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GRIDSS Quick start guide

What do you want to do?

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Install GRIDSS

From github releases

Download the latest release from

Install all GRIDSS dependencies

From the docker image

A docker image is available for GRIDSS. Use docker run gridss/gridss:latest for the latest version.

From conda

  • Install BioConda

  • Create and use a GRIDSS environment

conda create -n gridss gridss
conda activate gridss

Call structural variants

This can be done in a single command:

gridss \
  -r reference.fa \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -o output.vcf \
  -b exclude_list.bed \
  input1.bam \

If your input files are aligned with bwa mem or another aligner that reports split read alignments using the SA tag, then runtime can be reduced by specifying --skipsoftcliprealignment.

Which exclude list file should I use?

We recommend using the ENCODE exclude list files when using human data:

Genome Exclude list
hg19 (NCBI chr notation) ENCFF001TDO.bed
hg38 (UCSC chr notation) ENCFF356LFX.bed

A mirror of these files can be found here

Call somatic structural variants

First perform joint SV calling on the tumour and normal. Make sure that you specify the normal bam then the tumour bam.

gridss \
  -r reference.fa \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -o all_calls.vcf \
  -b exclude_list.bed \
  normal.bam \

Then filter the output VCF down to just the somatic SVs:

gridss_somatic_filter \
  --pondir refdata/hg19/dbs/gridss/pon3792v1/ \
  --input all_calls.vcf \
  --output high_confidence_somatic.vcf.gz \
  --fulloutput high_and_low_confidence_somatic.vcf.gz \
  --scriptdir $(dirname $(which gridss_somatic_filter)) \
  -n 1 \
  -t 2

If you are using hg19 or hg38, then a PON based on Dutch samples is available from in the HMFTools-Resources/GRIDSS directory.

Note that for the PON filtering to work:

  • Both the .bedpe and .bed must be present in the --pondir directory.
  • They must be named gridss_pon_breakpoint.bedpe and gridss_pon_single_breakend.bed respectively.
  • The chromosome naming conventions (NCBI-style 1 vs UCSC-style chr1) must match the convention used by your reference genome.

Find viral integration sites in a human genome

Download and extract the pre-built VIRUSBreakend database

tar zxvf

Then run VIRUSBreakend:

virusbreakend \
  -r host_reference.fa \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -o output.vcf \
  --db virusbreakenddb_20210401 \

Find viral integration sites in a non-human genome

Unfortunately, the prebuild Kraken2 database won't work for non-human genomes as human is the only host genome supplied by Kraken2. You'll need to build your own.

First build the human Kraken2 reference:

virusbreakend-build --db my_custom_virusbreakend_database

As VIRUSBreakend does not officially support non-human hosts, you'll need to tell VIRUSBreakend to treat your host as human.

Edit your host .fa file and prepend kraken:taxid|9606| to every contig name. This means that >chr1 becomes >kraken:taxid|9606|chr1, and so on.

sed 's/^>/>kraken:taxid|9606|/' < my_host_reference.fa > my_host_kraken9606_reference.fa

Once you've edited your reference, add it to the VIRUSBreakend database, and rebuild.

kraken2-build --add-to-library my_host_kraken9606_reference.fa --db my_custom_virusbreakend_database
kraken2-build $kraken2buildargs --build --db my_custom_virusbreakend_database

With the custom database built, you can now run virusbreakend against your custom database:

virusbreakend \
  -r my_host_reference.fa \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -o output.vcf \
  --db my_custom_virusbreakend_database \

Re-call structural variants from another SV caller

First extract the fragments overlapping the region of interest:

gridss_extract_overlapping_fragments \
  --targetvcf othercaller.vcf \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \

Then run GRIDSS on the tageted bam:

gridss \
  -r reference.fa \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -o output.vcf \

Call structural variants in a small region of the genome:

First extract the fragments overlapping the region of interest:

gridss_extract_overlapping_fragments \
  --targetbed region_of_interest.bed \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \

Then run GRIDSS on the tageted bam:

gridss \
  -r reference.fa \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -o output.vcf \

Annotate single breakend variant calls


To annotate single breakends (and sequences inserted in breakpoints) with RepeatMasker annotations, ensure RepeatMasker is on PATH and run:

gridss_annotate_vcf_repeatmasker \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -o annotated.vcf \


Kraken2 annotation can be useful to determine if single breakend variant calls are the result of viral integration. To annotate single breakends (and sequences inserted in breakpoints) with a species classification, ensure Kraken2 is on PATH and run:

gridss_annotate_vcf_repeatmasker \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -o annotated.vcf \
  --kraken2db standard

Pre-build Kraken2 database can be downloaded from the Kraken2 AWS Public Dataset Program. Alternatively, the VIRUSBReakend database can also be used.

Optimise GRIDSS execution

If running GRIDSS in a cluster compute environment, additional parallelisation options are available.

Note that --workingdir must be the same directory for all steps.


Firstly, a once-off setup step for the reference genome is required. This only needs to be run once per reference genome.

gridss \
  -r reference.fa \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -s setupreference


Pre-processing is done per input file and has good scaling to 4 cores.

Peak memory usage occurs either during bwa alignment (5Gb + bwa index size) --skipsoftcliprealignment is not specified, or during sort (5Gb + 768Mb per thread).

gridss \
  -r reference.fa \
  -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -s preprocess \
  -t 4 \


Assembly is performed in parallel on 10Mbase chunks (chunk size can be adjusted by setting a different value through a custom and the --configuration parameter).

Assembly scales to 8 cores with peak memory usage of 31Gb and can be distributed across multiple nodes.

Running multiple assembly jobs requires specifying --jobnodes and a unique 0-based --jobindex for each job.

For example, to distribute assembly of paired tumour/normal sequencing into 3 jobs, the jobs would be:

gridss -r reference.fa -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -t 8 \
  -s assemble \
  -a assembly.bam \
  --jobnodes 3 \
  --jobindex 0 \
  normal.bam tumour.bam
gridss -r reference.fa -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -t 8 \
  -s assemble \
  -a assembly.bam \
  --jobnodes 3 \
  --jobindex 1 \
  normal.bam tumour.bam
gridss -r reference.fa -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -t 8 \
  -s assemble \
  -a assembly.bam \
  --jobnodes 3 \
  --jobindex 2 \
  normal.bam tumour.bam

A final assembly job is required to merge the per-chunk outputs together. This job fast, I/O-bound, and is best combined with the variant calling job:

Variant Calling

The final variant calling step also uses 8 cores and 31Gb:

gridss -r reference.fa -j gridss-2.X.Y-gridss-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  -t 8 \
  -a assembly.bam \
  -s assemble,call \
  -o output.vcf \
  normal.bam tumour.bam