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MikeBrinson edited this page Jan 25, 2014 · 32 revisions

Ideas for further development (work in progress)

Idea Description Developer Status / Contact
Remove Qt3 GUI Support Some leftover classes from Q3Support (e.g. Q3VBoxLayout); OctaveWindow, paintings/ID_Dialog, diagram/DiagramDialog...) Ongoing, commits to master
Remove Qt3 Collection Classes Remove classes such as Q3PtrList See branch "remove_Qt3PtrList". The status is that all the Qt3PtlList references were removed. The code is capable of *loading* schematics. The creation of schematics was not yet migrated. To avoid duplication of work I believe the remaining work has to be done considering the changes QGraphicsFramework will bring.
Move to QGraphicsFramework long term goal
  • future-proof, makes use of modern Qt features and architecture
  • better performance (issue)
  • higher abstracion level -> code becomes easier to maintain
schematic -> QGraphicsScene / View, components-> QGraphicsItems
one branch "new_GraphicsView" on sourceforge git, one at Github; proof of concept:
Qucs Verilog-A dynamic loader Guilherme See branch "dynamic-loader". Basic dynamic loading mechanism in place. Difficulty in registering loaded classes/objects into QucsAtor.
Extend QucsConv to work with later Spice versions
  • Evaluate what the current implementation of qucsconv is already capable doing
  • Upgrade qucsconv to the dialect of SPICE implemented by Xyce(?)
  • Export qucs schematics as spice netlist
Octave-Qucs Integration Richard
Python-Qucs Use Python to control qucs simulations; to e.g. perform sensitivity analysis / circuit optimization. Currently python starts qucs anew for every simulation; maybe a tighter integration is possible. Add circuit design routines to Qucs component netlists using Python scripts. This feature increases the power of individual Qucs components in that their specification can be set prior to simulation. First ideas at
Component model and circuit macromodel development
  • Long term goal to improve the performance of existing models and to add new models to the Qucs package.
  • Use Verilog-A, EDD, RFEDD, subcircuits and macromodels for this task.
  • Improve the documentation available for existing models and to publish full documentation with all new models.
Mike This is an on-going task from the past but significantly higher numbers of models will be published once the Qucs Verilog-A dynamic loader is fully functional. Ongoing,commits to master
x x x x
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