Custom module to allow you to override the SteamVR OpenVR and OpenXR runtime.
Use the helper vr-helper
to launch Steam games with the proper variables set: vr-helper %command%
Currently, the default runtimes for OpenXR and OpenVR are Monado and OpenComposite respectively. You can set runtime to a blank string ""
to disable that env variable.
Tildes (~
) get expanded to your home path. For example, ~/.local/share/
will literally get evaluated to /home/(user)/.local/share/
# home.nix
programs.steamvr = {
openvrRuntimeOverride = {
enable = true;
config = "json";
# Note: Path is not used if config is set to json, this is just for an example.
path = "${pkgs.opencomposite}/lib/opencomposite";
json = {
config = [
external_drivers = [ ];
jsonid = "vrpathreg";
log = [
runtime = [
version = 1;
openxrRuntimeOverride = {
enable = true;
config = "json";
# Note: Path is not used if config is set to json, this is just for an example.
path = "${pkgs.wivrn}/share/openxr/1/openxr_wivrn.json";
json = {
file_format_version = "1.0.0";
runtime = {
name = "Monado";
library_path = "${pkgs.wivrn}/lib/wivrn/";
MND_libmonado_path = "${pkgs.wivrn}/lib/wivrn/";
helperScript = {
enable = true;
openvrRuntime = "opencomposite";
openxrRuntime = "wivrn";