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GMRES for unmatched Matrices/Projectors A and B

Implementation of GMRES, AB-GMRES and BA-GMRES for unmatched projector/backprojector pairs or Matrices in Python using NumPy. Alternatively using python bindings for elsa tomographic reconstruction library. Basis for elsas GMRES implementations you can find in the elsa repository.

General Idea

In this repository 3 different algorithms are implemented. First the basic GMRES which solves indefinite, nonsymmetric, square system $Ax = b$. This is a basic Krylov-Subspace solver, which can be expanded by introducing the following expansions to our System $Ax = b$:

$\min_{z \epsilon \mathbb{R}^{N}} |b-ABz|$
$\min_{x \epsilon \mathbb{R}^{M}} |Bb-BAx|$
$x = Bz$

These so-called unmatched normal equations can be solved via AB-GMRES and BA-GMRES. The specific use-cases can be different but it can be benefitial in any case taking advantage of an unmatched transpose $B \neq A^T$.

Application in computer tomography

For computer tomography it can be benefitial to use such an unmatched transpose as a unmatched projector / backprojector pair. This has a multitude of applications but is typically interesting as different methods for forward and backward projection can be used, or the unmatched backprojector can be used as a preconditioner.


The GMRES methods show a slighty slower speed compared to solvers like Conjugate Gradient (CG), but they should really be used in cases where CG does not make sense or is not applicable.

Using with elsa - an elegant framework for tomographic reconstruction

Elsa is an open source framework for tomographic reconstruction utilizing features from modern CPP for perfomant results. It can be installed from here and provides alternatives for solvers as well as a faster GMRES implementation. You can find current installation instructions for the python bindings which we will be using in the elsa documentation

# Prerequisites
- C++17 compliant compiler: GCC >= 9 or Clang >= 9
- CMake >= 3.14
- CUDA toolkit >= 10.2
# install python bindings for elsa

pip install numpy matplotlib scipy

git clone
cd elsa

# using the --verbose flag the console output should show you if CUDA is enabled

pip install . --verbose

# sometimes this has difficulty to find CUDAs thrust on your system, try linking your CUDA directory for CMake:

CMAKE_ARGS="-DThrust_DIR=/usr/local/cuda-11.8/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/cmake/thrust" pip install . --verbose

Using elsas python bindings to generate a problem is simple, the source and a further explanation can be found here.

import pyelsa as elsa

nmax_iter = 10
epsilon = None

# Phantom Size
size = np.array([32, 32])
phantom = elsa.phantoms.modifiedSheppLogan(size)
volume_descriptor = phantom.getDataDescriptor()

# settings
num_angles = 30
arc = 180

# generate circular trajectory
sino_descriptor = elsa.CircleTrajectoryGenerator.createTrajectory(
    num_angles, phantom.getDataDescriptor(), arc, size[0] * 100, size[0])

# setup operator for 2d X-ray transform
projector = elsa.JosephsMethodCUDA(volume_descriptor, sino_descriptor)

# simulate the sinogram
sinogram = projector.apply(phantom)

# new unmatched backprojection (because of JosephsMethodCUDA)
backprojector = elsa.adjoint(projector)

This Problem can then be solved using the provided elsa AB-GMRES and BA-GMRES solvers as shown in the, where x is the reconstructed image and r is the residual:

x, r = ABGMRES(projector, backprojector, sinogram, x0, nmax_iter, epsilon=epsilon)
x, r = BAGMRES(projector, backprojector, sinogram, x0, nmax_iter, epsilon=epsilon)

they can still be used for any NumPy example as they define the typical Matrix Vector Product with its own function, differentiating between elsa DataContainers and NumPy / Python containers:

def apply(A, x):
    if isinstance(A,(list,np.ndarray, np.matrix)):
        return np.asarray(, x)).reshape(-1)
        return np.asarray(A.apply(elsa.DataContainer(x)))


