Let's use the OpenWeatherMap API to display a weather forecast.
First make an account, then copy your api key and put it into a secrets.js
file in the same directory as your lab07-weather_api.html
. Make sure secrets.js
is in the .gitignore
and then add it to your html file using <script src="secrets.js"></script>
The OpenWeatherMap API requires the latitude and longitude to get the weather at a given location. To get the user's current latitude and longitude, we can use the geolocation api. Another strategy is to use another api to get the user's IP address (ipify, and then another to get the latitude and longitude for the IP address (ipstack).
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(position => {
Once you have the latitude and longitude, you can make the call to OpenWeatherMap to get the forecast and display the information in the page.
https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=33.441792&lon=-94.037689& exclude=hourly,daily&appid={YOUR API KEY}
The API gives back Unix Timestamps, which are the number of seconds passed since midnight of January 1st, 1970. You can convert them to JavaScript datetimes like so...
let unix_timestamp = 1592482891
let datetime = new Date(unix_timestamp*1000)
console.log(datetime) // Thu Jun 18 2020 05:21:31 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
You can then use the datetime methods to get the different components.
We can display an icon representing the current weather, below is the data from the api, note the icon
{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04d"}
OpenWeatherMap provides their own icons you can use by taking the icon
property in the response from the api and building a url. The url can then be the src
attribute of an img
<img src="http://openweathermap.org/img/wn/04d.png"/>
There are also these more minimal icons. Checkout the usage section for how to use them; download the zip file, extract file owfont-regular.css
and put it next to your html
file, and include it in your html. Then you can use an i
element to display the icon. For these, you'll need to use the id
property of the weather data.
<i class="owf owf-800-d"></i>