This project provides a set of Swift classes which enable access to Hadoop servers.
This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project. It was written to be stand-alone and so does not require PerfectLib or any other components.
Ensure you have installed and activated the latest Swift 4.0 tool chain.
PerfectHadoop supports Hadoop 3.0.0 with a limitation on 2.7.3.
Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.
.Package(url:"", majorVersion: 3)
Then please add the following line to the beginning part of swift sources:
import PerfectHadoop
In case of operation failure, an exception might be thrown out. In most cases of Perfect-Hadoop, the library would probably throw a Exception
object. User can catch it and check a tuple (url, header, body)
of the failure, as demo below:
do {
// some Perfect Hadoop operations, including WebHDFS / MapReduce / YARN, all of them:
catch(Exception.unexpectedResponse(let (url, header, body))) {
print("Exception: \(url)\n\(header)\n\(body)")
catch (let err){
print("Other Error:\(err)")
- WebHDFS: Perfect-HDFS
- MapReduce:
- Perfect-MapReduce Application Master API
⚠️ Experimental⚠️ - Perfect-MapReduce History Server API
- Perfect-MapReduce Application Master API