diff --git a/pg4wp/core.php b/pg4wp/core.php
index 72d2a75..fa45e3b 100644
--- a/pg4wp/core.php
+++ b/pg4wp/core.php
@@ -9,6 +9,17 @@
* This file does all the initialisation tasks
+// This is required by class-wpdb so we must load it first
+require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/cache.php';
+require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/l10n.php';
+if (!function_exists('wpsql_is_resource')) {
+ function wpsql_is_resource($object)
+ {
+ return $object !== false && $object !== null;
+ }
// Logs are put in the pg4wp directory
define( 'PG4WP_LOG', PG4WP_ROOT.'/logs/');
// Check if the logs directory is needed and exists or create it if possible
@@ -26,13 +37,22 @@
'class wpdb' => 'class wpdb2',
'new wpdb' => 'new wpdb2',
'mysql_' => 'wpsql_',
+ 'is_resource' => 'wpsql_is_resource',
' '',
'?>' => '',
// Ensure class uses the replaced mysql_ functions rather than mysqli_
-define( 'WP_USE_EXT_MYSQL', true);
-eval( str_replace( array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), file_get_contents(ABSPATH.'/wp-includes/wp-db.php')));
+if (!defined('WP_USE_EXT_MYSQL')) {
+ define('WP_USE_EXT_MYSQL', true);
+if (WP_USE_EXT_MYSQL != true) {
+ throw new \Exception("PG4SQL CANNOT BE ENABLED WITH MYSQLI, REMOVE ANY WP_USE_EXT_MYSQL configuration");
+eval(str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), file_get_contents(ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php')));
// Create wpdb object if not already done
-if (! isset($wpdb) && defined('DB_USER'))
+if (! isset($wpdb) && defined('DB_USER')) {
$wpdb = new wpdb2( DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pg4wp/db.php b/pg4wp/db.php
index 798e715..fef6b0a 100644
--- a/pg4wp/db.php
+++ b/pg4wp/db.php
@@ -9,32 +9,43 @@
License: GPLv2 or newer.
-if( !defined('PG4WP_ROOT'))
-// You can choose the driver to load here
-define('DB_DRIVER', 'pgsql'); // 'pgsql' or 'mysql' are supported for now
+// Ensure we only load this config once
+if(!defined('PG4WP_ROOT')) {
-// Set this to 'true' and check that `pg4wp` is writable if you want debug logs to be written
-define( 'PG4WP_DEBUG', false);
-// If you just want to log queries that generate errors, leave PG4WP_DEBUG to "false"
-// and set this to true
-define( 'PG4WP_LOG_ERRORS', true);
+ // You can choose the driver to load here
+ if (!defined('DB_DRIVER')) {
+ define('DB_DRIVER', pgsql);
+ }
-// If you want to allow insecure configuration (from the author point of view) to work with PG4WP,
-// change this to true
-define( 'PG4WP_INSECURE', false);
+ // Set this to 'true' and check that `pg4wp` is writable if you want debug logs to be written
+ if (!defined('PG4WP_DEBUG')) {
+ define('PG4WP_DEBUG', false);
+ }
-// This defines the directory where PG4WP files are loaded from
-// 3 places checked : wp-content, wp-content/plugins and the base directory
-if( file_exists( ABSPATH.'/wp-content/pg4wp'))
- define( 'PG4WP_ROOT', ABSPATH.'/wp-content/pg4wp');
-else if( file_exists( ABSPATH.'/wp-content/plugins/pg4wp'))
- define( 'PG4WP_ROOT', ABSPATH.'/wp-content/plugins/pg4wp');
-else if( file_exists( ABSPATH.'/pg4wp'))
- define( 'PG4WP_ROOT', ABSPATH.'/pg4wp');
- die('PG4WP file directory not found');
+ if (!defined('PG4WP_LOG_ERRORS')) {
+ // If you just want to log queries that generate errors, leave PG4WP_DEBUG to "false"
+ // and set this to true
+ define('PG4WP_LOG_ERRORS', true);
+ }
-// Here happens all the magic
-require_once( PG4WP_ROOT.'/core.php');
+ if (!defined('PG4WP_INSECURE')) {
+ // If you want to allow insecure configuration (from the author point of view) to work with PG4WP,
+ // change this to true
+ define('PG4WP_INSECURE', false);
+ }
+ // This defines the directory where PG4WP files are loaded from
+ // 3 places checked : wp-content, wp-content/plugins and the base directory
+ if(file_exists(ABSPATH . '/wp-content/pg4wp')) {
+ define('PG4WP_ROOT', ABSPATH . '/wp-content/pg4wp');
+ } elseif(file_exists(ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/pg4wp')) {
+ define('PG4WP_ROOT', ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/pg4wp');
+ } elseif(file_exists(ABSPATH . '/pg4wp')) {
+ define('PG4WP_ROOT', ABSPATH . '/pg4wp');
+ } else {
+ die('PG4WP file directory not found');
+ }
+ // Here happens all the magic
+ require_once(PG4WP_ROOT . '/core.php');
} // Protection against multiple loading
diff --git a/pg4wp/driver_pgsql.php b/pg4wp/driver_pgsql.php
index 151035b..9be82cc 100644
--- a/pg4wp/driver_pgsql.php
+++ b/pg4wp/driver_pgsql.php
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
If you want to do it anyway, please set "PG4WP_INSECURE" to true in your "db.php" file.' );
- // PostgreSQL must connect to a specific database (unlike MySQL)
- // Guess at one here and reconnect as required in wpsql_select_db
- $dbname = defined('DB_NAME') && DB_NAME ? DB_NAME : 'template1';
- return pg_connect( $GLOBALS['pg4wp_connstr'].' dbname='.$dbname);
- }
- // The effective connection happens here
- function wpsql_select_db($dbname, $connection_id = 0)
- {
- $pg_connstr = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_connstr'].' dbname='.$dbname;
- // Note: pg_connect returns existing connection for same connstr
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'] = $conn = pg_connect($pg_connstr);
- if( !$conn)
- return $conn;
- $ver = pg_version($conn);
- if( isset($ver['server']))
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_version'] = $ver['server'];
- // Now we should be connected, we "forget" about the connection parameters (if this is not a "test" connection)
- if( !defined('WP_INSTALLING') || !WP_INSTALLING)
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_connstr'] = '';
- // Execute early transmitted commands if needed
- if( !empty($GLOBALS['pg4wp_pre_sql']))
- foreach( $GLOBALS['pg4wp_pre_sql'] as $sql2run)
- wpsql_query( $sql2run);
- pg4wp_init($conn);
- return $conn;
- }
- function wpsql_fetch_array($result)
- {
- $res = pg_fetch_array($result);
- if( is_array($res) )
- foreach($res as $v => $k )
- $res[$v] = trim($k);
- return $res;
- }
- function wpsql_query($sql)
- {
- if( !$GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'])
- {
- // Catch SQL to be executed as soon as connected
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_pre_sql'][] = $sql;
- return true;
- }
- $initial = $sql;
- $sql = pg4wp_rewrite( $sql);
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_result'] = pg_query($sql);
- if( (PG4WP_DEBUG || PG4WP_LOG_ERRORS) && $GLOBALS['pg4wp_result'] === false && $err = pg_last_error())
- {
- $ignore = false;
- if( defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING)
- {
- global $table_prefix;
- $ignore = strpos($err, 'relation "'.$table_prefix);
- }
- if( ! $ignore )
- error_log('['.microtime(true)."] Error running :\n$initial\n---- converted to ----\n$sql\n----> $err\n---------------------\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG.'pg4wp_errors.log');
- }
- return $GLOBALS['pg4wp_result'];
- }
- function wpsql_insert_id($lnk = NULL)
- {
- global $wpdb;
- $ins_field = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_field'];
- $table = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_table'];
- $lastq = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_last_insert'];
- $seq = $table . '_seq';
- // Table 'term_relationships' doesn't have a sequence
- if( $table == $wpdb->term_relationships)
- {
- $sql = 'NO QUERY';
- $data = 0;
- }
- // When using WP_Import plugin, ID is defined in the query
- elseif('post_author' == $ins_field && false !== strpos($lastq,'ID'))
- {
- $sql = 'ID was in query ';
- $pattern = '/.+\'(\d+).+$/';
- preg_match($pattern, $lastq, $matches);
- $data = $matches[1];
- // We should update the sequence on the next non-INSERT query
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_queued_query'] = "SELECT SETVAL('$seq',(SELECT MAX(\"ID\") FROM $table)+1);";
- }
- else
- {
- $sql = "SELECT CURRVAL('$seq')";
- $res = pg_query($sql);
- if( false !== $res)
- $data = pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
- {
- $log = '['.microtime(true)."] wpsql_insert_id() was called with '$table' and '$ins_field'".
- " and returned the error:\n".pg_last_error().
- "\nFor the query:\n".$sql.
- "\nThe latest INSERT query was :\n'$lastq'\n";
- error_log( $log, 3, PG4WP_LOG.'pg4wp_errors.log');
- }
- }
- if( PG4WP_DEBUG && $sql)
- error_log( '['.microtime(true)."] Getting inserted ID for '$table' ('$ins_field') : $sql => $data\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG.'pg4wp_insertid.log');
- return $data;
- }
- // Convert MySQL FIELD function to CASE statement
- // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html#function_field
- // Other implementations: https://stackoverflow.com/q/1309624
- function pg4wp_rewrite_field($matches)
- {
- $case = 'CASE ' . trim($matches[1]);
- $comparands = explode(',', $matches[2]);
- foreach($comparands as $i => $comparand) {
- $case .= ' WHEN ' . trim($comparand) . ' THEN ' . ($i + 1);
- }
- $case .= ' ELSE 0 END';
- return $case;
- }
- function pg4wp_rewrite( $sql)
- {
- // Note: Can be called from constructor before $wpdb is set
- global $wpdb;
- $logto = 'queries';
- // The end of the query may be protected against changes
- $end = '';
- // Remove unusefull spaces
- $initial = $sql = trim($sql);
- if( 0 === strpos($sql, 'SELECT'))
- {
- $logto = 'SELECT';
- // SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS doesn't exist in PostgreSQL but it's needed for correct paging
- if( false !== strpos($sql, 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS'))
- {
- $sql = str_replace('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', '', $sql);
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_numrows_query'] = $sql;
- if( PG4WP_DEBUG)
- error_log( '['.microtime(true)."] Number of rows required for :\n$sql\n---------------------\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG.'pg4wp_NUMROWS.log');
- }
- elseif( false !== strpos($sql, 'FOUND_ROWS()'))
- {
- // Here we convert the latest query into a COUNT query
- $sql = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_numrows_query'];
- // Remove any LIMIT ... clause (this is the blocking part)
- $pattern = '/\s+LIMIT.+/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, '', $sql);
- // Now add the COUNT() statement
- $pattern = '/SELECT\s+([^\s]+)\s+(FROM.+)/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, 'SELECT COUNT($1) $2', $sql);
- }
- // Ensure that ORDER BY column appears in SELECT DISTINCT fields
- $pattern = '/^SELECT DISTINCT.*ORDER BY\s+(\S+)/';
- if( preg_match( $pattern, $sql, $matches) &&
- strpos( $sql, $matches[1]) > strpos( $sql, 'ORDER BY') &&
- false === strpos( $sql, '*'))
- {
- if( false !== strpos( $sql, 'GROUP BY'))
- {
- $pattern = '/ FROM /';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, ', MIN('.$matches[1].') AS '.$matches[1].' FROM ', $sql, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- $pattern = '/ FROM /';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, ', '.$matches[1].' FROM ', $sql, 1);
- }
- }
- // Convert CONVERT to CAST
- $pattern = '/CONVERT\(([^()]*(\(((?>[^()]+)|(?-2))*\))?[^()]*),\s*([^\s]+)\)/x';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, 'CAST($1 AS $4)', $sql);
- // Handle CAST( ... AS CHAR)
- $sql = preg_replace( '/CAST\((.+) AS CHAR\)/', 'CAST($1 AS TEXT)', $sql);
- // Handle CAST( ... AS SIGNED)
- $sql = preg_replace( '/CAST\((.+) AS SIGNED\)/', 'CAST($1 AS INTEGER)', $sql);
- // Handle COUNT(*)...ORDER BY...
- $sql = preg_replace( '/COUNT(.+)ORDER BY.+/s', 'COUNT$1', $sql);
- // In order for users counting to work...
- $matches = array();
- if( preg_match_all( '/COUNT[^C]+\),/',$sql, $matches))
- {
- foreach( $matches[0] as $num => $one)
- {
- $sub = substr( $one, 0, -1);
- $sql = str_replace( $sub, $sub.' AS count'.$num, $sql);
- }
- }
- $pattern = '/LIMIT[ ]+(\d+),[ ]*(\d+)/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'LIMIT $2 OFFSET $1', $sql);
- $pattern = '/DATE_ADD[ ]*\(([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, '($1 + $2)', $sql);
- $pattern = '/FIELD[ ]*\(([^\),]+),([^\)]+)\)/';
- $sql = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, 'pg4wp_rewrite_field', $sql);
- $pattern = '/GROUP_CONCAT\(([^()]*(\(((?>[^()]+)|(?-2))*\))?[^()]*)\)/x';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, "string_agg($1, ',')", $sql);
- // Convert MySQL RAND function to PostgreSQL RANDOM function
- $pattern = '/RAND[ ]*\([ ]*\)/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, 'RANDOM()', $sql);
- // UNIX_TIMESTAMP in MYSQL returns an integer
- $pattern = '/UNIX_TIMESTAMP\(([^\)]+)\)/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, 'ROUND(DATE_PART(\'epoch\',$1))', $sql);
- $date_funcs = array(
- );
- $sql = str_replace( 'ORDER BY post_date DESC', 'ORDER BY YEAR(post_date) DESC, MONTH(post_date) DESC', $sql);
- $sql = str_replace( 'ORDER BY post_date ASC', 'ORDER BY YEAR(post_date) ASC, MONTH(post_date) ASC', $sql);
- $sql = str_replace( array_keys($date_funcs), array_values($date_funcs), $sql);
- $curryear = date( 'Y');
- $sql = str_replace( 'FROM \''.$curryear, 'FROM TIMESTAMP \''.$curryear, $sql);
- // MySQL 'IF' conversion - Note : NULLIF doesn't need to be corrected
- $pattern = '/ (?prefix.'posts.ID', '' , $sql);
- }
- $sql = str_replace("!= ''", '<> 0', $sql);
- // MySQL 'LIKE' is case insensitive by default, whereas PostgreSQL 'LIKE' is
- $sql = str_replace( ' LIKE ', ' ILIKE ', $sql);
- // INDEXES are not yet supported
- if( false !== strpos( $sql, 'USE INDEX (comment_date_gmt)'))
- $sql = str_replace( 'USE INDEX (comment_date_gmt)', '', $sql);
- // HB : timestamp fix for permalinks
- $sql = str_replace( 'post_date_gmt > 1970', 'post_date_gmt > to_timestamp (\'1970\')', $sql);
- // Akismet sometimes doesn't write 'comment_ID' with 'ID' in capitals where needed ...
- if( isset($wpdb) && false !== strpos( $sql, $wpdb->comments))
- $sql = str_replace(' comment_id ', ' comment_ID ', $sql);
- // MySQL treats a HAVING clause without GROUP BY like WHERE
- if( false !== strpos($sql, 'HAVING') && false === strpos($sql, 'GROUP BY'))
- {
- if( false === strpos($sql, 'WHERE'))
- $sql = str_replace('HAVING', 'WHERE', $sql);
- else
- {
- $pattern = '/WHERE\s+(.*?)\s+HAVING\s+(.*?)(\s*(?:ORDER|LIMIT|PROCEDURE|INTO|FOR|LOCK|$))/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, 'WHERE ($1) AND ($2) $3', $sql);
- }
- }
- // MySQL allows integers to be used as boolean expressions
- // where 0 is false and all other values are true.
- //
- // Although this could occur anywhere with any number, so far it
- // has only been observed as top-level expressions in the WHERE
- // clause and only with 0. For performance, limit current
- // replacements to that.
- $pattern_after_where = '(?:\s*$|\s+(GROUP|HAVING|ORDER|LIMIT|PROCEDURE|INTO|FOR|LOCK))';
- $pattern = '/(WHERE\s+)0(\s+AND|\s+OR|' . $pattern_after_where . ')/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, '$1false$2', $sql);
- $pattern = '/(AND\s+|OR\s+)0(' . $pattern_after_where . ')/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, '$1false$2', $sql);
- // MySQL supports strings as names, PostgreSQL needs identifiers.
- // Limit to after closing parenthesis to reduce false-positives
- // Currently only an issue for nextgen-gallery plugin
- $pattern = '/\) AS \'([^\']+)\'/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, ') AS "$1"', $sql);
- } // SELECT
- elseif( 0 === strpos($sql, 'UPDATE'))
- {
- $logto = 'UPDATE';
- $pattern = '/LIMIT[ ]+\d+/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '', $sql);
- // For correct bactick removal
- $pattern = '/[ ]*`([^` ]+)`[ ]*=/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, ' $1 =', $sql);
- // Those are used when we need to set the date to now() in gmt time
- $sql = str_replace( "'0000-00-00 00:00:00'", 'now() AT TIME ZONE \'gmt\'', $sql);
- // For correct ID quoting
- $pattern = '/(,|\s)[ ]*([^ \']*ID[^ \']*)[ ]*=/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, '$1 "$2" =', $sql);
- // This will avoid modifications to anything following ' SET '
- list($sql,$end) = explode( ' SET ', $sql, 2);
- $end = ' SET '.$end;
- } // UPDATE
- elseif( 0 === strpos($sql, 'INSERT'))
- {
- $logto = 'INSERT';
- $sql = str_replace('(0,',"('0',", $sql);
- $sql = str_replace('(1,',"('1',", $sql);
- // Fix inserts into wp_categories
- if( false !== strpos($sql, 'INSERT INTO '.$wpdb->categories))
- {
- $sql = str_replace('"cat_ID",', '', $sql);
- $sql = str_replace("VALUES ('0',", "VALUES(", $sql);
- }
- // Those are used when we need to set the date to now() in gmt time
- $sql = str_replace( "'0000-00-00 00:00:00'", 'now() AT TIME ZONE \'gmt\'', $sql);
- // Multiple values group when calling INSERT INTO don't always work
- if( false !== strpos( $sql, $wpdb->options) && false !== strpos( $sql, '), ('))
- {
- $pattern = '/INSERT INTO.+VALUES/';
- preg_match($pattern, $sql, $matches);
- $insert = $matches[0];
- $sql = str_replace( '), (', ');'.$insert.'(', $sql);
- }
- // Support for "INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ..." is a dirty hack
- // consisting in deleting the row before inserting it
- if( false !== $pos = strpos( $sql, 'ON DUPLICATE KEY'))
- {
- // Get the elements we need (table name, first field, corresponding value)
- $pattern = '/INSERT INTO\s+([^\(]+)\(([^,]+)[^\(]+VALUES\s*\(([^,]+)/';
- preg_match($pattern, $sql, $matches);
- $table = trim( $matches[1], ' `');
- if( !in_array(trim($matches[1],'` '), array($wpdb->posts,$wpdb->comments)))
- {
- // Remove 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE...' and following
- $sql = substr( $sql, 0, $pos);
- // Add a delete query to handle the maybe existing data
- $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$matches[2].' = '.$matches[3].';'.$sql;
- }
- }
- elseif( 0 === strpos($sql, 'INSERT IGNORE'))
- {
- // Note: Requires PostgreSQL 9.0 and USAGE privilege.
- // Could do query-specific rewrite using SELECT without FROM
- // as in http://stackoverflow.com/a/13342031
- $sql = 'DO $$BEGIN INSERT'.substr($sql, 13).'; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN END;$$;';
- }
- // To avoid Encoding errors when inserting data coming from outside
- if( preg_match('/^.{1}/us',$sql,$ar) != 1)
- $sql = utf8_encode($sql);
- // This will avoid modifications to anything following ' VALUES'
- list($sql,$end) = explode( ' VALUES', $sql, 2);
- $end = ' VALUES'.$end;
- // When installing, the sequence for table terms has to be updated
- if( defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING && false !== strpos($sql, 'INSERT INTO `'.$wpdb->terms.'`'))
- $end .= ';SELECT setval(\''.$wpdb->terms.'_seq\', (SELECT MAX(term_id) FROM '.$wpdb->terms.')+1);';
- } // INSERT
- elseif( 0 === strpos( $sql, 'DELETE' ))
- {
- $logto = 'DELETE';
- // ORDER BY is not supported in DELETE queries, and not required
- // when LIMIT is not present
- if( false !== strpos( $sql, 'ORDER BY') && false === strpos( $sql, 'LIMIT'))
- {
- $pattern = '/ORDER BY \S+ (ASC|DESC)?/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, '', $sql);
- }
- // LIMIT is not allowed in DELETE queries
- $sql = str_replace( 'LIMIT 1', '', $sql);
- $sql = str_replace( ' REGEXP ', ' ~ ', $sql);
- // This handles removal of duplicate entries in table options
- if( false !== strpos( $sql, 'DELETE o1 FROM '))
- $sql = "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_id IN " .
- "(SELECT o1.option_id FROM $wpdb->options AS o1, $wpdb->options AS o2 " .
- "WHERE o1.option_name = o2.option_name " .
- "AND o1.option_id < o2.option_id)";
- // Rewrite _transient_timeout multi-table delete query
- elseif( 0 === strpos( $sql, 'DELETE a, b FROM wp_options a, wp_options b'))
- {
- $where = substr( $sql, strpos($sql, 'WHERE ') + 6);
- $where = rtrim( $where, " \t\n\r;");
- // Fix string/number comparison by adding check and cast
- $where = str_replace( 'AND b.option_value', 'AND b.option_value ~ \'^[0-9]+$\' AND CAST(b.option_value AS BIGINT)', $where);
- // Mirror WHERE clause to delete both sides of self-join.
- $where2 = strtr( $where, array('a.' => 'b.', 'b.' => 'a.'));
- $sql = 'DELETE FROM wp_options a USING wp_options b WHERE '.
- '('.$where.') OR ('.$where2.');';
- }
- // Akismet sometimes doesn't write 'comment_ID' with 'ID' in capitals where needed ...
- if( false !== strpos( $sql, $wpdb->comments))
- $sql = str_replace(' comment_id ', ' comment_ID ', $sql);
- }
- // Fix tables listing
- elseif( 0 === strpos($sql, 'SHOW TABLES'))
- {
- $logto = 'SHOWTABLES';
- $sql = 'SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = \'public\';';
- }
- // Rewriting optimize table
- elseif( 0 === strpos($sql, 'OPTIMIZE TABLE'))
- {
- $logto = 'OPTIMIZE';
- $sql = str_replace( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE', 'VACUUM', $sql);
- }
- // Handle 'SET NAMES ... COLLATE ...'
- elseif( 0 === strpos($sql, 'SET NAMES') && false !== strpos($sql, 'COLLATE'))
- {
- $logto = 'SETNAMES';
- $sql = "SET NAMES 'utf8'";
- }
- // Load up upgrade and install functions as required
- $begin = strtoupper( substr( $sql, 0, 3));
- $search = array( 'SHO', 'ALT', 'DES', 'CRE', 'DRO');
- if( in_array($begin, $search))
- {
- require_once( PG4WP_ROOT.'/driver_pgsql_install.php');
- $sql = pg4wp_installing( $sql, $logto);
- }
- // WP 2.9.1 uses a comparison where text data is not quoted
- $pattern = '/AND meta_value = (-?\d+)/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, 'AND meta_value = \'$1\'', $sql);
- // Add type cast for meta_value field when it's compared to number
- $pattern = '/AND meta_value < (\d+)/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'AND meta_value::bigint < $1', $sql);
- $pattern = '/INTERVAL[ ]+(\d+)[ ]+(YEAR|MONTH|DAY|HOUR|MINUTE|SECOND)/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, "'\$1 \$2'::interval", $sql);
- $pattern = '/DATE_SUB[ ]*\(([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/';
- $sql = preg_replace( $pattern, '($1::timestamp - $2)', $sql);
- // Remove illegal characters
- $sql = str_replace('`', '', $sql);
- // Field names with CAPITALS need special handling
- if( false !== strpos($sql, 'ID'))
- {
- $pattern = '/ID([^ ])/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'ID $1', $sql);
- $pattern = '/ID$/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'ID ', $sql);
- $pattern = '/\(ID/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '( ID', $sql);
- $pattern = '/,ID/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, ', ID', $sql);
- $pattern = '/[0-9a-zA-Z_]+ID/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '"$0"', $sql);
- $pattern = '/\.ID/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '."ID"', $sql);
- $pattern = '/[\s]ID /';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, ' "ID" ', $sql);
- $pattern = '/"ID "/';
- $sql = preg_replace($pattern, ' "ID" ', $sql);
- // Empty "IN" statements are erroneous
- $sql = str_replace( 'IN (\'\')', 'IN (NULL)', $sql);
- $sql = str_replace( 'IN ( \'\' )', 'IN (NULL)', $sql);
- $sql = str_replace( 'IN ()', 'IN (NULL)', $sql);
- // Put back the end of the query if it was separated
- $sql .= $end;
- // For insert ID catching
- if( $logto == 'INSERT')
- {
- $pattern = '/INSERT INTO (\w+)\s+\([ a-zA-Z_"]+/';
- preg_match($pattern, $sql, $matches);
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_table'] = $matches[1];
- $match_list = explode(' ', $matches[0]);
- if( $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_table'])
- {
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_field'] = trim($match_list[3],' () ');
- if(! $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_field'])
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_field'] = trim($match_list[4],' () ');
- }
- $GLOBALS['pg4wp_last_insert'] = $sql;
- }
- elseif( isset($GLOBALS['pg4wp_queued_query']))
- {
- pg_query($GLOBALS['pg4wp_queued_query']);
- unset($GLOBALS['pg4wp_queued_query']);
- }
- // Correct quoting for PostgreSQL 9.1+ compatibility
- $sql = str_replace( "\\'", "''", $sql);
- $sql = str_replace( '\"', '"', $sql);
- if( PG4WP_DEBUG)
- {
- if( $initial != $sql)
- error_log( '['.microtime(true)."] Converting :\n$initial\n---- to ----\n$sql\n---------------------\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG.'pg4wp_'.$logto.'.log');
- else
- error_log( '['.microtime(true)."] $sql\n---------------------\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG.'pg4wp_unmodified.log');
- }
- return $sql;
- }
- // Database initialization
- function pg4wp_init()
- {
- // Provide (mostly) MySQL-compatible field function
- // Note: MySQL accepts heterogeneous argument types. No easy fix.
- // Can define version with typed first arg to cover some cases.
- // Note: ROW_NUMBER+unnest doesn't guarantee order, but is simple/fast.
- // If it breaks, try https://stackoverflow.com/a/8767450
- $result = pg_query(<<If you want to do it anyway, please set "PG4WP_INSECURE" to true in your "db.php" file.');
+ }
+ // Must connect to a specific database unlike MySQL
+ $dbname = defined('DB_NAME') && DB_NAME ? DB_NAME : 'template1';
+ return pg_connect($GLOBALS['pg4wp_connstr'] . ' dbname=' . $dbname);
+ * Establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL database.
+ *
+ * This function connects to a PostgreSQL database by creating a connection string and using
+ * pg_connect. If the connection is successful, it stores the PostgreSQL server version into
+ * a global variable. The function also handles early transmitted SQL commands and initializes
+ * the connection with pg4wp_init().
+ *
+ * Note: Unlike the MySQL equivalent, pg_connect will return an existing connection if one
+ * exists with the same connection string.
+ *
+ * @param string $dbname The name of the database to connect to.
+ * @param int $connection_id The connection ID (Unused in this function).
+ *
+ * @return resource|bool The connection resource on success, or FALSE on failure.
+ */
+function wpsql_select_db($dbname, $connection_id = 0)
+ $pg_connstr = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_connstr'] . ' dbname=' . $dbname;
+ // pg_connect returns existing connection for same connection string
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'] = $conn = pg_connect($pg_connstr);
+ // Return FALSE if connection failed
+ if(!$conn) {
+ return $conn;
+ }
+ // Get and store PostgreSQL server version
+ $ver = pg_version($conn);
+ if(isset($ver['server'])) {
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_version'] = $ver['server'];
+ }
+ // Clear the connection string unless this is a test connection
+ if(!defined('WP_INSTALLING') || !WP_INSTALLING) {
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_connstr'] = '';
+ }
+ // Execute any pre-defined SQL commands
+ if(!empty($GLOBALS['pg4wp_pre_sql'])) {
+ foreach($GLOBALS['pg4wp_pre_sql'] as $sql2run) {
+ wpsql_query($sql2run);
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize connection with custom function
+ pg4wp_init($conn);
+ return $conn;
+ * Initializes the database environment for pg4wp.
+ *
+ * This function sets up a MySQL-compatible `field` function in PostgreSQL.
+ * Note: In MySQL, the field function accepts arguments of heterogeneous types,
+ * but in PostgreSQL, it may not.
+ *
+ * Note: ROW_NUMBER()+unnest approach is used for performance but might not guarantee order.
+ * Refer to https://stackoverflow.com/a/8767450 if it breaks.
+ */
+function pg4wp_init()
+ // Database connection
+ $connection = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'];
+ /**
+ * SQL query to create or replace a PostgreSQL function named "field"
+ * which imitates MySQL's FIELD() function behavior.
+ *
+ * - ROW_NUMBER() is a window function in Postgres, used to assign a unique integer to rows.
+ * - unnest() is a Postgres function that takes an array and returns a set of rows.
+ *
+ * The function takes anyelement as the first parameter and anyarray as the second.
+ * It returns a BIGINT.
+ *
+ * SQL is used as the procedural language, and the function is marked as IMMUTABLE.
+ */
+ $sql = <<<'SQL'
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION field(anyelement, VARIADIC anyarray)
+ SELECT rownum
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS rownum, elem
+ FROM unnest($2) elem
+ ) AS numbered
+ WHERE numbered.elem = $1
+ $$
+ SQL;
+ // Execute the SQL query
+ $result = pg_query($connection, $sql);
+ if ((PG4WP_DEBUG || PG4WP_LOG_ERRORS) && $result === false) {
+ $error = pg_last_error();
+ error_log("[" . microtime(true) . "] Error creating MySQL-compatible field function: $error\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG . 'pg4wp_errors.log');
+ }
+ * Executes a SQL query on a Postgres database.
+ *
+ * This function handles the SQL query by executing it on a Postgres database,
+ * if the global connection is available. Otherwise, it stores the SQL
+ * statement for later execution. It also handles errors and debugging.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql The SQL query string.
+ * @return resource|bool The query result resource on success, or FALSE on failure.
+ *
+ * Differences from MySQL equivalents:
+ * - Uses pg_query() instead of mysql_query() for executing the query.
+ * - Error handling is done using pg_last_error() instead of mysql_error().
+ * - SQL rewriting is performed by the pg4wp_rewrite() function.
+ */
+function wpsql_query($sql)
+ // Check if a connection to Postgres database is established
+ if (!$GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn']) {
+ // Store SQL query for later execution when connection is available
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_pre_sql'][] = $sql;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Store the initial SQL query
+ $initial = $sql;
+ // Rewrite the SQL query for compatibility with Postgres
+ $sql = pg4wp_rewrite($sql);
+ // Execute the SQL query and store the result
+ if (PG4WP_DEBUG) {
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_result'] = pg_query($GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'], $sql);
+ } else {
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_result'] = @pg_query($GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'], $sql);
+ }
+ // Handle errors and logging
+ if ((PG4WP_DEBUG || PG4WP_LOG_ERRORS) && $GLOBALS['pg4wp_result'] === false && $err = pg_last_error($GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'])) {
+ $ignore = false;
+ // Ignore errors if WordPress is in the installation process
+ if (defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING) {
+ global $table_prefix;
+ $ignore = strpos($err, 'relation "' . $table_prefix);
+ }
+ if (!$ignore) {
+ error_log('[' . microtime(true) . "] Error running :\n$initial\n---- converted to ----\n$sql\n----> $err\n---------------------\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG . 'pg4wp_errors.log');
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the query result
+ return $GLOBALS['pg4wp_result'];
+ * Fetches a result row as an associative and numeric array from a Postgres query result.
+ *
+ * This function calls the pg_fetch_array() function to fetch the next row from a Postgres result set
+ * and trims any leading or trailing whitespace from each of the values.
+ *
+ * Differences from MySQL Equivalent:
+ * 1. It uses pg_fetch_array() instead of mysql_fetch_array().
+ * 2. It trims the values of the resulting array, which is specific to this implementation.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The result resource returned by a Postgres query.
+ * @return array|bool An array of the next row in the result set, or false if there are no more rows.
+ */
+function wpsql_fetch_array($result)
+ // Fetch the next row as an array
+ $res = pg_fetch_array($result);
+ // Check if the result is an array and trim its values
+ if (is_array($res)) {
+ foreach ($res as $v => $k) {
+ $res[$v] = trim($k);
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the trimmed array or false if there are no more rows
+ return $res;
+ * Fetches the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT query.
+ *
+ * @param resource|null $lnk A PostgreSQL connection resource. Default is `null`.
+ *
+ * @return mixed The ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT query on success; `false` on failure.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * 1. In PostgreSQL, this function uses CURRVAL() on the appropriate sequence to get the last inserted ID.
+ * 2. In MySQL, last inserted ID is generally fetched using mysql_insert_id() or mysqli_insert_id().
+ */
+function wpsql_insert_id($lnk = null)
+ global $wpdb;
+ $data = null;
+ $ins_field = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_field'];
+ $table = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_table'];
+ $lastq = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_last_insert'];
+ $seq = $table . '_seq';
+ // Special case for 'term_relationships' table, which does not have a sequence in PostgreSQL.
+ if ($table == $wpdb->term_relationships) {
+ // PostgreSQL: Using CURRVAL() to get the current value of the sequence.
+ $sql = "SELECT CURRVAL('$seq')";
+ $res = pg_query($sql);
+ if (false !== $res) {
+ $data = pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Special case when using WP_Import plugin where ID is defined in the query itself.
+ elseif ('post_author' == $ins_field && false !== strpos($lastq, 'ID')) {
+ // No PostgreSQL specific operation here.
+ $sql = 'ID was in query ';
+ $pattern = '/.+\'(\d+).+$/';
+ preg_match($pattern, $lastq, $matches);
+ $data = $matches[1];
+ // PostgreSQL: Setting the value of the sequence based on the latest inserted ID.
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_queued_query'] = "SELECT SETVAL('$seq',(SELECT MAX(\"ID\") FROM $table)+1);";
+ } else {
+ // PostgreSQL: Using CURRVAL() to get the current value of the sequence.
+ $sql = "SELECT CURRVAL('$seq')";
+ $res = pg_query($GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'], $sql);
+ if (false !== $res) {
+ $data = pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
+ } elseif (PG4WP_DEBUG || PG4WP_LOG) {
+ $log = '[' . microtime(true) . "] wpsql_insert_id() was called with '$table' and '$ins_field'" .
+ " and returned the error:\n" . pg_last_error($GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn']) .
+ "\nFor the query:\n" . $sql .
+ "\nThe latest INSERT query was :\n'$lastq'\n";
+ error_log($log, 3, PG4WP_LOG . 'pg4wp_errors.log');
+ }
+ }
+ if (PG4WP_DEBUG && $sql) {
+ error_log('[' . microtime(true) . "] Getting inserted ID for '$table' ('$ins_field') : $sql => $data\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG . 'pg4wp_insertid.log');
+ }
+ return $data;
+ * Fetch a specific result row's field value from a PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * Quick fix for wpsql_result() error and missing wpsql_errno() function
+ * Source : http://vitoriodelage.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/add-missing-wpsql_errno-in-pg4wp-plugin/
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The Postgres query result resource.
+ * @param int $i The row number from which to get the value (0-based).
+ * @param string|null $fieldname Optional. The field name to fetch.
+ *
+ * @return mixed Field value or false if no such row exists.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * 1. This function uses `pg_fetch_result` to get a single field's value from a row.
+ * 2. In MySQL, you could use `mysql_result` to accomplish something similar.
+ */
+function wpsql_result($result, $i, $fieldname = null)
+ if (is_resource($result)) {
+ if ($fieldname) {
+ return pg_fetch_result($result, $i, $fieldname);
+ } else {
+ return pg_fetch_result($result, $i);
+ }
+ }
+ * Returns the SQLSTATE error code for the last query executed on the connection.
+ *
+ * @param resource $connection The Postgres database connection resource.
+ *
+ * @return string|false SQLSTATE error code or false if no error.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * 1. This function uses `pg_get_result` to get the result resource of the last query.
+ * 2. `pg_result_status` returns the status of the result.
+ * 3. `pg_result_error_field` is used to get the SQLSTATE error code.
+ * 4. In MySQL, you could use `mysqli_errno` to get the error code directly.
+ */
+function wpsql_errno($connection)
+ $result = pg_get_result($connection);
+ if ($result === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $result_status = pg_result_status($result);
+ return pg_result_error_field($result_status, PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE);
+ * Checks if a connection to a PostgreSQL database is alive.
+ *
+ * @param resource $conn The PostgreSQL connection resource.
+ * @return bool Returns true if the connection is alive, false otherwise.
+ */
+function wpsql_ping($conn)
+ return pg_ping($conn);
+ * Gets the number of rows in a PostgreSQL result.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @return int Returns the number of rows.
+ */
+function wpsql_num_rows($result)
+ return pg_num_rows($result);
+ * Alias for wpsql_num_rows. Gets the number of rows in a PostgreSQL result.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @return int Returns the number of rows.
+ */
+function wpsql_numrows($result)
+ return pg_num_rows($result);
+ * Gets the number of fields in a PostgreSQL result.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @return int Returns the number of fields.
+ */
+function wpsql_num_fields($result)
+ return pg_num_fields($result);
+ * Mock function to mimic MySQL's fetch_field function.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @return string Returns 'tablename' as a placeholder.
+ */
+function wpsql_fetch_field($result)
+ return 'tablename';
+ * Fetches one row from a PostgreSQL result as an object.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @return object Returns an object containing the data.
+ */
+function wpsql_fetch_object($result)
+ return pg_fetch_object($result);
+ * Frees a PostgreSQL result resource.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @return bool Returns true on success, false otherwise.
+ */
+function wpsql_free_result($result)
+ if ($result === null) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return pg_free_result($result);
+ * Gets the number of affected rows by the last PostgreSQL query.
+ *
+ * @return int Returns the number of affected rows.
+ */
+function wpsql_affected_rows()
+ if($GLOBALS['pg4wp_result'] === false) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return pg_affected_rows($GLOBALS['pg4wp_result']);
+ * Fetches one row from a PostgreSQL result as an enumerated array.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @return array Returns an array containing the row data.
+ */
+function wpsql_fetch_row($result)
+ return pg_fetch_row($result);
+ * Sets the row offset for a PostgreSQL result resource.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @param int $offset The row offset.
+ * @return bool Returns true on success, false otherwise.
+ */
+function wpsql_data_seek($result, $offset)
+ return pg_result_seek($result, $offset);
+ * Gets the last error message from a PostgreSQL connection.
+ *
+ * @return string Returns the error message.
+ */
+function wpsql_error()
+ if($GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn']) {
+ return pg_last_error($GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn']);
+ }
+ return '';
+ * Fetches one row from a PostgreSQL result as an associative array.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result The PostgreSQL result resource.
+ * @return array Returns an associative array containing the row data.
+ */
+function wpsql_fetch_assoc($result)
+ return pg_fetch_assoc($result);
+ * Escapes a string for use in a PostgreSQL query.
+ *
+ * @param string $s The string to escape.
+ * @return string Returns the escaped string.
+ */
+function wpsql_escape_string($s)
+ return pg_escape_string($GLOBALS['pg4wp_conn'], $s);
+ * Escapes a string for use in a PostgreSQL query with a specified connection.
+ *
+ * @param string $s The string to escape.
+ * @param resource $c The PostgreSQL connection resource.
+ * @return string Returns the escaped string.
+ */
+function wpsql_real_escape_string($s, $c = null)
+ return pg_escape_string($c, $s);
+ * Mock function to mimic MySQL's get_server_info function.
+ *
+ * @return string Returns '8.0.35' as a placeholder.
+ */
+function wpsql_get_server_info()
+ return '8.0.35'; // Just want to fool wordpress ...
+ * Mock function to mimic MySQL's get_client_info function.
+ *
+ * @return string Returns '8.0.35' as a placeholder.
+ */
+function wpsql_get_client_info()
+ return '8.0.35'; // Just want to fool wordpress ...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pg4wp/driver_pgsql_install.php b/pg4wp/driver_pgsql_install.php
index f03c257..f0cce6b 100644
--- a/pg4wp/driver_pgsql_install.php
+++ b/pg4wp/driver_pgsql_install.php
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ function pg4wp_installing( $sql, &$logto)
END AS \"Null\",
CASE pg_type.typname
- WHEN 'varchar' THEN substring(pg_attrdef.adsrc FROM '^''(.*)''.*$')
- WHEN 'timestamp' THEN CASE WHEN pg_attrdef.adsrc LIKE '%now()%' THEN '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ELSE pg_attrdef.adsrc END
- ELSE pg_attrdef.adsrc
+ WHEN 'varchar' THEN substring(pg_get_expr(pg_attrdef.adbin, pg_attrdef.adrelid) FROM '^''(.*)''.*$')
+ WHEN 'timestamp' THEN CASE WHEN pg_get_expr(pg_attrdef.adbin, pg_attrdef.adrelid) LIKE '%now()%' THEN '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ELSE pg_get_expr(pg_attrdef.adbin, pg_attrdef.adrelid) END
+ ELSE pg_get_expr(pg_attrdef.adbin, pg_attrdef.adrelid)
END AS \"Default\"
FROM pg_class
INNER JOIN pg_attribute
diff --git a/pg4wp/driver_pgsql_rewrite.php b/pg4wp/driver_pgsql_rewrite.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8841a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg4wp/driver_pgsql_rewrite.php
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ $logto = strtoupper($rewriter->type());
+ switch ($rewriter->type()) {
+ case 'Update':
+ // This will avoid modifications to anything following ' SET '
+ list($sql, $end) = explode(' SET ', $sql, 2);
+ $end = ' SET ' . $end;
+ break;
+ case 'Insert':
+ // This will avoid modifications to anything following ' VALUES'
+ list($sql, $end) = explode(' VALUES', $sql, 2);
+ $end = ' VALUES' . $end;
+ // When installing, the sequence for table terms has to be updated
+ if(defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING && false !== strpos($sql, 'INSERT INTO `' . $wpdb->terms . '`')) {
+ $end .= ';SELECT setval(\'' . $wpdb->terms . '_seq\', (SELECT MAX(term_id) FROM ' . $wpdb->terms . ')+1);';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Insert':
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ $sql = loadInstallFunctions($sql, $logto);
+ $sql = correctMetaValue($sql);
+ $sql = handleInterval($sql);
+ $sql = cleanAndCapitalize($sql);
+ $sql = correctEmptyInStatements($sql);
+ $sql = correctQuoting($sql);
+ // Put back the end of the query if it was separated
+ $sql .= $end;
+ // For insert ID catching
+ if($logto == 'INSERT') {
+ $pattern = '/INSERT INTO (\w+)\s+\([ a-zA-Z_"]+/';
+ preg_match($pattern, $sql, $matches);
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_table'] = $matches[1];
+ $match_list = explode(' ', $matches[0]);
+ if($GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_table']) {
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_field'] = trim($match_list[3], ' () ');
+ if(!$GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_field']) {
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_ins_field'] = trim($match_list[4], ' () ');
+ }
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_last_insert'] = $sql;
+ } elseif(isset($GLOBALS['pg4wp_queued_query'])) {
+ pg_query($GLOBALS['pg4wp_queued_query']);
+ unset($GLOBALS['pg4wp_queued_query']);
+ }
+ if(PG4WP_DEBUG) {
+ if($initial != $sql) {
+ error_log('[' . microtime(true) . "] Converting :\n$initial\n---- to ----\n$sql\n---------------------\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG . 'pg4wp_' . $logto . '.log');
+ } else {
+ error_log('[' . microtime(true) . "] $sql\n---------------------\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG . 'pg4wp_unmodified.log');
+ }
+ }
+ return $sql;
+ * Load upgrade and install functions as required.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql SQL query string
+ * @param string $logto Logging type
+ * @return string Modified SQL query string
+ */
+function loadInstallFunctions($sql, &$logto)
+ $begin = strtoupper(substr($sql, 0, 3));
+ $search = array('SHO', 'ALT', 'DES', 'CRE', 'DRO');
+ if (in_array($begin, $search)) {
+ require_once(PG4WP_ROOT . '/driver_pgsql_install.php');
+ $sql = pg4wp_installing($sql, $logto);
+ }
+ return $sql;
+ * Correct the meta_value field for WP 2.9.1 and add type cast.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql SQL query string
+ * @return string Modified SQL query string
+ */
+function correctMetaValue($sql)
+ // WP 2.9.1 uses a comparison where text data is not quoted
+ $sql = preg_replace('/AND meta_value = (-?\d+)/', 'AND meta_value = \'$1\'', $sql);
+ // Add type cast for meta_value field when it's compared to number
+ $sql = preg_replace('/AND meta_value < (\d+)/', 'AND meta_value::bigint < $1', $sql);
+ return $sql;
+ * Handle interval expressions in SQL query.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql SQL query string
+ * @return string Modified SQL query string
+ */
+function handleInterval($sql)
+ $sql = preg_replace('/INTERVAL[ ]+(\d+)[ ]+(YEAR|MONTH|DAY|HOUR|MINUTE|SECOND)/', "'\$1 \$2'::interval", $sql);
+ // DATE_SUB handling
+ $sql = preg_replace('/DATE_SUB[ ]*\(([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/', '($1::timestamp - $2)', $sql);
+ return $sql;
+ * Clean SQL query from illegal characters and handle capitalization.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql SQL query string
+ * @return string Modified SQL query string
+ */
+function cleanAndCapitalize($sql)
+ // Remove illegal characters
+ $sql = str_replace('`', '', $sql);
+ // Field names with CAPITALS need special handling
+ if (false !== strpos($sql, 'ID')) {
+ $patterns = [
+ '/ID([^ ])/' => 'ID $1',
+ '/ID$/' => 'ID ',
+ '/\(ID/' => '( ID',
+ '/,ID/' => ', ID',
+ '/[0-9a-zA-Z_]+ID/' => '"$0"',
+ '/\.ID/' => '."ID"',
+ '/[\s]ID /' => ' "ID" ',
+ '/"ID "/' => ' "ID" '
+ ];
+ foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $replacement) {
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $sql);
+ }
+ }
+ return $sql;
+ * Correct empty IN statements in SQL query.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql SQL query string
+ * @return string Modified SQL query string
+ */
+function correctEmptyInStatements($sql)
+ $search = ['IN (\'\')', 'IN ( \'\' )', 'IN ()'];
+ $replace = 'IN (NULL)';
+ $sql = str_replace($search, $replace, $sql);
+ return $sql;
+ * Correct quoting for PostgreSQL 9.1+ compatibility.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql SQL query string
+ * @return string Modified SQL query string
+ */
+function correctQuoting($sql)
+ $sql = str_replace("\\'", "''", $sql);
+ $sql = str_replace('\"', '"', $sql);
+ return $sql;
diff --git a/pg4wp/rewriters/AbstractSQLRewriter.php b/pg4wp/rewriters/AbstractSQLRewriter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..020e72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg4wp/rewriters/AbstractSQLRewriter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+originalSQL = $sql;
+ }
+ abstract public function rewrite(): string;
+ public function original(): string
+ {
+ return $this->originalSQL;
+ }
+ public function type(): string
+ {
+ // Get the called class name and remove the "SQLRewriter" suffix to get the SQL type
+ $className = get_called_class();
+ $type = str_replace('SQLRewriter', '', $className);
+ return $type;
+ }
diff --git a/pg4wp/rewriters/DeleteSQLRewriter.php b/pg4wp/rewriters/DeleteSQLRewriter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32eae3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg4wp/rewriters/DeleteSQLRewriter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ // ORDER BY is not supported in DELETE queries, and not required
+ // when LIMIT is not present
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, 'ORDER BY') && false === strpos($sql, 'LIMIT')) {
+ $pattern = '/ORDER BY \S+ (ASC|DESC)?/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '', $sql);
+ }
+ // LIMIT is not allowed in DELETE queries
+ $sql = str_replace('LIMIT 1', '', $sql);
+ $sql = str_replace(' REGEXP ', ' ~ ', $sql);
+ // This handles removal of duplicate entries in table options
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, 'DELETE o1 FROM ')) {
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_id IN " .
+ "(SELECT o1.option_id FROM $wpdb->options AS o1, $wpdb->options AS o2 " .
+ "WHERE o1.option_name = o2.option_name " .
+ "AND o1.option_id < o2.option_id)";
+ }
+ // Rewrite _transient_timeout multi-table delete query
+ elseif(0 === strpos($sql, 'DELETE a, b FROM wp_options a, wp_options b')) {
+ $where = substr($sql, strpos($sql, 'WHERE ') + 6);
+ $where = rtrim($where, " \t\n\r;");
+ // Fix string/number comparison by adding check and cast
+ $where = str_replace('AND b.option_value', 'AND b.option_value ~ \'^[0-9]+$\' AND CAST(b.option_value AS BIGINT)', $where);
+ // Mirror WHERE clause to delete both sides of self-join.
+ $where2 = strtr($where, array('a.' => 'b.', 'b.' => 'a.'));
+ $sql = 'DELETE FROM wp_options a USING wp_options b WHERE ' .
+ '(' . $where . ') OR (' . $where2 . ');';
+ }
+ // Rewrite _transient_timeout multi-table delete query
+ elseif(0 === strpos($sql, 'DELETE a, b FROM wp_sitemeta a, wp_sitemeta b')) {
+ $where = substr($sql, strpos($sql, 'WHERE ') + 6);
+ $where = rtrim($where, " \t\n\r;");
+ // Fix string/number comparison by adding check and cast
+ $where = str_replace('AND b.meta_value', 'AND b.meta_value ~ \'^[0-9]+$\' AND CAST(b.meta_value AS BIGINT)', $where);
+ // Mirror WHERE clause to delete both sides of self-join.
+ $where2 = strtr($where, array('a.' => 'b.', 'b.' => 'a.'));
+ $sql = 'DELETE FROM wp_sitemeta a USING wp_sitemeta b WHERE ' .
+ '(' . $where . ') OR (' . $where2 . ');';
+ }
+ // Akismet sometimes doesn't write 'comment_ID' with 'ID' in capitals where needed ...
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, $wpdb->comments)) {
+ $sql = str_replace(' comment_id ', ' comment_ID ', $sql);
+ }
+ return $sql;
+ }
diff --git a/pg4wp/rewriters/InsertSQLRewriter.php b/pg4wp/rewriters/InsertSQLRewriter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f8d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg4wp/rewriters/InsertSQLRewriter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ $sql = str_replace('(0,', "('0',", $sql);
+ $sql = str_replace('(1,', "('1',", $sql);
+ // Fix inserts into wp_categories
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, 'INSERT INTO ' . $wpdb->categories)) {
+ $sql = str_replace('"cat_ID",', '', $sql);
+ $sql = str_replace("VALUES ('0',", "VALUES(", $sql);
+ }
+ // Those are used when we need to set the date to now() in gmt time
+ $sql = str_replace("'0000-00-00 00:00:00'", 'now() AT TIME ZONE \'gmt\'', $sql);
+ // Multiple values group when calling INSERT INTO don't always work
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, $wpdb->options) && false !== strpos($sql, '), (')) {
+ $pattern = '/INSERT INTO.+VALUES/';
+ preg_match($pattern, $sql, $matches);
+ $insert = $matches[0];
+ $sql = str_replace('), (', ');' . $insert . '(', $sql);
+ }
+ if(false !== $pos = strpos($sql, 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE')) {
+ $splitStatements = function (string $sql): array {
+ $statements = [];
+ $buffer = '';
+ $quote = null;
+ for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($sql); $i < $len; $i++) {
+ $char = $sql[$i];
+ if ($quote) {
+ if ($char === $quote && $sql[$i - 1] !== '\\') {
+ $quote = null;
+ }
+ } elseif ($char === '"' || $char === "'") {
+ $quote = $char;
+ } elseif ($char === ';') {
+ $statements[] = $buffer . ';';
+ $buffer = '';
+ continue;
+ }
+ $buffer .= $char;
+ }
+ if (!empty($buffer)) {
+ $statements[] = $buffer;
+ }
+ return $statements;
+ };
+ $statements = $splitStatements($sql);
+ foreach ($statements as $statement) {
+ $statement = trim($statement);
+ // Skip empty statements
+ if (empty($statement)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Replace backticks with double quotes for PostgreSQL compatibility
+ $statement = str_replace('`', '"', $statement);
+ // Find index positions for the SQL components
+ $insertIndex = strpos($statement, 'INSERT INTO');
+ $valuesIndex = strpos($statement, 'VALUES');
+ $onDuplicateKeyIndex = strpos($statement, 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE');
+ // Extract SQL components
+ $tableSection = trim(substr($statement, $insertIndex, $valuesIndex - $insertIndex));
+ $valuesSection = trim(substr($statement, $valuesIndex, $onDuplicateKeyIndex - $valuesIndex));
+ $updateSection = trim(str_replace('ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE', '', substr($statement, $onDuplicateKeyIndex)));
+ // Extract and clean up column names from the update section
+ $updateCols = explode(',', $updateSection);
+ $updateCols = array_map(function ($col) {
+ return trim(explode('=', $col)[0]);
+ }, $updateCols);
+ // Choose a primary key for ON CONFLICT
+ $primaryKey = 'option_name';
+ if (!in_array($primaryKey, $updateCols)) {
+ $primaryKey = 'meta_name';
+ if (!in_array($primaryKey, $updateCols)) {
+ $primaryKey = $updateCols[0] ?? '';
+ }
+ }
+ // Construct the PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE section
+ $updateSection = implode(', ', array_map(fn($col) => "$col = EXCLUDED.$col", $updateCols));
+ // Construct the PostgreSQL query
+ $postgresSQL = sprintf('%s %s ON CONFLICT (%s) DO UPDATE SET %s', $tableSection, $valuesSection, $primaryKey, $updateSection);
+ // Append to the converted statements list
+ $convertedStatements[] = $postgresSQL;
+ }
+ $sql = implode('; ', $convertedStatements);
+ } elseif(0 === strpos($sql, 'INSERT IGNORE')) {
+ // Note: Requires PostgreSQL 9.5
+ $sql = 'INSERT' . substr($sql, 13) . ' ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING';
+ }
+ // To avoid Encoding errors when inserting data coming from outside
+ if(preg_match('/^.{1}/us', $sql, $ar) != 1) {
+ $sql = utf8_encode($sql);
+ }
+ return $sql;
+ }
diff --git a/pg4wp/rewriters/OptimizeTableSQLRewriter.php b/pg4wp/rewriters/OptimizeTableSQLRewriter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce2c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg4wp/rewriters/OptimizeTableSQLRewriter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ return str_replace('OPTIMIZE TABLE', 'VACUUM', $sql);
+ }
diff --git a/pg4wp/rewriters/SelectSQLRewriter.php b/pg4wp/rewriters/SelectSQLRewriter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f68f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg4wp/rewriters/SelectSQLRewriter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ // SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS doesn't exist in PostgreSQL but it's needed for correct paging
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS')) {
+ $sql = str_replace('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', '', $sql);
+ $GLOBALS['pg4wp_numrows_query'] = $sql;
+ if(PG4WP_DEBUG) {
+ error_log('[' . microtime(true) . "] Number of rows required for :\n$sql\n---------------------\n", 3, PG4WP_LOG . 'pg4wp_NUMROWS.log');
+ }
+ }
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, 'FOUND_ROWS()')) {
+ // Here we convert the latest query into a COUNT query
+ $sql = $GLOBALS['pg4wp_numrows_query'];
+ // Remove the LIMIT clause if it exists
+ $sql = preg_replace('/\s+LIMIT\s+\d+(\s*,\s*\d+)?/i', '', $sql);
+ // Remove the ORDER BY clause if it exists
+ $sql = preg_replace('/\s+ORDER\s+BY\s+[^)]+/i', '', $sql);
+ // Replace the fields in the SELECT clause with COUNT(*)
+ $sql = preg_replace('/SELECT\s+.*?\s+FROM\s+/is', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', $sql, 1);
+ }
+ $sql = $this->ensureOrderByInSelect($sql);
+ // Convert CONVERT to CAST
+ $pattern = '/CONVERT\(([^()]*(\(((?>[^()]+)|(?-2))*\))?[^()]*),\s*([^\s]+)\)/x';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'CAST($1 AS $4)', $sql);
+ // Handle CAST( ... AS CHAR)
+ $sql = preg_replace('/CAST\((.+) AS CHAR\)/', 'CAST($1 AS TEXT)', $sql);
+ // Handle CAST( ... AS SIGNED)
+ $sql = preg_replace('/CAST\((.+) AS SIGNED\)/', 'CAST($1 AS INTEGER)', $sql);
+ // Handle COUNT(*)...ORDER BY...
+ $sql = preg_replace('/COUNT(.+)ORDER BY.+/s', 'COUNT$1', $sql);
+ // In order for users counting to work...
+ $matches = array();
+ if(preg_match_all('/COUNT[^C]+\),/', $sql, $matches)) {
+ foreach($matches[0] as $num => $one) {
+ $sub = substr($one, 0, -1);
+ $sql = str_replace($sub, $sub . ' AS count' . $num, $sql);
+ }
+ }
+ $sql = $this->convertToPostgresLimitSyntax($sql);
+ $sql = $this->ensureGroupByOrAggregate($sql);
+ $pattern = '/DATE_ADD[ ]*\(([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '($1 + $2)', $sql);
+ // Convert MySQL FIELD function to CASE statement
+ $pattern = '/FIELD[ ]*\(([^\),]+),([^\)]+)\)/';
+ // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/string-functions.html#function_field
+ // Other implementations: https://stackoverflow.com/q/1309624
+ $sql = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) {
+ $case = 'CASE ' . trim($matches[1]);
+ $comparands = explode(',', $matches[2]);
+ foreach($comparands as $i => $comparand) {
+ $case .= ' WHEN ' . trim($comparand) . ' THEN ' . ($i + 1);
+ }
+ $case .= ' ELSE 0 END';
+ return $case;
+ }, $sql);
+ $pattern = '/GROUP_CONCAT\(([^()]*(\(((?>[^()]+)|(?-2))*\))?[^()]*)\)/x';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, "string_agg($1, ',')", $sql);
+ // Convert MySQL RAND function to PostgreSQL RANDOM function
+ $pattern = '/RAND[ ]*\([ ]*\)/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'RANDOM()', $sql);
+ // UNIX_TIMESTAMP in MYSQL returns an integer
+ $pattern = '/UNIX_TIMESTAMP\(([^\)]+)\)/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'ROUND(DATE_PART(\'epoch\',$1))', $sql);
+ $date_funcs = array(
+ );
+ $sql = str_replace('ORDER BY post_date DESC', 'ORDER BY YEAR(post_date) DESC, MONTH(post_date) DESC', $sql);
+ $sql = str_replace('ORDER BY post_date ASC', 'ORDER BY YEAR(post_date) ASC, MONTH(post_date) ASC', $sql);
+ $sql = str_replace(array_keys($date_funcs), array_values($date_funcs), $sql);
+ $curryear = date('Y');
+ $sql = str_replace('FROM \'' . $curryear, 'FROM TIMESTAMP \'' . $curryear, $sql);
+ // MySQL 'IF' conversion - Note : NULLIF doesn't need to be corrected
+ $pattern = '/ (?prefix . 'posts.ID', '', $sql);
+ }
+ $sql = str_replace("!= ''", '<> 0', $sql);
+ // MySQL 'LIKE' is case insensitive by default, whereas PostgreSQL 'LIKE' is
+ $sql = str_replace(' LIKE ', ' ILIKE ', $sql);
+ // INDEXES are not yet supported
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, 'USE INDEX (comment_date_gmt)')) {
+ $sql = str_replace('USE INDEX (comment_date_gmt)', '', $sql);
+ }
+ // HB : timestamp fix for permalinks
+ $sql = str_replace('post_date_gmt > 1970', 'post_date_gmt > to_timestamp (\'1970\')', $sql);
+ // Akismet sometimes doesn't write 'comment_ID' with 'ID' in capitals where needed ...
+ if(isset($wpdb) && $wpdb->comments && false !== strpos($sql, $wpdb->comments)) {
+ $sql = str_replace(' comment_id ', ' comment_ID ', $sql);
+ }
+ // MySQL treats a HAVING clause without GROUP BY like WHERE
+ if(false !== strpos($sql, 'HAVING') && false === strpos($sql, 'GROUP BY')) {
+ if(false === strpos($sql, 'WHERE')) {
+ $sql = str_replace('HAVING', 'WHERE', $sql);
+ } else {
+ $pattern = '/WHERE\s+(.*?)\s+HAVING\s+(.*?)(\s*(?:ORDER|LIMIT|PROCEDURE|INTO|FOR|LOCK|$))/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, 'WHERE ($1) AND ($2) $3', $sql);
+ }
+ }
+ // MySQL allows integers to be used as boolean expressions
+ // where 0 is false and all other values are true.
+ //
+ // Although this could occur anywhere with any number, so far it
+ // has only been observed as top-level expressions in the WHERE
+ // clause and only with 0. For performance, limit current
+ // replacements to that.
+ $pattern_after_where = '(?:\s*$|\s+(GROUP|HAVING|ORDER|LIMIT|PROCEDURE|INTO|FOR|LOCK))';
+ $pattern = '/(WHERE\s+)0(\s+AND|\s+OR|' . $pattern_after_where . ')/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '$1false$2', $sql);
+ $pattern = '/(AND\s+|OR\s+)0(' . $pattern_after_where . ')/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '$1false$2', $sql);
+ // MySQL supports strings as names, PostgreSQL needs identifiers.
+ // Limit to after closing parenthesis to reduce false-positives
+ // Currently only an issue for nextgen-gallery plugin
+ $pattern = '/\) AS \'([^\']+)\'/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, ') AS "$1"', $sql);
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ensure the columns used in the ORDER BY clause are also present in the SELECT clause.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql Original SQL query string.
+ * @return string Modified SQL query string.
+ */
+ protected function ensureOrderByInSelect(string $sql): string
+ {
+ // Extract the SELECT and ORDER BY clauses
+ preg_match('/SELECT\s+(.*?)\s+FROM/si', $sql, $selectMatches);
+ preg_match('/ORDER BY(.*?)(ASC|DESC|$)/si', $sql, $orderMatches);
+ preg_match('/GROUP BY(.*?)(ASC|DESC|$)/si', $sql, $groupMatches);
+ // If the SELECT clause is missing, return the original query
+ if (!$selectMatches) {
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ // If both ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses are missing, return the original query
+ if (!$orderMatches && !$groupMatches) {
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ $selectClause = trim($selectMatches[1]);
+ $orderByClause = $orderMatches ? trim($orderMatches[1]) : null;
+ $groupClause = $groupMatches ? trim($groupMatches[1]) : null;
+ $modified = false;
+ // Check for wildcard in SELECT
+ if (strpos($selectClause, '*') !== false) {
+ return $sql; // Cannot handle wildcards, return original query
+ }
+ // Handle ORDER BY columns
+ if ($orderByClause) {
+ $orderByColumns = explode(',', $orderByClause);
+ foreach ($orderByColumns as $col) {
+ $col = trim($col);
+ if (strpos($selectClause, $col) === false) {
+ $selectClause .= ', ' . $col;
+ $modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle GROUP BY columns
+ if ($groupClause && !$modified) {
+ $groupColumns = explode(',', $groupClause);
+ foreach ($groupColumns as $col) {
+ $col = trim($col);
+ if (strpos($selectClause, $col) === false) {
+ $selectClause .= ', ' . $col;
+ $modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$modified) {
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ // Find the exact position for the replacement
+ $selectStartPos = strpos($sql, $selectMatches[1]);
+ if ($selectStartPos === false) {
+ return $sql; // If for some reason the exact match is not found, return the original query
+ }
+ $postgresSql = substr_replace($sql, $selectClause, $selectStartPos, strlen($selectMatches[1]));
+ return $postgresSql;
+ }
+ protected function ensureGroupByOrAggregate(string $sql): string
+ {
+ // Check for system or session variables
+ if (preg_match('/@@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/', $sql)) {
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ // Regular expression to capture main SQL components
+ $regex = '/(SELECT\s+)(.*?)(\s+FROM\s+)([^ ]+)(\s+WHERE\s+.*?(?= ORDER BY | GROUP BY | LIMIT |$))?(ORDER BY.*?(?= LIMIT |$))?(LIMIT.*?$)?/is';
+ // Capture main SQL components using regex
+ if (!preg_match($regex, $sql, $matches)) {
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ $selectClause = $matches[2] ?? '';
+ $fromClause = $matches[4] ?? '';
+ $whereClause = $matches[5] ?? '';
+ $orderClause = $matches[6] ?? '';
+ $limitClause = $matches[7] ?? '';
+ if (empty($selectClause) || empty($fromClause)) {
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ $columns = explode(',', $selectClause);
+ $aggregateColumns = [];
+ $nonAggregateColumns = [];
+ foreach ($columns as $col) {
+ $col = trim($col);
+ if (preg_match('/(COUNT|SUM|AVG|MIN|MAX)\s*?\(/i', $col)) {
+ $aggregateColumns[] = $col;
+ } else {
+ $nonAggregateColumns[] = $col;
+ }
+ }
+ // Only add a GROUP BY clause if there are both aggregate and non-aggregate columns in SELECT
+ if (empty($aggregateColumns) || empty($nonAggregateColumns)) {
+ return $sql;
+ }
+ $groupByClause = "GROUP BY " . implode(", ", $nonAggregateColumns);
+ // Assemble new SQL query
+ $postgresSql = "SELECT $selectClause FROM $fromClause";
+ if (!empty(trim($whereClause))) {
+ $postgresSql .= " $whereClause";
+ }
+ $postgresSql .= " $groupByClause";
+ if (!empty(trim($orderClause))) {
+ $postgresSql .= " $orderClause";
+ }
+ if (!empty(trim($limitClause))) {
+ $postgresSql .= " $limitClause";
+ }
+ return $postgresSql;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert MySQL LIMIT syntax to PostgreSQL LIMIT syntax
+ *
+ * @param string $sql MySQL query string
+ * @return string PostgreSQL query string
+ */
+ protected function convertToPostgresLimitSyntax($sql)
+ {
+ // Use regex to find "LIMIT m, n" syntax in query
+ if (preg_match('/LIMIT\s+(\d+),\s*(\d+)/i', $sql, $matches)) {
+ $offset = $matches[1];
+ $limit = $matches[2];
+ // Replace MySQL LIMIT syntax with PostgreSQL LIMIT syntax
+ $postgresLimitSyntax = "LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset";
+ $postgresSql = preg_replace('/LIMIT\s+\d+,\s*\d+/i', $postgresLimitSyntax, $sql);
+ return $postgresSql;
+ }
+ // Return original query if no MySQL LIMIT syntax is found
+ return $sql;
+ }
diff --git a/pg4wp/rewriters/SetNamesSQLRewriter.php b/pg4wp/rewriters/SetNamesSQLRewriter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d378cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg4wp/rewriters/SetNamesSQLRewriter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ $table = $this->extractTableNameFromShowColumns($sql);
+ return $this->generatePostgresShowColumns($table);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extracts table name from a "SHOW FULL COLUMNS" SQL statement.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql The SQL statement
+ * @return string|null The table name if found, or null otherwise
+ */
+ protected function extractTableNameFromShowColumns($sql) {
+ $pattern = "/SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ['\"`]?([^'\"`]+)['\"`]?/i";
+ if (preg_match($pattern, $sql, $matches)) {
+ return $matches[1];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a PostgreSQL-compatible SQL query to mimic MySQL's "SHOW FULL COLUMNS".
+ *
+ * @param string $tableName The table name
+ * @return string The generated SQL query
+ */
+ function generatePostgresShowColumns($tableName) {
+ $sql = << 0
+ AND NOT a.attisdropped
+ AND a.attrelid = (
+ SELECT c.oid
+ FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
+ LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
+ WHERE c.relname = '$tableName'
+ AND n.nspname = 'public'
+ )
+ a.attnum;
+ SQL;
+ return $sql;
+ }
diff --git a/pg4wp/rewriters/ShowTablesSQLRewriter.php b/pg4wp/rewriters/ShowTablesSQLRewriter.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39bf255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg4wp/rewriters/ShowTablesSQLRewriter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ $pattern = '/LIMIT[ ]+\d+/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '', $sql);
+ // Fix update wp_options
+ $pattern = "/UPDATE `wp_options` SET `option_value` = NULL WHERE `option_name` = '(.+)'/";
+ $match = "UPDATE `wp_options` SET `option_value` = '' WHERE `option_name` = '$1'";
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, $match, $sql);
+ // For correct bactick removal
+ $pattern = '/[ ]*`([^` ]+)`[ ]*=/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, ' $1 =', $sql);
+ // Those are used when we need to set the date to now() in gmt time
+ $sql = str_replace("'0000-00-00 00:00:00'", 'now() AT TIME ZONE \'gmt\'', $sql);
+ // For correct ID quoting
+ $pattern = '/(,|\s)[ ]*([^ \']*ID[^ \']*)[ ]*=/';
+ $sql = preg_replace($pattern, '$1 "$2" =', $sql);
+ return $sql;
+ }