Service Manage CLI is the official command line client for Service Manager.
To use the Service Manager CLI you need to download and install it first:
export GO111MODULE=on
go get
go install
mv $GOPATH/bin/service-manager-cli $GOPATH/bin/smctl
You're done! Now you can use the smctl command along with some other subcommand (register-broker, list-platforms, etc...) to interact with a Service Manager instance.
You can get started with the CLI by simply downloading the latest release from HERE.
# We need to connect and authenticate with a running Service Manager instance before doing anythign else
smctl login -a -u {user} -p {pass}
# List all brokers
smctl list-brokers
ID Name URL Description Created Updated
------------------------------------ ---- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
# Registering a broker
smctl register-broker sample-broker-1 "Service broker providing some valuable services" -b {user}:{pass}
ID Name URL Description Created Updated
------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
a52be735-30e5-4849-af23-83d65d592464 sample-broker-1 Service broker providing some valuable services 2018-06-22T13:04:19Z 2018-06-22T13:04:19Z
# Registering another broker
smctl register-broker sample-broker-2 "Another broker providing valuable services" -b {user}:{pass}
ID Name URL Description Created Updated
------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
a52be735-30e5-4849-af23-83d65d592464 sample-broker-1 Service broker providing some valuable services 2018-06-22T13:04:19Z 2018-06-22T13:04:19Z
b419b538-b938-4293-86e0-7c92b0200d8e sample-broker-2 Another broker providing valuable services 2018-06-22T13:05:41Z 2018-06-22T13:05:41Z
For a list of all available commands run: smctl help
Documentation of the Service Manager CLI and all of it's commands can be found HERE.