include JavaScript libraries in React Native projects it's
also used to pull in assets like images, data etc. However unlike
node-js require
doesn't actually exist in the JavaScript Core
runtime environment. The React Native metro bundler process resolves
and handles all require
s in JavaScript code at compile time.
However, this doesn't work for hot-reloaded compiled ClojureScript
code which doesn't get processed by the Metro bundler. So (js/require "images/splash-logo.png")
won't work in hot-reloaded code without
some sort of intervention.
The other tricky part for ClojureScript code is to support the
requiring of of npm
modules like react
and react-native
ClojureScript ns forms like this:
(ns example.main
[react :as react]
[react-native :as rn]))
;; now rn/Text is available here
So there will need to be an intervention for this as well.
We need to make require
s available in a global object in the
so that they are available to ClojureScript at
runtime. ClojureScript helps us here with it's new :bundle
target. When using the :bundle
target the CLJS compiler collects all
these npm dependency requires and generates an npm_deps.js
file which
can be processed by the metro bundler.
The content of the npm_deps.js
file typically looks like this:
module.exports = {
npmDeps: {
"react-native": require('react-native'),
"react": require('react') }
Finally, there is one more sticking point when integrating an
optimizations :none
ClojureScript build into a React Native tooling
When React Native loads the Metro Compiled bundle it expects the root of the React Native component to be registered synchronously when the bundle initially loads. Unfortunately right now it is faster and simpler to bootstrap and load the ClojureScript application code asynchronously. So we have to register a proxy component before the application code loads. This proxy in turn renders your actual application when the application code actually loads.
This react-native-figwheel-bridge
library addresses these problems
and I encourage you to read it and understand it. Reading the code
should eliminate much of the mystery and empower you to make your own
decisions about how you want to load and run your ClojureScript
First you will need to make sure you have React Native and its dependencies installed.
On the https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup page you will
want to choose either the React Native CLI
or the Expo CLI
. I
prefer to start with the React Native CLI as there is less tooling to
deal with so its easier to figure out what is going on when you use
Install your CLI of choice according to the instructions on that page.
Once things are installed you can then follow the instructions below to get an ClojureScript project setup for Figwheel development.
Initialize a project:
For React Native CLI
$ npx react-native init MyAwesomeProject
For Expo CLI
$ npx expo init MyAwesomeProject
This will create an initial React Native project. Before you go any further you will want to ensure that everything is setup so that you can launch and run your application in a simulator.
Change in into the MyAwesomeProject
directory and launch a simulator like so:
$ npx react-native run-ios # or run-android
If everything is set up correctly this should launch a phone simulator
with the RN application defined in App.js
If you have any problems with setting up an application please consult the React Native documentation. I really recommend reading all of the React Native Documentation as it is well written and will more than likely save you lots of headaches.
If everything is up and running go ahead an close everything so that
we can setup a ClojureScript application that uses figwheel-main
support hot reloading and a REPL.
First we need to add the react-native-figwheel-bridge
to our npm
$ yarn add react-native-figwheel-bridge
Now we'll start setting up a basic figwheel.main project.
Create a deps.edn
file in the MyAwesomeProject
{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.764"}
com.bhauman/figwheel-main {:mvn/version "0.2.5"}}}
Create a ios.cljs.edn
file in the MyAwesomeProject
^{:open-url false
:cljs-devtools false}
{:main awesome.main
:target :bundle}
Create a src/awesome/main.cljs
file in the MyAwesomeProject
(ns awesome.main
(:require [react]
[react-native :as rn]))
(def <> react/createElement)
(defn renderfn [props]
(<> rn/View
#js {:style #js {:backgroundColor "#FFFFFF"
:flex 1
:justifyContent "center"}}
(<> rn/Text
#js {:style #js {:color "black"
:textAlign "center"}}
(str "HELLO"))))
;; the function figwheel-rn-root must be provided. It will be called by
;; react-native-figwheel-bridge to render your application.
;; You can configure the name of this function with config.renderFn
(defn figwheel-rn-root []
(renderfn {}))
Next we need to create the index file to start our Clojurescript application this file will be different depending on which CLI tool we are using.
The index file is the file that will be bundled by React Native tooling.
Edit the index.js
file in the MyAwesomeProject
import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native';
import {name as appName} from './app.json';
import {npmDeps} from "./target/public/cljs-out/ios/npm_deps.js";
// you can add other items to npmDeps here
// npmDeps["./assets/logo.png"]= require("./assets/logo.png");
// this url points to a file generated by the cljs compiler in the output-dir of your app
var options = {optionsUrl: "http://localhost:19001/target/public/cljs-out/ios/cljsc_opts.json"};
var figBridge = require("react-native-figwheel-bridge");
() => figBridge.createBridgeComponent(options));
Now we are ready to launch our ClojureScript application:
First we will start the figwheel-main
process to watch and compile
and create a Websocket for REPL communication.
$ clj -m figwheel.main -b ios -r
The in another terminal window change into the MyAwesomeProject
directory and start react-native
$ npx react-native run-ios
When using figwheel-main
figwheel bridge will take care of auto
refreshing the application for you when figwheel reloads code.
You can see this behavior by editing the src/awesome/main.cljs
file. Try changing the "HELLO"
. You should see
the application change when you save src/awesome/main.cljs
Create an index.js
file in the MyAwesomeProject
import { registerRootComponent } from 'expo';
import {npmDeps} from "./target/public/cljs-out/ios/npm_deps.js";
var options = {optionsUrl: "http://localhost:19001/target/public/cljs-out/ios/cljsc_opts.json"};
var figBridge = require("react-native-figwheel-bridge");
Now we have to expo that we want to use this index.js
as the
entry point to our application.
Edit package.json
and change "main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js"
"main": "index.js"
Now we are ready to launch our ClojureScript application:
First we will start the figwheel-main
process to watch and compile
and create a Websocket for REPL communication.
$ clj -m figwheel.main -b ios -r
The in another terminal window change into the MyAwesomeProject
directory and start expo
$ yarn ios
When using figwheel-main
figwheel bridge will take care of auto
refreshing the application for you when figwheel reloads code.
You can see this behavior by editing the src/awesome/main.cljs
file. Try changing the "HELLO"
. You should see
the application change when you save src/awesome/main.cljs
These are the options that you can pass in the configuration Object to
: (required for react-native) the name that you created your React Native
project with.
: (optional) a url that will resolve to a
file. I modified figwheel-main to output this file as
a JSON version of the cljsc_opts.edn
file that the ClojureScript
compiler outputs. This contains all the information needed to
effectively boostrap and load a ClojureScript application. If a
is not supplied you will need to supply the asset-path
, preloads
, and closure-defines
options directly.
: (optional) the JS munged name of the function that returns
the React elements for your application - defaults to
: (optional) this a url that resolves to the base of the
in most cases this is
and in
the current example this would be
: (optional) the JS munged namespaces string of your root application
namespace ie. "my_example.core"
: (optional) an array of JS munged namespace strings to load
before the main
ns is loaded.
: (optional) a JavaScript Object literal that
provides custom values for your goog-defines
. Most importantly this
should contain a figwheel.repl.connect_url
so that figwheel-main
knows where to connect.
After everything is loaded a figwheelBridgeRefresh
function is registered on goog
You can call this function to force the root element to reload.
So for the above example you could set the autoRefresh
option to false.
In index.js
this looks like:
figBridge.start({appName: "MyAwesomeProject",
optionsUrl: "http://localhost:8081/target/public/cljs-out/ios/cljsc_opts.json",
autoRefresh: false // <-- setting auto refresh to false
and control reloading via figwheel.main
's reload hooks
in src/awesome/main.cljs
this looks like:
(ns ^:figwheel-hooks awesome.main
(:require [react]
[react-native :as rn]))
(def <> react/createElement)
(defn renderfn [props]
(<> rn/View
#js {:style #js {:backgroundColor "#FFFFFF"
:flex 1
:justifyContent "center"}}
(<> rn/Text
#js {:style #js {:color "black"
:textAlign "center"}}
(str "HELLO"))))
(defn figwheel-rn-root []
(renderfn {}))
;; adding the reload hook here
(defn ^:after-load on-reload [] (goog/figwheelBridgeRefresh))
This code heavily modified from the figwheel-bridge.js
file in
which in turn was taken from
the now non-existent