This is the implementation code of the CVPR 2024 paper "Traceable Federated Continual Learning"
* python == 3.6
* torch == 1.2.0
* numpy
* torchvision == 0.4.0
* cv2
* scipy == 1.5.2
* sklearn == 0.24.1
CIFAR100: You don't need to do anything before running the experiments on CIFAR100 dataset.
Imagenet-Subset (Mini-Imagenet): Please manually download the on Imagenet-Subset (Mini-Imagenet) dataset from the official websites, and place it in './train'.
Tiny-Imagenet: Please manually download the on Tiny-Imagenet dataset from the official websites, and place it in './tiny-imagenet-200'.
- Please check the detailed arguments in './src/'.
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