title | date | tags | ||||
LED Matrix with SPI MAX7219 |
2024-04-17 |
2024-04-18, by Frank Delporte
Roberto Marquez shared a project with us that uses Java to interface with a MAX7219 SPI device to control an LED matrix. It's inspired by the blog Raspberry Pi and SPI 8×8 LED matrix example with Java and Pi4j, but differs in that it is Web-enabled via Spring Boot. This project is the starting point to create a weather station in combination with the BMP280, see BME280 Sensor (temp, humidity, pressure) via Pi4J, I2C, and JBang.
{{< gallery >}} {{< figure link="/assets/blogs/max7219/wiring-diagram.png" caption="Wiring diagram" caption-position="center" caption-effect="fade" >}} {{< figure link="/assets/blogs/max7219/number-8-definition.png" caption="Definition of the number 8 for the LED matrix" caption-position="center" caption-effect="fade" >}} {{< /gallery >}} {{< load-photoswipe >}}
While working on his project, Roberto contributed extra LED character definitions for the Pi4JLedMatrixSpi.java single-file application in the Pi4J V2 JBang project.
This demo project uses:
- Raspberry Pi 2 Model B V1.1
- 8x8 LED Matrix with Max7219 SPI
- DIN -> blue -> MOSI -> header 19
- CS -> purple -> CE0 -> header 24
- CLK -> white -> SCLK -> header 23
- VCC -> 5V -> header 2
- GND -> ground -> header 9
Check the README in the project sources of Roberto for more info.