Releases: PX4/PX4-Autopilot
Releases · PX4/PX4-Autopilot
Stable Release v1.9.2
This is a minor bug fix release.
- Multicopter position controller: fix conversion to radians in AutoMapper and AutoMapper2 (#12324)
- MAVLink: Add all IMUs as default outputs over USB (#12333)
- Multicopter position controller: explicitly convert tilt to radians (#12328)
- ekf2: fixed calculation of static pressure error (#12332)
- rc.board_sensors: added lis3mdl to v5 sensors init (#12384)
- logger: handle 'char' type in messages (#12397)
- rcS fix crash caused by floating point arithmetic to enable slower than real-time simulation (#12401)
v1.9.1 Stable Release
v1.9.0 Stable Release
High-Level PX4 v1.9 Release Notes
Release link:
Devguide documentation:
Full Changelog:
- ARM M7 silicon errata fix
- Ethernet networking support
- Orbit mode (multicopter)
- Multicopter airmode
- Obstacle avoidance in missions (with full 3D navigation, not just basic points)
- Collision prevention in position mode (with full 3D navigation)
- New flight tasks system enabled by default
- Smoother takeoff for multicopters
- Smooth trajectory generator for multicopter auto mode
- GPS heading support for use in magnetically challenging environments
- Forgiving default filter settings for larger multicopters with high vibration levels
- Proven failsafe between different IMUs (Pixhawk 2.1 hardware errata of HEX products successfully detected and handled)
- Operating system: NuttX upgrade from 7.22 to 7.28+
- Option to build single-vehicle-type binaries for flash-constrained microcontrollers
Simulation improvements - Better VTOL models
- Simplified multi-UAV simulation with JMAVSim
- Run simulation faster/slower than realtime (lockstep simulation)
Main Features and Improvements
With over 3000 commits a lot of the changes are not listed here. These changes represent the main improvements in the system.
- Limited-jerk trajectory generator for auto mode
- Smoothing of takeoff
- Mixer rewrite and Airmode for all axes
- Improved Acro performance (keep integrators always enabled in-air)
- Spool-up time for motors after arming
- Orbit flight mode
- Airspeed robustness (fault detection + failover) [BETA]
- Improved support for tiltrotors
- Rate controller architecture change (run fixed wing & multicopter rate controller together to have dedicated rate controller for one set of actuators)
- Active weathervane based on direction of desired thrust vector
- Migration guide (vtol roll direction parameter - V19_VT_ROLLDIR)
PX4/ECL - Estimators improvement
- Reduced latency from receipt of IMU data to output of vehicle Pose data
- Multi GPS support (GPS blending and failover)
- Support for Fusion of GPS heading
- Miscellaneous optical flow data use improvements
- Miscellaneous VIO data use improvements
- Improve stability of attitude alignment and yaw reset at large tilt angles (eg tailsitters)
- Support for u-blox F9 generation (RTK)
- Initial support for Septentrio
Computer Vision & Autonomy
- Full bidirectional VIO uORB messaging, with linear/angular velocity and covariance propagation, besides pose data;
- Fast-RTPS bridge client and IDL definitions code generation improvements for a better integration with px4_ros_com (PX4 bridge with ROS2).
- Collision Prevention in Position Control
- Obstacle Avoidance in Mission Mode
- Pre-flight checks and failsafe mechanisms for Obstacle Avoidance in Mission mode
- SITL lockstep (jMAVSim + Gazebo support)
- Faster or slower than real-time simulation, support to pause or step through code, enables SITL on older or slower hardware
- Simulation in Hardware module
- Avoidance in Gazebo
- Serial port configuration improvements
Logging improvements
- Mission log: Minimal summary log file for flight meta data
Onboard computer / middleware improvements
- Improved support for ROS2
- Initial support for monitoring of an onboard computer
- Bootloader update on v2 boards
NuttX update
- NuttX upgrade from 7.22 to 7.28+
- Compressed defconfig files.
- Compressed ROMFS
- Many bug fixes and performance improvements
Updated Supported Hardware
- Analog Devices ADIS16477, ADIS16497
- AK09916 compass (Here 2 GPS)
- Cm8jl65 distance sensor
- PMW3901 optical flow sensor
- InvenSense ICM20948 compass (Here GPS)
- Pixhawk 4 Mini (full support)
- NXPhlite
- SMBUS batteries (improved support)
- Better ESC calibration for PWM ESCs
v1.9.0 Third Release Candidate
This release candidate has no known issues or open to-do's and is ready for wide testing.
v1.9.0 Second Release Candidate
v1.9.0-rc1 PX4 stable v1.9.0 second release candidate
v1.9.0 First Release Candidate
v1.9.0-rc0 PX4 stable v1.9.0 first release candidate
v1.9.0 Beta 3 Release
v1.9.0-beta3 (2019-04-22)
v1.8.2 Stable Release
This is a minor bug fix release on top of PX4 Stable v1.8.1
- mc_att_control: copy sensor_correction topic once initially #10830
v1.8.1 Stable Release
This is a minor bug fix release on top of PX4 Stable v1.8.0
v1.8.0 Stable Release
Migration Guide
- The EKF2 estimator has been the standard for some time and supports flying with vision positioning systems indoors. Users of the LP estimator are advised to upgrade, as LPE is no longer supported/maintained.
- Upgrading is advised to latest stable trough QGC.
Main features and improvements
- Fusion of Visual Inertial Odometry in EKF2 (video)
- Interface for external Obstacle Avoidance systems (video)
- Significantly improved performance on racing drones (users need to reconfigure, link)
- Improved filtering and reduced control latency
- Added Airmode
- Improved flight performance on VTOL (Tiltrotors, Tailsitters)
- Support for building natively on Windows (link)
- Significant EKF2 improvements
- Hardening of the estimator for situations where GPS accuracy is limited
improved sensor selection logic enabling simultaneous use of optical flow and GPS - Added the EKF2_MAG_TYPE parameter for environments with high magnetic interferences
- Hardening of the estimator for situations where GPS accuracy is limited
- Wind Estimator
- Support for structure scanning
- High Latency telemetry support (Iridium)
- Precision landing framework (including IRLock driver)
New Supported Hardware
- FMUv5: Pixhawk 4 and Pixhawk 4 mini from Holybro and Pixhack v5 from CUAV
- Crazyflie 2.0 with optical flow deck
- Omnibus F4 SD
- Snapdragon 8074 with VIO enabled (video, 820 support coming)
- IRLock sensor for precision landing
- ST LPS22HB barometer driver
- Analog devices IMUs (ADIS16477, ADIS16448)
- TeraRanger Evo 600Hz support
- QGroundControl v3.3.2
- MAVLink (d8ea87b9c6173ad72a032219588e302eb8cb212a)
- Important fixes
- Manual flight mode for VTOL
- Battery estimation fixes and improvements
Change Log
v1.8.0 (2018-06-19)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Error in make posix_sitl_default gazebo #9575
- fmu_v5 NSH some commands force an instant reboot #9532
- 1.8.0beta does not "work" with QGC latest #9505
- Console output on Mac OS #9495
- EKF errors with Fixed Wing #9474
- PX4 1.7.3: Total crash in loiter. #9108
- set MODULE_NAME for parameters module and update ecl #9536 (dagar)
- Jenkins mission tests delete old build first #9535 (dagar)
Closed issues:
- v1.8 Changelog scratchpad #9593
- Increase IMU rate in ROS on Intel Aero RTF with PX4 #9579
- arming and takeoff with mavros ! #9578
- not able to launch posix_sitl.launch #9568
- Commander low on stack #9548
- Wrong Voltage Divider for FMUv5 #9526
- Start logging on RTK GPS condition or postprocessing option #9432
- 1.7 Crashes, log stops in-air #9271
- Crash: Pixhawk 2.1 (Cube) with v1.7.4 Beta firmware #9260
- Suspectible servo broken and PX4 dead #9139
Merged pull requests:
- Remove extra newline in omnibus-f4sd/usb.c to quiet git warning. #9592 (mcsauder)
- various getopt & argc index check fixes #9589 (bkueng)
- mavlink_messages: fill in all 16 servo channels #9586 (bkueng)
- Remove whitespace from the top-level CMakeLists.txt. #9581 (mcsauder)
- logger: fix SD card space computation #9580 (bkueng)
- Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Thu May 31 01:26:50 UTC 2018 #9571 (dagar)
- Jenkins archive nuttx bin file #9570 (dagar)
- Commander: complete thread cycle before emergency shutdown #9563 (potaito)
- Jenkins temporarily disable address sanitizer mission tests #9559 (dagar)
- ecl-ekf log analysis tool: fix missing filter_fault_status and one-off index bug #9552 (JohannesBrand)
- ROMFS: fix SYS_USE_IO==0 #9551 (bkueng)
- px4fmu-v5/board_config.h: update BOARD_BATTERY1_V_DIV #9550 (bkueng)
- mavlink mission: send an ack on duplicated last uploaded mission item #9547 (bkueng)
- IridiumSBD: Fix for multiple MT messages #9546 (acfloria)
- ADC support for Omnibus F4 SD #9545 (bkueng)
- Add param to adjust motor ordering #9544 (bkueng)
- Delete old issue template #9543 (hamishwillee)
- Fix link to slack (Broken) #9542 (hamishwillee)
- Fix link to flight reporting page #9541 (hamishwillee)
- Jenkins tests code coverage build + SIGSEGV handler #9419 (dagar)
v1.8.0-beta2 (2018-05-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Replay does not publish second GPS #9422
- Use Nuttx defconfig defines to determine arch #9516 (joshuawhitehead)
- Cygwin: Enable ARM NuttX Upload within Cygwin Environment #9442 (MaEtUgR)
- Add baro temperature to sensor voter observation #9411 (potaito)
- adis16477 driver #9408 (dagar)
- Logger: add watchdog to boost its priority in case of a busy-looping task #9404 (bkueng)
- Mavlink Ping Protocol Implementation #9399 (mhkabir)
- cmake px4 + sitl package #9309 (dagar)
- WIP: doxygen #9234 (dagar)
Fixed bugs:
- PX4 SITL catkin build failing #9447
- posix_eagle broken on recent master (Snapdragon flight) #9444
- EKF2 with optical flow drifts without flow data #9414
- Internal HMC5883 not (always) starting on FMUv2 (Original 3DR Pixhawk) #9151
- Fix astyle Display Language Dependency & Makefile Colored Output #9441 (MaEtUgR)
- Jenkins run tests under address sanitizer and fix issues #9421 (dagar)
- Avionics power check type error (int to float) #9412 (dakejahl)
Closed issues:
- Bug Report: Multi-Vehicle Interference in the storage and execution of the mission #9500
- Battery Parameters Visualisation not working in simulation #9486
- Detected 0 radio channels. To operate PX4, you need at least 5 channels #9480
- Bug Report: Aberrant Yaw and Loss of Altitude causing Crash #9475
- "make posix_sitl_default gazebo" error #9466
- GPS here+ plus rover is not getting detected [#9463](h...