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NFT Mints Github Actions Foundry codecov

Create ERC1155 Mints. Creators can call the createMint function on the NFTMint contract. They pass an array of editions with attributes and an assigned percent chance. Buyers can order mints and specify a number they wish to buy. A trusted party calls the fillOrders which fills pending orders. This is required to ensure safe randomness is achieved.

After the mint, creators maintain control over the ERC1155 contract and can set the name, image, description, and royalty info freely.

Important Note: When filling orders, if the safe transfer of the ERC1155 fails, the order is marked as complete--the buyer does not receive the NFT or a refund. We check if a buyer can receive ERC1155s in the order function but this is not foolproof.


This is a list of the most frequently needed commands.


Build the contracts:

$ forge build


Delete the build artifacts and cache directories:

$ forge clean


Compile the contracts:

$ forge build


Get a test coverage report:

$ forge coverage


Deploy to Anvil:

$ forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --broadcast --fork-url http://localhost:8545

For this script to work, you need to have a MNEMONIC environment variable set to a valid BIP39 mnemonic.

For instructions on how to deploy to a testnet or mainnet, check out the Solidity Scripting tutorial.


Format the contracts:

$ forge fmt

Gas Usage

Get a gas report:

$ forge test --gas-report


Lint the contracts:

$ bun run lint


Run the tests:

$ forge test

Generate test coverage and output result to the terminal:

$ bun run test:coverage

Generate test coverage with lcov report (you'll have to open the ./coverage/index.html file in your browser, to do so simply copy paste the path):

$ bun run test:coverage:report

Related Efforts


This project is licensed under MIT.