diff --git a/api/src/opentrons/api/models.py b/api/src/opentrons/api/models.py
index 50ff3a86f74..a3b22d3db46 100755
--- a/api/src/opentrons/api/models.py
+++ b/api/src/opentrons/api/models.py
@@ -32,12 +32,15 @@ def __init__(self, container, instruments=None, context=None):
             self.is_legacy = container.properties.get(
                 'labware_hash') is None
+            # will be labware's load name or label
             self.name = container.name
-            self.type = container.name
+            # type must be load_name so client can load correct definition
+            self.type = container.load_name
             slot, position = _get_parent_slot_and_position(container)
             self.slot = slot
             self.position = position
             self.is_legacy = False
+            self.is_tiprack = container.is_tiprack
         self.instruments = [
             for instrument in instruments]
diff --git a/api/src/opentrons/protocol_api/labware.py b/api/src/opentrons/protocol_api/labware.py
index ebadbd59867..ae997b781d7 100644
--- a/api/src/opentrons/protocol_api/labware.py
+++ b/api/src/opentrons/protocol_api/labware.py
@@ -376,6 +376,12 @@ def name(self, new_name):
         """ Set the labware name"""
         self._name = new_name
+    @property  # type: ignore
+    @requires_version(2, 0)
+    def load_name(self) -> str:
+        """ The API load name of the labware definition """
+        return self._parameters['loadName']
     @property  # type: ignore
     @requires_version(2, 0)
     def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
diff --git a/app/src/robot/api-client/client.js b/app/src/robot/api-client/client.js
index 5413445ba08..1fb2451ae4c 100755
--- a/app/src/robot/api-client/client.js
+++ b/app/src/robot/api-client/client.js
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import { getCustomLabwareDefinitions } from '../../custom-labware/selectors'
 const NO_INTERVAL = -1
 const RE_VOLUME = /.*?(\d+).*?/
-const RE_TIPRACK = /tiprack/i
+const RE_TIPRACK = /tip ?rack/i
   'This robot does not support ZIP protocol bundles. Please update its software to the latest version and upload this protocol again'
@@ -573,7 +573,11 @@ export default function client(dispatch) {
         is_legacy: isLegacy,
       } = apiContainer
-      const isTiprack = RE_TIPRACK.test(type)
+      const isTiprack =
+        apiContainer.is_tiprack != null
+          ? apiContainer.is_tiprack
+          : RE_TIPRACK.test(type)
       const labware = { _id, name, slot, position, type, isTiprack, isLegacy }
       if (isTiprack && apiContainer.instruments.length > 0) {