diff --git a/functions/fzf_install_bindings.fish b/functions/fzf_install_bindings.fish index 49995a49..a9e9bf9a 100644 --- a/functions/fzf_install_bindings.fish +++ b/functions/fzf_install_bindings.fish @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ -function fzf_set_up_bindings -a dir git_log git_status command_history shell_vars -d "Install key bindings for all of fzf.fish's functions using the specific key sequences." +function fzf_install_bindings -a dir git_log git_status command_history shell_vars -d "Install key bindings for all of fzf.fish's functions using the specific key sequences." + # If another set of bindings already exists, uninstall it first for a clean slate + if functions --query fzf_uninstall_bindings + end + # Because of scoping rules, to capture the shell variables exactly as they are, we must read # them before even executing __fzf_search_shell_variables. We use psub to store the # variables' info in temporary files and pass in the filenames as arguments.