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+ "title": "Intro to qubitization",
+ "authors": [
+ {
+ "username": "KetPuntoG"
+ },
+ {
+ "username": "ixfoduap"
+ }
+ ],
+ "dateOfPublication": "2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "dateOfLastModification": "2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "categories": [
+ "Quantum Computing",
+ "Algorithms"
+ ],
+ "tags": [],
+ "previewImages": [
+ {
+ "type": "thumbnail",
+ "uri": "/_static/demo_thumbnails/regular_demo_thumbnails/thumbnail_qubitization.png"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "large_thumbnail",
+ "uri": "/_static/demo_thumbnails/large_demo_thumbnails/thumbnail_large_qubitization.png"
+ }
+ ],
+ "seoDescription": "Learn how to use, visualize and apply qubitization, a block-encoding technique in quantum computing.",
+ "doi": "",
+ "canonicalURL": "/qml/demos/tutorial_qubitization",
+ "references": [],
+ "basedOnPapers": [],
+ "referencedByPapers": [],
+ "relatedContent": [
+ {
+ "type": "demonstration",
+ "id": "tutorial_intro_amplitude_amplification",
+ "weight": 1.0
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "demonstration",
+ "id": "tutorial_qpe",
+ "weight": 1.0
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "demonstration",
+ "id": "tutorial_lcu_blockencoding",
+ "weight": 1.0
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
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+r"""Intro to qubitization
+Encoding a Hamiltonian into a quantum computer is a fundamental task for many applications, but the way to do it is not unique. One method that has gained special status is known as **qubitization** β a block-encoding technique that can be used to estimate eigenvalues and for many other applications.
+In this demo, we will introduce the qubitization operator and explain how to view it as a rotation operator. This perspective is useful when combining qubitization with `quantum phase estimation `_ (QPE). We will demonstrate this by implementing qubitization-based quantum phase estimation, with code provided using the :class:`~.pennylane.Qubitization` template in PennyLane.
+.. figure:: ../_static/demo_thumbnails/opengraph_demo_thumbnails/OGthumbnail_large_qubitization.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 70%
+ :target: javascript:void(0)
+Qubitization operator
+Qubitization is a block-encoding technique that, as we will see, is particularly useful for tasks such as estimating eigenvalues, among other applications.
+For a Hamiltonian :math:`\mathcal{H}`, given in its representation via a linear combination of unitaries (LCU), the qubitization operator is defined as:
+.. math::
+ Q = \text{PSP}_{\mathcal{H}}\cdot (2|0\rangle\langle 0| - I),
+where :math:`\text{PSP}_{\mathcal{H}}` refers to the block encoding :math:`\text{Prep}_{\mathcal{H}}^{\dagger} \text{Sel}_{\mathcal{H}} \text{Prep}_{\mathcal{H}}`, as explained in the `LCU PennyLane Demo `_.
+The operator :math:`Q` is also a block-encoding operator with a key property: its eigenvalues encode the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian.
+As we will soon explain in detail, if :math:`E` is an eigenvalue of :math:`\mathcal{H}`, then :math:`e^{i\arccos(E/\lambda)}` is an
+eigenvalue of :math:`Q`, where :math:`\lambda` is a known normalization factor. This property is very useful because it means that we can use the `QPE algorithm `_ to estimate the eigenvalues of :math:`Q`, and then use them to retrieve the eigenvalues of the encoded Hamiltonian.
+This is the essence of why qubitization is attractive for applications: it provides a method to exactly encode eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian into a unitary operator. It can then be used inside quantum phase estimation to sample Hamiltonian eigenvalues.
+But where does this decomposition come from? Why are the eigenvalues encoded in this way? π€ We explain these concepts below.
+Block encodings
+First, we introduce some useful concepts about block encodings.
+Given a Hamiltonian :math:`\mathcal{H}`, we define as a block encoding any operator that embeds :math:`\mathcal{H}`
+inside the matrix associated to the circuit (up to a normalization factor):
+.. math::
+ \text{Block Encoding}_\mathcal{H} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{H} / \lambda & \cdot \\ \cdot & \cdot \end{bmatrix}.
+Given an eigenvector of :math:`\mathcal{H}` such that :math:`\mathcal{H}| \phi \rangle = E | \phi \rangle`, any :math:`\text{Block Encoding}_\mathcal{H}`
+generates a state:
+.. math::
+ |\Psi\rangle = \frac{E}{\lambda}|0\rangle |\phi\rangle + \sqrt{1 - \left( \frac{E}{\lambda}\right)^2} |\phi^{\perp}\rangle,
+where :math:`|\phi^{\perp}\rangle` is a state orthogonal to :math:`|0\rangle |\phi\rangle`,
+and :math:`E` is the eigenvalue. The advantage of expressing :math:`|\Psi\rangle` as the sum of two orthogonal states is that it can be represented
+in a two-dimensional space β an idea that we have explored in our `amplitude amplification `_ demo. The state :math:`|\Psi\rangle` forms an angle :math:`\theta =\arccos {\frac{E}{\lambda}}` with respect to the axis defined by the initial state :math:`|0\rangle |\phi\rangle`, as shown in the image below.
+.. figure:: ../_static/demonstration_assets/qubitization/qubitization0.jpeg
+ :align: center
+ :width: 50%
+ :target: javascript:void(0)
+Qubitization as a rotation
+Any block-encoding operator manages to transform the state :math:`|0\rangle |\phi\rangle` into the state :math:`|\Psi\rangle`.
+The qubitization operator does this by applying a rotation in that two-dimensional subspace by an angle of :math:`\theta=\arccos {\frac{E}{\lambda}}`.
+The advantage of a rotation operator is that the angle :math:`\theta` appears directly in the eigenvalues, which are simply :math:`e^{\pm i\theta}`. Therefore, if the rotation angle encodes useful information, it can be retrieved by estimating the phase of the rotation operator, for example using QPE.
+We now show that the qubitization operator is a rotation by using the same idea of amplitude amplification:
+two reflections are equivalent to one rotation. These reflections correspond to :math:`(2|0\rangle\langle 0| - I)` and :math:`\text{PSP}_{\mathcal{H}}`, which together define our qubitization operator.
+Recall that an operator :math:`U` is a reflection if :math:`U^2=I`.
+As an example, letβs take :math:`|\Psi\rangle` as the initial state to visualize the rotation. The first reflection, given by :math:`(2|0\rangle\langle 0| - I)`, mirrors the state around the axis defined by :math:`|0\rangle |\phi\rangle`. This occurs because the operator flips the sign of any component not aligned with :math:`|0\rangle` in the first register. The result is to prepare state :math:`|\Psi_1\rangle`, as illustrated below:
+.. figure:: ../_static/demonstration_assets/qubitization/qubitization2.jpeg
+ :align: center
+ :width: 50%
+ :target: javascript:void(0)
+The block encoding operator :math:`\text{PSP}_{\mathcal{H}}` performs a second reflection along the line that bisects the angle between :math:`|\Psi\rangle` and :math:`|0\rangle |\phi\rangle`. Let's now examine the effect this reflection has on the previous state :math:`|\Psi_1\rangle`:
+.. figure:: ../_static/demonstration_assets/qubitization/qubitization3.jpeg
+ :align: center
+ :width: 60%
+ :target: javascript:void(0)
+After applying the reflection, the new state :math:`|\Psi_2\rangle` is rotated by :math:`\theta` degrees relative to the initial state :math:`|\Psi\rangle`. This shows that the qubitization operator successfully creates a rotation of :math:`\theta` degrees within the subspace.
+The term "qubitization" comes from the fact that this process occurs within a two-dimensional subspace, which can be viewed as a qubit. For each eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, the qubitization operator acts within this two-dimensional space, effectively treating it as a qubit. This is why we say the system has been *qubitized*.
+Qubitization in PennyLane
+We now describe how to implement qubitization-based `quantum phase estimation `_ to sample eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian.
+First, let's define a simple Hamiltonian to use as an example:
+import pennylane as qml
+H = -0.4 * qml.Z(0) + 0.3 * qml.Z(1) + 0.4 * qml.Z(0) @ qml.Z(1)
+# We have chosen an operator that is diagonal in the computational basis because it is easy to identify
+# eigenvalues and eigenvectors, but the algorithm works with any Hamiltonian. We are going to take
+# the eigenstate :math:`|\phi\rangle = |11\rangle` as input and try to estimate its eigenvalue :math:`E = 0.5` using
+# this technique.
+# In PennyLane, the qubitization operator can be easily constructed using the built-in class :class:`~.pennylane.Qubitization`. You simply need to provide the Hamiltonian and the control qubits that define the block encoding. The number of control wires is :math:`β\log_2 kβ`, where :math:`k` is the number of terms in the `LCU representation `_ of the Hamiltonian.
+# We will make use of the built-in :class:`~.pennylane.QuantumPhaseEstimation` operator to easily apply the algorithm:
+control_wires = [2, 3]
+estimation_wires = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
+dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
+def circuit():
+ # Initialize the eigenstate |11β©
+ for wire in [0, 1]:
+ qml.X(wire)
+ # Apply QPE with the qubitization operator
+ qml.QuantumPhaseEstimation(
+ qml.Qubitization(H, control_wires), estimation_wires=estimation_wires
+ )
+ return qml.probs(wires=estimation_wires)
+# Let's run the circuit and plot the estimated eigenvalue:
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+results = circuit()
+bit_strings = [f"0.{x:0{len(estimation_wires)}b}" for x in range(len(results))]
+plt.bar(bit_strings, results)
+plt.xticks(range(0, len(results), 3), bit_strings[::3], rotation="vertical")
+# The two peaks obtained correspond to the values :math:`|\theta\rangle` and :math:`|-\theta\rangle`.
+# Finally, with some post-processing, we can determine the value of :math:`E`:
+import numpy as np
+lambda_ = sum([abs(coeff) for coeff in H.terms()[0]])
+# Simplification by estimating theta with the peak value
+print("E = ", lambda_ * np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.argmax(results) / 2 ** (len(estimation_wires))))
+# Great! We successfully approximated the correct eigenvalue of :math:`E = 0.5`. π
+# Conclusion
+# ----------------
+# In this demo, we explored the concept of qubitization and one of its applications. To achieve this, we combined several key concepts, including `block encoding `_, `quantum phase estimation `_, and `amplitude amplification `_. This algorithm serves as a foundation for more advanced techniques like `quantum singular value transformation `_. We encourage you to continue studying these methods and apply them in your research.
+# About the authors
+# ------------------