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OSC1-36-H Optoelectrode Stimulation System - OSC136H Software Library/GUI

Matlab GUI and library for interacting with University of Michigan's OSC136H stimulation system.


To use the OSC136H library requires the installation of Opal Kelly FrontPanel, Matlab 2015b (or newer), and the MinGW compiler for Matlab. The OSC136H library is currently only compatible with Windows 64-bit.

Installing Opal Kelly Frontpanel

Use the included driver to install Opal Kelly Frontpanel on your PC.

Installing MinGW for Matlab

MinGW is available for all Matlab versions 2015b and newer, but requires a workaround for any version 2017a and previous. The work around is described in the Bug Report in the following link.

OSC136H Library

The OSC136H class is an object that represents the state of the OSC136H stimulation system. It maintains all the information describing the state of the system, and allows the user to modify this state. One can use this class to trigger LEDS and update waveform information. For parameter information, please see the parameter subsection.

Example Usage

osc = OSC136H(); % Constructs OSC136H object
osc.Connect(<serial>); % Connects to board with serial number <serial>
osc.Configure('config.bit'); % Configures board with proper bitfile
osc.InitBoardFromConfigFile('config.txt'); % Initializes board parameters
osc.UpdateWaveformParams(2, 10, 10, 50, 100); % Updates waveform 2 parameters with 10 pulses @ 10 uA, 50 ms pulse width, 100 ms period
osc.UpdateChannelParams(1, 1, 0, 1); % Updates headstage 1 channel 1 parameters
osc.UpdateChannelParams(1, 2, 1, 2); % Updates headstage 1 channel 2 parameters
osc.TriggerChannel(1, 1); % triggers headstage 1, channel 1
osc.ToggleContinuous(3, 1, 1); % turns on continuous wave on headstage 3 channel 1
osc.OutputBoardState(); % outputs all current board parameters

OSC Setup

The OSC136H class has several methods which are used to configure the system. If there are multiple Opal Kelly devices connected to your PC, you will need the serial number of the OSC136H to properly connect to the system. You will also need the serial number of your OSC136H Opal Kelly, if there are multiple Opal Kelly boards connected (for instance, an Intan Recording System).


Returns a list of all available Opal Kelly device serial numbers.

Connect(this, serial)

Connects OSC136H object to an OSC136H system. serial is a string argument that is the serial number of the OSC136H Opal Kelly. If serial is an empty string, will connect to the first available Opal Kelly board. Performs a system reset on initializing connection. Prints and returns -1 on error.


Disconnects an OSC136H object. If there is a disconnect failure, or there is no Opal Kelly connected, returns -1 and prints an error message.

Configure(this, filename)

Configures the internal FPGA with a bitfile specified by the string filename, as well as setting the Opal Kelly PLL clock. Prints on error. This function must be called with the configuration bitfile before using the system to ensure the system is properly initialized.

Configuration Files

The OSC136H system parameters can be initialized by properly formatted configuration files. An example of a properly formatted configuration file is given below. Note that the comments provided are only for explanation, and a proper config file cannot have any comments. The system can be initialized by config files, and can also save current configurations to a config file.

NOTE: The <pipe_wf> parameter is necessary in config files but is not included in any other functions in this implementation.

0 0 1 # Headstage 1, Channel 1 parameters <pipe_wf> <trigger_type> <waveform_select>
0 0 1 # Headstage 1, Channel 2...
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1 # Headstage 2, Channel 1...
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1 # Headstage 3, Channel 1...
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
10 10 5 10 # Waveform 1 parameters <num_pulses> <amplitude (uA)> <pulse width (ms)> <period (ms)>
10 10 5 10 # Waveform 2 parameters...
10 10 5 10
10 10 5 10

InitBoardFromConfigFile(this, filename)

Initializes all board parameters from a given (properly formatted) configuration file. filename is a string argument referring to the name of the config file to load. Prints and returns on file opening error.

SaveBoardToConfigFile(this, filename)

Saves the current board configuration to a config file with name filename. Creates the file if it does not already exist.

Modifying Channel Parameters

Each of the 36 OSC1 channels has 2 parameters. The first parameter trig_select is a boolean flag representing the trigger mode of the channel. The second parameter fpga_wf is the integer ID of the predefined waveform to use on the channel. Note that both channels and headstages are 1 indexed since the implementation is Matlab.

UpdateChannelTriggerType(this, headstage, chan, trig)

Updates the chan channel on the headstage headstage to have trig bit set as the trigger selector for the channel. trig must be a boolean flag of 1 or 0. If trig is 1, then the channel will be set to use the external trigger. If trig is 0, then the channel will be set to use the internal PC trigger (i.e. a call to TriggerChannel(this, headstage, chan)). Returns -1 and prints on error.

UpdateChannelWaveform(this, headstage, chan, wf)

Updates the chan channel on the headstage headstage to use the generated waveform defined by the integer identifier wf. Since there are four possible generated waveforms, wf must be a valid identifier in range [1,4]. Returns -1 and prints on error.

UpdateChannelParams(this, headstage, chan, trig_select, fpga_wf)

Performs all updates listed above. Prints on error.

Modifying Waveform Parameters

The software library allows for 4 possible generated waveforms. Each of these waveforms is described by the following four parameters: num_pulses - the number of pulses sent on a trigger (valid range 0-63) amplitude - current amplitude in uA (valid range 0-1023) pulse_width - width of a pulse in ms (valid range 0-637.5 in steps of 2.5 ms) period - period of a pulse in ms (valid range 0-1275 in steps of 5 ms)

Note that the duty cycle of a generated wave is pulse_width / period. Note that the waveforms are 1 indexed since the implementation is in Matlab.

UpdateWaveformPulses(this, wf_num, num_pulses)

Updates the waveform identified by wf_num to send num_pulses pulses on a trigger.

UpdateWaveformAmplitude(this, wf_num, amp)

Updates the waveform identified by wf_num to have amplitude amp in uA.

UpdateWaveformPulseWidth(this, wf_num, pw)

Updates the waveform identified by wf_num to have a pulse width of pw in ms. Note that pw must be a multiple of 2.5.

UpdateWaveformPeriod(this, wf_num, period)

Updates the waveform identified by wf_num to have a period of period in ms. Note that period must be a multiple of 5.

UpdateWaveformParams(this, wf_num, num_pulses, amp, pw, period)

Updates the waveform identified by wf_num to have the given parameters (see above functions).

Trigger Types/Continuous Stimulation

The system supports both internal (from-PC) and external (any external source) triggers for channels. The type of trigger used by a channel can be changed by calling UpdateChannelTriggerType, documented earlier. There are two methods defined in the library to trigger channels, both defined below.

TriggerChannel(this, headstage, chan)

Sends an internal trigger to the chan channel on the headstage headstage.

ToggleContinuous(this, headstage, chan, toggle)

Toggles continuous waveform output on the chan channel on the headstage headstage. If toggle is set to 1, then the channel will be continuously streaming. If toggle is set to 0, then the channel will be turned off.

Outputting Board State


Outputs all board parameters in readable text format.


A visual interface for the above library is provided in the file 'OSCGUI.m'. The GUI can be built by clicking run in the matlab editor while viewing the file, or by typing GUI = OSCGUI() at the command prompt. Note that the GUI will not detect the OSC136H system unless the system is connected when the GUI is opened.