Note: to understand this tutorial, you need a basic knownledge of the Python 3 programming language. If you only know Python 2, don't worry, they are fairly similar. If you don't know Python at all, we suggest that you read (at least) the ten first chapters of Dive Into Python 3.
Please also set up a development environment
and install requests
(a nice library for making HTTP requests that we
will use in this tutorial):
python3 -m pip --user requests
## Introduction
In this tutorial, we will write a basic module for fetching coordinates from
the OpenStreetMap database.
This plugin will recursively look for (X, location, ?)
(ie. a node which should be replaced by the location of X) in requests,
and use OSM to replace it.
First, you should download and run the helper script for creating modules:
It will ask you a few questions. As an example, here is what I answered:
Please provide a nice name for your plugin. It should be a valid name for a folder name, so please use only alphanumerical characters and underscores.
name> OSM
Please provide a package name for your plugin. It should be a valid name for a Python package, so please use only lowercase letters.
name> ppp_osm
Please provide a nice description for your plugin.
description> PPP module for fetching data from OpenStreetMap.
We need your name to put it to the license file. Just press Enter if you want to use the default attribution (“Projet Pensées Profondes”).
author> J. Doe
We also need your email address for the setuptools data.
email> [email protected]
Great! Your module has been created. Here are a few things you still have to do:
* Setup Travis and Scrutinizer,
* Create a git repository,
* Set a better URL in,
* and obviously write your plugin (start in ppp_osm/
Have fun!
We won't cover the three first bullet points here, as they are outside the scope of this tutorial.
to the newly created directory (cd OSM/
in my case), and open the
file ppp_osm/
. It should contain something like this:
"""Request handler of the module."""
from ppp_libmodule.exceptions import ClientError
class RequestHandler:
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
def answer(self):
# TODO: Implement this
The method answer
should return a list of responses. In our case, we will
only handle trees, so we can safely ignore sentences.
Thus, here is a possible implementation of answer
def answer(self):
if isinstance(self.request.tree, Sentence):
return []
tree = self.request.tree.traverse(predicate)
if tree != self.request.tree:
# If we have modified the tree, it is relevant to return it
return [shortcuts.build_answer(self.request, tree, {}, 'OSM')]
# Otherwise, we have nothing interesting to say.
return []
As you may have noticed, we use two functions that we did not declare.
Add this before class requesthandler
from ppp_datamodel.nodes import Resource, Triple, Missing, Sentence
from ppp_libmodule import shortcuts
def predicate(node):
pass # TODO
(We will use Resource
, Triple
, and Sentence
The traverse
method of node objects will call recursively the predicate
to replace the node given as argument by the return value of the predicate.
It starts from the leafs and iterates until reaching the root of the tree.
As we are only going to replace Triple
nodes with location
as predicate
and resources as subject and missing as object, we can start writing trivial
cases of the predicate:
def get_locations_as_list(place):
pass # TODO
def predicate(node):
if not isinstance(node, Triple):
return node
elif Resource('location') not in node.predicate_set or \
not isinstance(node.subject, Resource) or \
not isinstance(node.object, Missing):
return node
# Here, node.subject is a resource, so node.subject.value exists
# and is a string.
return get_locations_as_list(node.subject.value)
Note: we only test the predicate against location
. In theory, you should
handle other predicates, depending on the language of the request, but this
is outside the scope of this section.
Here is a possible implementation for get_locations_as_list
import requests
import urllib.parse
from ppp_datamodel.nodes import List, JsonldResource
def get_location_as_resource(data):
# Construct a JSON-LD graph with just the data we want and an identifier
graph = {'@context': '',
'@type': 'GeoCoordinates',
'latitude': data['lat'],
'longitude': data['lon'],
'@reverse': {
'geo': {
'@type': 'Place',
'@id': '' % data['osm_id'],
'name': data['display_name'],
# Construct a resource with this graph, and an alternate text for
# applications that do not support graphs.
return JsonldResource('%s, %s' % (data['lat'], data['lon']),
def get_locations_as_list(place):
# Put HTTP escape codes in the place's name
place = urllib.parse.quote(place)
# Construct the URL
url = '' % place
# Make the request and get the content
d = requests.get(url, params={'format': 'json'}).json()
# Construct a list with all the items
return List([get_location_as_resource(x) for x in d])
About the ID: this is an identifier in a format that may be recognized by other databases to avoid duplicates. We will see later how to do that in the section “Enriching a resource”.
## Testing your module
You can run your module with this command:
gunicorn ppp_osm:app -b
And query it with this command:
progval@ganymede:~/etudes/ens/ppp/test_env$ python3 -m ppp_cli --api "http://localhost:9000/" --parse "(ENS de Lyon, location, ?)"
Response (OSM):
45.7295796, 4.8279795
@type: Place
name: Amphithéâtre Charles Mérieux, Allée d'Italie, 7e, Lyon 7e Arrondissement, Lyon, Métropole de Lyon, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France métropolitaine, 69007, France
@type: GeoCoordinates
latitude: 45.7295796
longitude: 4.8279795
It works!
But you can do even better and see it in a WebUI! For that, just follow the instructions given in the development environment guide.
Now you can type requests like this: (ENS de Lyon, location, ?)
. Note
that you cannot ask questions in natural language, unless you deployed
a question parsing module.
You don't want to run your tests manually everytime you make a change. Writing automatic tests will save you a lot of time and will improve the quality of your code, so we highly suggest that you write some.
You can see the Python documentation of the unittest module to learn how to write tests easily.
We won't cover unit tests here, as you can just do it as usual. Instead, we will see how to write functional tests (ie. code that tests the global behavior of your module instead of just a function), because we wrote some tools that may be useful to you.
Create a .py
file in tests/
with a name starting with test_
and this
from ppp_datamodel import Missing, Triple, Resource, List
from ppp_datamodel.communication import Request, TraceItem, Response
from ppp_libmodule.tests import PPPTestCase
from ppp_osm import app
class TestLocation(PPPTestCase(app)):
This is the skeleton how our test. PPPTestCase(app)
is a small wrapper
around unittest.TestCase
that implements some useful functions.
For instance, you can make a request. Example:
class TestLocation(PPPTestCase(app)):
def testNoError(self):
# Prepare the request
q = Request('1', 'en', Triple(Resource('Jouy aux Arches'), Resource('location'), Missing()), {}, [])
# Make sure it returns a 200 HTTP code.
self.assertStatusInt(q, 200)
def testBasics(self):
# Prepare the request
q = Request('1', 'en', Triple(Resource('Jouy aux Arches'), Resource('location'), Missing()), {}, [])
# Send the request and receive a response
r = self.request(q)
# Usual stuff
self.assertEqual(len(r), 1, r)
self.assertIsInstance(r[0].tree, List)
self.assertGreater(len(r[0].tree.list), 0, r[0].tree)
self.assertEqual('49.0616, 6.0784', r[0].tree.list[0].value)
There are other methods that you can call, but they are way less used than this two ones. See the implementation of PPPTestCase for a list of all available methods.
The modules library does not only provide a nice class for unit tests, it also provides you an easy way to make your module configurable.
Let's say we want to make the URL of the search API configurable.
Create a
file in your module's directory:
"""Configuration module."""
import os
import json
import logging
from ppp_libmodule.config import Config as BaseConfig
from ppp_libmodule.exceptions import InvalidConfig
class Config(BaseConfig):
config_path_variable = 'PPP_OSM_CONFIG'
def parse_config(self, data):
self.search_api = data['search_api']
Now, you may edit
and replace this:
url = '' % place
with this:
url = '%s/%s' % (Config().search_api, place)
and make sure you add this line at the beginning of the file:
from .config import Config
Now, to run your module, you have to create a configuration file
(let's name it config.json
) with this content:
"search_api": ""
and run your module with this command:
PPP_OSM_CONFIG=./config.json gunicorn ppp_osm:app -b
Obviously, you can add as much configuration variables as you want
You may notice that now the tests don't run anymore, because your module requires configuration. Fortunately, you can make your tests provide configuration to your module!
Just replace
class TestLocation(PPPTestCase(app)):
class TestLocation(PPPTestCase(app)):
config_var = 'PPP_OSM_CONFIG'
config = '{"search_api": ""}'
Now, we want to make our module faster. For the moment, at each request, we send a request to OpenStreetMap with this line:
d = requests.get(url, params={'format': 'json'}).json()
We want to write a more elaborate function that will remember the results between queries. First, let's replace the line above with:
d = query(url, {'format': 'json'})
Then, add this code in requesthandler
import pickle
import hashlib
import memcache
def connect_memcached():
mc = memcache.Client([''])
return mc
def _query(url, params):
return requests.get(url, params=params).json()
def query(url, params):
"""Perform a query to all configured APIs and concatenates all
results into a single list.
Also handles caching."""
mc = connect_memcached()
# Construct a key suitable for memcached (ie. a string of less than
# 250 bytes)
key = (url, params)
key = 'ppp-osm-%s' + hashlib.md5(pickle.dumps(key)).hexdigest()
# Get the cached value, if any
r = mc.get(key)
if not r:
# If there is no cached value, query OSM and add the result to
# the cache.
r = _query(url, params)
mc.set(key, r, time=86400)
return r
This is a quite generic code for handling cache; the comments should make it easy to read.
And your module is now much faster. Magic!
Note that you have to install python-memcache
and to run a memcached
instance on your computer.
It may be a good idea to make the timeout and the IP address of the
cache server configurable. But you should already know how to make
your module configurable (otherwise, see the section above), so
this is left as an exercice to the reader.
TODO (not specified yet)
TODO (not actually used yet)
You should now be able to write your own module.
Here are some advices for your future developments:
- Always make sure you support all the features of the data model.
method of node objects should handle most of this work for you, but it might come useful to know how the data model works. - Don't forget to support other languages. The language of the request
is available as
(an ISO 639-1 code). - And of course, follow good coding styles
Happy coding!