PECOS (Performance Estimator of Codes On Surfaces) is a Python framework for studying, developing, and evaluating quantum error-correction protocols.
- Author: Ciarán Ryan-Anderson
- Language: Python 3.5.2+ (with optional C and C++ extensions)
For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact the author:
- Ciarán Ryan-Anderson, [email protected]
To get started, check out the documentation in the "docs" folder or find it online at:
See the following branch for the latest version of PECOS under development:
BEAWARE: There are some changes planned in that may break some backwards compatibility with 0.1. Although, we try to minimize breaks to backwards compatibility.
- Python 3.5.2+
- NumPy 1.15+
- SciPy 1.1+
- Matplotlib 2.2+
- NetworkX 2.1+
- Cython (to compile optional C/C++ extensions)
- pytest 3.0+ (to run tests)
- Sphinx 2.7.6+ (to compile documentation)
PECOS is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license
To install using pip run the command:
pip install quantum-pecos
To install from GitHub go to:
Then, download/unzip or clone the version of PECOS you would like to use. Next, navigate to the root of the package (where is located) and run:
pip install .
To install and continue to develop the version of PECOS located in the install folder, run the following instead:
pip install -e .
To uninstall run:
pip uninstall quantum-pecos