smctl list-bindings
Lists all service bindings created in Service Manager.
smctl list-bindings [flags]
list-bindings, lsb
Optional | Global Flag |
-h, --help Help for list-bindings command. | No |
-o, --output Output format of the command. Possible opitons: json, yaml, text. | No |
--config Set the path for the smctl config.json file (default is $HOME/.sm/config.json). | Yes |
-v, --verbose Use verbose mode. | Yes |
▶ smctl list-bindings
One service binding.
ID Name Instance Name Credentials Created Updated Ready Labels
------------------------------------ -------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------- --------------------------- ----- ----------------
5937785d-6740-4f56-bdd9-8d24544bddac sample-binding sample-instance {"password":"pass","username":"usr"} 2020-04-09T10:57:50.452161Z 2020-04-09T10:57:51.505822Z true tenant=tenant-id