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1|1|In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
1|2|All praise belongs to God, Lord of the Universe,
1|3|the Beneficent, the Merciful
1|4|and Master of the Day of Judgment
1|5|(Lord), You alone We do worship and from You alone we do seek assistance
1|6|(Lord), guide us to the right path,
1|7|the path of those to whom You have granted blessings, those who are neither subject to Your anger nor have gone astray.
2|1|Alif. Lam. Mim.
2|2|There is no doubt that this book is a guide for the pious;
2|3|the pious who believe in the unseen, attend to prayer, give in charity part of what We have granted them;
2|4|who have faith in what has been revealed to you and others before you and have strong faith in the life hereafter.
2|5|It is the pious who follow the guidance of their Lord and gain lasting happiness.
2|6|Those who deny your message will not believe whether you warn them or not
2|7|God has sealed their hearts and hearing and their vision is veiled; a great punishment awaits them.
2|8|Some people say, "We believe in God and the Day of Judgment," but they are not true believers.
2|9|They deceive God and the believers. However, they have deceived no one but themselves, a fact of which they are not aware.
2|10|A sickness exists in their hearts to which God adds more sickness. Besides this, they will suffer a painful punishment as a result of the lie which they speak.
2|11|When they are told not to commit corruption in the land, they reply, "We are only reformers".
2|12|They, certainly, are corrupt but do not realize it.
2|13|When they are told to believe as everyone else does, they say, "Should we believe as fools do?" In fact, they themselves are fools, but they do not know it.
2|14|To the believers they declare belief and, in secret to their own devils, they say, "We were only mocking".
2|15|God mocks them and gives them time to continue blindly in their transgressions.
2|16|They have traded guidance for error, but their bargain has had no profit and they have missed the true guidance.
2|17|(Their case) is like that of one who kindles a fire and when it grows bright God takes away its light leaving him in darkness (wherein) he cannot see (anything).
2|18|They are deaf, blind, and dumb and cannot regain their senses.
2|19|Or it is like that of a rain storm with darkness, thunder, and lightning approaching. They cover their ears for fear of thunder and death. God encompasses those who deny His words.
2|20|The lightning almost takes away their vision. When the lightning brightens their surroundings, they walk and when it is dark, they stand still. Had God wanted, He could have taken away their hearing and their vision. God has power over all things.
2|21|People, worship your Lord who created you and those who lived before you, so that you may become pious.
2|22|Worship God who has rendered the earth as a floor for you and the sky as a dome for you and has sent water down from the sky to produce fruits for your sustenance. Do not knowingly set up anything as an equal to God.
2|23|Should you have any doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, present one chapter comparable to it and call all your supporters, besides God, if your claim is true.
2|24|If you do not produce such a chapter and you never will then guard yourselves against the fire whose fuel will be people and stones and is prepared for those who hide the Truth.
2|25|(Muhammad), tell the righteously striving believers of the happy news, that for them there are gardens wherein streams flow. Whenever they get any fruit from the gardens as food, they will say, "This is just what we had before (we came here). These fruits are produced very much like them (those we had before)." They will have purified spouses and it is they who will live forever.
2|26|God does not hesitate to set forth parables of anything even a gnat. The believers know that it is the truth from their Lord, but those who deny the truth say, "What does God mean by such parables?" In fact, by such parables God misleads and guides many. However, He only misleads the evil doers
2|27|who break their established covenant with Him and the relations He has commanded to be kept and who spread evil in the land. These are the ones who lose a great deal.
2|28|How dare you deny the existence of God Who gave you life when you initially had no life. He will cause you to die and bring you to life again. Then you will return to His Presence.
2|29|It is He who created everything on earth for you. Then, directing His order towards the realm above, He turned it into seven heavens. He has knowledge of all things.
2|30|When your Lord said to the angels, "I am appointing someone as my deputy on earth," they said (almost protesting), "Are you going to appoint one who will commit corruption and bloodshed therein, even though we (are the ones who) commemorate Your Name and glorify You?" The Lord said, "I know that which you do not know".
2|31|He taught Adam all the names. Then He introduced (some intelligent beings) to the angels, asking them to tell Him the names of these beings, if the angels were true to their claim (that they more deserved to be His deputies on earth).
2|32|The angels replied, "You are glorious indeed! We do not know more than what You have taught us. You alone are All-knowing and All-wise".
2|33|The Lord said to Adam, "Tell the names of the beings to the angels." When Adam said their names, the Lord said, "Did I not tell you (angels) that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth and all that you reveal or hide?"
2|34|When We told the angels to prostrate before Adam, they all obeyed except Iblis (Satan) who abstained out of pride and so he became one of those who deny the truth.
2|35|We told Adam to stay with his spouse (Eve) in the garden and enjoy the foods therein, but not to go near a certain tree lest he become one of the transgressors.
2|36|Satan made Adam and his spouse err and caused them to abandon the state in which they had been living. Then We said, "Descend, you are each other's enemies! The earth will be a dwelling place for you and it will provide you with sustenance for an appointed time.
2|37|Adam was inspired by some words (of prayer) through which he received forgiveness from his Lord, for He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|38|We ordered them all to get out of the garden and told them that when Our guidance came to them, those who would follow it would have neither fear nor grief.
2|39|But those who would deny the Truth and reject Our revelations would be the companions of the Fire in which they would live forever.
2|40|Children of Israel, recall My favors which you enjoyed. Fulfill your covenant with Me and I shall fulfill Mine. Revere only Me.
2|41|Believe in My revelations (Quran) that confirms what I revealed to you (about Prophet Muhammad in your Scripture). Do not be the first ones to deny it nor sell My revelations for a small price, but have fear of Me.
2|42|Do not mix truth with falsehood and do not deliberately hide the truth
2|43|Be steadfast in prayer, pay the religious tax (zakat) and bow down in worship with those who do the same.
2|44|Would you order people to do good deeds and forget to do them yourselves even though you read the Book? Why do you not think?
2|45|Help yourselves (in your affairs) with patience and prayer. It is a difficult task indeed, but not for the humble ones
2|46|who are certain of their meeting with their Lord and their return to Him.
2|47|Children of Israel, recall My favors to you and the preference that I gave to you over all nations.
2|48|Have fear of the day when every soul will be responsible for itself. No intercession or ransom will be accepted and no one will receive help.
2|49|(Children of Israel, recall My favor) of saving you from the Pharaoh's people who afflicted you with the worst kind of cruelty, slaying your sons and sparing your women. Your suffering was indeed a great trial from your Lord.
2|50|We parted the sea to save you and drowned Pharaoh's people before your very eyes.
2|51|Then We called Moses for an appointment of forty nights. You began to worship the calf in his absence, doing wrong to yourselves.
2|52|Afterwards, We forgave you so that you would perhaps appreciate Our favors.
2|53|We gave Moses the Book and the criteria (of discerning right from wrong) so that perhaps you would be rightly guided.
2|54|Moses said to his people, "My people, you have done wrong to yourselves by worshipping the calf. Seek pardon from your Lord and slay yourselves." He told them that it would be best for them in the sight of their Lord, Who would forgive them, for He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|55|When you argued with Moses, saying that you were not going to believe him unless you could see God with your own eyes, the swift wind struck you and you could do nothing but watch.
2|56|Then We brought you back to life in the hope that you might appreciate Our favors.
2|57|We provided you with shade from the clouds and sent down manna and quails as the best pure sustenance for you to eat. They (children of Israel) did not wrong Us but wronged themselves.
2|58|(Children of Israel, recall My favors) when We told you, "Enter this city, enjoy eating whatever you want therein, prostrate yourselves and ask forgiveness when passing through the gate, and We shall forgive your sins, and add to the rewards of the righteous ones".
2|59|The unjust ones among you changed what they were told to say. Then, We afflicted them with a torment from the heavens for their evil deeds.
2|60|When Moses prayed for rain, We told him to strike the rock with his staff. Thereupon twelve fountains gushed out of the rock and each tribe knew their drinking place. The Lord told them, "Eat and drink from God's bounties and do not abuse the earth with corruption."
2|61|When you demanded Moses to provide you with a variety of food, saying, "We no longer have patience with only one kind of food, ask your Lord to grow green herbs, cucumbers, corn, lentils, and onions for us," Moses replied, "Would you change what is good for what is worse? Go to any town and you will get what you want." Despised and afflicted with destitution, they brought the wrath of God back upon themselves, for they denied the evidence (of the existence of God) and murdered His Prophets without reason; they were disobedient transgressors.
2|62|However, those who have become believers (the Muslims), and the Jews, the Christians and the Sabaeans who believe in God and the Day of Judgment and strive righteously will receive their reward from the Lord and will have nothing to fear nor will they be grieved.
2|63|Children of Israel, recall when We made a covenant with you, raised Mount Tur (Sinai) above you and told you to receive earnestly what We had given to you and bear it in mind so that you would protect yourselves against evil.
2|64|Again you turned away. Had God's Grace and His Mercy not existed in your favor, you would certainly have been lost.
2|65|You certainly knew about those among you who were transgressors on the Sabbath. We commanded them, "Become detested apes,"
2|66|in order to set up an example for their contemporaries and coming generations and to make it a reminder for the pious.
2|67|When Moses said to his people, "God commands you to sacrifice a cow," they asked, "Are you mocking us?" "God forbid, how would I be so ignorant," said Moses.
2|68|They demanded, "Ask your Lord to describe the kind of cow He wants us to slaughter." Moses explained, "It must be neither too old nor too young, thus do whatever you are commanded to do." Moses then told them to do as they were ordered.
2|69|They further demanded Moses to ask the Lord what color the cow has to be. Moses answered, "The Lord says that the cow must be yellow, a beautiful yellow".
2|70|They said, "We are confused about the cow, for to us all cows look alike. Ask your Lord to tell us exactly what the cow looks like, so that God willing, we shall have the right description."
2|71|(Moses) said, "The Lord says that it must not have even tilled the soil nor irrigated the fields and it must be free of blemishes and flaws." They said, "Now you have given us the right description." After almost failing to find it, they slaughtered the cow.
2|72|When you murdered someone, each one of you tried to accuse others of being guilty. However, God made public what you were hiding.
2|73|We said, "Strike the person slain with some part of the cow." That is how God brings the dead to life and shows you His miracles so that you might have understanding.
2|74|Thereafter, your hearts turned as hard as rocks or even harder for some rocks give way to the streams to flow. Water comes out of some rocks when they are torn apart and others tumble down in awe before God. God does not ignore what you do.
2|75|Do you, the believers in truth, desire the unbelievers to believe you? There was a group among them who would hear the word of God and understand it. Then they would purposely misinterpret it.
2|76|On meeting the believers, they would declare belief but to each other they would say, "How would you (against your own interests) tell them (believers) about what God has revealed to you (in the Bible of the truthfulness of the Prophet Muhammad)? They will present it as evidence to prove you wrong before your Lord. Do you not realize it?"
2|77|Do they not know that God knows whatever they conceal or reveal?
2|78|Some of them are illiterate and have no knowledge of the Book except for what they know from legends and fantasy. They are only relying on conjecture.
2|79|Woe to those who write the Book themselves and say, "This is from God," so that they may sell it for a small price! Woe unto them for what they have done and for what they have gained!
2|80|They have said, "Hell fire will never harm us except for just a few days." (Muhammad), ask them, "Have you made such agreements with God Who never breaks any of His agreements or you just ascribe to Him that which you do not know?
2|81|There is no doubt that evil doers who are engulfed in sins are the companions of hell fire wherein they will live forever.
2|82|As for the righteously striving believers, they will be among the people of Paradise wherein they will live forever.
2|83|We made a covenant with the children of Israel that they should not worship anyone except Me, that they should serve their parents, relatives, orphans, and the destitute, that they should speak righteous words to people, and that they should be steadfast in their prayers and pay the religious tax. But soon after you made this covenant, all but a few of you broke it heedlessly.
2|84|We made a covenant with you that you should not shed each other's blood or expel each other from your homeland. You accepted and bore witness to this covenant,
2|85|yet you murdered each other and forced a number of your people out of their homeland, helping each other to commit sin and to be hostile to one another. When you had expelled people from their homeland and later they had been made captives (of other people), you then paid their ransom (thinking that it was a righteous deed). God forbade you to expel these people in the first place. Do you believe in one part of the Book and not in the other? Those who behave in this way shall reap disgrace in this world and severe punishment on the Day of Resurrection. God is not unaware of things that you do.
2|86|They have traded the life hereafter in exchange for their worldly life. Their punishment will not be eased nor will they receive help.
2|87|We gave the Book to Moses and made the Messengers follow in his path. To Jesus, the son of Mary, We gave the miracles and supported him by the Holy Spirit. Why do you arrogantly belie some Messengers and murder others whenever they have brought you messages that you dislike?
2|88|They have said that their hearts cannot understand (what you, Muhammad, say). God has condemned them for their denial of the Truth. There are a very few of them who have faith.
2|89|When a Book came to them from God which confirms what is with them (the fact of truthfulness of the Prophet Muhammad in their Scripture), and, despite the fact that they had been praying for victory over the disbelievers (by the help of the truthful Prophet), they refuse to accept this book, even though they know it (to be the Truth). May God condemn those who hide the Truth!
2|90|Evil is that for which they have sold their souls: They have refused to accept God's revelations in rebellion against the servant of God whom He has, by His Grace, chosen to grant His message. They have brought upon themselves God's wrath in addition to the wrath that they had incurred upon themselves for their previous sins. The disbelievers will suffer a humiliating torment.
2|91|When they are told to believe n God's revelations, they reply, "We believe only in what God has revealed to us," but they disbelieve His other true revelations, even though these revelations confirms their own (original) Scripture. (Muhammad) ask them, "Why did you murder God's Prophets if you were true believers?"
2|92|(Moses) brought you certain miracles. Not very long after, you began worshipping the calf which was nothing but senseless cruelty to yourselves.
2|93|(Children of Israel) when We made a covenant with you, raised Mount Tur (Sinai) above you, and told you to receive devotedly what We had revealed to you and to listen to it, you said that you had listened but you disobeyed. They denied the truth and became totally devoted and full of love for the calf. (Muhammad) tell these people, "If, in fact, you are true believers, then what your faith commands you to do is evil."
2|94|(Muhammad), tell them, "If your claim is true that the home with God in the everlasting life hereafter is for you alone, you should have a longing for death".
2|95|But they can never have a longing for death because of what they have done. God knows the unjust well.
2|96|However, you will find them the greediest of all men, even more than the pagans, for life. They would each gladly live for a thousand years, but such a long life would not save them from the torment. God sees what they do.
2|97|(Muhammad), tell the people, whoever is an enemy to Gabriel who has delivered the Book to your heart as a guide and as joyful news to the believers,
2|98|and as a confirmation of (original) Scripture and whoever is the enemy of God, His angels, His Messenger, Gabriel and Michael, should know that God is the enemy of those who hide the Truth..
2|99|(Muhammad) We have given you enlightening authority. Only the wicked sinners deny it.
2|100|Why is it that every time they (the Jews) make a covenant, some of them abandon it. Most of them do not even believe.
2|101|When a Messenger of God came to them confirming the (original) revelation that they already had received, a group of those who had the Scripture with them, threw the Book of God behind their backs as if they did not know anything about it.
2|102|They followed the incantations that the devils used against the kingdom of Solomon. Solomon did not hide the truth but the devils did. They taught magic to the people and whatever was revealed to the two angels, Harut and Marut, in Babylon. The two angels did not teach anything to anyone without saying, "Our case is a temptation for the people, so do not hide the truth." People learned something from the two angels that could cause discord between a man and his wife. However, they could harm no one except by the permission of God. In fact, the (people) learned things that would harm them and render them no benefit. They knew very well that one who engaged in witchcraft would have no reward in the life hereafter. Would that they had known that they had sold their souls for that which is vile!
2|103|Would that they had known that if they had embraced the faith and avoided evil, they would have received better rewards from God.
2|104|Believers, do not address the Prophet as ra'ina (whereby the Jews, in their own accent, meant: Would that you would never hear, but call him unzurna) (meaning: Please speak to us slowly so that we understand), and then listen. The unbelievers will face a painful torment.
2|105|(Muhammad) the disbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans do not like to see anything good revealed to you from your Lord. God reserves His mercy for whomever He chooses. The generosity of God is great.
2|106|For whatever sign We change or eliminate or cause to recede into oblivion, We bring forth a better sign, one that is identical. Do you not know that God has power over all things?
2|107|Do you not know that the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to God and that no one is your guardian or helper besides Him?
2|108|Do you want to address the Prophet in the same manner in which Moses was addressed? Anyone who exchanges belief for disbelief has certainly gone down the wrong path.
2|109|Once you have accepted the faith, many of the People of the Book would love, out of envy, to turn you back to disbelief, even after the Truth has become evident to them. Have forgiveness and bear with them until God issues His order. God has power over all things.
2|110|Be steadfast in your prayer and pay the religious tax. You will receive a good reward from God for all your good works. God is Well-aware of what you do.
2|111|They have said that no one can ever go to Paradise except the Jews or Christians, but this is only what they hope. Ask them to prove that their claim is true.
2|112|However, one who accepts Islam in submission to God and does good, will have his reward with God. Such people will have nothing to fear nor to grieve about.
2|113|The Jews accuse the Christians of having no basis for their religion and the Christians accuse the Jews of having no basis for their religion, even though both sides read the Scripture. The ignorant ones say the same thing. God will issue His decree about their dispute on the Day of Judgment.
2|114|Who is more unjust than those who strive to destroy the mosques and prevent others from commemorating the Name of God therein who could not enter the mosques except with fear. They, (the unjust ones), will be disgraced in this life and will receive great torment in the life hereafter.
2|115|The East and the West belong to God. Wherever you turn, you are always in the presence of God. God is Munificent and Omniscient.
2|116|They, (the People of the Book), have said that God has taken for Himself a son. He is too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. All pray in obedience to Him.
2|117|God is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. Whenever He decides to do anything, He just commands it to exist and it comes into existence.
2|118|The ignorant have asked, "Why does He not speak to us and why has no evidence come to show us (that He exists)?" People before them had also asked such questions. They all think in the same way. We have already made the evidence very clear for those who have certainty.
2|119|We have sent you (Muhammad) for a genuine purpose to proclaim glad news and warnings. You will not be blamed for the dwellers of blazing hell.
2|120|The Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you unless you follow their faith. (Muhammad) tell them that the guidance of God is the only true guidance. If you follow their wishes after all the knowledge that has come to you, you will no longer have God as your guardian and helper."
2|121|Those (of the People of the Book) who have received Our Book (Quran), and read it thoroughly, believe in it. Those who disbelieve the Book are certainly losers.
2|122|Children of Israel, recall My favor to you and the preference that I gave to you over all the other nations.
2|123|Have fear of the day when every soul will be responsible for itself, no ransom will be accepted for it, no intercession will be of any benefit to it and no one will receive any help.
2|124|When his Lord tested Abraham's faith, (by His words) and he satisfied the test, He said, "I am appointing you as the leader of mankind." Abraham asked, "Will this leadership also continue through my descendants?" The Lord replied, "The unjust do not have the right to exercise My authority."
2|125|We made the house (in Mecca) as a place of refuge and sanctuary for men. Adopt the place where Abraham stood as a place for prayer. We advised Abraham and Ishmael to keep My house clean for the pilgrims, the worshippers and for those who bow down and prostrate themselves in worship.
2|126|When Abraham prayed to the Lord saying, "Lord, make this town a place of security and provide those in the town who believe in God and the Day of Judgement, with plenty," God replied, "I shall allow those who hide the truth to enjoy themselves for a while. Then I shall drive them into the torment of hell fire, a terrible destination!"
2|127|While Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundation of the house, they prayed, "Lord, accept our labor. You are All-hearing and All-knowing.
2|128|Lord, make us good Muslims (one who submits himself to God) and from our descendants make a good Muslim nation. Teach us the rules of worship and accept our repentance; You are All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|129|Lord, send to them (our descendants) a Messenger of their own who will recite to them Your revelations, teach them the Book, give them wisdom, and purify them. You alone are the Majestic and the Most Wise."
2|130|No one turns away from Abraham's Tradition except one who makes a fool of himself. To Abraham We have granted distinction in this world and in the life hereafter he will be among the righteous ones.
2|131|When God commanded Abraham to submit, he replied, "I have submitted myself to the Will of the Lord of the universe."
2|132|Abraham left this legacy to his sons and, in turn, so did Jacob saying, "God has chosen this religion for you. You must not leave this world unless you are a Muslim (submitted to the will of the Lord of the Universe)."
2|133|Were you (believers) there when death approached Jacob? When he asked his sons, "Whom will you worship after my death?" They replied, "We will worship your Lord, the Lord of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac. He is the only Lord, and to Him we have submitted ourselves."
2|134|That nation (children of Abraham) is gone. They have reaped what they sowed, and the same applies to you. You are not responsible for their deeds.
2|135|The Jews and the Christians have asked the Muslims to accept their faith to have the right guidance. (Muhammad) tell them, "We would rather follow the upright religion of Abraham who was not a pagan".
2|136|(Muslims), say, "We believe in God and what He has revealed to us and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, and their descendants, and what was revealed to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among them and to God we have submitted ourselves."
2|137|If they have faith in all that you believe, they will have the right guidance, but if they turn away, it would be for no reason other than their own malice. God is a Sufficient defender for you against them; He is All-hearing and All-knowing.
2|138|Say, "Belief in God and following the guidance of Islam are God's means of purification for us. Islam is the baptism of God. No one is a better baptizer than He and we Muslims worship Him."
2|139|(Muhammad), ask the People of the Book, "Why should you argue with us about God, Who is our Lord as well as yours, when we are sincere in our belief in God?
2|140|Everyone will be responsible for his own deeds. Do you (People of the Book) claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, and their descendants were Jews or Christians?" Ask them, "Who possesses greater knowledge, you or God? Who is more unjust than one who refuses to testify to the truth that God has given to him?" God is not unaware of what you do.
2|141|That nation is gone, they have reaped what they sowed and the same applies to you. You are not responsible for their deeds.
2|142|Fools will soon say, "What has made them (Muslims) change the direction to which they had been facing during their prayers (the qibla)?" (Muhammad), tell them, "Both the East and West belong to God and He guides (whomever He wants), to the right direction."
2|143|We have made you (true Muslims) a moderate nation so that you could be an example for all people and the Prophet an example for you. The direction which you had been facing during your prayers (the qibla) was only made in order that We would know who would follow the Messenger and who would turn away. It was a hard test but not for those to whom God has given guidance. God did not want to make your previous prayers worthless; God is Compassionate and All-merciful.
2|144|We certainly saw you (Muhammad) often turn your face to the sky, so We shall instruct you to face a qibla that you will like. (Muhammad) during prayer, turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque (in Makkah). Muslims, also, wherever you are, during your prayers, turn your faces towards the Sacred Mosque. The People of the Book certainly know that this command (to change the qibla) is truly from their Lord. God is not unaware of what they do.
2|145|Even if you were to bring all kinds of authoritative proof to the People of the Book, they still would not accept your qibla, nor would you accept theirs, nor would they accept each others. Were you to follow their desires after all the knowledge that has come to you, you would certainly have been one of the unjust.
2|146|Those to whom We have given the Book (Bible), know you (Muhammad) just as a well as they know their sons. It is certain that some of them deliberately hide the truth.
2|147|Never doubt that the essence of truth comes from your Lord
2|148|Every one pursues his goal. Compete with each other in performing good deeds. Wherever you are, God will bring you all together. God has power over all things.
2|149|(Muhammad), wherever you go, turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca). This is the truth from your Lord who is not unaware of what you do
2|150|(Muhammad) wherever you go, turn your face to the Sacred Mosque and Muslims, wherever you are, turn your faces in the same direction so that no group of people, except the unjust among them, would have any reason against you and so that I may establish My commandments for your people to have proper guidance. (The unjust may criticize you) but do not fear them, fear only Me.
2|151|As We have sent a Messenger from your own people to show you evidence about Me, to purify you from sins, to teach you the Book, give you wisdom and instruct you in that which you did not know,
2|152|therefore, remember Me and I shall remember you. Thank Me and do not hide the truth about Me.
2|153|Believers, help yourselves (in your affairs) through patience and prayer; God is with those who have patience.
2|154|Do not consider those who are slain for the cause of God to be dead. They are alive but you are unaware of them.
2|155|We shall test you through fear, hunger, loss of life, property, and crops. (Muhammad), give glad news to the people who have patience
2|156|and in difficulty say, "We are the servants of God and to Him we shall all return".
2|157|It is they who will receive blessings and mercy from God and who follow the right guidance.
2|158|Safa and Marwah (names of two places in Mecca) are reminders of God. It is no sin for one who visits the Sacred House (in Mecca) to walk seven times between (Safa and Marwah.) Whoever willingly does a good deed in obedience to God, will find God All-knowing and Fully Appreciative.
2|159|Those who hide the authoritative proofs and the guidance that We have revealed, after it has been made clear for the People of the Book, will be condemned by God and those who have the right to condemn.
2|160|However, I shall accept the repentance of those of them who repent for their sins, reform their manners, and preach the truth; I am All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|161|Those who deny My existence and die with such attitude will be subject to the condemnation of God, the angels, and all people.
2|162|They will live condemned forever, will have no relief from the torment, and no attention will be paid to them.
2|163|Our Lord is the only Lord. There is no God but He, the Beneficent and Merciful.
2|164|The creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of nights and days, the ships that sail in the sea for the benefit of the people, the water that God sends from the sky to revive the dead earth where He has scattered all kinds of animals, the winds of all directions, and the clouds rendered for service between the sky and the earth are all evidence (of His existence) for those who use their reason.
2|165|Some people consider certain things equal to God and love them just as one should love God. However, the strongest of the believers' love is their love of God. Had the unjust been able to reflect about their condition, when facing the torment, they would have had no doubt that to God belongs All-power and that He is stern in His retribution.
2|166|When the leaders see the torment and lose all their resources, they will denounce their followers.
2|167|The followers will say, "Had we had the chance we also would have denounced our leaders." That is how God will show them their regrettable deeds. They will not be able to escape from hell fire.
2|168|People, eat of the good and lawful things on earth. Do not follow the footsteps of Satan; he is clearly your enemy.
2|169|He tries to make you do evil and shameful things and speak against God without knowledge.
2|170|When some people are asked to follow the revelations of God, they say, "We would rather follow what our fathers have followed," even though their fathers had no understanding and could not find the true guidance.
2|171|Preaching to unbelievers is like talking to someone who cannot hear anything except yells and shouts. They are deaf, dumb, and blind; they have no understanding.
2|172|Believers, eat from the good things that We have given you and give thanks to God if you worship only Him.
2|173|God has forbidden you to eat that which has not been properly slaughtered, blood, pork, and the flesh of any animal which has not been consecrated with a mention of the Name of God. However, in an emergency, without the intention of transgression or repeating transgression, one will not be considered to have committed a sin. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|174|Those who receive some small gain by hiding the Books which God has revealed, have, in fact, filled up their stomachs with fire. God will not speak with them on the Day of Judgment, nor will He purify them; instead, they will face a painful torment.
2|175|They have exchanged guidance for error and forgiveness for torment. What makes them seek the fire so earnestly (for they are doomed to be punished)?
2|176|God has revealed the Book in all Truth and those who dispute it are filled with malice which has taken them far away from the truth.
2|177|Righteousness is not determined by facing East or West during prayer. Righteousness consists of the belief in God, the Day of Judgment, the angels, the Books of God, His Prophets; to give money for the love of God to relatives, orphans, the destitute, and those who are on a journey and in urgent need of money, beggars; to set free slaves and to be steadfast in prayer, to pay the religious tax (zakat) to fulfill one's promises, and to exercise patience in poverty, in distress, and in times of war. Such people who do these are truly righteous and pious.
2|178|Believers, in case of murder, the death penalty is the sanctioned retaliation: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and a female for a female. However, if the convicted person receives pardon from the aggrieved party, the prescribed rules of compensation must be followed accordingly. This is a merciful alteration from your Lord. Whoever transgresses against it will face a painful punishment.
2|179|People of understanding, the law of the death penalty as retaliation grants you life so that perhaps you will have fear of God.
2|180|If one of you facing death can leave a legacy, he should bequeath it to his parents and relatives, according to the law. This is the duty of the pious.
2|181|Whoever intentionally changes the will of a deceased person, he has committed a sin. God is All-hearing and All-knowing.
2|182|One who is afraid of the testator's deviations and sin and settles the matter among the parties involved, he has not committed a sin. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|183|Believers, fasting has been made mandatory for you as it was made mandatory for the people before you, so that you may have fear of God.
2|184|Fasting is only for a certain number of days. One who is sick or on a journey has to fast the same number of days at another time. Those who can afford a redemption should feed a poor person. Good deeds performed on one's own initiative will be rewarded. However, fasting is better and will be rewarded. Would that you knew this!
2|185|The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed; a guide for the people, the most authoritative of all guidance and a criteria to discern right from wrong. Anyone of you who knows that the month of Ramadan has begun, he must start to fast. Those who are sick or on a journey have to fast the same number of days at another time. God does not impose any hardship upon you. He wants you to have comfort so that you may complete the fast, glorify God for His having given you guidance, and that, perhaps, you would give Him thanks.
2|186|(Muhammad), if any of My servants ask you about Me, tell them that the Lord says, "I am near; I accept the prayers of those who pray." Let My servants answer My call and believe in Me so that perhaps they may know the right direction.
2|187|It is made lawful for you, during the nights of fasting, to have carnal relations with your wives. They are your garments and you are their garments. God knew that you were deceiving yourselves. He relented towards you and forgave you. Now it is lawful for you to have carnal relations with your wives and follow what God has commanded. Eat and drink until the white streak of dawn becomes distinguishable from darkness. Complete your fast, starting from dawn to dusk. It is not lawful to have carnal relations with your wives during i'tikaf in the mosque. Such are the limits of the laws of God. Do not come close to transgressing them. Thus has God explained His evidence to men so that perhaps they will have fear of God.
2|188|Do not use your property among yourselves in illegal ways and then deliberately bribe the rulers with your property so that you may wrongly acquire the property of others.
2|189|(Muhammad), they ask you about the different phases of the moon. Tell them that they are there to indicate to people the phases of time and the pilgrimage season. It is not a righteous act to enter houses from the back. Righteousness is to be pious and enter the houses from the front door. Have fear of God so that perhaps you will have lasting happiness.
2|190|Fight for the cause of God, those who fight you, but do not transgress, for God does not love the transgressors.
2|191|Slay them wherever you may catch them and expel them from the place from which they expelled you. The sin of disbelief in God is greater than committing murder. Do not fight them in the vicinity of the Sacred Mosque in Mecca unless they start to fight. Then slay them for it is the recompense that the disbelievers deserve.
2|192|If they give up disbelief and fighting, God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|193|Fight them so that there will be no disbelief in God and God's religion will become dominant. If they change their behavior, there would be no hostility against anyone except the unjust.
2|194|It is because of their disrespect of a sacred month that you are also allowed to retaliate against them in a sacred month. If any one transgresses against you, you also may retaliate against them to an equal extent. Have fear of God and know that He supports the pious.
2|195|Give money for the cause of God but do not push yourselves into perdition. Do good; God loves the people who do good deeds.
2|196|Complete the hajj and umrah (two parts of the rituals of pilgrimage to Makka) in obedience to God. If you are prevented from completing the duty of hajj, offer whatever sacrifice is possible and do not shave your heads before the sacrificial animal is delivered to the prescribed place. If one of you is ill or is suffering because of some ailment in your head, you must redeem the shaving of the head by fasting, or paying money, or offering a sheep as a sacrifice. When all is well with you and you want to complete the umrah in the hajj season, offer whatever sacrifice is possible. If you do not find an animal, you have to fast for three days during the days of the pilgrimage rituals and seven days at home to complete the required ten fasting days. This rule is for those who live beyond (a distance of twelve miles from) the Sacred Mosque in Mecca. Have fear of God and know that He is stern in His retribution.
2|197|The months of the hajj (pilgrimage) season are well known. Whoever undertakes to complete the hajj rituals, must know that, after commencing the acts of Hajj, he is not allowed to have carnal relations or to lie or to swear by the Name of God. God knows all your good deeds. Supply yourselves for the journey. The best supply is piety. People of understanding have fear of Me.
2|198|It is not a sin if you try to make a profit out of the bounty of your Lord (by trading during hajj). When you leave Arafah, commemorate the name of your Lord in Mash'ar, the sacred reminder of God. Commemorate His name as He has given you guidance while prior to that you had been in error.
2|199|Then leave Mash'ar as the rest of the people do and ask forgiveness from God; He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|200|After you complete the acts of your Hajj, also commemorate God, just as you would remember your father, or even more earnestly. Some people say, "Lord, give us what we want in this life," but in the life hereafter they have no beneficial share.
2|201|Others pray, "Lord, give us good things both in this life as well as in the life hereafter and save us from the torment of fire".
2|202|They will have their share of the reward for their deeds. God's reckoning is swift.
2|203|Commemorate (the names of) God in the prescribed days. For one who observes piety, it is not a sin to be hasty or tardy during the two days. Have fear of God and know that before Him you will all be raised after death.
2|204|There are some people whose words about this life may please you. They say that God knows what they have in their hearts. But, in fact, they are the most quarrelsome opponents.
2|205|As soon as they leave you, they quickly commit evil in the land, destroying the farms and people. God does not love evil.
2|206|When they are asked to have fear of God, sinful pride prevents them from paying heed to such advice. It is enough for them to have hell as a terrible dwelling place.
2|207|There are those among people who give their lives to seek God's pleasure. God is Affectionate to His servants.
2|208|Believers, submit yourselves to the will of God as a whole. Do not follow the footsteps of Satan; he is your sworn enemy.
2|209|If you are seduced after you have received the authoritative guidance, know that God is Majestic and Wise.
2|210|Have they decided not to believe until God comes down in a shadow of clouds with the angels so that then the matter is settled? To God do all matters return.
2|211|(Muhammad), ask the children of Israel about how many visible miracles We had shown them. God is certainly stern in His retribution to those who change the bounty of God (His revelation), after having received His guidance.
2|212|The worldly life is made to seem attractive to the disbelievers who scoff at the faithful, but the pious, in the life hereafter, will have a position far above them. God grants sustenance (without account) to anyone He wants.
2|213|At one time all people were only one nation. God sent Prophets with glad news and warnings. He sent the Book with them for a genuine purpose to provide the people with the ruling about disputed matters among them. No one disputed this matter except those who had already received evidence before. Their dispute was only because of their own hostility. To deal with this dispute, God, through His will, sent guidance to the believers. God guides to the right path whomever He wants.
2|214|Would you think that you could go to Paradise without experiencing the kind of suffering others have experienced before you? Distress and afflictions battered them until the Messenger and the believers said, "When will God send help?" Certainly God's help is near.
2|215|They ask you what to spend for the cause of God. (Muhammad) tell them that whatever you spend, give it to your parents, the orphans, the destitute, and those who may be in urgent need of money whilst on a journey. Whatever good you do, God certainly is Aware of it.
2|216|Fighting is made mandatory for you, but you dislike it. You may not like something which, in fact, is for your good and something that you may love, in fact, may be evil. God knows, but you do not know.
2|217|(Muhammad), they ask you about fighting in the sacred month. Tell them that it is a great sin. However, creating an obstacle in the way of God, disbelief in Him and the Sacred Mosque, and driving away the neighbors of the Sacred Mosque is an even greater sin in the sight of God: Disbelief in God is worse than committing murder. (The pagans) still try to fight you to make you give up your religion. The deeds in this life of those of you who give up their religion and who die disbelievers will be made void and in the life hereafter. These people will be the dwellers of Hell wherein they will remain forever.
2|218|The believers and the Emigrants from Mecca who fight for the cause of God, indeed have hope in receiving the mercy of God; God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|219|(Muhammad), they ask you about wine and gambling. Tell them that there is great sin in them. Although they have benefits for men, the sin therein is far greater than the benefit. They ask you about what they should give for the cause of God. Tell them, "Let it be what you can spare." This is how God explains for you His guidance so that perhaps you will think
2|220|about this life and the life hereafter. They ask you about the orphans. Tell them, "The best thing to do is what is for their good. They are your brethren if you would associate with them. God knows who is corrupt or a reformer. Had God wanted He would have brought upon you hardship. God is Majestic and All-wise.
2|221|Do not marry pagan women unless they believe in God. A believing slave girl is better than an idolater, even though the idolaters may attract you. Do not marry pagan men unless they believe in God. A believing slave is better than an idolater, even though the idolater may attract you. The pagans invite you to the fire, but God invites you to Paradise and forgiveness through His will. God shows His evidence to people so that they may take heed.
2|222|They ask you about women's menses. Tell them, "It is an ailment. Avoid having carnal relations with them until their period is over." Then you may have carnal relations with them according to the rules of God. God loves those who repent and those who purify themselves.
2|223|Your wives are as fields for you. You may enter your fields from any place you want. Reserve something good for your souls (for the life hereafter). Have fear of God and know that you are going to meet Him. (Muhammad) give the glad news to the believers.
2|224|Do not swear by God not to do good things, or have piety, or make peace among people. God is All-hearing and All-knowing.
2|225|God will not take into account your inattentive oath. However, He will question you about what your hearts have gained. God is All-forgiving and Lenient.
2|226|Those who swear by God not to ever have any carnal relations with their wives (will not be punished), if they decide to resume marital relations again within four months. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|227|If they choose divorce, God is All-hearing and All-knowing.
2|228|The divorced women must wait up to three menstrual cycles before another marriage. If they believe in God and the Day of Judgment, it is not lawful for them to hide what God has created in their wombs. Within their waiting period their husbands have the right to resume marital relations, if they want reconciliation. Women have benefits as well as responsibilities. Men have a status above women. God is Majestic and Wise.
2|229|A marital relation can only be resumed after the first and second divorce, otherwise it must be continued with fairness or terminated with kindness. It is not lawful for you to take back from women what you have given them unless you are afraid of not being able to observe God's law. In this case, it would be no sin for her to pay a ransom to set herself free from the bond of marriage. These are the laws of God. Do not transgress against them; those who do so are unjust.
2|230|After a divorce for the third time, it is not lawful for the husband to resume marital relations with her or remarry her until she has been married and divorced by another husband. In that case, there is no sin for the former husband to marry her if they (both) think that they can abide by the law. These are the laws of God. He explains them for the people of knowledge.
2|231|When you divorce your wives and their waiting period has almost ended, you may resume marital relations with honor or leave them with kindness. Do not force them to live with you in suffering to satisfy your hostility. Whoever commits such transgressions, he has only harmed himself. Do not make jest of God's words. Remember the favors that God has done to you and the Book and wisdom He has revealed for your guidance. Have fear of God and know that God has knowledge of all things.
2|232|When the waiting period of the divorced women has ended, you (her relatives) must not prevent them from marrying their (previous) husbands again if they might reach an honorable agreement. This is an advice for those of you who believe in God and the Day of Judgment. It is the most beneficial and pure way of treating each other. God knows but you do not know.
2|233|Mothers will breast feed their babies for two years if the fathers want them to complete this term. The father has to pay them reasonable expenses. No soul is responsible for what is beyond its ability. None of the parents should suffer any loss from the other because of the baby. The heirs are responsible to look after the children of a deceased. It is no sin for the parents to have a mutual agreement about weaning the baby. There is no sin in hiring a woman to breast feed your children for a reasonable payment. Have fear of God and know that God is well aware of what you do.
2|234|The wives of those of you who die have to wait for a period of four months and ten days. After this appointed time, it is no sin for the relatives of the deceased to let the widows do what is reasonable. God knows well what you do.
2|235|It is not a sin if you make an indirect marriage proposal or have such an intention in your hearts. God knows that you will cherish their memories in your hearts. Do not have secret dates unless you behave lawfully. Do not decide for a marriage before the appointed time is over. Know that God knows what is in your hearts. Have fear of Him and know that He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
2|236|Also, it is not a sin if you divorce your wives before the consummation of the marriage or the fixing of the dowry. But the dowry will be due from a husband whether he is rich or poor. It is payable in a reasonable amount according to the husband's financial ability. This is an obligation for the righteous ones.
2|237|If you divorce your wives before the consummation of the marriage and the amount of dowry has been fixed, pay your wives half of the amount of their dowry unless she or her guardians drop their demand for payment. To drop such a demand is closer to piety. Be generous to each other. God is Well-Aware of what you do.
2|238|Pay due attention to your prayers, especially the middle prayer and stand up while praying, in obedience to God.
2|239|In an emergency you may say your prayers while walking or riding; but when you are safe, remember God, as He has taught you what you did not know before.
2|240|Those who are about to die and leave widows behind should bequeath for their wives the expenses of one year's maintenance. The widows must not be expelled from the house for up to one year. It is no sin for the relatives of the deceased to permit the widows to leave the house before the appointed time and do what is reasonable. God is Majestic and Wise.
2|241|The divorced women have the right to receive reasonable provisions. It is an obligation for the pious.
2|242|Thus does God explain His revelations to you so that perhaps you will have understanding.
2|243|(Muhammad), consider the thousands who left their homes for fear of death, who were then caused by God to die and brought back to life. God is generous to men but most people are not grateful.
2|244|Fight for the cause of God and know that God is All-hearing and All-knowing.
2|245|One who generously lends to God will be paid back in many multiples of the loan. It is God who reduces and expands things and to Him you will all return.
2|246|(Muhammad), remember that group of the Israelites after Moses who demanded a Prophet of their own to appoint a king for them who would lead them in the fight for the cause of God. Their Prophet then said, "What if you are ordered to fight and you disobey?" They said, "Why should we not fight for the cause of God when we and our sons have been expelled from our homes?" However, when they were ordered to fight, all refused except a few among them. God knows well the unjust.
2|247|Their Prophet said, "God has appointed Saul as a king for you." They replied, "How can he dominate us when we deserve more to be king than he. Besides, he does not have abundant wealth." Their Prophet said, "God has chosen him as your ruler and has given him physical power and knowledge. God grants His authority to anyone whom He wants. God is Provident and All-knowing.
2|248|Their Prophet further told them, "As the evidence of his authority, he will bring to you the Ark which will be a comfort to you from your Lord and a legacy of the household of Moses and Aaron. It will be carried by the angels. This is the evidence for you if you have faith."
2|249|When Saul set forth with the army he said, "God will test you with a river. Those who drink its water will not be of my people and those who do not even taste the water or who only taste some of it from within the hollow of their hand, will be my friends. They all drank the water except a few of them. When Saul and those who believed in him crossed the river, his people said, "We do not have the strength to fight against Goliath and his army." Those who thought that they would meet God said, "How often, with God's permission, have small groups defeated the large ones?" God is with those who exercise patience.
2|250|Advancing towards Goliath and his army, they prayed to God for patience, steadfastness in battle, and for victory over the unbelievers.
2|251|They defeated their enemy through God's will. David slew Goliath and God granted David the kingdom and wisdom and also taught him whatever He wanted. Had God not made one group of people repel the other, the earth would have become full of corruption, but God is generous to His creatures.
2|252|(Muhammad), these are the revelations which We recite to you for a genuine purpose. Certainly you are one of Our Messengers.
2|253|We gave some of Our Messengers preference over others. To some of them God spoke and He raised the rank of some others. We gave authoritative proofs to Jesus, son of Mary, and supported him by the Holy Spirit. Had God wanted, the generations who lived after those Messengers would not have fought each other after the authority had come to them. But they differed among themselves, some of them believed in the authority and others denied it. They would not have fought each other had God wanted, but God does as He wills.
2|254|Believers, out of what We have given you, spend for the cause of God before the coming of the day when there will be no trading, no friendship, and no intercession. Those who deny the Truth are unjust.
2|255|God exists. There is no God but He, the Everlasting and the Guardian of life. Drowsiness or sleep do not seize him. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. No one can intercede with Him for others except by His permission. He knows about people's present and past. No one can grasp anything from His knowledge besides what He has permitted them to grasp. The heavens and the earth are under His dominion. He does not experience fatigue in preserving them both. He is the Highest and the Greatest.
2|256|There is no compulsion in religion. Certainly, right has become clearly distinct from wrong. Whoever rejects the devil and believes in God has firmly taken hold of a strong handle that never breaks. God is All-hearing and knowing.
2|257|God is the Guardian of the believers and it is He who takes them out of darkness into light. The Devil is the guardian of those who deny the Truth and he leads them from light to darkness. These are the dwellers of hell wherein they will live forever.
2|258|(Muhammad), have you heard about the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord for His granting him authority? Abraham said, "It is only my Lord who gives life and causes things to die." His opponent said, "I also can give life and make things die." Abraham said, "God causes the sun to come up from the East. You make it come from the West." Thus the unbeliever was confounded. God does not guide the unjust people.
2|259|(Or have you heard) of the one who, on passing through an empty and ruined town, said, "When will God bring it to life?" God caused him to die and brought him back to life after a hundred years and then asked him, "How long have you been here?" He replied, "One day or part of a day." The Lord said, "No, you have been here for one hundred years. Look at your food and drink. They have not yet decayed. But look at your donkey and its bones. To make your case evidence (of the Truth) for the people, see how we bring the bones together and cover them with flesh." When he learned the whole story, he said, "Now I know that God has power over all things."
2|260|When Abraham prayed, "Lord, show me how you bring the dead back to life," the Lord said, "Do you not yet believe?" Abraham replied, "I believe but want more confidence for my heart." God told him, "Take four birds, induce them to come to you, cut and scatter their bodies leaving parts on every mountain top, then call them and they will swiftly come to you." Know that God is Majestic and Wise.
2|261|Spending money for the cause of God is as the seed from which seven ears may grow, each bearing one hundred grains. God gives in multiples to those whom He wants. God is Munificent and All-knowing.
2|262|Those who spend their property for the cause of God and do not make the recipient feel obliged or insulted shall receive their reward from God. They will have no fear nor will they be grieved.
2|263|Instructive words and forgiveness are better than charity that may cause an insult to the recipient. God is Rich and Forbearing.
2|264|Believers, do not make your charities fruitless by reproachfully reminding the recipient of your favor or making them feel insulted, like the one who spends his property to show off and who has no faith in God or belief in the Day of Judgment. The example of his deed is as though some soil has gathered on a rock and after a rain fall it turns hard and barren. Such people can not benefit from what they have earned. God does not guide the unbelievers.
2|265|The example of those who spend their property to please God out of their firm and sincere intention is as the garden on a fertile land which, after a heavy rainfall or even a drizzle, yields double produce. God is Well-Aware of what you do.
2|266|(What do you think of the case) of one of you who wishes to have a garden of palm-trees and grapes with water flowing therein and producing all kinds of fruits, especially if he is well advanced in age and has weak children who need support, and then a hurricane with fire in it strikes the garden and burns it to the ground? This is how God explains to you His evidence so that you may think.
2|267|Believers, spend for the cause of God from the good things that you earn and from what we have made the earth yield for you. Do not even think of spending for the cause of God worthless things that you yourselves would be reluctant to accept. Know that God is Self-sufficient and Glorious.
2|268|Satan threatens you with poverty and commands you to commit sin. God promises you forgiveness and favors. God is Munificent and All-knowing.
2|269|God gives wisdom to anyone whom He wants. Whoever is given wisdom, certainly, has received much good. Only people of reason can grasp this.
2|270|God knows all about whatever you spend for His cause or any vows that you make. The unjust people have no helper.
2|271|It is not bad to give alms in public. However if you give them privately to the poor, it would be better for you and an expiation for some of your sins. God is Well-Aware of what you do.
2|272|(Muhammad), you do not have to guide them. God guides whomever He wants. Whatever you spend for the cause of God is for your own good, provided you do not spend anything but to please God. For anything good that you may give for the cause of God, you will receive sufficient reward and no injustice will be done to you.
2|273|(If the recipients of charity are) the poor whose poverty, because of their striving for the cause of God, has become an obstacle for them, and who do not have the ability to travel in the land, they seem rich compared to the ignorant, because of their modest behavior. You would know them by their faces. They would never earnestly ask people for help. God knows well whatever wealth you spend for the cause of God.
2|274|Those who spend their property for the cause of God, any time during the day or night, in public or in private, will receive their reward from their Lord. There will be no fear for them nor will they grieve.
2|275|Those who take unlawful interest will stand before God (on the Day of Judgment) as those who suffer from a mental imbalance because of Satan's touch; they have said that trade is just like unlawful interest. God has made trade lawful and has forbidden unlawful interest. One who has received advice from his Lord and has stopped committing sins will be rewarded for his previous good deeds. His affairs will be in the hands of God. But one who turns back to committing sins will be of the dwellers of hell wherein he will live forever.
2|276|God makes unlawful interest devoid of all blessings and causes charity to increase. God does not love sinful unbelievers.
2|277|The righteously striving believers who are steadfast in their prayers and pay the zakat, will receive their reward from God. They will have no fear nor will they grieve.
2|278|Believers, have fear of God and give up whatever unlawful interest you still demand from others, if you are indeed true believers.
2|279|If you will not give up the unlawful interest which you demand, know that you are in the state of war with God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you will have your capital without being wronged or having done wrong to others.
2|280|One who faces hardship in paying his debts must be given time until his financial condition improves. Would that you knew that waiving such a loan as charity would be better for you!
2|281|Safeguard yourselves against the day when you will return to God and every soul will be rewarded according to its deeds without being wronged.
2|282|Believers, if you take a loan for a known period of time, have a just scribe write it down for you. The scribe should not refuse to do this as God has taught him. The debtor should dictate without any omission and have fear of God, his Lord. If the debtor is a fool, a minor, or one who is unable to dictate, his guardian should act with justice as his representative. Let two men or one man and two women whom you choose, bear witness to the contract so that if one of them makes a mistake the other could correct him. The witness must not refuse to testify when their testimony is needed. Do not disdain writing down a small or a large contract with all the details. A written record of the contract is more just in the sight of God, more helpful for the witness, and a more scrupulous way to avoid doubt. However, if everything in the contract is exchanged at the same time, there is no sin in not writing it down. Let some people bear witness to your trade contracts but the scribe or witness must not be harmed; it is a sin to harm them. Have fear of God. God teaches you. He has knowledge of all things.
2|283|If you are on a journey where you cannot find a scribe, finalize your contract in the form of a deposit in which the goods are already given to the parties. If you trust each other in such a contract, let him pay back what he has entrusted you with and have fear of God, his Lord. Do not refuse to testify to what you bore witness. Whoever does so has committed a sin. God knows what you do.
2|284|God belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. God will call you to account for all that you may reveal from your souls and all that you may conceal. God will forgive or punish whomever He wants. God has power over all things.
2|285|The Messengers and the believers have faith in what was revealed to them from their Lord. Everyone of them believed in God, His angels, His Books, and His Messengers, saying, "We find no difference among the Messengers of God." They also have said, "We heard God's commands and obeyed them. Lord, we need Your forgiveness and to You we shall return."
2|286|God does not impose on any soul a responsibility beyond its ability. Every soul receives whatever it gains and is liable for whatever it does. Lord, do not hold us responsible for our forgetfulness and mistakes. Lord, do not lay upon us the burden that You laid on those who lived before us. Lord, do not lay on us what we cannot afford. Ignore and forgive our sins. Have mercy on us. You are our Lord. Help us against the unbelievers.
3|1|Alif. Lam. Mim.
3|2|God exists. He is the only Lord, the Everlasting and the Guardian of life.
3|3|He has sent the Book (Quran) to you (Muhammad) in all Truth. It confirms the original Bible. He revealed the Torah and the Gospel
3|4|before as a guide for the people and now He has revealed the criteria of discerning right from wrong. Those who reject the revelations of God will face the most severe torment. God is Majestic and capable to revenge.
3|5|Nothing in the heavens or the earth is hidden from God.
3|6|It is God who shapes you in the wombs as He wills. He is the only Lord, the Majestic, and All-wise.
3|7|It is God who has revealed the Book to you in which some verses are clear statements (which accept no interpretation) and these are the fundamental ideas of the Book, while other verses may have several possibilities. Those whose hearts are perverse, follow the unclear statements in pursuit of their own mischievous goals by interpreting them in a way that will suit their own purpose. No one knows its true interpretations except God and those who have a firm grounding in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All its verses are from our Lord." No one can grasp this fact except the people of reason.
3|8|They say, "Lord, do not cause our hearts to deviate from Your guidance, and grant us mercy. You are the Most Awarding One.
3|9|Lord, it is certain that one day You will gather all the people together. God does not break His promise."
3|10|The wealth and children of the unbelievers will never serve them as a substitute for their belief in God. Such people will be the fuel for the fire.
3|11|They do as the people of Pharaoh and those who lived before them did. They called Our revelations mere lies. God punished them for their sins. God is stern in His retribution.
3|12|(Muhammad), tell the unbelievers that they will soon be defeated and driven into Hell, a terrible dwelling.
3|13|There, certainly, is evidence (of the existence of God) for you in the case of the two armies. One of them fought for the cause of God. The other were disbelievers. The disbelievers appeared to be twice the size of the believers. However, God supports through His help whomever He wants. It is a good lesson for the people of true vision.
3|14|Worldly desires, wives, children, accumulated treasures of gold and silver, horses of noble breed, cattle, and farms are all made to seem attractive to men. All these are the bounties of the worldly life but in the life to come God has the best place for people to dwell.
3|15|(Muhammad), ask them, "Shall I tell you what is far superior to worldly pleasures? Those who have fear of God will have (as their reward) gardens wherein streams flow and wherein they will live forever with their purified spouses and with the consent of God. God knows all about His servants."
3|16|(Such will be the reward of) those who say, "Lord, we have believed in you. Forgive us our sins and save us from the torment of fire,"
3|17|who exercise patience, speak the truth, who are devoted in prayer, spend their property for the cause of God and seek forgiveness from God during the last part of the night.
3|18|God Himself testifies that He is the only Lord. The angels and the men of knowledge and justice testify that God is the only Lord, the Majestic, and All-wise.
3|19|In the sight of God Islam is the religion. The People of the Book created differences in the matters (of religion) because of their hostility among themselves, only after knowledge had come to them. Let whoever denies the revelations of God know that the reckoning of God is swift.
3|20|(Muhammad), if the People of the Book argue against you, say, "I and those who follow me have submitted ourselves to God." Ask the People of the Book and the illiterate ones, "Have you embraced Islam?" If they embrace Islam, they will find guidance but if they turn away, your task is just to preach. God knows all about His servants.
3|21|Warn those who deny the revelations of God and unjustly slay the Prophets and those who call people to be just, that they will suffer a painful torment.
3|22|The deeds of such people are made devoid of all virtue in both this life and the life to come. There will be no one to help them.
3|23|(Muhammad), consider those who have received a share of the Book. When they refer to the Book in order to judge amongst themselves, a group of them turn away with disregard
3|24|because of their belief that the fire will only touch them for a few days. This fabricated belief has deceived them in matters of their religion.
3|25|What will happen to their belief when We bring them together on the Inevitable Day when every soul will be justly recompensed for its deeds?
3|26|(Muhammad), say, "Lord, Owner of the Kingdom, You give authority to whomever You want and take it away from whomever You want. You give honor to whomever You want and humiliate whomever You want. In Your hands is all virtue and You have power over all things.
3|27|You cause the day to enter into the night and the night to enter into the day. You cause the living to come out of the dead and the dead to come out of the living. You give sustenance to whomever You want without keeping an account.
3|28|The believers must not establish friendship with the unbelievers in preference to the faithful. Whoever does so has nothing to hope for from God unless he does it out of fear or taqiyah (pious dissimulation). God warns you about Himself. To God do all things return.
3|29|(Muhammad), tell them, "God knows all that you may conceal in your hearts or you may reveal. He knows all that is in the heavens and the earth. He has power over all things.
3|30|On the day when every soul will see its good and bad deeds right before its very eyes, it will wish for the longest period of time to separate it from its bad deeds. God warns you about Himself. God is Compassionate to His servants.
3|31|(Muhammad), tell them, "If you love God, follow me. God will love you and forgive your sins. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful."
3|32|Tell them, "Obey God and the Messenger." If they turn away (let it be known) that God does not love the unbelievers.
3|33|God chose (and gave distinction to) Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham, and Imran over all the people of the world.
3|34|They were the offspring of one another. God is All-hearing and All-seeing.
3|35|Remember when Imran's wife prayed to her Lord saying, "I have made a vow to dedicate to Your service whatever is in my womb. Lord, accept it from me. You are All-hearing and All-knowing".
3|36|When the baby was born she said, "Lord, it is a female." God knew this. Male and female are not alike. "I have named her Mary. I pray that You will keep her and her offspring safe from Satan, the condemned one."
3|37|Her Lord graciously accepted the offer and made Mary grow up, pure, and beautiful. Zachariah took custody of her. Whenever he went to visit her in her place of worship, he would find with her some food. He would ask her, "Where did this food come from?" She would reply, "God has sent it." God gives sustenance to whomever He wants without keeping an account.
3|38|Zachariah prayed to his Lord there, saying, "Lord, grant me, by Your Grace, virtuous offspring. You hear all prayers".
3|39|When he was standing during prayer in his place of worship, the angels called him saying, "God gives you the glad news of the birth of your son, John who will be a confirmation of (Jesus) the Word of God. He will become a chaste, noble leader and one of the righteous Prophets.
3|40|He said, "How can there be a son for me when I am already senile and my wife is barren." The angel replied, "God does as He wills."
3|41|Zachariah prayed to God saying, "Lord, show me the evidence (that it is Divine revelation)." The Lord replied, "You must not speak to people for three days except with gestures. Commemorate your Lord often and glorify Him in the early mornings and the evenings."
3|42|"Behold," the angels told Mary, "God had chosen you, purified you, and given you distinction over all women.
3|43|Mary, pray devotedly to your Lord, prostrate yourself before Him and bow down with those who bow down before Him."
3|44|(Muhammad), that was some of the news about the unseen, that We have revealed to you. You were not among those who cast lots by throwing their arrows to find out who would take custody of Mary, nor were you among those who disputed the matter.
3|45|"Behold," the angels told Mary, "God has given you the glad news of the coming birth of a son whom He calls His Word, whose name will be Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, who will be a man of honor in this life and the life to come, and who will be one of the ones nearest to God.
3|46|He will speak to the people while in his cradle and preach to them when he will be a man. He will be one of the righteous ones.
3|47|(Mary) said, "How can there be a son for me when no mortal has touched me?" The angel replied, "That is how God creates whatever He wants. When He decides to do something He just orders it to exist and it comes into existence."
3|48|God will give (Jesus) wisdom and teach him the Book, the Torah, and the Gospel.
3|49|He will be a Messenger of God to the Israelites to whom he will say, "I have brought you a miracle from your Lord. I can create for you something from clay in the form of a bird. When I blow into it, it will become a real bird, by the permission of God. I can heal the blind and the lepers and bring the dead back to life, by the permission of God. I can tell you about what you eat and what you store in your homes. This is a miracle for you if you want to have faith.
3|50|"I testify to what is true in the Torah and make lawful for you some of the things that were made unlawful. I have brought you a miracle from your Lord. Have fear of God and obey me.
3|51|God is my Lord as well as yours. Worship Him for this is the right path."
3|52|When Jesus found them denying the truth, he said, "Who will help me in the cause of God?" The disciples replied, "We are the helpers of God. We believe in Him. Jesus, bear witness that we have submitted ourselves to His will."
3|53|They prayed, "Lord, we have believed in what You have revealed to Your Messenger and we have followed him. Write down our names with those who testify in support of the Truth."
3|54|The unbelievers plotted and God planned, but God is a much better planner;
3|55|He told Jesus, "I will save you from your enemies, raise you to Myself, keep you clean from the association with the disbelievers, and give superiority to your followers over the unbelievers until the Day of Judgment. On that day you will all return to Me and I shall resolve your dispute.
3|56|I shall sternly punish the unbelievers in this life and in the life to come and no one will help them.
3|57|However, to the righteously striving believers I shall give their reward in full measure." God does not love the unjust.
3|58|(Muhammad), what we recite to you are revelations and words of wisdom.
3|59|To God the case of Jesus is as that of Adam whom He created from the earth and then said, "Exist," and Adam came into existence.
3|60|(Muhammad, the essence of) the Truth is from your Lord. Never have any doubt about it.
3|61|If anyone disputes (your prophesy) after knowledge has come to you, say, "Let each of us bring our children, women, our people, and ourselves to one place and pray to God to condemn the liars among us."
3|62|This is the true story (of Jesus). There is no Lord but God. It is God who is Majestic and All-wise.
3|63|If they turn away (from the Truth, let it be known that) God knows well the evil-doers.
3|64|(Muhammad), say to the People of the Book, "We must come to a common term. Let us worship no one except God, nor consider anything equal to Him, nor regard any of us as our Lord besides God." However, if they turn away from (the Truth), tell them, "Bear witness that we have submitted ourselves to the will of God."
3|65|Ask the People of the Book, "Why do you argue about Abraham? The Torah and Gospel were revealed only after him. Why do you not understand?
3|66|You even argue about what is already known to you. What can you learn from arguing about that which you have no knowledge? God knows but you do not know."
3|67|Abraham was not a Jew or a Christian. He was an upright person who had submitted himself to the will of God. Abraham was not a pagan.
3|68|The nearest people to Abraham, among mankind, are those who followed him, this Prophet (Muhammad) and the true believers. God is the Guardian of the true believers.
3|69|A group among the People of the Book would love to mislead you but they mislead no one but themselves. However, they do not realize it.
3|70|(Muhammad), say, "People of the Book, why do you deny the revelation of God (the Quran) even though you know very well that it is from God?.
3|71|Why do you mix truth with falsehood and knowingly hide the truth?"
3|72|Some of the People of the Book say, "Believe in what is revealed to the Muslims during the day only and abandon it in the evening. This will perhaps make them give up their religion".
3|73|They also say, "Do not believe anyone except those who follow your religion, so that no one may have what you have received or may argue with you before your Lord." (Muhammad), tell them, "The only guidance is the guidance of God. All favors are in the hands of God. He grants His favors to whomever He wants. He is Munificent and All-knowing".
3|74|God grants priority in granting mercy to whomever He wants. God's favors are great.
3|75|If you entrust some of the People of the Book, with a large quantity of gold, they will return it to you while if you entrust others among them with a small quantity of gold, they will not give it back to you unless you keep insisting on its return. For they say, "We are not bound to keep our words with the illiterate people," and they themselves knowingly ascribe false statements to God.
3|76|Those who keep their promise and observe piety should know that God certainly loves the pious ones.
3|77|Those who sell their covenant with God and their promises for a small price will have no share in the life hereafter. God will not speak to them nor will He look at them on the Day of Judgment nor will He purify them. They will face a painful torment.
3|78|A group among the People of the Book when reading the Bible, deliberately mispronounce words in order to change their meaning, try to show that what they have read is from the true Bible. In fact, what they have read is not from the true Bible. They say, "What we read is from God." In reality, it is not from God. They knowingly ascribe false statements to God.
3|79|God would never give the Book, authority, or prophesy to any person who would tell others to be his servants instead of being the servants of God. He would rather tell them to worship God for they had been teaching and studying the Book.
3|80|A Prophet would never order you to take the angels and the Prophets as your Lords. Would he order you to disbelieve after you have submitted yourselves to God?
3|81|When God made a covenant with the Prophets, saying, "When I give you the Book and wisdom and a Messenger comes to you who will testify to the guidance which you have received from Me, you must believe in him and help him, then He asked them, "Do you affirm and accept my covenant?" They replied, "Yes, we affirm it." The Lord said, "Then bear witness to this and I shall bear witness with you".
3|82|After this, whoever turns away will be of the evil-doers.
3|83|Do they want a religion other than the religion of God when all that is in the heavens and the earth have submitted themselves to His will, either by their own free will or by force? To God do all things return.
3|84|(Muhammad), say, "We believe in God and in that which has been revealed to us and in that which was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants. We believe in that which was given to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction between them and we have submitted ourselves to the will of God".
3|85|No religion other than Islam (submission to the will of God) will be accepted from anyone. Whoever follows a religion other than Islam will be lost on the Day of Judgment.
3|86|Why would God guide a people who disbelieves after having had faith, who have found the Messenger to be truthful, and who have received authoritative evidence? God does not guide the unjust.
3|87|What they will gain will be the condemnation of God, the angels, and all people,
3|88|with which they will live forever. Their torment will not be relieved and no attention will be paid to them.
3|89|However, to those who repent afterwards and reform themselves, God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
3|90|Those who disbelieve, after having been believers and increase their disbelief, are lost and their repentance will not be accepted.
3|91|From those who have rejected the truth and died in disbelief, no ransom will be accepted even though they may pay a whole earth of gold. They will suffer a painful torment and no one will help them.
3|92|You can never have extended virtue and righteousness unless you spend part of what you dearly love for the cause of God. God knows very well whatever you spend for His cause.
3|93|All food was lawful for the children of Israel except for what Israel had deemed unlawful for himself before the Torah was revealed. (Muhammad), ask them to bring the Torah and read it, if they are true in their claim (that all food was not unlawful for the children of Israel).
3|94|Whoever ascribes falsehood to God despite of all the evidence is unjust.
3|95|(Muhammad), say, "God has spoken the Truth. Follow the upright tradition of Abraham who was not an idolater."
3|96|The first house (of worship) that God assigned to men was in Bakka (another name of Mecca). It is a blessed one and a guide for all people.
3|97|In (Bakka), there are many clear signs (evidence of the existence of God). Among them is the spot where Abraham stood. Whoever seeks refuge therein will be protected by the laws of amnesty. Those who have the means and ability have a duty to God to visit the House and perform the hajj (pilgrimage) rituals. The unbelievers should know that God is Independent of all creatures.
3|98|(Muhammad), ask the People of the Book, "Why do you deny the revelations of God when He is Well-Aware of your dealings?".
3|99|Ask them, "Why do you create obstacles in the way of God for those who believe in Him, trying to make His way seem crooked when you know that it is straight? God is not unaware of what you do.
3|100|Believers, if you obey a certain group among the People of the Book, they will turn you back to disbelief.
3|101|How could you turn back to disbelief when the words of God are recited to you and you have in your midst His Messenger? Those who seek the protection of God will certainly be guided to the right path.
3|102|Believers, have fear of God as you should and die only as Muslims (having submitted to the will of God).
3|103|All of you united hold fast to the rope of God (the Quran and His Messenger), and recall how He favored you when your hostility to each other had torn you apart. He united your hearts in one faith and through His Grace you became brothers. You were on the verge of falling headlong into the abyss of fire, but God saved you. This is how God explains to you His revelations so that you may have the right guidance.
3|104|Let there be a group among you who will invite others to do good deeds, command them to obey the Law, and prohibit them from committing sins. These people will have eternal happiness.
3|105|Do not be like those who turned into quarrelling sects after receiving clear authoritative evidence. They will suffer a great torment.
3|106|On the day when some faces will become white and others black, God will ask the people with the faces which have become black, "Why did you give up your faith? Now suffer the torment for your disbelief".
3|107|The people whose faces have become white will enjoy the mercy of God with which they will live forever.
3|108|Such are God's revelations which We explain to you, (Muhammad), for a genuine purpose. God does not want injustice for any of His creatures.
3|109|To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth and to Him do all things return.
3|110|You are the best nation that ever existed among humanity. You command people to good and prohibit them from evil, and you believe in God. Had the People of the Book accepted the faith (Islam), it would certainly have been better for them. Some of them have faith, but most of them are evil doers.
3|111|They can never harm you beyond annoyance. In a fight, they will turn back in defeat and they will not be helped.
3|112|Humiliation will strike them wherever they seek protection, except when they seek protection from God and the people. They have incurred the wrath of God unto themselves and have been struck with destitution for their rejection of the revelations of God and for unjustly murdering the Prophets. It is all because of their transgression and rebellion.
3|113|The People of the Book are not all the same. Some of them are straightforward. They recite the words of God in prostration at night.
3|114|They believe in God and the Day of Judgment. They command people to follow good, prohibit others from committing evil and compete with each other in doing good deeds. These are the righteous ones.
3|115|They will never be denied the rewards of their good deeds. God knows well about the pious.
3|116|The wealth and the children of the unbelievers can never make them independent of God. They are the dwellers of hell wherein they will live forever.
3|117|What they spend in this life is like the freezing wind that may strike and destroy the farms of the people who have wronged themselves. God has not done injustice to them, but they have wronged themselves.
3|118|Believers, do not expose your privacy to the unbelievers. They like to mislead you and see that you are seriously harmed. Signs of animosity from their mouths have already become audible, but what they hide in their heads is even worse. We have certainly made Our evidence clear, if only you would consider it.
3|119|There are people whom you love, but they do not love you, despite your belief in all the (heavenly) Books. On meeting you They proclaim belief on meeting you, but in private, bite their fingers at you in anger. Tell them, "Perish in your rage! God knows well what is in everyone's hearts".
3|120|They hate to see your success and rejoice if any misfortune befalls you. If you will be patient and pious, their plots can cause no harm to you. God has control over all their actions.
3|121|(Muhammad), remember the morning when you left home to show the believers their position in the battle? God is All-hearing and All-knowing.
3|122|Two groups among you almost lost courage despite having God as their Guardian. The believers should always have trust in God.
3|123|God gave you victory in the battle of Badr where your forces were much weaker than those of the enemy. Have fear of God so that you may give Him thanks.
3|124|Also, remember when you said to the believers, "Is it not enough that your Lord is helping you with a force of three thousand angels sent (from the heavens)?"
3|125|Certainly, if you have patience and piety, even if the enemy attacks immediately after this, God will help you with another force of five thousand angels, all splendidly (and or distinctly marked) dressed.
3|126|The sending of the angels is a glad news from your Lord so that you would have more confidence in Him. No victory is real unless it is from God, the Majestic and All-wise.
3|127|(They are sent) to break the power of the unbelievers or disgrace them and make them return after having lost all hope."
3|128|(Muhammad), it is not your concern whether He forgives them or punishes them for they are unjust.
3|129|To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. He may forgive or punish whomever He wants. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
3|130|Believers, do not accept illegal interest in order to increase your wealth many times over. Have fear of God so that you will have everlasting happiness.
3|131|Save yourselves from the fire which is prepared for the unbelievers.
3|132|Obey God and the Messenger so that you may receive mercy.
3|133|Hasten to obtain forgiveness from your Lord and to qualify yourselves for Paradise. Paradise, vast as the heavens and the earth, is prepared for the pious
3|134|who spend their property for the cause of God in prosperity as well as in adversity and who also harness their anger and forgive the people. God loves the righteous ones.
3|135|(Paradise) is also for those who, when committing a sin or doing injustice to themselves, remember God and ask Him to forgive their sins. Who can forgive sins besides God? And who do not knowingly persist in their mistakes?
3|136|Their reward will be forgiveness from their Lord and gardens wherein streams flow and wherein they will live forever. How blessed is the reward of those who labor.
3|137|Different traditions existed in the past. Travel in the land and find out about the fate of those who rejected the Truth.
3|138|This (Quran) is a reminder for the people and a guide and advice for the pious.
3|139|Do not be discouraged or grieved. You alone will have true dignity if you only are true believers.
3|140|If you get hurt, certainly others have also experienced injuries. We have made people pass through the different turns of history so that God would know the true believers, have some of you bear witness to the people's deeds, {God does not love the unjust}
3|141|test the faith of the believers, and deprive the unbelievers of (His) blessings.
3|142|Did you think that you could go to Paradise before God knew which of you fought for His cause and which of you bore patience?
3|143|You certainly wished to die (for the cause of God) before you actually faced death. Then you faced death (in the battlefield and only a few of you had the true desire to die).
3|144|Muhammad is only a Messenger. There lived other Messengers before him. Should (Muhammad) die or be slain, would you then turn back to your pre-Islamic behavior? Whoever does so can cause no harm to God. God will reward those who give thanks.
3|145|No one can die without the permission of God. This is a written decree of the appointed term for life. We shall give worldly gains to whoever wants them. Those who want rewards in the life hereafter will also receive them. We reward those who give thanks.
3|146|Many godly people fought to help the Prophets in the cause of God. They did not lose courage, show weakness, or give in when facing hardships in their fight for the cause of God. God loves those who have patience.
3|147|The only words that they spoke were, "Lord, forgive our sins and our excess in our dealings, make us steadfast (in the fight for Your cause), and grant us victory over the unbelievers."
3|148|God gave them their reward in this world and the best reward of the life to come. God loves the righteous ones.
3|149|Believers, if you obey the unbelievers, they will turn you back to disbelief and you will become lost.
3|150|God is your Guardian and the best Helper.
3|151|We shall cause terror to enter the hearts of the faithless for their considering things equal to God without authoritative evidence. Their abode will be fire, a terrible dwelling for the unjust.
3|152|God certainly fulfilled His promise to you when you were fighting the unbelievers, by His permission. Even after We showed you what you wanted, you began to lose courage, started quarreling with each other, and disobeyed God's orders. Some of you want worldly gains and others of you want rewards in the hereafter. Then He let you face defeat in order to test you. However, He forgave you. God is Gracious to the believers.
3|153|(Believers remember) when you were fleeing without even glancing to either side even though the Messengers were calling you back, God made you suffer sorrow upon sorrow to make you forget your grief of what you had lost and the injuries you had suffered. God is Well-Aware of what you do.
3|154|After the sorrows you suffered, He sent you relief and some of you were encompassed by slumber. To some others of you, your lives were so important that you, like ignorant people, began thinking suspiciously of God saying, "Do we have any say in the matter?" (Muhammad), tell them, "All matters belong to God." They try to hide within their souls what they do not reveal to you. They say, "Had we had the matter in our hands, we would not have been killed there." Tell them, "Even if you had stayed in your own homes, your sworn enemies could have attacked you and slain you while you were in your beds. God wanted to test you and purge what existed in your hearts.
3|155|God knows what the hearts contain. Because of some of your bad deeds, those of you who ran away, when you faced the enemy, were misled by Satan. God forgave you for He is All-forgiving and Forbearing."
3|156|Believers, do not be like the unbelievers, who said of their brothers who travelled in the land or took part in a fight, "Had they stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed." God will only cause regret to enter their hearts. It is God who gives life and causes people to die. God is Well Aware of what you do.
3|157|If you were to die or to be killed for the cause of God, certainly His forgiveness and mercy is far better than your worldly gains.
3|158|If you die or are slain, certainly you will all be brought before God.
3|159|Only through the Divine Mercy have you (Muhammad) been able to deal with your followers so gently. If you had been stern and hard-hearted, they would all have deserted you a long time ago. Forgive them and ask God to forgive (their sins) and consult with them in certain matters. But, when you reach a decision, trust God. God loves those who trust Him.
3|160|If God is your helper, no one can defeat you. However, if He abandons you, who would help you? The true believers trust in God.
3|161|No Prophet can ever be treacherous. A treacherous person will be brought before God on the Day of Judgment with his treacherous deeds. Then every soul will be recompensed for its works without being wronged.
3|162|Are those who seek God's pleasure equal to those who incur His wrath and whose dwelling will be hell, the terrible destination?
3|163|People are of various grades in the sight of God. God is Well-Aware of all that they do.
3|164|God granted a great favor to the believers by sending a Messenger from their own people to recite to them God's revelations, to purify them of moral defects, to teach them the Book, and to give them wisdom. Before this they had lived in manifest error.
3|165|If misfortune befell you (the believers) your enemies had suffered twice as much (in the battle of Badr) but you asked, "Where did the misfortune come from?" (Muhammad), tell them, "It came from yourselves. God has power over all things.
3|166|What befell you, when the two armies confronted each other, was by the permission of God so that He would know who were the true believers
3|167|and who were the hypocrites. When the hypocrites were asked to fight for the cause of God or to defend the city, they replied, "Had we known before that you would fight, we would certainly not have followed you." At that time they were closer to disbelief than to faith. They speak words that do not come from their hearts. God knows well whatever they try to hide.
3|168|There are those who themselves did not join the others in fighting for the cause of God and said about their brothers, "Had they listened to us and stayed at home, they would not have been killed." (Muhammad), tell them to save themselves from death if they are true in their claim.
3|169|Do not think of those slain for the cause of God as dead. They are alive with their Lord and receive sustenance from Him.
3|170|They are pleased with the favor from their Lord and have received the glad news that those who follow them will have no fear nor will they be grieved,
3|171|that they will be rewarded with bounties and favors from their Lord and that God will not neglect the reward of the true believers.
3|172|The righteous and pious of those who have pledged obedience to God and the Messenger, after injury had befallen them, will receive a great reward.
3|173|Such people, when warned to fear those who are gathered against them, are strengthened in their faith and say, "God is All-sufficient as our Guardian."
3|174|They returned with the favors and the bounties of God untouched by evil and followed by the pleasure of God. God's favor is great.
3|175|It is Satan who frightens his friends. Do not be afraid of them (enemies) but have fear of Me if you truly believe.
3|176|(Muhammad), do not be grieved because of some people's haste to disbelieve. They can do no harm to God. God has decided not to give them any share in the life hereafter. There will be a great torment for them.
3|177|Those who have traded faith in exchange for disbelief can never do any harm to God. There will be a painful torment for them.
3|178|The unbelievers must not think that Our respite is for their good. We only give them time to let them increase their sins. For them there will be a humiliating torment.
3|179|God left the believers in their existing state for no other reason than to distinguish the evil-doers from the virtuous ones. God does not inform you of the unseen. He chooses for such information anyone of His Messengers that He wants. Have faith in God and in His Messengers. If you have faith and are pious, there will be a great reward for you.
3|180|Those who are avaricious of the favors that God has given them should not think that this is good for them. Avarice is evil and whatever they are avaricious about will be tied to their necks on the Day of Judgment. To God belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. God is Well Aware of what you do.
3|181|God certainly has heard the words of those who said, "God is poor and we are wealthy". We shall write down what they have said and their murder of the Prophets without reason and We shall tell them to suffer the burning torment.
3|182|This is only the result of their deeds. God is not unjust to His servants.
3|183|(Muhammad), say to those who say, 'God has commanded us not to believe any Messenger unless he offers a burnt offering,' (Muhammad) say, "Messengers came to you before me with certain miracles and with that which you had asked for (burnt offering). Why, then, did you slay them if you were true in your claim?"
3|184|If they reject you, they had certainly rejected the Messengers who lived before you and who showed them authoritative evidence, smaller Books, and the Book of enlightenment.
3|185|Every soul is destined to experience the agony of death. You (Muslims) will receive the recompense for your deeds on the Day of Judgment. To be saved from the fire and admitted to Paradise is certainly a great triumph. The worldly life is no more than a deceitful possession.
3|186|You (believers) will certainly be tested by the loss of your property and lives and you will hear a great many grieving words from the People of the Book and the pagans. If you will have patience and piety, it will be a sign of firm determination and steadfastness (in life).
3|187|When God made a covenant with the People of the Book saying, "Tell the people about it (Muhammad's prophesy) without hiding any part, therefrom, they threw it behind their backs and sold it for a very small price. What a miserable bargain!
3|188|Do not think that those who are happy with their possessions and positions and those who love to be praised for what they themselves have not done can ever be saved from torment. For them there will be a painful punishment.
3|189|To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth and He has power over all things.
3|190|The creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day and the night are evidence (of the existence of God) for people of reason.
3|191|It is these who commemorate God while standing, sitting, or resting on their sides and who think about the creation of the heavens and the earth and say, "Lord, you have not created all this without reason. Glory be to you. Lord, save us from the torment of the fire".
3|192|Those whom You submit to the fire are certainly disgraced. There is no helper for the unjust.
3|193|"Lord, we have heard the person calling to the faith and have accepted his call. Forgive our sins, expiate our bad deeds, and let us die with the righteous ones.
3|194|Lord, grant us the victory that You have promised your Messenger and do not disgrace us on the Day of Judgment; You are the One who never ignores His promise."
3|195|Their Lord answered their prayers saying, "I do not neglect anyone's labor whether the laborer be male or female. You are all related to one another. Those who migrated from Mecca, those who were expelled from their homes, those who were tortured for My cause, and those who fought and were killed for My cause will find their sins expiated by Me and I will admit them into the gardens wherein streams flow. It will be their reward from God Who grants the best rewards."
3|196|(Muhammad), do not be deceived by the changing activities of the unbelievers in different parts of the land.
3|197|Their gains are only a means of enjoyment in this life. However, their destination is hell, the terrible dwelling.
3|198|For those who have fear of their Lord, there will be gardens wherein streams flow and they will live therein forever as a gift from their Lord. God has the best reward for the virtuous people.
3|199|There are some among the People of the Book who believe in God and what is revealed to you and to them. They are humble before God and do not trade God's revelations for a small price. They will receive their reward from their Lord. God's reckoning is swift.
3|200|Believers, have patience, help each other with patience, establish good relations with one another, and have fear of God so that you may have everlasting happiness.
4|1|People, have fear of your Lord who has created you from a single soul. From it He created your spouse and through them He populated the land with many men and women. Have fear of the One by whose Name you swear to settle your differences and have respect for your relatives. God certainly keeps watch over you.
4|2|Give to the orphans their property. Do not exchange the pure for the filthy and do not spend the property of orphans along with your own; this would be a great sin.
4|3|With respect to marrying widows, if you are afraid of not being able to maintain justice with her children, marry another woman of your choice or two or three or four (who have no children). If you cannot maintain equality with more than one wife, marry only one or your slave-girl. This keeps you from acting against justice.
4|4|Pay the women their dowry as though it were a gift. However, if they allow you to keep a part of it as a favor to you, you may spend it with pleasure.
4|5|Do not give to people weak of understanding your property for which God has made you to supervise. Feed and clothe such people and speak to them in a reasonable way.
4|6|Before returning orphan's property to them, make sure that they have reached maturity. Do not consume their property wastefully until such a time. The rich (guardian) should not take any of his ward's property. However, a poor (guardian) may use a reasonable portion. When you return their property, make sure you have witness. God is a perfect in taking accounts.
4|7|Male and female are entitled to their legal share in the legacy of their parents and relatives, whether it be small or large.
4|8|If relatives, orphans or destitute people, are present at the distribution of the legacy, give them something and speak kindly to them.
4|9|Those who are concerned about the welfare of their own children after their death, should have fear of God (when dealing with the orphans) and guide them properly.
4|10|Those who wrongfully consume the property of orphans are, in fact, consuming fire in their bellies and they will suffer the blazing fire.
4|11|This is a commandment from your Lord: After the payment of debts or anything bequeathed, let the male inherit twice as much as the female. If there are more than two girls, they will have two-thirds of the legacy. If there is only one girl, she will inherit half of the legacy. Parents of the deceased will each inherit one-sixth of the legacy, if the deceased has a surviving child, however, if no children survive the deceased, and the heirs are the parents, the mother will receive one-third of the legacy. The mother will receive one-sixth of the legacy if the deceased has more than one surviving brother. These are the decreed shares according to the laws of God. Regardless of how you feel about your parents or children, you do not know which of them is more beneficial to you. God is All-knowing and All-wise.
4|12|If your wives die without any surviving children, you will inherit half of their legacy. If they have children, you will inherit one-fourth of their legacy after the debts and things bequeathed have been excluded from the legacy. After the payment of debts and things bequeathed have been excluded from the legacy, your wives will inherit one-fourth of your legacy if you have no surviving children. If you leave a child, they will inherit one eighth of your legacy. If the deceased, either male or female, has no surviving heirs such as parents or children but has a brother or a sister, the brother or sister will each inherit one-sixth of the legacy. If there are more than just a brother or a sister, they will share one-third of the legacy. This is after the payment of any debts and things bequeathed have been excluded from the legacy, so that no one will be caused to suffer any loss. It is a guide from God, the All-knowing and Forbearing.
4|13|These are the laws of God. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger will be admitted to the gardens wherein streams flow and wherein they will live forever. This is the greatest triumph.
4|14|Whoever disobeys God and His Messenger and breaks His rules will be admitted to the fire wherein they will live forever, suffering a humiliating torment.
4|15|Those of your women who commit fornication, let four (Muslim) witness testify to their act. If there is sufficient testimony, confine them to their homes until they die, or until God provides a way for their freedom.
4|16|If any two people commit fornication, punish them. If they repent and reform, let them go. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|17|God will only accept the repentance of those who commit evil in ignorance, if they repent immediately. God is All-knowing and All-wise.
4|18|There is no forgiveness for those who commit sin and do not repent until the last moment of their lives nor for those who die as unbelievers. For these people We have prepared a painful torment.
4|19|Believers, it is not lawful for you to inherit women against their will as part of the legacy. Do not create difficulties for your wives in order to force them to give-up part of what you had given to them to set themselves free from the bond of marriage, unless they have clearly committed adultery. Always treat them reasonably. If you dislike them, you could be disliking that which God has filled with abundant good.
4|20|If you want to divorce a woman so that you can marry another, do not take back the dowry which you had paid even if what you paid was a large amount of gold. To do this is a slanderous act and a manifest sin.
4|21|How can you take it back when you have had intimate relations and made a solemn agreement with each other?
4|22|Do not marry, from now on, the ex-wives of your fathers for that custom was sinful, loathsome, and abominable.
4|23|You are forbidden to marry your mothers, daughters, sisters, paternal aunts, maternal aunts, nieces, your foster-mothers, your foster-sisters, your mothers-in-law, your step-daughters whom you have brought up and with whose mothers you have had carnal relations. It would not be a sin to marry her if you did not have carnal relations with her mother. You are forbidden to marry the wives of your own sons and to marry two sisters at the same time without any adverse affect to the such relations of the past. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|24|You are forbidden to marry married women except your slave-girls. This is the decree of God. Besides these, it is lawful for you to marry other women if you pay their dower, maintain chastity and do not commit indecency. If you marry them for the appointed time you must pay their dowries. There is no harm if you reach an understanding among yourselves about the dowry, God is All-knowing and All-wise.
4|25|If any of you do not have the means to marry a chaste believing woman, marry your believing slave-girls. God knows best about your faith. You have the same faith. Marry them with the permission of their masters and if they are chaste and have avoided fornication and amorous activities, give them their just dowries. If after marriage they commit adultery, they should receive half of the punishment of a free woman who has committed the same crime. This is for those who fear falling into evil. It is better for you to have self-control. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|26|God wants to guide you, explain to you the customs of those who lived before you, and grant you forgiveness. He is All-knowing and All-wise.
4|27|God wants to be merciful to you but those who follow their evil desires seek to lead you astray.
4|28|God wants to relieve you of your burden; all human beings were created weak.
4|29|Believers, do not exchange your property in wrongful ways unless it is in trade by mutual agreement. Do not kill one another. God is All-merciful to you.
4|30|Whoever commits murder out of animosity and injustice will be burnt in hell fire. This is a very easy thing for God to do.
4|31|If you avoid violating that which has been prohibited, your (lesser) sins will be forgiven and you will be admitted into an exalted dwelling.
4|32|Do not envy the favors which God has granted to some of you. Men and women will both be rewarded according to their deeds, rather pray to God for His favors. God knows all things.
4|33|We have chosen heirs for every legacy that parents and relatives may leave. Let those who have been promised a bequest receive their share of the legacy. God is Omnipresent.
4|34|Men are the protectors of women because of the greater preference that God has given to some of them and because they financially support them. Among virtuous women are those who are steadfast in prayer and dependable in keeping the secrets that God has protected. Admonish women who disobey (God's laws), do not sleep with them and beat them. If they obey (the laws of God), do not try to find fault in them. God is High and Supreme.
4|35|If there appears to be discord between a wife and her husband and if they desire reconciliation choose arbiters from the families of both sides. God will bring them together; God is All-knowing and All-aware.
4|36|Worship God and consider no one equal to Him. Be kind to your parents, relatives, orphans, the destitute, your near and distant neighbors, your companions, wayfarers, and your slaves. God does not love the proud and boastful ones,
4|37|the stingy ones who try to make others stingy or those who hide the favors that God has bestowed on them. We have prepared a humiliating torment for the disbelievers,
4|38|those who spend their property out of a desire to show off and not because of their belief in God and the Day of Judgment, and (lastly) those who choose Satan for a friend; what an evil friend!
4|39|How could it have harmed them if they had believed in God and the Last Day and spent their property for the cause of God? God knows them very well
4|40|God does not do even an atom's weight of injustice. A good deed is multiplied by God and richly rewarded.
4|41|How will it be when We call for a witness from every nation and have you, (Muhammad), testify against them all?
4|42|At that time the disbelievers who disobeyed the Messenger will wish that they could be turned into dust and they will be able to hide nothing from God.
4|43|Believers, do not pray when you are drunk, but, instead, wait until you can understand what you say. Also, do not pray when you have experienced a seminal discharge until after you have taken a bath, unless you are on a journey. If, while sick or on a journey, you can find no water after having defecated or after having had carnal relations, perform tayammum by touching your palms on the pure earth and wipe the (upper part of) your face and the backs of your hands. God is Gracious and All-forgiving.
4|44|Have you seen those who had received a portion of the Book trade misguidance and try to make you, too, go astray?
4|45|God knows who are your enemies. You need to have no guardian or helper other than God.
4|46|Some Jews take certain words out of context and by twisting their tongues to make a jest out of the true religion, say, "We heard and (in our hearts) disobeyed. (Muhammad) ra`ina (be kind to us) but they intend thereby (the meaning in their own language): "Listen! May God turn you deaf." They should have said, "We heard and obeyed. (Muhammad) listen and consider our question." This would have been better for them and more righteous. God has condemned them for their disbelief, thus, no one, except a few among them, will have faith.
4|47|People of the Book, have faith in the Quran that We have revealed to confirm your Book, before certain faces are changed and turned back. We shall condemn them as We did the people of the Sabbath about whom God's decree had decisively been ordained.
4|48|God does not forgive the sin of considering others equal to Him, but He may choose to forgive other sins. Whoever believes in other gods besides Him has indulged in a great sin.
4|49|(Muhammad), have you seen those who try to purify themselves? They should know that God only purifies whomever He wants and that the slightest wrong will not be done to such people.
4|50|Consider how they create lies about God? This alone is a grave sin.
4|51|Have you seen how those who had been given a share of the Book believe in idols and Satan and who say, "The disbelievers are better guided than the believers".
4|52|God has condemned them. No one can help one who has been condemned by God.
4|53|Even if they had a share in the Kingdom (Divine authority), they would not have given the smallest thing to anyone.
4|54|Are they jealous of the favors that God has done to some people? We have given to the family of Abraham the Book, Wisdom, and a great Kingdom.
4|55|Some have believed, others have disbelieved and tried to prevent people from believing. For these people, only the intense fire of hell is a sufficient punishment.
4|56|We will make the rejectors of Our revelations suffer in hell fire. As soon as the fire destroys their skins, We will give them new skins so that they may suffer more of the torment. God is Majestic and All-wise.
4|57|We will admit the righteously striving believers into the gardens wherein streams flow. They will live therein forever in a cool shade with their pure spouses.
4|58|God commands you to return that which had been entrusted to you to the rightful owners. Be just when passing judgment among people. God's advice is the most noble. He sees and hears everything.
4|59|Believers, obey God, His Messenger, and your (qualified) leaders. If you have faith in God and the Day of Judgment, refer to God and His Messenger concerning matters in which you differ. This would be a more virtuous and a better way of settling differences.
4|60|(Muhammad), have you seen those who think that they have faith in what is revealed to you and to others before you, yet choose to take their affairs to Satan for judgment even though they are commanded to deny him. Satan wants to lead them far away from the right path.
4|61|When the (hypocrites) are told to refer to God's revelations and to the Messenger, they try to find excuses to stay away from you (Muhammad).
4|62|What would happen if they were to be afflicted by a disaster brought about by their own hands? They would then come to you swearing by God, "We only wanted to bring about friendship and reconciliation."
4|63|God knows what is in their hearts. (Muhammad), ignore their faults, advise them, and tell them frankly about what is in their souls.
4|64|We did not send any Messengers for any reason other than to be obeyed because of the will of God. If they ever do injustice to themselves and come to you (Muhammad) asking for God's forgiveness and if the Messenger also was to ask God to forgive them, they would certainly find God All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|65|I swear by your Lord that they will not be considered believers until they let you judge their disputes and then they will find nothing in their souls to prevent them from accepting your judgment, thus, submitting themselves to the will of God.
4|66|Had We commanded them to kill themselves or abandon their homes, only a few of them would have done it. If they had done what they had been advised to do, it would have strengthened their faith,
4|67|We would have given them a great reward
4|68|and guided them to the right path.
4|69|One who obeys God and the Messenger is the friend of the Prophets, saints, martyrs, and the righteous ones to whom God has granted His favors. They are the best friends that one can have.
4|70|The favors of God are such, and He knows very well (how to reward you).
4|71|Believers, always be well prepared and on your guard. March in small groups or all together.
4|72|There are some among you who lag behind (in battle) and if you were to experience hardship, they would say, "It was certainly due to God's favors to us that we were not present with them,"
4|73|but if you were to receive a favor from God, they would certainly say, "(We have been ignored) as if there was no friendship among us. Would that we had been there with them for we would have had a great success."
4|74|Those who want to buy the life hereafter with this life should fight for the cause of God. We will give them a great reward whether they are killed or whether they are victorious.
4|75|Why do you not fight for the cause of God or save the helpless men, women, and children who cry out, "Lord, set us free from this town of wrong doers and send us a guardian and a helper?"
4|76|The believers fight for the cause of God. The unbelievers fight for the cause of the Satan. So fight against the friends of Satan for the evil plans of Satan are certainly weak.
4|77|Have you not seen those who were told to stop fighting, to say their prayers, and pay the religious tax? When they were ordered to fight, some of them feared other men as much as or more than they feared God and so they said, "Lord, why have you ordered us to fight? If only you would give us a little time." (Muhammad), tell them, "The pleasures of the worldly life are trivial. The life hereafter is best for the pious ones. You will not be treated the slightest bit unjustly.
4|78|Wherever you are, death will find you even if you hide yourselves in firmly constructed towers. Whenever people experience good fortune, they say that it is from God but whenever they experience misfortune, they say it is because of you, (Muhammad). Tell them, "Everything is from God." What is wrong with these people that they do not even try to understand?
4|79|Whatever good you may receive is certainly from God and whatever you suffer is from yourselves. We have sent you, (Muhammad), as a Messenger to people. God is a Sufficient witness to your truthfulness.
4|80|One who obeys the Messenger has certainly obeyed God. You have not been sent to watch over those who turn away from you.
4|81|They proclaim obedience to you but as soon as they leave at night, a group of them make secret plans to do the contrary of what you have told them to do. God keeps the record of their nocturnal plans. Therefore, leave them alone and put your trust in God; He is Sufficient for you as your Guardian.
4|82|Will they not ponder on the Quran? Had it not come from someone other than God, they would have certainly found therein many contradictions.
4|83|When they receive any news of peace or war, they announce it in public. Had they told it to the Messenger or to their (qualified) leaders, they could have used that information more properly. Were it not for the favor and mercy of God, all but a few of them would have followed Satan.
4|84|Thus, (Muhammad), fight for the cause of God. You are only responsible for yourself. Rouse the believers and perhaps God will stop the evil designs of the unbelievers. God's punishment and retribution is the most severe.
4|85|Whoever intercedes for a good purpose will receive his share of the reward but the intercession for an evil purpose only adds more to one's burden. God has control over all things.
4|86|Answer a greeting in kinder words than those said to you in the greeting or at least as kind. God keeps account of all things.
4|87|God exists. He is the only Lord. He will gather you all together on the Day of Judgment which will certainly come. Who is more truthful than God?
4|88|Why are you divided into two different parties concerning the hypocrites, when God Himself has turned them to disbelief because of their misdeeds. Do you want to guide those whom God has caused to go astray? You cannot find guidance for those whom God has made to err.
4|89|They wish you to become unbelievers as they themselves are. Do not establish friendship with them until they have abandoned their homes for the cause of God. If they betray you, seize them and slay them wherever you find them. Do not establish friendship with them or seek their help
4|90|except with those who attach themselves to your allies or come to you with no desire to fight you or their own people. God could have given them power to fight you. Thus, if they retreat, stop fighting and come forward expressing faith in Islam God will not allow you to fight them.
4|91|You will soon find others who seek security from you as well as from their own people, but when they are invited to return to idol worship, they do so enthusiastically. Thus, if they do not keep away from you nor come forward with a peace proposal nor desist from harming you, apprehend and slay them wherever you find them, for We have given you full control over them.
4|92|A believer cannot slay another believer except by mistake for which the retaliation is to set free a believing slave and pay the appointed blood money to the relatives of the deceased unless the relatives wave aside the payment. If the person slain is from your enemies but himself is a believer, the penalty is to set free a believing slave. If the person slain is one of those with whom you have a peace treaty, the penalty is the same as that for a slain believer. If this is not possible, the defendant has to fast for two consecutive months, asking God to accept his repentance. He is All-knowing and All-wise.
4|93|The punishment for one who purposely slays a believer will be to live in hell fire forever. God is angry with him and has condemned him. He has prepared for him a great torment.
4|94|Believers, if you march with arms for the cause of God, make sure that you know whom to fight. Do not accuse anyone who claims himself to be a Muslim of disbelief just for worldly gains. There is abundant bounty with God. Before, you were also like them, but God bestowed His favors upon you. Thus, make sure that you know whom to fight. God is Well Aware of what you do.
4|95|Among the believers, those who stay at home without a good reason are not equal to those who strive for the cause of God in person or with their property. To those who strive for His cause in person or with their property, God has granted a higher rank than to those who stay at home. God has promised that everyone will receive his proper share of the reward but He will grant a much greater reward to those striving for His cause than to those who stay home (for no reason).
4|96|God will grant those who strive high ranks, forgiveness, and mercy. He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|97|When the angels take away from their bodies the souls of those who have wronged themselves, they will ask them, "How did you live?" They will reply, "We lived on earth in weakness and oppression." The angels will say, "Was not God's land vast enough for you to go wherever you could live in peace?" The dwelling of these people will be hell fire, a terrible destination.
4|98|As for the really weak and oppressed men, women, and children who were not able to find any means of obtaining their freedom or of having the right guidance,
4|99|perhaps God will forgive them; He is All-merciful and All-forgiving.
4|100|One who abandons his home for the cause of God will find many places of refuge in the vast land and one who dies, after having abandoned his home to get near to God and His Messenger, will receive his reward from God. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|101|When you are on a journey, it is no sin to shorten your prayers if you are afraid of the mischief of the unbelievers. The unbelievers have always been your sworn enemies
4|102|(Muhammad), if you are among them (your followers during a battle) and you call them for prayer, let a group of them carry their arms during prayer. After they have made their prostrations, let them go back to watch the enemy and let the other group who has not yet prayed, join you, carrying their arms with due precaution. The unbelievers would love to find you neglecting your arms and property and would attack you suddenly. If rain or illness make you suffer, you may place your arms aside during prayer but still observe due precaution. God has prepared a humiliating torment for the unbelievers.
4|103|When you complete your prayer, remember God all the time while standing, sitting, or reclining. When you are safe, say your prayers properly. It is a constant duty of the believers.
4|104|Do not neglect the pursuit of the enemy. If you have suffered, they too have suffered but you can, at least, expect from God what they can never expect. God is All-knowing and All-wise.
4|105|We have revealed to you the Book in all Truth so that you judge among people by the laws of God. However, never defend the treacherous ones.
4|106|Seek forgiveness from God. He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|107|Do not defend those who deceive themselves; God does not love those who are treacherous and sinful.
4|108|They hide their sins from other people but they cannot hide themselves from God who is constantly with them, even when they hold nocturnal meetings, a thing which God does not like. God comprehends all that they do.
4|109|You defend them in this life but who will defend them against God on the Day of Judgment and who will be their attorney?
4|110|One who commits a sin or does wrong to himself and then seeks forgiveness from God, will find God All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|111|One who commits sins has committed them against his own soul. God is All-knowing and All-wise.
4|112|One who makes a mistake or commits a sin and ascribes it to an innocent person, he only burdens himself with slander and a grave sin.
4|113|Were it not for the favor and mercy of God, some of them would have certainly tried to make you (Muhammad) go astray. However, they cannot lead any one astray but themselves nor can they harm you. God has revealed the Book to you, has given you wisdom, and has taught you what you did not know. Certainly God's favor to you has been great.
4|114|There is nothing good in much of their secret talks except for that which is for charity, justice, or for reconciliation among people to seek thereby the pleasure of God for which We will give a great reward.
4|115|Whoever gives the Messenger a hard time, even after having received clear guidance, and follows a path other than that of the believers, will be left alone. We will cast him into hell, a terrible destination.
4|116|God will not forgive the sin of considering something equal to Him, but He may forgive the other sins of whomever He wants. One who considers anything equal to God has certainly gone far away from the right path.
4|117|They (the pagans) only worship idols and Satan, the persistent rebel.
4|118|God condemned Satan when he said, "I will certainly take my revenge from Your servants.
4|119|I will lead them astray, induce in their hearts prolonged, worldly desires, command them to pierce the ears of their animals, sacrificed for the idols, and order them to change the religion of God." One who accepts Satan as his guardian, instead of God, has certainly incurred a great loss upon himself.
4|120|Satan gives them false promises and tempts them to develop longings which can never be realized.
4|121|Such people will dwell in hell fire from which they will not be able to escape.
4|122|We will admit the righteously striving believers to Paradise wherein streams flow and they will live therein forever. God's promise is true for no one is more truthful than Him.
4|123|Believers and People of the Book, wishes alone can never provide you with salvation. Whoever commits evil will be punished accordingly and no one besides God will be his guardian or helper.
4|124|Any believer, male or female, who acts righteously, will enter Paradise and will not suffer the least bit of injustice.
4|125|Whose religion is better than that in which one submits himself to God, behaves righteously, and follows the upright religion of Abraham, God's chosen friend?
4|126|To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth and He has control over all things.
4|127|(Muhammad), they ask you concerning women. Tell them, "God will instruct you about them, besides that which can be read in the Book, about widows with children, whom you wanted to marry without giving them their due rights and He will instruct you about the rights of the weak and oppressed children. God commands you to maintain justice with the orphans. God knows all about whatever good you do.
4|128|If a woman is afraid of her husband's ill treatment and desertion, it will be no sin for both of them to reach a reconciliation. Reconciliation is good even though men's souls are swayed by greed. If you act righteously and be pious, God is Well Aware of what you do.
4|129|You will never be able to maintain justice among your wives and love them all equally, no matter how hard you try. Do not give total preference to one of them, leaving the other as if in suspense. If you do bring about reconciliation and maintain piety, God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|130|If the marriage is terminated, God will make each one of them financially independent. God is Munificent and Wise.
4|131|To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. We have told you and the People of the Book to have fear of God. If you all refuse to believe in Him, know that to God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. God is Self-sufficient and Praiseworthy.
4|132|To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. God is a totally Sufficient Guardian.
4|133|Had God wanted He could have destroyed you all and replaced you by another people; He has the power to do so.
4|134|Be it known to those who want worldly rewards that God holds the rewards for this life as well as the life to come. God is All-hearing and All-seeing.
4|135|Believers, be the supporters of justice and the testify to what you may have witnessed, for the sake of God, even against yourselves, parents, and relatives; whether it be against the rich or the poor. God must be given preference over them. Let not your desires cause you to commit injustice. If you deviate from the truth in your testimony, or decline to give your testimony at all, know that God is Well Aware of what you do.
4|136|Believers, have faith in God and His Messenger, the Book which is revealed to him, and the Bible which has been revealed before. Whoever refuses to believe in God, His angels, Books, Messengers and the Day of Judgment, has gone far away from the right path.
4|137|God will not forgive or guide to the right path those who first believe, then disbelieve, again believe and disbelieve, and then increase their disbelief.
4|138|Tell the hypocrites that for them there will be a painful torment.
4|139|Do those who establish friendship with the disbelievers instead of the believers seek honor? Let them know that all honor belongs to God.
4|140|God has told you (believers) in the Book that when you hear people disbelieving and mocking God's revelations, do not sit with them unless they change the subject. You will become like them. God will gather all the hypocrites and the disbelievers together in hell fire.
4|141|(The hypocrites) wait and watch. If God grants you victory, they say, "Did we not help you?" If the unbelievers are victorious, they say, "Did we not encourage you not to surrender to the believers and did we not protect you from them?" God will judge among you on the Day of Judgment. He will never help the disbelievers against the believers.
4|142|The hypocrites try to deceive God but He, in fact, deceives them. They stand up in prayer lazily just to show that they pray, but, in truth they remember God very little.
4|143|They are hesitant people belonging to neither side. You can find no other way for one whom God has caused to go astray.
4|144|Believers, do not make unbelievers your intimate friends and supporters rather than believers. Do you want to establish clear evidence against yourselves before God?
4|145|The hypocrites will be placed in the lowest bottom of the fire and none of you will ever find a helper for them, except
4|146|those (hypocrites) who have repented, put their trust in God, and sincerely followed only His religion will live with the believers to whom God will give a great reward.
4|147|Why should God punish you if you give thanks and believe in Him? God is All-rewarding and All-forgiving.
4|148|God does not love public accusation unless one is truly wronged. God is All-hearing and All-knowing.
4|149|Whether you act virtuously, in public or in private, or pardon (people's) faults, God is All-forgiving and All-powerful.
4|150|Those who disbelieve in God and His Messengers try to create differences between God and His Messengers (by rejecting their message). They say, "We believe in some but not in others." Thus, they try to find a middle way
4|151|but, in fact, they are unbelievers, and for them We have prepared a humiliating torment.
4|152|As for those who believe in God and make no distinction between His Messengers, they will receive His reward. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
4|153|(Muhammad), the People of the Book ask you to make a Book descend to them from the heavens. However, they had asked Moses for things much harder to do than this, by saying, "Show us God in person." Thunder and lightning struck them because of their unjust demands. Despite all the evidence that had come to them, they started to worship the calf, but We forgave them for their sins and gave Moses clear authority.
4|154|We raised Mount (Sinai) above them because of Our solemn promise to them. Also, We told them to prostrate themselves when entering the gate (of the holy house) and not to commit transgression on the Sabbath. We made a solemn covenant with them.
4|155|However, because of their disbelief, disregard of their covenant, denial of God's revelations, murdering the Prophets without reason, and their saying that their hearts were covered, We sealed up their hearts. Only a few of them believe.
4|156|Their hearts were also sealed because of their lack of faith, their gravely slanderous accusation against Mary,
4|157|and their statement that they murdered Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of God, when, in fact, they could not have murdered him or crucified him. They, in fact, murdered someone else by mistake. Even those who disputed (the question of whether or not Jesus was murdered) did not have a shred of evidence. All that they knew about it was mere conjecture. They certainly could not have murdered Jesus.
4|158|God raised him up to Himself. God is Majestic and All-wise.
4|159|There will be no one among the People of the Book who will not believe (a belief of no value) in him (Jesus) before their deaths. On the Day of Judgment, (Jesus) will testify against them.
4|160|We made unlawful for the Jews certain pure things which had been lawful for them before, because of the injustice which they had committed, their obstructing many people from the way of God,
4|161|their taking usury which was prohibited for them, and their consuming people's property unjustly. For the unbelievers among them, We have prepared a painful torment.
4|162|However, the learned among them (the Jews) and the faithful believe in what God has revealed to you (Muhammad) and to the others before you and those who are steadfast in prayer, pay their religious tax, and believe in God and the Day of Judgment. They all will receive a great reward from Us.
4|163|(Muhammad), We have sent revelations to you just as were sent to Noah and the Prophets who lived after him and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, his descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon. We gave the Psalms to David.
4|164|(We sent revelations to) the Messengers mentioned to you before and also to Messengers who have not been mentioned to you. God spoke to Moses in words.
4|165|The Messengers were sent to give people the glad news (of God's mercy) and warn them (of His punishment) so that the human being would not have any objections against God, after the coming of the Messengers, (that they did not have any knowledge of His mercy and punishment). God is Majestic and All-wise.
4|166|God testifies that whatever He has revealed to you (Muhammad) He has revealed it on purpose and the angels also testify to it but God's testimony alone is Sufficient.
4|167|Those who have rejected the faith and have obstructed people from the way of God, have certainly gone far away from the right path.
4|168|God will not forgive those who have rejected the faith and committed injustice, nor will He guide them to any way
4|169|other than that of hell wherein they will live forever. For God this is not in the least bit difficult.
4|170|Mankind, the Messenger has come to you from your Lord in all Truth. It is for your own good to believe in him, but if you disbelieve, know that to God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. God is All-knowing and All-wise.
4|171|People of the Book, do not exceed the limits of devotion in your religion or say anything about God which is not the Truth. Jesus, son of Mary, is only a Messenger of God, His Word, and a spirit from Him whom He conveyed to Mary. So have faith in God and His Messengers. Do not say that there are three gods. It is better for you to stop believing in the Trinity. There is only One God. He is too glorious to give birth to a son. To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. God alone is a Sufficient Guardian for all.
4|172|Jesus never disdained the worship of God nor did the nearest angels to God. Whoever, out of pride, disdains the worship of God should know that everyone will be brought before Him.
4|173|The righteously striving believers will receive the reward for their deeds and extra favors from God. But those who disdain the worship of God out of pride will suffer the most painful torment. They will find no guardian or helper besides God.
4|174|Mankind, an undeniable proof has certainly come to you and We have sent you a shining light
4|175|Those who believe in God and seek His protection will receive His mercy, favors, and His guidance to the right path.
4|176|(Muhammad), they seek your verdict. Tell them, "God commands this concerning your kindred: If a man dies childless but has a sister, she will receive half of the legacy. If a woman dies childless, her brother will receive the whole legacy. If a childless man leaves only two sisters, both will receive two-thirds of the legacy. If the heirs are both sisters and brothers, the share of a male will be twice as much as the share of the female. God explains His Laws to you so that you will not go astray. God knows all things.
5|1|Believers, stand by your contracts (and obligations). Of all animals, cattle has been made lawful for you as food with certain exceptions. Hunting is not lawful for you during ihram (a part of the rituals during pilgrimage). God decrees as He wills.
5|2|Believers, do not disrespect the reminders of God, the sacred months, the animals brought for sacrifice, or what is marked for sacrificial offering or the people heading to the precinct of the Sacred House to seek the favor and pleasure of their Lord. Once the restrictions of ihram are over, you may hunt. Do not let the hostility of a group of people keep you away from the Sacred Mosque or make you express animosity. Co-operate with each other in righteousness and piety, not in sin and hostility. Have fear of God; He is stern in His retribution.
5|3|It is unlawful for you to consume the following as food: an animal that has not been properly slaughtered, blood, pork, an animal slaughtered and consecrated in the name of someone other than God, an animal killed by strangulation or a violent blow, an animal killed by falling down, an animal which has been gored to death, an animal partly eaten by a wild beast before being properly slaughtered, an animal which has been sacrificed on the stone blocks (which pagans worshipped), and any flesh divided by casting superstitious and gambling arrows (a pagan tradition), which is a sin. Today, the unbelievers have lost hope about your religion. Do not be afraid of them but have fear of Me. On this day I have perfected your religion, completed My favors to you, and have chosen Islam as your religion. If anyone not (normally) inclined to sin is forced by hunger to eat unlawful substances instead of proper food, he may do so to spare his life. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
5|4|(Muhammad), they ask you what has been made lawful for them (as food). Tell them, "All pure things are made lawful for you." If you train dogs or other beasts for hunting, you should train them according to what God has taught you. It, then, is lawful for you to eat the animals that they hunt, provided you mention the Name of God over the prey. Have fear of God. Certainly God's reckoning is swift.
5|5|On this day, all pure things are made lawful for you (as food). The food of the People of the Book is made lawful for you and your food is made lawful for them. It is lawful for you to marry chaste Muslim women and chaste women of the People of the Book, provided, you pay their dowry, maintain chastity, and avoid fornication or lustful relations outside of marriage. The deeds of anyone who rejects the faith, certainly, become fruitless. He will be of those who lose on the Day of Judgment.
5|6|Believers, when you are about to pray, wash your face and your hands along with the elbows and wipe your head and your feet to the ankles. If you experience a seminal discharge, manage to take (the required) bath. If you are sick, or on a journey, or have just defecated, or have had intercourse with women and cannot find any water, perform a tayammum by: touching clean natural earth with both palms and wiping (the upper part) of your face and (the back of) your hands. God does not want you to suffer hardship. He wants you to be purified. He wants to complete His favors to you so that perhaps you would give Him thanks.
5|7|Remember God's favors to you and the firm covenant that He has made with you. You said because of this covenant, "We have heard (the words of the Lord) and have obeyed Him." Have fear of God; He knows well all that the hearts contain.
5|8|Believers, be steadfast for the cause of God and just in bearing witness. Let not a group's hostility to you cause you to deviate from justice. Be just, for it is closer to piety. Have fear of God; God is Well Aware of what you do.
5|9|God has promised forgiveness and a great reward to the righteously striving believers.
5|10|However, the unbelievers who have called Our revelations lies will have hell for their dwelling.
5|11|Believers, recall God's favors to you when a group of people were about to harm you and God made their evil plots against you fail. Have fear of God. Believers, only trust in God.
5|12|God certainly made a solemn covenant with the children of Israel and raised among them twelve elders. God said to them, "I am with you if you will be steadfast in your prayers, pay (zakat) religious tax, believe in My Messengers, support them with reverence, and give a generous loan for the cause of God." We shall expiate your bad deeds and admit you to the gardens wherein streams flow. Whichever of you turns to disbelief after this has certainly gone astray (from the right path)."
5|13|For their disregard of their solemn covenant with God, We condemned the Israelites and made their hearts hard as stone. Now they displace the words of God and have forgotten their share of the guidance that they had received. Still you receive news of the treachery of all but a few of them. Forgive and ignore them. God loves the righteous ones.
5|14|We had made a solemn covenant with those who call themselves Christians, but they forgot their share of the guidance that was sent to them. We have induced hatred and animosity among them which will remain with them until the Day of Judgment when God will tell them about what they had done.
5|15|People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to you. He tells you about the many things that you had been hiding of the Book and forgives you much. A light and a clarifying Book has come to you from God
5|16|to show the way of peace to those who seek His pleasure, to bring them out of darkness into light through His will and to guide them to the right path.
5|17|Those who have said that the Messiah, son of Mary, is God, have, in fact, committed themselves to disbelief. (Muhammad), ask them, "Who can prevent God from destroying the Messiah, his mother and all that is in the earth?" To God belongs all that is in the heavens, the earth, and all that is between them. God creates whatever He wants and He has power over all things.
5|18|The Jews and Christians call themselves the beloved sons of God. (Muhammad), ask them, "Why does God punish you for your sins? In fact, you are mere human beings whom He has created. He forgives and punishes whomever He wants. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens, the earth, and all that is between them and to Him do all things return.
5|19|People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to you to guide you at a time when none of Our other Messengers are living among you. (We sent him) so that you will not complain about having no one to tell you of what is good or warn you of what is bad. Now a bearer of good news has come to you. God has power over all things.
5|20|When Moses told his people, "Recall God's favors to you. He made Messengers and Kings out of your own people and gave you what He had not given to others-
5|21|Enter the sacred promised land which God has designated for you. Do not return to disbelief lest you become lost".
5|22|They said, "Moses, a giant race of people is living there. We shall never go there unless they leave the land first. If they leave it then we will enter."
5|23|Two God-fearing men on whom God had bestowed favors told them, "Proceed through the gates and when you enter the city you will be victorious. Have trust in God if you are true believers".
5|24|They said, "(Moses), as long as they are in the land, we shall never go there. Go with your Lord to fight them but we shall stay where we are".
5|25|(Moses) said, "Lord, I can only speak for myself and my brother; keep us away from the evil-doers".
5|26|The Lord said, "The land will be prohibited to them for forty years (during all such time) they will wander in the land. Do not feel sad for the evil-doing people."
5|27|(Muhammad) tell them the true story of the two sons of Adam (Abel and Cain). Each one of them offered a sacrifice. God accepted the sacrifice of one of them (Abel) but not that of the other (Cain) who then said to his brother, "I shall certainly kill you." (Abel) replied, "God only accepts the offerings of the pious ones.
5|28|Even if you try to kill me, I certainly shall not try to kill you. I have fear of God, the Lord of the creation.
5|29|I would prefer you to take sole responsibility for both our sins and thus become a dweller of hell; this is what an unjust person deserves."
5|30|(Cain's) soul prompted him to kill his own brother. In doing so he became of those who lose.
5|31|God sent down a raven which started to dig up the earth to show the killer how to bury the corpse of his brother. On seeing the raven, (Cain) said, "Woe to me! Am I less able than a raven to bury the corpse of my brother?" He became greatly remorseful.
5|32|For this reason, We made it a law for the children of Israel that the killing of a person for reasons other than legal retaliation or for stopping corruption in the land is as great a sin as murdering all of mankind. However, to save a life would be as great a virtue as to save all of mankind. Our Messengers had come to them with clear authoritative evidence but many of them (Israelites) thereafter started doing wrong in the land.
5|33|The only proper recompense for those who fight against God and His Messenger and try to spread evil in the land is to be killed, crucified, or either to have one of their hands and feet cut from the opposite side or to be sent into exile. These are to disgrace them in this life and they will suffer a great torment in the life hereafter.
5|34|As for those who repent before you (the legal authorities) have control over them (by proving their guilts). They should know that God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
5|35|Believers, have fear of God. Find the means to reach Him and strive hard for His cause so that you may have everlasting happiness.
5|36|Had the unbelievers had twice as much as the wealth of the whole earth in order to ransom themselves from the torment in the life hereafter, still their ransom would not have been accepted. For them there will be a painful torment.
5|37|They will wish to get out of the fire but they will not have such a choice. Their torment will be constant.
5|38|Cut off the hands of a male or female thief as a punishment for their deed and a lesson for them from God. God is Majestic and All-wise.
5|39|However, God will accept the repentance of whoever repents and reforms himself after committing injustice; He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
5|40|Do you not know that to God belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and that He punishes or forgives whomever He wants? God has power over all things.
5|41|Messenger, do not be grieved about the people who run back to disbelief. They only say that they believe but, in fact, they have no faith in their hearts. Some Jews knowingly listen to lies and accept the lies which come from others, (Jews), who have no relation with you and who distort certain words of the Bible and say to the people, "Accept only those words which are the same as what We have told you. If you do not, then beware!" You can not help those whom God wants to try. God does not want to cleanse the hearts of such people. They lead a disgraceful life in this world and in the life hereafter they will suffer a great torment.
5|42|They deliberately listen to lies (for deceitful purposes) and live on usury. If they come to you (seeking your judgment to settle their differences), you may settle their disputes or keep aloof from them. Should you choose not to bother with them, it will not harm you in the least. If you decide to issue your decree, decide their case with justice. God loves those who are just.
5|43|How can they come to you for judgment when they already have the Torah which contains the decree of God! It does not take them long to disregard your judgment; they are not true believers.
5|44|We had revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light. The Prophets who had submitted themselves to the will of God, judged the Jews by the laws of the Torah. So did the godly people and the Jewish scholars who remembered some parts of the Book of God and bore witness to it. Mankind, do not be afraid of people but have fear of Me. Do not sell My revelations for a paltry price. Those who do not judge by the laws of God are disbelievers.
5|45|In the Torah We made mandatory for the Jews these rules of retaliation: Capital punishment for the murder of a person; an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and a just compensation for a wound. If the perpetrator is forgiven by the affected party, this will be an expiation of his crime. Those who do not judge according to what God has revealed are unjust.
5|46|We made Jesus, son of Mary, follow in the footsteps (of the earlier Prophets) and confirm what existed in the Torah in his time. We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, as a confirmation of the Torah and instruction and advice for the pious ones.
5|47|The followers of the Gospels (the New Testament) must judge according to what God has revealed in it. Those who do not judge by the laws of God are evil doers.
5|48|We have revealed the Book to you (Muhammad) in all Truth. It confirms the (original) Bible and has the authority to preserve or abrogate what the Bible contains. Judge among them by what God has revealed to you and do not follow their desires instead of the Truth which has come to you. We have given a law and a way of life to each of you. Had God wanted, He could have made you into one nation, but He wanted to see who are the more pious ones among you. Compete with each other in righteousness. All of you will return to God who will tell you the truth in the matter of your differences.
5|49|(Muhammad), you must judge among them by what God has revealed. Do not follow their desires. Beware of their mischievous deception concerning some of the matters that God has revealed to you. If they turn away, know that what God wants is to punish them for some of their sins. Many human beings are evil-doers.
5|50|Do they want judgments that are issued out of ignorance? Who is a better judge for the people whose belief is based on certainty, than God?
5|51|Believers, do not consider the Jews and Christians as your intimate friends for they are only friends with each other. Whoever does so will be considered as one of them. God does not guide the unjust people.
5|52|(Muhammad), you have seen those whose hearts are sick, running around among the people (Jews) saying, "We are afraid of being struck by disaster." But if God were to grant you victory or some other favors, they would then regret for what they had been hiding in their souls.
5|53|The believers say, "Are these the people who proclaimed themselves to be our sworn friends?" Their deeds have become devoid of all virtue and they themselves have become lost.
5|54|Believers, whichever of you turns away from his faith should know that God will soon raise a people whom He loves and who love Him, who are humble towards the believers, dignified to the unbelievers, who strive hard for the cause of God, and who have no fear of anyone's accusations. This is a favor from God. He bestows His favors upon whomever He wants. God is Munificent and All-knowing.
5|55|Only God, His Messenger, and the true believers who are steadfast in prayer and pay alms, while they kneel during prayer, are your guardians.
5|56|One whose guardians are God, His Messenger, and the true believers should know that God's party will certainly triumph.
5|57|Believers, do not consider those among the People of the Book and the unbelievers who mock at your religion and treat it as useless, as your protectors. Have fear of God if you are true believers.
5|58|Because they are devoid of understanding, they ridicule your call for prayers saying that it is a useless act.
5|59|(Muhammad), say to the People of the Book, "Do you take revenge on us because of our belief in God and what He has revealed to us and to others before us? Most of you are evil-doers".
5|60|Say, "Should I tell you who will receive the worst punishment from God? Those whom God has condemned, afflicted with His anger, made apes out of them, swine and worshippers of Satan, will have the worst dwelling and will wander far away from the right path."
5|61|When they come to you (believers), they say, "We have accepted your faith." However, they entered into your faith as unbelievers and left it as unbelievers. God knows best what they were hiding.
5|62|You can see many of them competing with each other in sin, hostility, and in taking usury. What they had been doing is certainly evil.
5|63|Why did the men of God and rabbis not forbid them from following their sinful words and their consuming of unlawful gains. Evil was their (rabbis and priests) profession!
5|64|The Jews have said, "God's hands are bound." May they themselves be handcuffed and condemned for what they have said! God's hands are free and He distributes His favors to His creatures however He wants. The rebellion and disbelief of many of them will be intensified against you because of what has been revealed to you from your Lord. We have induced hostility and hatred among them which will remain with them up until the Day of Judgment. Whenever they kindle the fire of war, God extinguishes it. They try to destroy the land but God does not love the evil-doers.
5|65|Had the People of the Book accepted the faith and observed piety, certainly, We would have redeemed their bad deeds and admitted them into a blissful Paradise.
5|66|Had they followed the Laws of the Old and New Testaments and what was revealed to them from their Lord, they would have received Our bounties from above and below in abundance. Some of them are modest people, but many of them commit the worst sins.
5|67|Messenger, preach what is revealed to you from your Lord. If you will not preach, it would be as though you have not conveyed My message. God protects you from men. He does not guide the unbelieving people.
5|68|(Muhammad), tell the People of the Book, "You have nothing unless you follow the Old and New Testaments and that which (the Quran) God has revealed to you." Whatever has been revealed to you (Muhammad) from your Lord will only increase their disbelief and rebellion (against you). Do not grieve for the unbelieving people.
5|69|The believers, Jews, Sabaeans, and the Christians who believe in God and the Day of Judgment and who do what is right will have nothing to fear nor will they be grieved.
5|70|We made a covenant with the Israelites and sent Messengers to them. Whenever a Messenger came to them with a message which did not suit their desires, they would reject some of the Messengers and kill others.
5|71|They were blind and deaf in their pride, thinking themselves (to be the chosen nation of God) and thus safe from calamities. God forgave them but many of them out, of pride, again became blind and deaf. God is Well Aware of what they do.
5|72|Those who say that Jesus, the son of Mary, is God, have, in fact, turned to disbelief. Jesus said to the Israelites, "Worship God, my Lord and yours. God will deprive anyone who considers anything equal to God of Paradise and his dwelling will be fire. The unjust people have no helpers."
5|73|Those who say that God is the third of the Three, have, in fact, turned to disbelief. There is no Lord but God, the only One Lord. If they will not give-up such belief, the disbelievers among them will suffer a painful torment.
5|74|Should they not repent and ask Him for forgiveness? God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
5|75|Jesus, the son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger before whom there lived many other Messengers. His mother was a truthful woman and both of them ate earthly food. Consider how We explain the evidence (of the Truth) to them and see where they then turn.
5|76|(Muhammad), say to them, "Do you worship things besides God which can neither harm or benefit you?" It is only God who is All-hearing and All-knowing.
5|77|Say to the People of the Book, "Do not wrongly exceed the proper limit of devotion to your religion or follow the desires of the people who have erred. They have misled many others and have themselves stayed far away from the right path.
5|78|The unbelievers among the Israelites, because of their disobedience and transgression, were condemned by David and Jesus, the son of Mary for their disobedience; they were transgressors.
5|79|They did not prevent each other from committing sins nor would they themselves stay away from them. Evil was what they had done!
5|80|You have seen many of them establishing friendship with the unbelievers. Vile is what their souls have gained! They have invoked the wrath of God upon themselves and they will live forever in torment.
5|81|Had they had faith in God, the Prophet, and what was revealed to him, they would not have been the friends of the unbelievers. However, many of them are evil-doers.
5|82|You find Jews and pagans among the worst of the enemies of the believers. (Of the non-believers) nearest to them (the believers) in affection you find those who say, "We are Christians," for among them are the priests and monks who are not proud.
5|83|When they hear what is revealed to the Messenger, you can see their eyes flood with tears, as they learn about the Truth. They say, "Lord, we believe (in this faith). Write our names down as bearing witness to it.
5|84|Why should we not believe in God and the Truth that has come to us and hope that the Lord will admit us into the company of the righteous people?"
5|85|Thus, God has given them as their reward, gardens wherein streams flow and wherein they will live forever. Such will be the recompense of the righteous people.
5|86|Those who disbelieved and denied Our revelations will be the dwellers of Hell.
5|87|Believers, do not make unlawful the pure things which God has made lawful for you. Do not transgress for God does not love the transgressors.
5|88|Eat from the pure and lawful things that God has given to you. Have fear of God in Whom you believe.
5|89|God will not hold you responsible for your thoughtless oaths. However, He will question you about your deliberate oaths. The expiation for breaking an oath is to feed ten needy people with food, typical of that which you feed to your own people, to clothe them or to set a slave free. One who cannot pay this, he must fast for three days to expiate his oaths. Keep your oaths. Thus, does God explain His Laws so that you will give Him thanks.
5|90|Believers, wine, gambling, the stone altars and arrows (that the pagans associate with certain divine characters) are all abominable acts associated with satanic activities. Avoid them so that you may have everlasting happiness.
5|91|Satan wants to induce hostility and hatred among you through wine and gambling and to prevent you from remembering God and prayer. Will you then avoid such things?
5|92|Obey God and the Messenger and be cautious (of the harmful things). If you turn away (from Our laws), know that the duty of the Messenger is only to preach in clear words.
5|93|The righteously striving believers will not be blamed for what they have eaten, if they maintain piety, do good deeds, have faith, and be charitable. God loves the generous people.
5|94|Believers, God will test you (to see the strength of your obedience) concerning what you hunt by hand or spear, so that He would know who has fear of Him in private. Whoever transgresses will suffer a painful torment.
5|95|Believers, do not hunt when you are in the holy precinct. Whichever of you purposely kills game in the holy precinct has to offer, as an expiation, a sacrifice in the holy precinct which two just people among you would consider equal to the prey or food to a destitute person or has to fast (for an appointed time) to bear the burden of the penalty for his deed. God forgives whatever was done in the past, but He will take revenge on whoever returns to transgression, for He is Majestic and Capable of taking revenge.
5|96|It is lawful for you to hunt from the sea and to eat seafood. This is for your benefit and for the benefit of travellers. However, it is not lawful for you to hunt on land as long as you are in the sacred precinct. Have fear of God before whom you will all be raised.
5|97|God has made the Kabah, the Sacred House, the sacred months, the unmarked and marked sacrificial animals for the welfare of men and in order to inform you that God knows all that is in the heavens and the earth. He has the knowledge of all things.
5|98|Know that God is stern in His retribution and He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
5|99|The duty of the Messenger is only to preach. God knows what you reveal or hide.
5|100|(Muhammad), say to them, "The pure and filthy are not the same even though the abundance of filth may attract you. Men of reason, have fear of God so that you may have eternal happiness."
5|101|Believers, do not ask about things which, if revealed to you, would disappoint you. If you ask about such things when the Prophet is receiving revelations, they will also be revealed to you. God has exempted you (from the responsibilities of the things you wanted to know). He is All-forgiving and Forbearing.
5|102|People living before you had asked about such things, but then rejected them.
5|103|God has not instituted the rites of Bahirah, Sa'ibah, Wasilah, nor of Hami (names of certain animals that the pagans would offer as sacrifice). It is the pagans who have attributed falsehood to God. Many of them have no understanding.
5|104|When they are told to refer to the guidance of God and to the Messenger, they say, "The tradition of our fathers is sufficient for our guidance," even though, in fact, their fathers had neither knowledge nor proper guidance.
5|105|Believers, save your own souls, for if you have the right guidance, no one who strays can harm you. You will all return to God who will tell you about what you have done.
5|106|Believers, when death approaches any one of you, let two just men from your own people (Muslims) or any two other men (People of the Book) if death befalls you on a journey, bear witness to the bequest. If you have any doubts as to their honesty, detain them and let them take an oath after the prayer, each one of them saying, "I swear by God that my testimony is true. I am not selling the Truth for a paltry price even though the beneficiary would be one of my relatives. I do not hide the testimony which is the right of God, for then I would be one of the sinners."
5|107|If their honesty is challenged, two others from the relatives of the deceased should swear in the same way and testify to the bequest saying, "We swear by God that our testimony is the true one. We do not transgress in the matter lest we become unjust ones."
5|108|This will help preserve a proper testimony because the witness will be afraid of the denial of their own testimony by a second pair of witness. Have fear of God and listen (properly). God does not guide the evil doing people.
5|109|Have fear of the day when God will bring all the Messengers together and ask them, "What was the response of men to your call?" They will reply, "We have no knowledge. You are the only One who has knowledge of the unseen."
5|110|When God said, "Jesus, son of Mary, recall My favors to you and your mother. (Recall) how I supported you by the holy spirit, made you speak to people from your cradle and when you grew up, taught you the Book, gave you wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. (Recall) when, by My will, you made a sculpture of a bird out of clay, blew into it, and it turned into a real bird by My Will. (Recall) how, by My will, you healed the deaf, the lepers, and raised the dead. (Recall) when you came to the Israelites in the house with clear miracles and I saved you from their mischief, even though the disbelievers among them said, "This is obviously magic".
5|111|(Recall) when I inspired the disciples to have faith in Me and My Messenger. They said, "We have accepted the faith. Lord, bear witness that we have submitted ourselves to Your will"
5|112|(Recall) when the disciples said, "Jesus, son of Mary, can your Lord send us a table full of food from heaven?" and you replied, "Have fear of God if you are true believers".
5|113|They said, "We only wish to eat therefrom to comfort our hearts, to know that you have spoken the Truth to us, and to bear witness to it along with the others."
5|114|When Jesus prayed, "Lord, send us a table full of food from heaven so that it will make a feast for us and for those who are yet to come in this world and an evidence from You. Give us sustenance, for You are the best Provider,"
5|115|God replied, "I am sending it to you, but if anyone of you turns back to disbelief, I will make him suffer a torment that no one has ever suffered."
5|116|When God asked Jesus, son of Mary "Did you tell men to consider you and your mother as their gods besides God?" he replied, "Glory be to you! How could I say what I have no right to say? Had I ever said it, You would have certainly known about it. You know what is in my soul, but I do not know what is in Yours. It is You who has absolute knowledge of the unseen.
5|117|"I did not tell them anything except what You commanded me to tell them. I told them that they must worship God who is everyone's Lord. I watched them as long as I was among them until You raised me to Yourself and You Yourself had also watched over them; You are Omnipresent.
5|118|You may punish Your servants or forgive them for You are Majestic and Wise."
5|119|God will say, "This is the Day when the truthful ones will benefit from their truthfulness. For them there are gardens wherein streams flow and they will live therein forever. God is pleased with them and they will be pleased with God in their supreme triumph.
5|120|To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them and He has power over all things.
6|1|Only God Who has created the heavens, the earth, darkness, and light deserves all praise. The disbelievers consider other things equal to Him.
6|2|It is He who has created you from clay to live for a life-time and the span of your life is only known to Him. You are still suspicious!.
6|3|He is God of the heavens and the earth and He knows whatever you conceal, reveal, or gain.
6|4|(The unbelievers) have always turned away from the revelations and the evidence (of the Truth) that has been sent to them from time to time.
6|5|They have refused the Truth (Muhammad's message) that has come to them but they will soon learn the consequences of their mocking.
6|6|Why do they not consider how many generations living before them We have destroyed. We established those nations in the land with abilities far beyond those given to you. We sent down plenty of rain from the sky for them and made streams flow therein, but, then, We destroyed them for their sins and established other nations after them.
6|7|(Muhammad), had We sent you a Book on paper, the unbelievers would have touched it with their hands but would still have said, "It is no more than plain sorcery".
6|8|They have said, "Why has not an angel come to him (Muhammad)?" Had We sent an angel to them, the matter would have inevitably been out of their hands, and they would have been given no more time.
6|9|Were We to have made him (Our Messenger) an angel, We would have made him resemble a human being and they would have again complained that the matter was as confusing to them as it is to them now.
6|10|They mocked the Messengers who lived before you (Muhammad), but those who received warnings of punishment and mocked the warnings, all suffered their torments accordingly.
6|11|(Muhammad), tell them to travel in the land and see what happened to those who rejected the Truth.
6|12|Ask them, "Who is the owner of the heavens and the earth besides God, the All-merciful, who will gather you all together on the Day of Judgment? That day will certainly come. Those who have lost their souls will not believe.
6|13|To Him belongs all that rests during the night and the day. He is All-hearing and All-knowing."
6|14|(Muhammad), ask them, "Should I take a guardian other than God, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, who feeds everyone and who needs no food Himself?" Say, "I have been commanded to be the first Muslim (submitted to the will of God). Thus, people, do not be pagans."
6|15|(Muhammad), say, "Because of the torment of the Great Day, I am afraid to disobey my Lord".
6|16|One who will be saved from the torment on the Day of Judgment will certainly have received God's mercy and this will be a manifest triumph.
6|17|(Muhammad), if God afflicts you with hardship, no one besides Him will be able to relieve you. If He bestows a favor on you, know that He has power over all things.
6|18|He is Wise, Well Aware and Dominant over all His creatures.
6|19|(Muhammad), ask them, "What is the greatest testimony? God testifies of my truthfulness to you. He has revealed this Quran to me to warn you and the coming generations (against disobeying God). Do you believe that other gods exist besides God? I solemnly declare that He is the only Lord and that I am not guilty of believing in what the pagans believe."
6|20|The People of the Book know him (Muhammad) just as well as they know their own children, but those who have lost their souls will not believe.
6|21|Who are more unjust than those who ascribe falsehood to God or reject His revelations? The unjust will certainly have no happiness.
6|22|On the Day of Judgment when We will gather all people together, We will ask the pagans, "Where are those whom you believed to be your gods?"
6|23|Attempting to answer, they will say, "Lord, we swear by Your Name that we were not pagans".
6|24|Consider, how they have lied against their own souls and have lost their gods.
6|25|Some of them listen to you, but We have veiled their hearts so that they cannot understand and made them deaf. They disbelieve all the evidence (of Our existence) that they may have seen. They only come to you for the sake of argument and the disbelievers say that (whatever Muhammad says) is no more than ancient legends.
6|26|They keep away from the faith and forbid others to accept it. They destroy no one except themselves, yet they do not realize it.
6|27|If only you could see them standing in the fire saying, "Would that we could return to the worldly life. We would never reject any of our Lord's revelations and we would be true believers."
6|28|Whatever they had concealed will be revealed to them. If they were to return to (the worldly life), they would again worship idols, for they are liars.
6|29|They have said that this life is the only life and that there will be no Resurrection.
6|30|Would that you could see them standing before their Lord who would ask them, "Is not the Resurrection true?" They would reply, "Yes, Lord, there is a Resurrection." The Lord would then say, "For your disbelief, suffer the torment."
6|31|Those who do not believe in the Day of Judgment have incurred upon themselves a great loss. When the Day of Judgment suddenly comes upon them, they will sink under the burden of their sins in grief for their neglecting that day. Terrible indeed will be their burden!
6|32|The worldly life is but useless amusement and sport (compared to) the life hereafter which is far better and is only for the pious. Will you not then understand?
6|33|We certainly know that you (Muhammad) are sad about what they (the unbelievers) say. It is not you (alone) who has been accused of lying. The unjust have always rejected God's revelations.
6|34|The Messengers who lived before you were also accused of lying, but they exercised patience. They were cruelly persecuted before We gave them victory. No one can change the words of God. You have already received news about the Messengers.
6|35|(Muhammad), if their refusal of the faith is so grievous to you and if you can dig up the earth or ascend into the sky in search of further evidence to inevitably make them believe you, you should have done so, but note that had God wanted, He could have made them all follow the same guidance. Do not ever be unaware (of this fact).
6|36|Only those who have understanding will accept your faith. (Those who have no understanding) are like the dead whom God will resurrect and to Him will all return.
6|37|They say, "Why have not some miracles been given to him, (Muhammad), from his Lord." Tell them, (Muhammad), "God certainly has the Power to show such miracles but many of them are ignorant."
6|38|All the beasts on land and flying birds have different communities, just as you (people) do. Nothing is left without a mention in the Book. They will all be brought into the presence of their Lord.
6|39|Those who disbelieve Our revelations are, in fact, deaf and dumb. They wander in darkness. God leads astray or guides to the right path whomever He wants.
6|40|(Muhammad), say to them, "Should God afflict you with torment, or should the Day of Judgment arrive, if what you claim is true, could you then seek help from any one other than God?
6|41|You will certainly ask Him for help. He will save you from hardship if He decides to do so and you will forget all about your gods."
6|42|We had sent (Our guidance) to the nations who lived before you and afflicted them with distress and adversity so that they might submit themselves (to God).
6|43|Why did they not submit themselves (to God) when Our torment struck them. Instead, their hearts were hardened and Satan made their evil deeds seem attractive to them.
6|44|When they forgot (all) the advice that they had received, We granted them all means of happiness but they were left in despair when We suddenly took Our bounties back from them.
6|45|Thus, the transgressing people were destroyed. It is only God, the Lord of creation who deserves all praise.
6|46|(Muhammad), ask them, "Have you ever considered that if God was to disable your hearing and vision and veil your hearts, could anyone besides Him restore them?" Look at how plainly We show them the evidence (of the Truth) but they always ignore it.
6|47|Tell them, "Have you considered that if God's torment was to befall you suddenly or in public, would anyone else be destroyed except the unjust?"
6|48|We did not send the Messengers for any other reason than to bring (people) the glad news (of God's mercy) and to warn (them of the torment brought on by disobedience to God). Whoever accepts the faith and lives a righteous life will have nothing to fear, nor will he be grieved.
6|49|Those who reject Our revelations will certainly be punished for their evil deeds.
6|50|(Muhammad), tell them, "I do not claim to have all the treasures of God in my hands, nor to know the unseen, nor do I claim to be an angel. I follow only what is revealed to me (from God)." Say to them, "Are the blind and the seeing equal?" Why then do you not think?
6|51|Preach the Quran to those who are concerned about the Day of Judgment at which time they will be brought before their Lord. Tell them that their only guardian and intercessor is God so that they may become pious.
6|52|Do not disregard those who pray to their Lord in the mornings and evenings, seeking their Lord's pleasure. You will not be held responsible for them nor will they be held responsible for you. Do not disregard them lest you become unjust.
6|53|We test some of them by the conditions of the others so that the rich and proud ones (seeing your poor and humble followers) would say, "Are these the ones from among all of us whom God has chosen to favor?" Does not God know those who give thanks (much better than others do).
6|54|When the faithful come to you, say to them, "Peace be upon you. Your Lord has decreed for Himself to be All-merciful. Anyone of you who commits a sin out of ignorance, then repents, and reforms himself will find that God is All-forgiving and All-merciful."
6|55|Thus do We explain Our revelations so that the sinful way can be plainly discerned.
6|56|(Muhammad), tell them, "I am commanded not to worship the idols instead of God. I do not follow your desires lest I go astray and miss the true guidance"
6|57|Say, "I have received enough authoritative evidence from my Lord but you have rejected it. Whatever (torment that God has threatened you with for your disbelief) and that which you insist on to experience without delay, is not in my hands. The (final) Judgment is in the hands of God. He reveals the Truth and He is the best Judge.
6|58|Say, "If I had in my hands what you demand to experience without delay, the matter would have been ended all together. God knows best about the unjust."
6|59|He has with Him the keys to the unseen which no one knows besides Him. He knows all that is in the land and the sea. Not a single leaf falls which He would not know. No single seed exists even in the darkest places of the land, nor anything in the world either wet or dry, that is not kept recorded in the self-evident Book (the tablet preserved in the heavens).
6|60|It is He who keeps you alive in your sleep at night and knows all that you do during the day. He wakes you up from your sleep to complete your worldly life, after which you will all return to Him. He will let you know all about what you had done in your worldly life.
6|61|He is Dominant over all His creatures and He sends guards to watch over you until death approaches you. Then His angelic Messengers will, without fail, take away your souls.
6|62|(After death) you will all be returned to God, your true Guardian. Know that judgment will be in His Hands and that His reckoning is swift.
6|63|(Muhammad), ask them, "Who would save you from the darkness of the land and sea if you were to pray humbly and secretly saying, 'Would that we were saved from this, for we would certainly then give thanks".
6|64|Say, "It is God who always saves you from (such hardship) and from all kinds of distress. Even then, you consider idols equal to God."
6|65|Say, "God has the power to send torment on you from above or below your feet, or to divide you into different groups quite hostile to one another, and make you suffer from each other's animosity." Consider how plainly We show them a variety of evidence (of the Truth) so that they may have understanding.
6|66|(Some of) your people have rejected the Quran, although it is the Truth. Tell them that you are not their guardian
6|67|and that for every prophecy (about you which comes from God) there is an appointed time (to come true) and that they will soon experience it.
6|68|When you see people mocking Our revelations, turn away from them so that they may change the subject. If Satan causes you to forget this, do not sit with the unjust people when you remember.
6|69|But those who observe piety (commit no sin) by sitting with the (unbelievers) in order to preach (the Truth) so that they, too, may become pious.
6|70|(Muhammad), leave alone those to whom their religion is no more than a useless plaything and who are deceived by the lure of the worldly life. Remind them of Our revelation so that a soul will not bring about its own destruction because of its deeds. No one besides God will be its guardian or intercessor, nor will any kind of ransom be accepted from it. Those who have entangled themselves in their evil deeds will drink boiling water and live in painful torment for their hiding the Truth.
6|71|Say to them, "Should we, instead of asking for God's help, seek help from that which can neither benefit nor harm us, but would only turn us back to disbelief after God had granted us guidance? To do so would be to act like (those who have been) seduced by Satan, leaving them wandering aimlessly here and there, even though their friends call them, 'Come to the right guidance that has come to us.' " Say, "God's guidance is the only true guidance and we are commanded to submit ourselves to the Lord of the Universe.
6|72|Be steadfast in prayer and have fear of God; before Him alone you will all be brought together.
6|73|It is He Who has created the heavens and the earth for a genuine purpose. When He commands the Day of Judgment to take place, it will come into existence. His Word is the Truth. The kingdom will be His alone on the day when the trumpet will be sounded. He has all knowledge of the unseen as well as the seen. He is All-wise and All-aware.
6|74|Consider when Abraham asked his father, Azar, "Why do you believe idols to be your gods? I find you and your people in absolute error".
6|75|Also, We showed (Abraham) the kingdom of the heavens and the earth to strengthen his faith.
6|76|When it became dark at night, he (Abraham) saw a star and said, "This is my lord." But when it disappeared, he said, "I do not love those who fade away".
6|77|When Abraham saw the rising moon, he said, "This is my lord." But when it faded away, he said, "If my Lord does not guide me I shall certainly go astray."
6|78|When he saw the rising sun, he said, "This is my Lord for it is greater (than the others)." But when this too faded away, (Abraham) said, "My people, I disavow whatever you consider equal to God.
6|79|I have up-rightly submitted myself to the One who has created the heavens and the earth and I am not an idol worshipper."
6|80|In an argument with his people, (Abraham) asked them, "Why do you argue with me about God who has given me guidance? Your idols can do no harm to me unless God wills. God knows all things. Why, then, do you not consider this?
6|81|Why should I be afraid of your idols when you are not afraid of worshipping them without any authority from heaven? Would that you knew which of us is more deserving to receive amnesty".
6|82|Those who have accepted the faith and have kept it pure from injustice, have achieved security and guidance.
6|83|Such was the authoritative reasoning that We gave Abraham over his people. We raise whomever We want to a higher rank. Your Lord is All-wise and All-knowing.
6|84|We gave (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob. Both had received Our guidance. Noah received Our guidance before Abraham and so did his descendants: David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron. Thus is the reward for the righteous people.
6|85|We also gave guidance to Zacharias, John, Jesus, and Elias, who were all pious people,
6|86|and Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah, and Lot whom We exalted over all people.
6|87|From their fathers, descendants, and brothers, We chose (certain) people and guided them to the right path.
6|88|Such is the guidance of God by which He guides whichever of His servants He wants. If people worship idols, their deeds will be turned devoid of all virtue.
6|89|These were the people to whom We gave the Book, Authority, and Prophesy. If some people do not accept Our guidance, it should not grieve you, (Muhammad), for We have made others who accept and protect Our guidance.
6|90|We had guided the Prophets. (Muhammad), follow their guidance and say (to the people), "I do not ask any reward for what I have preached to you. It is my duty to awaken the world."
6|91|They have no true respect of God when they say, "God has not sent anything to a mortal being." (Muhammad), tell them, "Who revealed the Book containing a light and guidance for the people which Moses brought? You wrote down only some parts of the original on paper and hid much, even after having learnt from it, that which neither you nor your fathers knew." Tell them, "God has (revealed the Quran)," and then leave them alone to pursue their useless investigations.
6|92|We have blessed this Book (the Quran) and revealed it to confirm that which was revealed to the Prophets who lived before you and to warn the people of the mother land (Mecca) and those living around it. Those who believe in the Day of Judgment accept this and are steadfast in their prayers.
6|93|Who are more unjust than those who ascribe lies to God or say that God has sent them revelations when nothing has been sent to them, or those who say that they can also bring down (from heaven) a book like that which God has revealed? Would that you could see the unjust in the agonies of death when the angels will come forward with their hands outstretched to take their souls out of their bodies and say, "This is the day when you will face humiliating torment for the falsehood that you ascribed to God and for your contemptuously disregarding of His revelations."
6|94|God will say, "You have come to Us alone just as We created you at first. You have left behind all those whom We made your friends and We do not see with you any of the intercessors whom you believed to be your partners. Your relations with them have certainly been destroyed and your belief in them has left you (in the dark)."
6|95|It is God who makes all kinds of seeds grow, brings forth the living from the dead, and the dead from the living. It is God who does such things, so how can you turn away from Him?
6|96|It is He who kindles the light of dawn, and has made the night for you to rest, and the sun and moon as a means of calculation. This is the design of the Majestic and All-knowing God.
6|97|It is God who created the stars so that you could find your way thereby in the darkness of the land and sea. We have explained Our evidence to the people of knowledge.
6|98|It is He who has created you from a single soul. Some of you are settled (on earth) and some are still in the depository system of (their parents). We have shown the evidence (of Our existence) to the people who understand.
6|99|It is He who has sent water down from the sky to let all kinds of plants grow; the vegetables with accumulated grains; palm-trees from which appear clusters of dates within easy reach; vineyards, olive groves, and pomegranates of all types. See the fruits when they are growing and when they are ripe. This, too, is evidence (of the existence of God) for those who believe.
6|100|(Some) people considered the jinn to be equal to God even though God created them and they unknowingly ascribed to Him children, both boys and girls. God is too glorious to have the attributes which they ascribe to Him.
6|101|How could the One Who is the Originator of the heavens and the earth and who has no companion, have a son? He created all things and has absolute knowledge of all things.
6|102|He is God your Lord. There is no God but He. He has created all things. Worship Him for He is the Guardian of all things.
6|103|No mortal eyes can see Him, but He can see all eyes. He is All-kind and All-aware.
6|104|(Muhammad), tell them, "Clear proofs have certainly come to you from your Lord. Whoever tries to understand it will gain much but those who ignore it will only harm themselves. I am not (supposed) to watch over you (all the time)".
6|105|Thus do We explain Our revelations to them. Let them say,"You have learned (those statements) from other people." We want to explain Our revelations only to those who have knowledge.
6|106|(Muhammad), follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord; there is no God but He, and stay away from pagans.
6|107|Had God wanted, they would not consider anything equal to Him. God has not appointed you to watch over them nor are you their guardian.
6|108|Believers, do not say bad words against the idols lest they (pagans) in their hostility and ignorance say such words against God. We have made every nation's deeds seem attractive to them. One day they will all return to their Lord who will inform them of all that they have done.
6|109|The unbelievers solemnly swear by God that if they were to be shown some miracle, they would certainly believe. (Muhammad), tell them, "Only with God are all the miracles." Even if a miracle was to take place, they still would not believe.
6|110|We will turn their hearts and vision away (from a miracle); they did not have faith (in miracles) at the first time, and We will leave them blind in their rebellion.
6|111|Had We sent the angels to them, made the dead speak to them, and resurrected all things before their very eyes, they still would not believe unless God willed it to be so. But, in fact, most of them ignore (the evidence).
6|112|We have made devilish enemies for every Prophet from among people and jinn. They whisper attractive but and deceitful words to each other. Had your Lord wanted, the devils would not have seduced people. Keep away from them and the falsehood which they invent.
6|113|Let those who do not believe in the Day of Judgment listen to the deceitful words with pleasure and indulge in whatever sins they want.
6|114|(Muhammad), say, "Should I seek any judge other than God? It is He Who has revealed this Book (Quran) to you with all its intricate details." Those to whom We have given the Bible know that the Quran has been revealed to you from your Lord in all Truth. Thus, you (people) must have no doubts about it.
6|115|(After having revealed the Quran to you) in all truth and justice, your Lord's Word has been completed. No one can change His Words. He is All-hearing and All-knowing.
6|116|Most of the people in the land will lead you away from God's guidance if you follow them; they only follow their own conjecture and preach falsehood.
6|117|Your Lord knows best those who have gone astray from His path and those who are rightly guided.
6|118|If you have faith in God's revelations, eat the flesh of the animal which has been slaughtered with a mention of His Name.
6|119|Why should you not eat such flesh when God has told you in detail what is unlawful to eat under normal conditions. Most people, out of ignorance, are led astray by their desires. Your Lord knows best those who transgress.
6|120|Stay away from both public and secret sins for a sinner will suffer for whatever he has committed.
6|121|Do not eat the flesh of an animal which has been slaughtered without a mention of the Name of God; it is a sinful deed. Satan teaches his friends to argue with you. If you obey them, you will certainly be idol worshippers.
6|122|Can the dead to whom We have given life and light so that they may walk among the people, be considered equal to those who can never come out of darkness? The deeds of the unbelievers are made to seem attractive to them.
6|123|In every town We have placed some sinful leaders who always make evil plans. These plans will only work against their own souls but they do not realize this.
6|124|When a miracle is shown to them, they say, "We will not believe unless we are shown a miracle like that shown to the messengers of God." God knows best whom to appoint as His Messenger. The sinful ones are worthless in the sight of God and they deserve a severe punishment for their evil plans.
6|125|God will open the hearts of whomever He wants to guide to Islam, but He will tighten the chest of one whom He has led astray, as though he was climbing high up into the sky. Thus, God places wickedness on those who do not accept the faith.
6|126|This is the path of your Lord and it is straight. We have explained Our revelations to those who take heed.
6|127|They will live in peace with God. God protects them as a reward for their deeds; He is their Guardian.
6|128|On the day when every one will be resurrected and the jinn will be told that they have made many people go astray, their friends from among people will say, "Lord, we benefitted from each other until death approached us." They will be told that their dwelling will be fire wherein they will live forever unless God wills it to be otherwise. Your Lord is All-wise and All-knowing.
6|129|Thus do We make the unjust friends of one another because of their evil deeds.
6|130|When people and jinn are asked, "Did not Messengers from your own people come to you to convey Our revelations and to warn you of the Day of Resurrection?" They will reply, "(Yes indeed)." The worldly life deceived them. They will testify that they were unbelievers.
6|131|Your Lord did not want to destroy the towns, unjustly, without informing their inhabitants (of His guidance).
6|132|People's deeds are of different degrees and your Lord is not unaware of what people do.
6|133|Your Lord is Self-sufficient and Merciful. Had He wanted, He could have destroyed you and replaced you by other people, just as He had created you from the offspring of others.
6|134|Whatever you are promised will inevitably come true and you can do nothing to prevent it.
6|135|(Muhammad), tell your people, "I shall do whatever I can and you may do whatever you want, but you will soon know who will be victorious. It is certain that the unjust will never have happiness."
6|136|They set aside a share of the left-overs of their farming produce and cattle saying, "This is for God and that is for the idols." God does not receive the share of the idols but the share of God is given totally to the idols. How terrible is their decision!
6|137|To many of the pagans, the murder of their children was made to seem attractive by the idols. This led them (the pagans) to confusion in their religion and to face their own destruction. Had God wanted, they would not have murdered their children. Keep away from them and their evil gains.
6|138|They, (the pagans), have said that their cattle and farms are dedicated to private idols and that no one can consume (the produce) except those whom We wanted, in their opinion. They prohibited the riding of certain animals and they ate the flesh of certain animals slaughtered without a mention of the Name of God. Instead, they ascribed falsehood to Him. They will all be given an evil recompense for their sinful invention.
6|139|They have also said, "Whatever exists in the wombs of these animals belongs to our people alone and it is not lawful for our women." However, if they are born dead, then everyone will have a share. God will give them what they deserve for (their unjust laws). God is All-merciful and All-knowing.
6|140|Those who foolishly and ignorantly murdered their children, ascribed falsehood to God and made unlawful what He had given to them for their sustenance, have certainly lost much. They had gone far away from the right guidance.
6|141|It is He who has created all kinds of gardens, those raised on trellises and those without, palm-trees and the crops of different seasons, and olives and pomegranates of all types. You may eat their fruits that they produce but pay God's share on the harvest day. Do not be excessive for God does not love those who are excessive.
6|142|God has created animals, both small and large. Eat from what God has given you for your sustenance and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is your sworn enemy.
6|143|(Supposing) that there are eight pairs of cattle, two pairs of sheep, and two pairs of goats. Tell Me (which is lawful and which is not)? Are the two males unlawful (to eat) or the two females or those that are in the wombs of the females? If you are truthful, then, answer Me exactly.
6|144|Of the two pairs of camels and cows, are the males unlawful (to eat) or the females or that which exists in the wombs of the females? Were you present when God commanded you to do this? Who are more unjust than those who ascribe falsehood to God and out of ignorance make others go astray? God does not guide the unjust.
6|145|(Muhammad), tell them, "I do not find anything which has been made unlawful to eat in what has been revealed to me except carrion, blood flowing from the body, pork [for pork is absolutely filthy] and the flesh of the animals slaughtered without the mention of the name of God. However, in an emergency, when one does not have any intention of rebelling or transgressing against the law, your Lord will be All-forgiving and All-merciful.
6|146|We made unlawful for the Jews all the claw-footed animals, fat of the cows, sheep and goats except what is found on their backs, intestines and whatever is mixed with their bones. Thus, did We recompense them for their rebellion and We are certainly truthful.
6|147|They reject you. (Muhammad), tell them, "Your Lord's mercy is completely overwhelming, but no one can save the sinful from His wrath."
6|148|The pagans will say, "Had God wanted, we would not have worshipped idols, nor would our fathers, nor would we have made anything unlawful." Others before them had also spoken such lies until they experienced the severity of Our wrath. (Muhammad), ask them, "Do you possess any knowledge? If so, tell us about it. You follow only conjectures and preach falsehood."
6|149|Say, "Final authority belongs only to God. Had He wanted, He would have given you all guidance".
6|150|Ask them to call their witness who will testify that God has made certain things unlawful. Even if they do testify, do not testify with them. Do not follow the desires of those who have rejected Our revelations and the pagans who do not believe in the Day of Judgment.
6|151|(Muhammad), say, "Let me tell you about what your Lord has commanded: Do not consider anything equal to God; Be kind to your parents; Do not murder your children out of fear of poverty, for We give sustenance to you and to them. Do not even approach indecency either in public or in private. Take not a life which God has made sacred except by way of justice and law. Thus does He command you that you may learn wisdom.
6|152|Do not handle the property of the orphans except with a good reason until they become mature and strong. Maintain equality in your dealings by the means of measurement and balance. No soul is responsible for what is beyond it's ability. Be just in your words, even if the party involved is one of your relatives and keep your promise with God. Thus does your Lord guide you so that you may take heed.
6|153|This is My path and it is straight. Follow it and not other paths which will lead you far away from the path of God. Thus does God guide you so that you may become pious.
6|154|We gave Moses the Book to complete (Our favor) for the righteous ones, the Book that contained a detailed explanation of all things, a guide and a mercy so that perhaps they would have faith in the Day of Judgment.
6|155|This Book (Quran) which We have revealed is a blessed one. Follow its guidance and have piety so that you perhaps may receive mercy
6|156|and will not say that the Book was revealed only to two groups of people before you, or that you were ignorant of its knowledge,
6|157|or proclaim, "Had the Book been revealed to us, we would have followed its guidance better than the (Jews and Christians). Evidence, guidance, and mercy have already come to you from your Lord. Who are more unjust than those who reject God's revelations and turn away from them? We will give an evil recompense to those who turn away from Our revelations and a terrible torment for their disregard (of Our guidance)
6|158|Are they waiting until the angels or your Lord come to them or for some miracles to take place? On the day when some miracles of God will take place, the belief of any soul will be of no avail to it unless some good deeds have been done with it, or it has been formed before the coming of such a day. (Muhammad), tell them, "Wait and we, too, are waiting."
6|159|Some of those who have divided their religion into different sects are not your concern. Their affairs are in the hands of God Who will show them all that they have done.
6|160|For a single good deed, one will be rewarded tenfold. But the recompense for a bad deed will be equal to that of the deed and no injustice will be done to anyone.
6|161|(Muhammad), tell them, "My Lord has guided me to the right path, a well established religion and the upright tradition of Abraham who was not a pagan".
6|162|Say, "My prayer, sacrifice, life, and death are all for God, the Lord of the Universe.
6|163|Nothing is equal to Him. Thus are the commandments which I have received and he is the first Muslim (submitted to the will of God)."
6|164|(Muhammad), tell them, "Should I take a lord besides God when He is the Lord of all things?" All one's evil deeds are against one's own soul. No one will be considered responsible for another's sins. You will all be returned to your Lord who will tell you what is right and wrong in disputed matters among you.
6|165|On earth, We have made each of your generations the successors of their predecessors; We have made some of you do good deeds of a higher degree than others. He will test you in this way through what He has revealed to you. Your Lord's retribution is swift and He is certainly All-forgiving and All-merciful.
7|1|Alif. Lam. Mim. Sad.
7|2|A book has been revealed to you, (Muhammad). You should not hesitate to convey its warning and its good advice to the believers.
7|3|(People), follow whatever is revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other guardians besides Him. However, you pay very little attention (to Our words)
7|4|How many cities have We destroyed! Our wrath struck their people at night or during their midday siesta.
7|5|When Our wrath struck them, they could do nothing but confess to their sins.
7|6|We will certainly question the people and the Messengers sent to them.
7|7|We will tell them with absolute certainty (what they had done) for We had never been absent from them (during their lifetime).
7|8|(Everyone's deeds) will certainly be weighed (and evaluated) on the Day of Judgment. Those whose good deeds weigh heavier than their bad deeds will have everlasting happiness.
7|9|As for those whose bad deeds weigh heavier, they will lose their souls for their injustice to Our revelations.
7|10|We have made you inhabit the land and provided you with the means of sustenance. Only a few of you give thanks.
7|11|We created and shaped you, then told the angels to prostrate themselves before Adam. All the angels obeyed except Satan who did not.
7|12|God asked, "What made you disobey Me?" Satan replied, "I am better than Adam, for You have created me out of fire and Adam out of clay."
7|13|The Lord ordered Satan to get out (of Paradise) saying, "This is no place for you to be proud. Get out of this place, for you are worthless".
7|14|Satan asked the Lord to give him respite (keep him alive) until the Day of Resurrection.
7|15|The Lord told him, "We will grant you this respite."
7|16|Then Satan said, "Because you have made me go astray, I shall certainly try to seduce people into straying from the right path.
7|17|I shall attack them from all directions and You will not find many of them giving You thanks".
7|18|The Lord told Satan, "Get out of this garden, for you are banished and despised. Hell will be filled with all of those who follow you."
7|19|Then the Lord said, "Adam, stay in the garden with your spouse and eat whatever you want therein, but do not go near this tree lest you transgress".
7|20|Satan tempted them to reveal that which was kept private from them and said, "Your Lord has not prohibited you (to eat the fruits of this tree) unless you want to be angels or immortal."
7|21|Satan swore before them that he was giving them good advice.
7|22|Thus, he deceitfully showed them (the tree). When they had tasted (fruits) from the tree, their private parts became revealed to them and they began to cover their private parts with leaves from the garden. Their Lord then called out to them saying, "Did I not forbid you to eat (fruits) from the tree and tell you that Satan was your sworn enemy?"
7|23|They replied, "Lord, we have done injustice to our souls. If You will not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly have incurred a great loss."
7|24|The Lord told them to leave the garden as each other's enemies and go to earth to dwell and benefit from the means therein for an appointed time.
7|25|He told them that, on earth, they would live, die, and be resurrected.
7|26|Children of Adam, We have given you clothing to cover your private parts and for beauty, but the robe of piety is the best. Thus is the guidance of God so that you may take heed.
7|27|Children of Adam, do not let Satan seduce you, as he caused your parents to be expelled from the garden and made them take off their clothes in order to show them their private parts. Satan and those like him see you but you do not see them. We have made the Satans as friends for those who have no faith.
7|28|When (The faithless) commit indecent acts they say, "We found our fathers doing this and God has commanded us to do the same." (Muhammad) tell them that God does not command anyone to commit indecency. Do you speak for God, saying things of which you have no knowledge?
7|29|Say, "My Lord has ordered me to maintain justice. (People), pay due attention (when worshipping God). Pray to Him sincerely and be devoted in your religion. Just as He gave you life, He will bring you back to life again (after you die.)"
7|30|He has guided one group (of people) and the other group go is doomed to astray; the latter group took Satan as their guardian instead of God and thought that they were rightly guided.
7|31|Children of Adam, dress well when attending the mosques, eat and drink but do not be excessive for God does not love those who are excessive (in what they do).
7|32|(Muhammad), ask them, "Who has made it unlawful to maintain beauty and to eat the pure foods which God has created for His servants? They are made for the believers in this world and are exclusively for them in the life hereafter." Thus do We explain Our revelations to the people who have knowledge.
7|33|(Muhammad), tell them, "My Lord has only prohibited indecent acts committed in public or in secret, all sins, unjust rebellion, considering things equal to God without any heavenly authority, and speaking for God without having any knowledge (of what He has said)."
7|34|All people can only live for an appointed time. When their term ends, they will not remain (alive) even for a single hour, nor will they die before the appointed time.
7|35|Children of Adam, when Messengers from among your own people come to you to preach My revelations, those who choose piety and reform themselves will have nothing to fear nor will they be grieved.
7|36|But those who have rejected Our revelations out of pride will be the dwellers of hell fire wherein they will live forever.
7|37|Who are more unjust than those who invent falsehoods against God and reject His revelations? These will have their share (of torment) which is ordained for them and when Our (angelic) Messengers come to them to cause them to die and ask them, "Where are those whom you had been worshipping besides God?" they will reply, "We had gone astray from the path of God." Thus, they will testify against their own souls by confessing their disbelief.
7|38|(On the Day of Judgment) the Lord will say to them, "Join the group of jinn and people who lived before you, in hell." Each group, on entering hell, will curse the other dwellers, until all of them are brought together therein. The last group will accuse the first saying, "Lord, they made us go astray. Therefore, double their torment in the Fire." The Lord will reply, "For everyone of you there is a double torment, but you do not know it".
7|39|The first will then say, "You are no better than us; suffer the torment as the result of your deeds.
7|40|For those who have rejected Our revelations out of pride, no door to the heavens will be opened, nor will they be admitted into Paradise until a camel passes through the eye of a sewing needle. Thus do We recompense the criminals.
7|41|For them, hell will be both a cradle and a blanket. Thus do We punish the unjust.
7|42|The righteously striving believers - We do not impose on any soul that which is beyond its ability - are the dwellers of Paradise wherein they will live forever.
7|43|We shall remove all grudges from their hearts. They will enjoy the flowing streams in the garden and will say, "God who guided us to this, deserves all praise. Had He not guided us, we would never have been able to find the right direction. The (angelic) Messengers of our Lord came to us with the Truth." They shall be told, 'This is the Paradise which you have inherited because of your good deeds."
7|44|The people of Paradise will say to the dwellers of the fire, "We have found whatever our Lord promised has come true. Have you found whatever the Lord promised you to be true?" They will reply, "Yes, we have also found it to be true." Thereupon, someone will cry out, "God has condemned the unjust,
7|45|who prevented others from the way of God, sought to make (the path) appear crooked, and had no belief in the Day of Judgment."
7|46|There will be a barrier between the people of Paradise and hell. There will be people on the heights who know everyone by their faces and who will say to the people of Paradise, "Peace be upon you." They hope to enter Paradise but are not yet therein.