Instead of loading and displaying all the entities of a particular type from the database all at once, you can choose to paginate them.
You can do it easily with the \App\Utils\Pagination
To paginate a Doctrine query in a repository for instance:
use App\Utils\Pagination;
// ...
public function findAllPaginated(int $page, int $maxResults): Pagination
$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
$query = $entityManager->createQuery(<<<DQL
FROM App\Entity\Ticket t
return Pagination::paginate($query, [
'page' => $page,
'maxResults' => $maxResults,
The paginate()
method takes a \Doctrine\ORM\Query
and some options to paginate the results of the query.
The options are a simple array with the keys page
(the page number to retrieve) and a maxResults
(the number of results per page).
Then, pass the Pagination
object to the template.
You can iterate over the objects:
{% for ticket in ticketsPagination.items %}
<h2>{{ ticket.title }}</h2>
{% enfor %}
To generate the pagination:
{{ include('_pagination.html.twig', { pagination: ticketsPagination }) }}
Take a look at the Pagination
class for more useful methods.