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fluffy edited this page Mar 29, 2018 · 4 revisions

Rough order of what I plan to implement:

  1. Basic site functionality
  2. Some useful basic templates (blog, photos, comics)
  3. Migrate [](my site) to use Publ
  4. Write some useful tools for external content syndication and helper scripts for reblogs
  5. Support for OAuth/OpenID and ACLs
  6. Hopefully by now someone else will have written templates for dynamic loading etc but if not I’ll do that too maybe
  7. Finally write the intended companion, Subl, a feed reader/dashboard (replacing FeedOnFeeds)
  8. Also maybe some sort of web-based post manager if there isn’t a good one by now (ideally with Subl integration for things like reblogs or whatever)

8 easy steps to replace Facebook and Tumblr with something better ;)

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