
4. Running Jupyter Notebook and Installing Detectree2 on a HPC platform (like CSD3)


4. Running in Jupyter Notebook on a HPC platform



This example is based on CSD3 for people associated with the University of Cambridge but the workflow can mostly be applied to other clusters as well.


This example is based on CSD3 for people associated with the University of Cambridge but the workflow can be applied to other HPC clusters.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up a virtual environment for Jupyter Notebook on an HPC system, run Jupyter Notebook on both login and compute nodes, install the detectree2 package, and run it on a GPU compute node.

diff --git a/detectree2.data_loading.html b/detectree2.data_loading.html index 68ae938..e554937 100644 --- a/detectree2.data_loading.html +++ b/detectree2.data_loading.html @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
  • 1. Installation
  • 2. Tutorial
  • 3. Tutorial (multiclass)
  • -
  • 4. Running Jupyter Notebook and Installing Detectree2 on a HPC platform (like CSD3)
  • +
  • 4. Running in Jupyter Notebook on a HPC platform
  • 5. Contributing guide
  • 6. Git/Github