HipChat API v2 wrapper for PHP.
Supported HTTP Clients: Guzzle 4.x, Guzzle 3.x, Resty 0.6.x
Frameworks: Vanilla PHP, Laravel 4.1
- Improve PHPDoc blocks
- Ability to use Addon OAuth ID and Secret
- Laravel Facades and Configurations
- Full Documentation
- Tests
- PHP 5.3 support
- Curl HTTP Client - out of box
- Tag first "stable" version 😄
Begin by installing this package through Composer.
"require": {
"page-boost/hipchat-php-v2": "dev-master"
You should have at least one HTTP Client installed. Supported out of box are Guzzle and Resty.
Checkout our microsite with Full Documentation
View the license for this repo.