Thank you for showing your interest in the repository and the idea. I am grateful to be working with fellow developers.
When raising an issue, try your best to include the following information:
- Which branch were you using when things broke?
- What was your input?
- What was the throwback/error message received, if any?
- In case of no error message, how was the output different from expected?
- Was the problem in video rendering/subtitle display/video controls?
- What was the expected output?
If some information is not available to you, you should mention that too.
When contributing, you can contribute to any branch. The issues page will give you a list of issues you can resolve in the main branch.
When contributing code to repository, kindly use modularised code. Don't worry too much about the code style. The project is in the nascent stage, and code style is not a worry at the point.
In your pull request, kindly mention the following
- The issue/problem you resolve
- An overview/high level idea of your solution
- Dependencies of your solution
- Caveats/known drawbacks of your solution, if any
Solutions with fewer dependencies will always be appreciated.