I use LC time tracking to keep track of how many times I solves a question and how long I spent each time. Once I finish non-trivial medium LC questions 3 times, I have absolutely no issues solving them in actual interviews (sometimes within 8-10 minutes). It makes a big difference.
This Leetcode post combines 36 tips and tricks in improving Leetcode problem solving skills.
- You can to solve Medium question within 20 minutes with little to no bug and clean code.
- You can solve medium question with 2,3 different solutions (recursive, top-down DP with memorization, bottom-up DP, bfs/dfs).
- You can estimate time complexity for your algorithm correctly.
- Course schedule ii
- Rotting oranges
- Maximum depth of tree
- Maximum differences between node and ancestor
- Lowest common ancestor in binary tree
- Critical connections
- Task scheduler
- Coin change
- Word break ii
- Word search ii
- Combination sum iv
- Frog jump
- Number of islands
- Permutations
- Subset ii
- Contrary to popular belief, no body really asked LinkedList questions during the interview. There is one exception where you need to use LinkedList to implement LRU. Copy list with random pointer
- If you're interested to learn more about paid ML system design course with more examples, click here.
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