(Versions starting from 1.4.0 verified in Magento 2.4.6)
The module is a fully functional implementation of a custom checkout that uses Qliro One functionality through its API.
Out of the box, only purchase of virtual, simple and configurable Magento products are supported, but there is a built-in mechanism for extending support for custom product types, custom shipping methods, custom discounts, provided within the code of the module.
As Qliro One Checkout is designed as a custom payment method, all configuration options are located in admin panel, under STORES > Settings > Configuration > SALES > Payment Methods > Qliro One Checkout.
- Enabled — must be set to "Yes" for specific website, to turn on Qliro One Checkout functionality. Note that Qliro One checkout replaces the standard Magento One Page Checkout for that website, they cannot be used together at the same time.
- Title — a store-specific name of Qliro One checkout, visible as a title on the checkout page, as well as used in order management to represent Qliro One payment method.
- Debug Mode — a website-specific flag that indicates debugging mode. In debugging mode, the logging is very detailed, but debug mode must only be used for troubleshooting or during development, otherwise website will be easily overflown with extensive logged information.
- Eager Checkout Refreshes - If enabled, the lock and unlock of the Qliro One checkout is skipped. It also skips the refresh of checkout when an update is made in the Iframe. Enabling this is not encouraged!
All settings here are website-specific.
- API type — specifies a type of API. Two are supported, Sandbox and Production.
- Merchant API Key — specifies merchant'specific API Key.
- Merchant API Secret — specifies merchant'specific API secret. this option is stored encrypted.
- Preset Shipping Address — if set to "Yes", Qliro One checkout will use a fictional shipping address based on the current store postal code to create Qliro One order. Otherwise, the order will be created without any shipping address.
All settings here are website-specific.
- Geo IP — a flag that enables country detection using current GeoIP functionality on the server. By default only built-in PHP GeoIP extension is supported, but there is a way to extend support of custom GeoIP system.
- Logging Level — a level of logging records that are being stored in the log, may be used to reduce versatility of the logging as required.
- New Order Status — a status that is used for marking newly placed Magento orders.
- Payment from Applicable Countries — Magento standard countries setting, can limit which countries that can pay
- Trigger capture when shipment is created — makes Magento trigger capturing money on shipment creation.
- Triger capture when invoice is created — makes Magento trigger capturing money on invoice creation.
- Allow Newsletter Signup — if set to "Yes", makes Qliro One checkout display a corresponding checkbox in the checkout IFRAME.
- Require Identity Verification — if set to "Yes", makes Qliro One checkout perform identity verification. Even if this flag is set to No, it will set this flag if a Virtual product is in the cart. Virtual products can be anything from gift cards to vouchers and various downloadable content.
- Minimum Customer Age - Write the minimum age a person shopping on the site must be. If you enter anything in here it becomes mandatory for the customer to identify his age.
All settings here are store-specific.
- Background Color — specifies a CSS HEX value for Qliro One checkout IFRAME background.
- Primary Color — specifies a CSS HEX value for Qliro One checkout IFRAME primary text color.
- Call To Action Color — specifies a CSS HEX value for Qliro One checkout IFRAME button color.
- Call To Action Hover Color — specifies a CSS HEX value for Qliro One checkout IFRAME button hover color.
- Corner Radius — specifies a corner radius for all frames inside the IFRAME.
- Button Corner Radius — specifies a button corner radius inside the IFRAME.
All settings here are website-specific.
- Fee Merchant Reference — a merchant reference assigned to the Qliro One fee, if the fee is applicable.
- Terms URL — should be a valid URL to the website page containing Terms and Conditions. If not specified, will be defaulted to the website's home page.
- Integrity Policy URL — if specified, must be a valid URL to Integrity Policy URL.
All settings here are Store View specific.
- Enabled — Enable or disable recurring payments.
- Frequency Options – Configure the subscription frequencies that should be available for Customers to choose from in checkout.
- XDebug Session Flag Name for callback URLs — store-specific value for the XDEBUG session flag used in callbacks for debugging purposes only.
- Redirect Callbacks — if set to "Yes", the next option appears, allowing substitute the callback base URL in order to debug Qliro One remote callback requests locally, through tunneling.
- URI Prefix for Callbacks — a base URI for callbacks that allows debugging Qliro One remote callback requests locally, through tunneling.
- Enabled — enables the integration to Nshift (formerly known as unifaun). Before you can use this, you will need to have it enabled in your Qliro One account
- Nshift Checkout ID — the checkout id provided to you
- Parameters — a way to configure additional parameters. Pushing add adds a new line with three columns. Tag is the tag name added, the function is one of the three user defined values or a plain user defined one. Last column is the value sent for that tag. For more information, see the comment in the setting.
- If Nshift is enabled and only virtual products are added to cart, the Nshift integration is not sent to Qliro, which means it will not requrire the customer to choose a freight option.
Module-specific event dispatch points are provided in the places which cannot be customized using Magento plugins.
— an instance of quote (\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote
— an instance of a shipping rate (\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\Rate
— shipping method container (\Qliro\QliroOne\Api\Data\QliroOrderShippingMethodInterface
Notes: Happens after the shipping method container is already built, can be updated before sent to the Qliro order
create or update requests. If you want to have this particular shipping method skipped and not sent to the request,
set the merchant reference of the container to null
— an instance of quote (\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote
— shipping methods response container (\Qliro\QliroOne\Api\Data\UpdateShippingMethodsResponseInterface
Notes: Happens after all shipping methods are built and packed into a shipping methods response container.
— an instance of quote (\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote
— QliroOne order item container (\Qliro\QliroOne\Api\Data\QliroOrderItemInterface
Notes: Happens after a QliroOne order item container is formed, can be updated before it is sent to the create or
update request. If you want to have this particular order item skipped and not sent to the request, set the merchant
reference of the container to null
— an instance of quote (\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote
— QliroOne order item container (\Qliro\QliroOne\Api\Data\QliroOrderCreateRequestInterface
Notes: Happens after a QliroOne order create request container is formed, can be updated before it is sent to Qliro.
— an instance of quote (\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote
— simple\Magento\Framework\DataObject
container that contains three fields,shipping_method
— a code of the shipping method, as it is coming from QliroOne updatesecondary_option
— a secondary option, as it is coming from QliroOne updateshipping_price
— an updated shipping price, as it is coming from QliroOne updatecan_save_quote
— a flag that is initially set totrue
if the shipping method is different from one in quote. If only secondary option has to be applied, or something else requires quote recalculation and saving, it should be set totrue
by one of the event listeners.
Notes: Happens before QliroOne checkout module is ready to set the updated shipping method to Magento quote.
— an instance of quote (\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote
— simple\Magento\Framework\DataObject
container that contains three fields,shipping_price
— an updated shipping price, as it is coming from QliroOne updatecan_save_quote
— a flag that is initially set tofalse
. It should be set totrue
by one of the event listeners if the quote requires recalculation and saving.
Notes: Happens before QliroOne checkout module is ready to get the shipping price updated in Magento quote.
Obviously, no special plugin entry points are provided for the original module, but developers can use standard Magento 2 plugin mechanism to plug into any public method in any class instantiated using DI, as specified in https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.2/extension-dev-guide/plugins.html.
qliroone_link - The table that stores the Qliro One reference with Magento Quote. It contains more details as well, such as status and last known comment regarding that order.
qliroone_log - a detailed log of everything that takes place in the code. All logs are linked with the Qliro One reference id.
qliroone_om_status - contains the history of all notifications received from Qliro One, plus some additional status updates
qliroone_order_lock - during certain events and functions, we use this table as a semaphore lock to allow or disallow certain concurrent functions.