internal and external Server with PAN-OS-PHP version 2.0.26 prepared internal Server has access to Panorama mgmt device external Server has access to Internet
- internal Server:
- go to folder [pan-os-php_root]/utils/develop
- run: php pan_software_download_preparation.php in=api://Panorama_MGMT-IP script
- script is asking for username / password and store it in local system User folder file “.panconfkeystore” for future usage
- script is creating XML file: [pan-os-php_root]/utils/develop/software/software_downloader_devices.txt
- copy the created file to external Server in folder: [pan-os-php_root]/utils/develop/software
- external Server:
- go to folder [pan-os-php_root]/utils/develop
- check if file is available software/software_downloader_devices.txt
- check if additional settings are needed:
- vi pan_software-downloader.php +38
- $filter['All'] = false;//[=false => download only latest]
- $filter['SWVersionInfo'] = true;
- $filter['SignatureVersionInfo'] = true;
- $filter['only_releaseNotes'] = false;
- run: php pan_software_downloader.php script
- this script is downloading all available software / content update based on the filter settings into folder [pan-os-php_root]/utils/develop/software
- internal Server:
- fetch software and dynamic content update from external server from folder: [pan-os-php_root]/utils/develop/software/*
- step 3 Internal Server:
- there is no script yet available to upload and install the newest downloaded software / dynamic content version to Panorama/Firewall
- internal Server:
- identical as for downloading PAN-OS software, please check above
- external Server:
- run: pan-os-php type=key-manager add=license-apikey apikey=[LICENSE-APIKEY]
- this Palo Alto networks license-apikey is available: your personal company license API key account can be found via -> Assets -> API key management - only super user can see this
- run: php pan_license.php script
- this script is downloading all available license into folder [pan-os-php_root]/utils/develop/license
- internal Server:
- fetch license from external server from folder: [pan-os-php_root]/utils/develop/license/*
- step 3 Internal Server:
- there is no script yet available to upload and install the license to Panorama/Firewall