Wunderground |
Darksky |
Openweathermap |
Icon Name |
icon |
wi-wu-clear wi-wu-sunny |
wi-darksky-clear-day |
wi-owm-01d |
f00d |
wi-wu-nt_clear wi-wu-nt_mostlysunny wi-wu-nt_sunny |
wi-darksky-clear-night |
wi-owm-01n |
f02e |
wi-wu-chancerain |
wi-darksky-rain |
wi-owm-10d |
f019 |
wi-wu-chancesnow wi-wu-snow |
wi-darksky-snow |
wi-owm-13d |
f01b |
wi-wu-chancesleet wi-wu-sleet |
wi-darksky-sleet |
f0b5 |
wi-wu-fog |
wi-darksky-fog |
wi-owm-50d |
f014 |
wi-darksky-wind |
f050 |
wi-darksky-cloudy |
wi-owm-04d |
f013 |
wi-wu-cloudy wi-wu-mostlycloud wi-wu-partlycloudy wi-wu-partlysunny |
wi-darksky-partly-cloudy-day |
wi-owm-03d |
f002 |
wi-wu-nt_partlysunny |
wi-darksky-partly-cloudy-night |
wi-owm-04n |
f086 |
wi-darksky-hail |
f015 |
wi-wu-chancetstorm wi-wu-tstorms |
wi-darksky-thunderstorm |
wi-owm-11d |
f01e |
wi-darksky-tornado |
f056 |
wi-wu-mostlysunny |
wi-owm-02d |
f00c |
wi-owm-09d |
f017 |
wi-wu-nt_mostlycloudy wi-wu-nt_partlycloudy |
wi-owm-02n |
f081 |
wi-wu-nt_hazy |
wi-owm-03n |
f07e |
wi-owm-09n |
f026 |
wi-wu-nt_chancerain wi-wu-nt_rain |
wi-owm-10n |
f028 |
wi-owm-11n |
f02c |
wi-wu-nt_chancesnow wi-wu-nt_snow |
wi-owm-13n |
f02a |
wi-wu-nt_fog |
wi-owm-50n |
f04a |
wi-wu-chanceflurries wi-wu-flurries |
f064 |
wi-wu-hazy |
f0b6 |
wi-wu-rain |
f01a |
wi-wu-nt_chanceflurries wi-wu-nt_flurries |
f067 |
wi-wu-nt_chancesleet wi-wu-nt_sleet |
f0b4 |
wi-wu-nt_chancetstorms wi-wu-nt_tstorms |
f02d |
wi-wu-nt_cloudy |
f031 |
CSS Code |
Icon Name |
icon |
wi-moon-new |
f0e1 |
wi-moon-wax-cres |
f0da |
wi-moon-first-quart |
f0db |
wi-moon-wax-gibb |
f0dc |
wi-moon-full |
f0dd |
wi-moon-wan-gibb |
f0de |
wi-moon-third-quart |
f0df |
wi-moon-wan-cres |
f0e0 |
NOTE - Because the Moon icons are representative of a 'physical moon', it is necessary to have an additional version for the dark theme, to avoid the icon colour becoming inverted. The dark theme version is obtained by adding -dark
to the CSS code. For example to get the full moon (light theme version) the code would be wi-moon-full
, whilst the same icon for a dark theme, the CSS code would be wi-moon-full-dark
CSS Code |
Icon Name |
icon |
wi-arrow |
f0d1 |
wi-direction |
f0d2 |