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File metadata and controls

223 lines (162 loc) · 11.3 KB



This tool is part of Sirius - Swift Obfuscator project.

It's developed to parse the Xcode project files (.xcodeproj and .xcworkspace) and extract the information needed for further steps of obfuscation process.

The information include the list of files containing the Swift source code that should be obfuscated, the list of frameworks that this code uses and the SDK that it's working with. The detailed description of what's being extracted by this tool is included in the data formats section.


$ file-extractor -projectrootpath <path-to-xcode-project> [-filesjson <path-to-output-file>] [-projectfile <path-to-xcodeproj>] [-verbose]


<path-to-xcode-project> is a path to Xcode project root folder. It's the folder that contains both the Xcode project file (.xcodeproj or .xcworkspace) and the source files. It's a required parameter.

<path-to-output-file> is a path to the file that the extraced data will be written to. If it's an optional parameter. If ommited, tool will print out to the standard output.

<path-to-xcodeproj> is a path to the Xcode project file. It's an optional parameter and should be provided only when the tool fails to automatically identify which project to parse.

-verbose is the optional flag. When present, the contents of output files.json are also printed to standard output together with debug info such as project root path, .xcodeproj path and file.json path.

Data formats

The input data format is defined by the Xcode project file structure and best described here. The user should not need to ever work with it outside of Xcode.

The output data format is called Files.json and presented below:

  "project": {
    "rootPath": <string>,
    "projectFilePath": <string>
  "module": {
    "name": <string>,
    "triple": <string>
  "sdk": {
    "name": <string>,
    "path": <string>
  "sourceFiles": [ <string> ],
  "layoutFiles": [ <string> ],
  "implicitlyLinkedFrameworks": [ <string> ],
  "explicitlyLinkedFrameworks": [
      "name": <string>,
      "path": <string>
  "frameworkSearchPaths": [ <string> ],
  "headerSearchPaths": [ <string> ],
  "configurationFile": <string>,
  "bridgingHeader": <string>

project is an object that contains the path to the project root directory and path to the actual xcodeproj or xcworkspace file. This directory will be copied by the Renamer to provide place for writing the obfuscated Swift source files to.

module is an object that contains the name of the module that the Swift source code files are part of and the target triple for the compiler. It's required for performing the further analysis and will be used to discriminate between the symbols from the external modules (such as linked frameworks) and the symbols that should be obfuscated.

sdk is an object that contains both the name and the path to the SDK that the source code will be compiled against. The name is taken from the Xcode project and used as an input for the xcrun --sdk <> --show-sdk-path to obtain the path to the SDK. Sample names are: appletvos, appletvsimulator, iphoneos, iphonesimulator, macosx, watchos, watchsimulator.

sourceFiles is an array of paths to files containing the Swift source code that the tool should obfuscate.

layoutFiles is an array of paths to storyboard / xib files containing the layouts that the tool should obfuscate.

implicitlyLinkedFrameworks contains the list of names of frameworks that are imported in the source code (with various form of Swift import statement), but not included in the Xcode project. There are two types of such frameworks. One is system frameworks. Since Xcode autolinks the system frameworks by default (see CLANG_MODULES_AUTOLINK flag), these frameworks should be automatically found by the compiler, which uses the SDK path for this purpose. Second one is frameworks with paths added to search paths, but not explicitely stated as dependencies. They are used to identify the module that the symbol is part of.

explicitlyLinkedFrameworks contains the list of framework objects with name and path. These are taken from the Xcode project, which must contain the names and paths to frameworks that are not automatically linked. They are required for the Swift compiler to perform the analysis and also used to identify which module is the symbol part of.

frameworkSearchPaths contains the list of paths to search for non-system frameworks. It's especially useful when working with Cocoapods projects, since they dont specify the framework dependencies explicitely, but set the paths.

headerSearchPaths contain the list of paths to search for Objective-C headers. It's used by compiler to find the headers imported via the bridging header into Swift.

configurationFile is a path to the configuration file for the obfuscation process. It should be named .obfuscation.yml and placed under the project's root path.

bridgingHeader is a path to the bridging header, which contains the parts imported from Objective-C that should be visible and accesible from Swift.

Sample Files.json file might look like that:

  "project": {
    "rootPath": "/Users/siejkowski/Polidea/SwiftObfuscator/TestProjects/iOS/Original/XcodeSampleProject",
    "projectFilePath": "/Users/siejkowski/Polidea/SwiftObfuscator/TestProjects/iOS/Original/XcodeSampleProject/iOSTestApp.xcodeproj"
  "module": {
    "name": "iOSTestApp",
    "triple": "arm64-apple-ios11.0"
  "sdk": {
    "name": "iphoneos",
    "path": "/Applications/"
  "sourceFiles": [
  "layoutFiles": [
   "explicitlyLinkedFrameworks": [
   "frameworkSearchPaths": [
   "headerSearchPaths": [
   "configurationFile": "/Users/siejkowski/Polidea/SwiftObfuscator/TestProjects/iOS/Original/XcodeSampleProject/.obfuscation.yml"
   "bridgingHeader": "/Users/siejkowski/Polidea/SwiftObfuscator/TestProjects/iOS/Original/XcodeSampleProject/Bridging-header.h"

Build notes for developers

  1. Clone the File Extractor source
    git clone [email protected]:Polidea/SiriusObfuscator-FileExtractor.git

  2. Install the tool for managing the Ruby versions (rbenv)
    brew install rbenv

  3. Initialize the tool for managing the Ruby versions in your shell of choice
    for Bash: eval $(rbenv init -)
    for Fish: source (rbenv init -|psub)

  4. (optional) Verify, that the tool for managing the Ruby versions is properly setup
    curl -fsSL | bash

  5. Install Ruby in a required version 2.2.2
    rbenv install 2.2.2

  6. Install bundler
    gem install bundler

  7. Install dependencies
    bundle install --binstubs

  8. Run application to verify that everything went well
    run application: ruby bin/file-extractor
    run tests: /bin/bash Scripts/

  9. If you're using VisualStudio Code as IDE, please ensure that the rbenv init is properly added to your profile
    for Bash: .bashprofile should contain eval "$(rbenv init -)"
    for Fish: .config/fish/ should contain status --is-interactive; and source (rbenv init -|psub)
    for zsh: .zshrc should contain:
    export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
    eval "$(rbenv init -)"
    Please consult for more information.

  10. If you're building for further distribution, run the package preparing tool
    bundle exec rake package:osx
    Note: parameter DIR_ONLY=1 makes the rake generate the directory with package, not the archived package

On project dependencies

The application itself is written in Ruby. The application launcher is written in Swift.

Tool uses three main dependencies. From these dependencies the distribution format occures.

First one is Xcodeproj, which is a part of Cocoapods project. This is a Ruby gem for working with Xcode project files. It's used to extract all the possible information from the project files.

The second one is xcrun, which is a part of Xcode command line tools. It's used for determining the SDK path.

The third one is Swift compiler tool called swiftc. It's used to extract the information about the modules imported in the Swift source code files.

These dependencies determined the way that the project is build and distributed.

We want to limit the number of environment settings that the user must provide for the tool to work. However, we're using a Ruby gem that requires a Ruby interpreted installed on the user side in a proper version as well as number of other Ruby dependencies. To dodge the problems on the user side, we're using the Travelling Ruby project and package the tool together with its own Ruby interpreter and all the required dependencies. This way the user doesn't need to know about the existance of Ruby as the underlying technology.

The existence of xcrun and swiftc in the user environment is right now implicitely expected.

Future works might allow for reducing the number of dependencies, for example by supplying some information (such as SDK path) directly from the user.

Further read

Please consult the Documentation folder for the further explanations.



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