A curated list of awesome tools for dev, design, and life.
Inspired by awesome-python.
- Awesome Tools
- Contributing
- License
- Handbrake - The best free open source video format converter.
- cobalt.tools
- bilibili-downloader - Bilibili 4K 视频下载
- Mousecape -
可莉像素指针 Mac 版 运行工具 - HoYo-Glyphs - 原神提瓦特文字体文件
- Aerial - a very nice Mac screensaver (Yes, it works with recent Mac version that SaveHollywood gave up; so please buy them a coffee)
- 原神角色 AI 语音合成器 - 输入文本,生成可下载原神角色语音
- Wikitionary Data
- scrcpy - Mirroring our Android screens onto our Mac screens and monitors
- sndcpy - scrpy companion: forwarding audio from an Android 10 device to the computer
- gnirehtet - Allows Android devices to use the internet connection of the computer they are plugged on
- 延世大学韩国语教材全套(1-6册)
- 李思皎韩语
- Papago - The best Korean dictionary. Make sure to download their mobile APP
- Resources on Learning Ancient Greek from LSJ
- Ancient Greek Language resources on Reddit
- The Textkit Book Collection
- TITUS Old Persian Corpus
- Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions
- Old Persian Fonts
- Old Persian Fonts on FontSpace
- Old Persian Fonts, Esnaashari & Sarhadi's Old Persian Unicode Font (Zip)
- Tiger Tank
- Panzer VI Tiger E solidworks step
- Panzer VI Tiger 1:35
- Tank Tiger 1 (Toy)
- Tiger 1
- Panzerkampfwagen Tiger
- Select Similar - Completely screwed on a file after duplicating 300 objects? Instead of going one by one this plugin single handedly came in clutch.
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Sutton and Barto - is the introductory book on RL. It covers very basics and build up from there. Does not cover deep RL.
- Deep Learning Tutorial
When we are learning about Machine Learning it is best to actually experiment with real-world data, not just artificial datasets. Fortunately, there are thousands of open datasets to choose from, ranging across all sorts of domains. Here are a few places we can look to get data:
- Project Gutenberg - Free books for read and data analytics
- UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
- Wikipedia's list of Machine Learning datasets
- WikiSQL - NL to SQL
- Knowledge Graph entities
- University of Oregon RouteViews Project
- Datasets subreddit
- Kaggle datasets
- Amazon's AWS datasets
- AWS Data Exchange
- Data Portals - A Comprehensive List of Open Data Portals from Around the World
- Nasdaq Data Link
- University of Oregon RouteViews Project
- OpenConcepts - Entity API
- Downloading converted and quantized Llama models
- Downloading Llama models
- A comprehensive guide to running Llama 2 locally
- Ollama
- llama-2-7b-hf - Converted model weights for Llama-2-7B in Huggingface format
- arrows.app
- Neo4j Desktop Graph Apps Gallery - Plugin apps for Neo4j Desktop that provide new capabilities, like Monitoring, Import, Analysis, Running Graph Algorithms, Visualization and much more
- Graph Data
- LaTeX math equation online editor
- QuickLaTeX.com - Instant math equation syntax checker and sharing via image online
- MacTeX - LaTeX comes with various installation packges, some are minimized versions. The comprehensive package is MacTeX
- CTAN - The "Maven Central" for LaTeX
- texlive package manager - Installing a LaTeX package. e.g.
sudo tlmgr update --self && sudo tlmgr install pgfornament
- LaTeX showcase
- Cool Text Highlighting in LaTeX
- Nodesource - Universal node & npm installer
- npm trends
- Defensive CSS
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- Lighthouse
- Lighthouse CI - Maintained by Google, GitHub App install required, UI report hosting requires dedicated server
- Lighthouse CI Action - Maintained by third party, no GitHub App install required, no dedicated UI report hosting server required
- PageSpeed Insights
- Performance Budget Calculator
- Request Map Generator
- Third Party Web
- json-server - Quick back-end for prototyping and mocking
- lowdb - Simple to use type-safe local JSON database
- json-graphql-server
- get.docker.com - Installing Docker on Linux with an automated script
- JSON to JSON Schema converter online
- API Platform (also checkout this interesting startup)
- Generate SQL DB Schema Diagram
- Cloudcraft - Visualize cloud architecture like a Pro by creating smart AWS diagrams
- String Manipulation plugin - With a simple
you get case switching, sorting, filtering, incrementing, aligning to columns, grepping, escaping, encoding, and more - Intellij Ubuntu Light Theme - an Idea theme plugin whose color scheme follows the famous Ubuntu Color Palette
- Java Generics FAQs
- Defensive Copy
- Learning Java via Jenkov
- VisualVM
- jConsole
- Java Decompiler
- Diagnostic Tools
- GraphiQL online
- gqt - Build and execute GraphQL queries in the terminal
- MySQL Tutorial
- Oracle Tutorial
- Postgres.app - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on Mac
- local-jwks-server - a tool for mocking JWT authentication with JWKS
- OpenID Connect explained
- Refactoring.Guru
- Discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
- git-crypt
- whatismyip.com
- Online JSON formatter
- command-not-found.com - Dealing with "command not found" Error
- Convert curl command to programming language code
- Convert JSON to YAML
- smee.io - Receives payloads then sends them to your locally running application
- Escape/Unescape Tool
- Unix Time Stamp - Epoch Converter
- URL Decoder/Encoder
- Greasy Fork - A nice browser per-website customization such as de-流氓 script by Bilibili
- Random String Generator
- Online Self-Signed SSL Certificate Generator Tool for Website
- martinfowler.com
- Tree: An online tree-like utility for generating ASCII folder structure diagrams. Written in TypeScript and React.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
I will keep some pull requests open if I'm not sure whether those libraries are awesome, you could vote for them by adding 👍 to them. Pull requests will be merged when their votes reach 20.
The use and distribution terms for awesome-tools are covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
If you have any question about this opinionated list, do not hesitate to contact me or open an issue on GitHub.