The Kadena node needs a dedicated IP address. In deploy.yml
, the standard settings for launch are already prepared.
Replace all values of your_endpoint_name
with your own, for example my_kadena_endpoint_name
. It is important that the value is unique, and also does not contain spaces and consists only of lowercase letters.
Once the deployment is running, you will be assigned an IP address. Go to UPDATE
with the IP given to you by your provider. Next, click UPDATE DEPLOYMENT
Flag | Description |
--info |
Print program info message and exit. |
--long-info |
Print detailed program info message and exit. |
-v,--version |
Print version string and exit. |
--license |
Print license of the program and exit. |
-?,-h,--help |
Show this help message. |
--print-config-as |
full/minimal/diff Print the parsed configuration to standard out and exit. |
--print-config |
Print the parsed configuration to standard out and exit. This is an alias for --print-config-as=full . |
--config-file FILE |
Configuration file in YAML or JSON format. If more than a single config file option is present files are loaded in the order in which they appear on the command line. |
-v,--chainweb-version ARG |
The chainweb version that this node is using. |
--header-stream |
Whether to enable an endpoint for streaming block updates. |
--no-header-stream |
Unset flag header-stream. |
--enable-tx-reintro |
Whether to enable transaction reintroduction from losing forks. |
--disable-tx-reintro |
Unset flag tx-reintro . |
--p2p-hostname ARG |
Hostname for p2p. |
--p2p-port ARG |
Port number for p2p. |
--p2p-interface ARG |
Interface that the p2p Rest API binds to (see HostPreference documentation for details) for p2p. |
--p2p-certificate-chain ARG |
PEM encoded X509 certificate or certificate chain of the local peer for p2p. |
--p2p-certificate-chain-file FILE |
File with the PEM encoded certificate chain. A textually provided certificate chain has precedence over a file. for p2p. |
--p2p-key ARG |
PEM encoded X509 certificate key of the local peer for p2p. |
--p2p-certificate-key-file FILE |
File with the PEM encoded certificate key. A textually provided certificate key has precedence over a file. for p2p. |
--p2p-max-session-count ARG |
Maximum number of sessions that are active at any time. |
--p2p-max-peer-count ARG |
Maximum number of entries in the peer database. |
--p2p-session-timeout ARG |
Timeout for sessions in seconds. |
--known-peer-info [<PEERID>@]<HOSTADDRESS> |
Peer info that is added to the list of known peers. This option can be used multiple times. |
--enable-ignore-bootstrap-nodes |
When enabled the hard-coded bootstrap nodes for network are ignored. |
--disable-ignore-bootstrap-nodes |
Unset flag ignore-bootstrap-nodes . |
--enable-private |
When enabled this node becomes private and communicates only with the initially configured known peers. |
--disable-privat |
Unset flag private . |
--bootstrap-reachability [0,1] |
The fraction of bootstrap nodes that must be reachable at startup. |
--enable-mempool-p2p |
Whether mempool-p2p is enabled or disabled. |
--disable-mempool-p2p |
Unset flag mempool-p2p. |
--mempool-p2p-max-session-count ARG |
Maximum number of sessions that are active at any time. |
--mempool-p2p-session-timeout ARG |
Timeout for sessions in seconds. |
--mempool-p2p-poll-interval ARG |
Poll interval for synchronizing mempools in seconds. |
--block-gas-limit ARG |
The sum of all transaction gas fees in a block must not exceed this number. |
--log-gas |
Log gas consumed by Pact commands. |
--no-log-gas |
Unset flag log-gas . |
--min-gas-price ARG |
The gas price of an individual transaction in a block must not be beneath this number. |
--pact-queue-size ARG |
Max size of pact internal queue. |
--reorg-limit ARG |
Max allowed reorg depth. Consult for more information. |
--validateHashesOnReplay |
Re-validate payload hashes during transaction replay. |
--no-validateHashesOnReplay |
Unset flag validateHashesOnReplay . |
--allowReadsInLocal |
Enable direct database reads of smart contract tables in local queries. |
--no-allowReadsInLocal |
Unset flag allowReadsInLocal . |
--rosetta |
Enable the Rosetta endpoints. |
--no-rosetta |
Unset flag rosetta. |
--prune-chain-database |
none/headers/headers-checked/full How to prune the chain database on startup. This can take several hours. |
--cut-fetch-timeout ARG |
The timeout for processing new cuts in microseconds. |
--initial-block-height-limit INT |
Reset initial cut to this block height. |
--fast-forward-block-height-limit INT |
When --only-sync-pact is given fast forward to this height. Ignored otherwise. |
--service-port ARG |
Port number for service. |
--service-interface ARG |
Interface that the service Rest API binds to (see HostPreference documentation for details) for service. |
--service-payload-batch-limit ARG |
Upper limit for the size of payload batches on the service API for service. |
--enable-mining-coordination |
Whether to enable the mining coordination API. |
--disable-mining-coordination |
Unset flag mining-coordination . |
--mining-public-key ARG |
Public key of a miner in hex decimal encoding. The account name is the public key prefix by 'k:'. (This option can be provided multiple times.). |
--mining-request-limit ARG |
Number of /mining/work requests that can be made within a 5min period. |
--mining-update-stream-limit ARG |
Maximum number of concurrent update streams that is supported. |
--mining-update-stream-timeout ARG |
Duration that an update stream is kept open in seconds. |
--enable-node-mining |
ONLY FOR TESTING NETWORKS: whether to enable in node mining. |
--disable-node-mining |
Unset flag node-mining . |
--node-mining-public-key ARG |
Public key of a miner in hex decimal encoding. The account name is the public key prefix by 'k:'. (This option can be provided multiple times.). |
--only-sync-pact |
Terminate after synchronizing the pact databases to the latest cut. |
--no-only-sync-pact |
Unset flag only-sync-pact . |
--sync-pact-chains |
JSON list of chain ids The only Pact databases to synchronize. If empty or unset, all chains will be synchronized. |
--enable-backup-api |
Whether backup-api is enabled or disabled. |
--disable-backup-api |
Unset flag backup-api . |
--backup-directory ARG |
Directory in which backups will be placed when using the backup API endpoint for backup. |
--module-cache-limit INT |
Maximum size of the per-chain checkpointer module cache in bytes. |
--queue-size INT |
Size of the internal logger queue. |
--log-level |
quiet/error/warn/info/debug threshold for log messages. |
--log-policy |
block/raise/discard how to deal with a congested logging pipeline. |
--exception-limit INT |
Maximal number of backend failures before and exception is raised. |
--exception-wait INT |
Time to wait after an backend failure occured. |
--exit-timeout INT |
Timeout for flushing the log message queue on exit. |
-c,--color ARG |
Whether to use ANSI terminal colors in the output. |
--log-format |
text/json format that is use for writing logs to file handles. |
-log-handle |
stdout/stderr/file:<FILENAME>/es:[APIKEY]:<URL> handle where the logs are written. |
--enable-telemetry-logger |
Whether telemetry-logger is enabled or disabled. |
--disable-telemetry-logger |
Unset flag telemetry-logger . |
-c,--telemetry-color ARG |
Whether to use ANSI terminal colors in the output. |
--telemetry-log-format |
text/json format that is use for writing logs to file handles. |
--telemetry-log-handle |
stdout/stderr/file:<FILENAME>/es:[APIKEY]:<URL> handle where the logs are written. |
--cluster-id ARG |
A label that is added to all log messages from this node. |
--log-filter-rule |
KEY:VALUE:LOGLEVEL[:RATE] A log filter rule. Log messages with matching scope are discarded if they don't meet the log level threshold. |
--log-filter-default |
LOGLEVEL:RATE default log filter, which is applied to all messages that don't match any other filter rule. |
--database-directory ARG |
Directory where the databases are persisted. |
--enable-reset-chain-databases |
Reset the chain databases for all chains on startup. |
--disable-reset-chain-databases |
Unset flag reset-chain-databases . |