From 84abd27161d66f9184a08fc543d9c928ea8927dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jethary <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 14:52:22 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] remove ff and add cypress test

 .../cypress/integration/migrations.spec.js    |   11 +-
 .../8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json      | 2413 +++++++++++++++++
 .../CreateFileWizard/PipetteTypeTile.tsx      |    8 +-
 .../__tests__/PipetteTypeTile.test.tsx        |    7 -
 .../FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx       |    8 +-
 .../src/feature-flags/reducers.ts             |    1 -
 .../src/feature-flags/selectors.ts            |    4 -
 protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/types.ts  |    2 +-
 .../src/localization/en/feature_flags.json    |    4 -
 9 files changed, 2428 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json

diff --git a/protocol-designer/cypress/integration/migrations.spec.js b/protocol-designer/cypress/integration/migrations.spec.js
index d820395fee2..5c4f8843498 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/cypress/integration/migrations.spec.js
+++ b/protocol-designer/cypress/integration/migrations.spec.js
@@ -53,6 +53,15 @@ describe('Protocol fixtures migrate and match snapshots', () => {
       migrationModal: 'v8',
       unusedPipettes: false,
+    {
+      title: '96-channel full and column schema 8 -> reimported as schema 8',
+      importFixture:
+        '../../fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json',
+      expectedExportFixture:
+        '../../fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json',
+      migrationModal: null,
+      unusedPipettes: false,
+    },
     //  TODO(jr, 11/30/23): write a test fixture here for v8 migrated to v8 with deck config when the ff is removed
     // {
     //   title: 'doItAllV8 flex robot -> reimported',
@@ -159,7 +168,7 @@ describe('Protocol fixtures migrate and match snapshots', () => {
                 ).forEach(stepForm => {
                   if (stepForm.stepType === 'moveLiquid') {
                     stepForm.dropTip_location = 'trash drop tip location'
-                    if (stepForm.blowout_location.includes('trashBin')) {
+                    if (stepForm.blowout_location?.includes('trashBin')) {
                       stepForm.blowout_location = 'trash blowout location'
diff --git a/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json b/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7b3a5c1d1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2413 @@
+  "$otSharedSchema": "#/protocol/schemas/8",
+  "schemaVersion": 8,
+  "metadata": {
+    "protocolName": "96ChannelFullAndColumn",
+    "author": "",
+    "description": "",
+    "created": 1701805621086,
+    "lastModified": 1701805663768,
+    "category": null,
+    "subcategory": null,
+    "tags": []
+  },
+  "designerApplication": {
+    "name": "opentrons/protocol-designer",
+    "version": "8.0.0",
+    "data": {
+      "_internalAppBuildDate": "Tue, 05 Dec 2023 19:46:18 GMT",
+      "defaultValues": {
+        "aspirate_mmFromBottom": 1,
+        "dispense_mmFromBottom": 0.5,
+        "touchTip_mmFromTop": -1,
+        "blowout_mmFromTop": 0
+      },
+      "pipetteTiprackAssignments": {
+        "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9": "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1"
+      },
+      "dismissedWarnings": { "form": {}, "timeline": {} },
+      "ingredients": {},
+      "ingredLocations": {
+        "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {}
+      },
+      "savedStepForms": {
+        "__INITIAL_DECK_SETUP_STEP__": {
+          "stepType": "manualIntervention",
+          "id": "__INITIAL_DECK_SETUP_STEP__",
+          "labwareLocationUpdate": {
+            "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1": "C2",
+            "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
+            "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2": "B1",
+            "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "D1"
+          },
+          "pipetteLocationUpdate": {
+            "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9": "left"
+          },
+          "moduleLocationUpdate": {}
+        },
+        "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a": {
+          "id": "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a",
+          "stepType": "moveLiquid",
+          "stepName": "transfer",
+          "stepDetails": "",
+          "pipette": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "volume": "10",
+          "changeTip": "always",
+          "path": "single",
+          "aspirate_wells_grouped": false,
+          "aspirate_flowRate": null,
+          "aspirate_labware": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+          "aspirate_wells": ["A1"],
+          "aspirate_wellOrder_first": "t2b",
+          "aspirate_wellOrder_second": "l2r",
+          "aspirate_mix_checkbox": false,
+          "aspirate_mix_times": null,
+          "aspirate_mix_volume": null,
+          "aspirate_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "aspirate_touchTip_checkbox": false,
+          "aspirate_touchTip_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "dispense_flowRate": null,
+          "dispense_labware": "1e553651-9e4d-44b1-a31b-92459642bfd7:trashBin",
+          "dispense_wells": [],
+          "dispense_wellOrder_first": "t2b",
+          "dispense_wellOrder_second": "l2r",
+          "dispense_mix_checkbox": false,
+          "dispense_mix_times": null,
+          "dispense_mix_volume": null,
+          "dispense_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "dispense_touchTip_checkbox": false,
+          "dispense_touchTip_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "disposalVolume_checkbox": true,
+          "disposalVolume_volume": "5",
+          "blowout_checkbox": false,
+          "blowout_location": null,
+          "preWetTip": false,
+          "aspirate_airGap_checkbox": false,
+          "aspirate_airGap_volume": "5",
+          "aspirate_delay_checkbox": false,
+          "aspirate_delay_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "aspirate_delay_seconds": "1",
+          "dispense_airGap_checkbox": false,
+          "dispense_airGap_volume": "5",
+          "dispense_delay_checkbox": false,
+          "dispense_delay_seconds": "1",
+          "dispense_delay_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "dropTip_location": "1e553651-9e4d-44b1-a31b-92459642bfd7:trashBin",
+          "nozzles": "ALL"
+        },
+        "f5ea3139-1585-4848-9d5f-832eb88c99ca": {
+          "id": "f5ea3139-1585-4848-9d5f-832eb88c99ca",
+          "stepType": "moveLiquid",
+          "stepName": "transfer",
+          "stepDetails": "",
+          "pipette": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "volume": "10",
+          "changeTip": "always",
+          "path": "single",
+          "aspirate_wells_grouped": false,
+          "aspirate_flowRate": null,
+          "aspirate_labware": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+          "aspirate_wells": ["A7"],
+          "aspirate_wellOrder_first": "t2b",
+          "aspirate_wellOrder_second": "l2r",
+          "aspirate_mix_checkbox": false,
+          "aspirate_mix_times": null,
+          "aspirate_mix_volume": null,
+          "aspirate_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "aspirate_touchTip_checkbox": false,
+          "aspirate_touchTip_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "dispense_flowRate": null,
+          "dispense_labware": "1e553651-9e4d-44b1-a31b-92459642bfd7:trashBin",
+          "dispense_wells": [],
+          "dispense_wellOrder_first": "t2b",
+          "dispense_wellOrder_second": "l2r",
+          "dispense_mix_checkbox": false,
+          "dispense_mix_times": null,
+          "dispense_mix_volume": null,
+          "dispense_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "dispense_touchTip_checkbox": false,
+          "dispense_touchTip_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "disposalVolume_checkbox": true,
+          "disposalVolume_volume": "5",
+          "blowout_checkbox": false,
+          "blowout_location": null,
+          "preWetTip": false,
+          "aspirate_airGap_checkbox": false,
+          "aspirate_airGap_volume": "5",
+          "aspirate_delay_checkbox": false,
+          "aspirate_delay_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "aspirate_delay_seconds": "1",
+          "dispense_airGap_checkbox": false,
+          "dispense_airGap_volume": "5",
+          "dispense_delay_checkbox": false,
+          "dispense_delay_seconds": "1",
+          "dispense_delay_mmFromBottom": null,
+          "dropTip_location": "1e553651-9e4d-44b1-a31b-92459642bfd7:trashBin",
+          "nozzles": "COLUMN"
+        }
+      },
+      "orderedStepIds": [
+        "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a",
+        "f5ea3139-1585-4848-9d5f-832eb88c99ca"
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  "robot": { "model": "OT-3 Standard", "deckId": "ot3_standard" },
+  "labwareDefinitionSchemaId": "opentronsLabwareSchemaV2",
+  "labwareDefinitions": {
+    "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {
+      "ordering": [
+        ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
+        ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
+        ["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3", "E3", "F3", "G3", "H3"],
+        ["A4", "B4", "C4", "D4", "E4", "F4", "G4", "H4"],
+        ["A5", "B5", "C5", "D5", "E5", "F5", "G5", "H5"],
+        ["A6", "B6", "C6", "D6", "E6", "F6", "G6", "H6"],
+        ["A7", "B7", "C7", "D7", "E7", "F7", "G7", "H7"],
+        ["A8", "B8", "C8", "D8", "E8", "F8", "G8", "H8"],
+        ["A9", "B9", "C9", "D9", "E9", "F9", "G9", "H9"],
+        ["A10", "B10", "C10", "D10", "E10", "F10", "G10", "H10"],
+        ["A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11"],
+        ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
+      ],
+      "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
+      "metadata": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
+        "displayCategory": "tipRack",
+        "displayVolumeUnits": "µL",
+        "tags": []
+      },
+      "dimensions": {
+        "xDimension": 127.75,
+        "yDimension": 85.75,
+        "zDimension": 99
+      },
+      "gripForce": 16,
+      "gripHeightFromLabwareBottom": 23.9,
+      "wells": {
+        "A1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
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+        "H6": {
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+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "y": 74.38,
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+        },
+        "B7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+        "C7": {
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+        "D7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+        "E7": {
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+        },
+        "F7": {
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+        },
+        "G7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+        "H7": {
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+          "shape": "circular",
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+        "A8": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+        "B8": {
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+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
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+        "C9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+          "x": 86.38,
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+        "D9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
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+        },
+        "E9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
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+        "F9": {
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+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+        "D10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+        },
+        "E10": {
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
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+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 95.38,
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+        },
+        "G10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
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+        "H10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "y": 47.38,
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+        },
+        "E11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        }
+      },
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+          "metadata": {},
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+            "G7",
+            "H7",
+            "A8",
+            "B8",
+            "C8",
+            "D8",
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+            "G8",
+            "H8",
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+            "H9",
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+          ]
+        }
+      ],
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+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul"
+      },
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+        "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 121 }
+      }
+    },
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+      "ordering": [],
+      "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
+      "metadata": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
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+        "tags": []
+      },
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+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter"
+      },
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+      "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": -14.25, "y": -3.5, "z": 0 }
+    },
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+        ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
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+      ],
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+        "G7": {
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+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
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+          "y": 65.24,
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+        "A7": {
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+        "A9": {
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+        },
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+          "z": 1.25
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+          "z": 1.25
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+        },
+        "B12": {
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+          "y": 65.24,
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+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        }
+      },
+      "brand": {
+        "brand": "Bio-Rad",
+        "brandId": ["hsp9601"],
+        "links": [
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+            "C3",
+            "D3",
+            "E3",
+            "F3",
+            "G3",
+            "H3",
+            "A4",
+            "B4",
+            "C4",
+            "D4",
+            "E4",
+            "F4",
+            "G4",
+            "H4",
+            "A5",
+            "B5",
+            "C5",
+            "D5",
+            "E5",
+            "F5",
+            "G5",
+            "H5",
+            "A6",
+            "B6",
+            "C6",
+            "D6",
+            "E6",
+            "F6",
+            "G6",
+            "H6",
+            "A7",
+            "B7",
+            "C7",
+            "D7",
+            "E7",
+            "F7",
+            "G7",
+            "H7",
+            "A8",
+            "B8",
+            "C8",
+            "D8",
+            "E8",
+            "F8",
+            "G8",
+            "H8",
+            "A9",
+            "B9",
+            "C9",
+            "D9",
+            "E9",
+            "F9",
+            "G9",
+            "H9",
+            "A10",
+            "B10",
+            "C10",
+            "D10",
+            "E10",
+            "F10",
+            "G10",
+            "H10",
+            "A11",
+            "B11",
+            "C11",
+            "D11",
+            "E11",
+            "F11",
+            "G11",
+            "H11",
+            "A12",
+            "B12",
+            "C12",
+            "D12",
+            "E12",
+            "F12",
+            "G12",
+            "H12"
+          ],
+          "metadata": { "wellBottomShape": "v" }
+        }
+      ],
+      "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 },
+      "stackingOffsetWithLabware": {
+        "opentrons_96_well_aluminum_block": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 15.41 }
+      },
+      "stackingOffsetWithModule": {
+        "thermocyclerModuleV2": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 10.75 }
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  "liquidSchemaId": "opentronsLiquidSchemaV1",
+  "liquids": {},
+  "commandSchemaId": "opentronsCommandSchemaV8",
+  "commands": [
+    {
+      "key": "1d25bee2-a752-4acf-be83-9c565ae56102",
+      "commandType": "loadPipette",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteName": "p1000_96",
+        "mount": "left",
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "2c5ba05f-e87d-429e-b3bc-42c08c9a0436",
+      "commandType": "loadLabware",
+      "params": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
+        "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter",
+        "namespace": "opentrons",
+        "version": 1,
+        "location": { "slotName": "C2" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "378d27b9-988a-4e62-a66a-c873e8361d82",
+      "commandType": "loadLabware",
+      "params": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
+        "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
+        "namespace": "opentrons",
+        "version": 1,
+        "location": {
+          "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1"
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "f60cf23f-1c26-41c2-9ce5-024693fdd215",
+      "commandType": "loadLabware",
+      "params": {
+        "displayName": "Bio-Rad 96 Well Plate 200 µL PCR",
+        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+        "loadName": "biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr",
+        "namespace": "opentrons",
+        "version": 2,
+        "location": { "slotName": "B1" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "e42d93d7-e810-475d-a450-d36742993524",
+      "commandType": "loadLabware",
+      "params": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL (1)",
+        "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
+        "namespace": "opentrons",
+        "version": 1,
+        "location": { "slotName": "D1" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
+      "key": "e4bd89a9-5a75-4576-afcd-fd74ed9c3acb",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "configurationParams": { "style": "ALL" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "pickUpTip",
+      "key": "e3c4c59e-d1ce-486f-a992-e5c703b69f9f",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+        "wellName": "A1"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "aspirate",
+      "key": "8bcf437f-4d6a-4149-9d3f-bfadbb229bd1",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "volume": 10,
+        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+        "wellName": "A1",
+        "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
+        "flowRate": 7.85
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+      "key": "ec9d8fe9-5974-4005-b6d1-f378ba1dd7a8",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
+      "key": "fc18ba7e-ca1d-4176-b031-8a340a9edd63",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "volume": 10,
+        "flowRate": 7.85
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+      "key": "b416808a-a15c-4e3c-88b4-71ec9d2bdfa4",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
+      "key": "d48d32d4-84f0-4861-9806-fa5f372f3735",
+      "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
+      "key": "67dc3148-1b4f-4a21-9516-5278e1e490d6",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "configurationParams": { "primaryNozzle": "A12", "style": "COLUMN" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "pickUpTip",
+      "key": "dfef5121-7409-4ccb-8a03-e7cc0a81eedf",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+        "wellName": "A1"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "aspirate",
+      "key": "ff8920cd-0568-4fed-9dfa-de5e9b37ae7d",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "volume": 10,
+        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+        "wellName": "A7",
+        "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
+        "flowRate": 7.85
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+      "key": "64cd8937-81a0-4e92-85de-019accfe2d51",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
+      "key": "7919a477-1932-478a-9b67-1da715cfdcbb",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "volume": 10,
+        "flowRate": 7.85
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+      "key": "c8274db7-d0dd-488e-8c1a-2e18a1206e79",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
+      "key": "f17232c7-ff68-41a9-91c1-5e7fb0646f66",
+      "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
+    }
+  ],
+  "commandAnnotationSchemaId": "opentronsCommandAnnotationSchemaV1",
+  "commandAnnotations": []
diff --git a/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/CreateFileWizard/PipetteTypeTile.tsx b/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/CreateFileWizard/PipetteTypeTile.tsx
index 7b9f1135f2d..c90a6006352 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/CreateFileWizard/PipetteTypeTile.tsx
+++ b/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/CreateFileWizard/PipetteTypeTile.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import * as React from 'react'
 import { css } from 'styled-components'
-import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
 import { FormikProps } from 'formik'
 import {
@@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ import {
 } from '@opentrons/shared-data'
-import { getAllow96Channel } from '../../../feature-flags/selectors'
 import { i18n } from '../../../localization'
 import { GoBack } from './GoBack'
@@ -39,13 +37,12 @@ export function FirstPipetteTypeTile(
 ): JSX.Element {
   const mount = LEFT
-  const allow96Channel = useSelector(getAllow96Channel)
   return (
-      display96Channel={allow96Channel}
+      display96Channel={true}
@@ -136,7 +133,6 @@ function PipetteField(props: OT2FieldProps): JSX.Element {
   } = props
   const robotType = values.fields.robotType
-  const allow96Channel = useSelector(getAllow96Channel)
   const pipetteOptions = React.useMemo(() => {
     const allPipetteOptions = getAllPipetteNames('maxVolume', 'channels')
       .filter(name =>
@@ -149,7 +145,7 @@ function PipetteField(props: OT2FieldProps): JSX.Element {
         name: getPipetteNameSpecs(name)?.displayName ?? '',
     const noneOption = allowNoPipette ? [{ name: 'None', value: '' }] : []
-    return allow96Channel && display96Channel
+    return display96Channel
       ? [...allPipetteOptions, ...noneOption]
       : [
           ...allPipetteOptions.filter(o => o.value !== 'p1000_96'),
diff --git a/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/CreateFileWizard/__tests__/PipetteTypeTile.test.tsx b/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/CreateFileWizard/__tests__/PipetteTypeTile.test.tsx
index 74d5fe5a8f0..8537297c095 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/CreateFileWizard/__tests__/PipetteTypeTile.test.tsx
+++ b/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/CreateFileWizard/__tests__/PipetteTypeTile.test.tsx
@@ -6,19 +6,13 @@ import { PipetteTypeTile } from '../PipetteTypeTile'
 import { EquipmentOption } from '../EquipmentOption'
 import type { FormPipettesByMount } from '../../../../step-forms'
 import type { FormState, WizardTileProps } from '../types'
-import { getAllow96Channel } from '../../../../feature-flags/selectors'
 const mockEquipmentOption = EquipmentOption as jest.MockedFunction<
   typeof EquipmentOption
-const mockGetAllow96Channel = getAllow96Channel as jest.MockedFunction<
-  typeof getAllow96Channel
 const render = (props: React.ComponentProps<typeof PipetteTypeTile>) => {
   return renderWithProviders(<PipetteTypeTile {...props} />, {
     i18nInstance: i18n,
@@ -65,7 +59,6 @@ describe('PipetteTypeTile', () => {
       display96Channel: true,
     mockEquipmentOption.mockReturnValue(<div>mock EquipmentOption</div>)
-    mockGetAllow96Channel.mockReturnValue(true)
   it('renders the correct pipettes for flex with no empty pip allowed and btn ctas work', () => {
     const { getByText, getAllByText, getByRole } = render(props)
diff --git a/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx b/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx
index c83b6301654..5ac6930f34a 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx
+++ b/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx
@@ -20,10 +20,7 @@ import { i18n } from '../../../localization'
 import { createCustomTiprackDef } from '../../../labware-defs/actions'
 import { getLabwareDefsByURI } from '../../../labware-defs/selectors'
 import { FormPipettesByMount } from '../../../step-forms'
-import {
-  getAllowAllTipracks,
-  getAllow96Channel,
-} from '../../../feature-flags/selectors'
+import { getAllowAllTipracks } from '../../../feature-flags/selectors'
 import { RIGHT } from '@opentrons/shared-data/js/constants'
 import { getTiprackOptions } from '../utils'
 import { PipetteDiagram } from './PipetteDiagram'
@@ -90,7 +87,6 @@ export function PipetteFields(props: Props): JSX.Element {
   } = props
   const allowAllTipracks = useSelector(getAllowAllTipracks)
-  const allow96Channel = useSelector(getAllow96Channel)
   const dispatch = useDispatch()
   const allLabware = useSelector(getLabwareDefsByURI)
   const initialTabIndex = props.initialTabIndex || 1
@@ -105,7 +101,7 @@ export function PipetteFields(props: Props): JSX.Element {
     const { tabIndex, mount } = props
     const pipetteName = values[mount].pipetteName
-    const filter96 = !allow96Channel || mount === RIGHT ? ['p1000_96'] : []
+    const filter96 = mount === RIGHT ? ['p1000_96'] : []
     return (
       <Flex width="13.8rem">
diff --git a/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/reducers.ts b/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/reducers.ts
index 031a2add102..25b4334b004 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/reducers.ts
+++ b/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/reducers.ts
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ const initialFlags: Flags = {
     process.env.OT_PD_DISABLE_MODULE_RESTRICTIONS === '1' || false,
     process.env.OT_PD_ALLOW_ALL_TIPRACKS === '1' || false,
-  OT_PD_ALLOW_96_CHANNEL: process.env.OT_PD_ALLOW_96_CHANNEL === '1' || false,
     process.env.OT_PD_ENABLE_FLEX_DECK_MODIFICATION === '1' || false,
   OT_PD_ENABLE_MULTI_TIP: process.env.OT_PD_ENABLE_MULTI_TIP === '1' || false,
diff --git a/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/selectors.ts b/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/selectors.ts
index 461b0448917..7d50da4a0ea 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/selectors.ts
+++ b/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/selectors.ts
@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@ export const getAllowAllTipracks: Selector<boolean> = createSelector(
   flags => flags.OT_PD_ALLOW_ALL_TIPRACKS ?? false
-export const getAllow96Channel: Selector<boolean> = createSelector(
-  getFeatureFlagData,
-  flags => flags.OT_PD_ALLOW_96_CHANNEL ?? false
 export const getEnableDeckModification: Selector<boolean> = createSelector(
   flags => flags.OT_PD_ENABLE_FLEX_DECK_MODIFICATION ?? false
diff --git a/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/types.ts b/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/types.ts
index 729ecd0226f..17e1360e1cf 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/types.ts
+++ b/protocol-designer/src/feature-flags/types.ts
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ export const DEPRECATED_FLAGS = [
 // union of feature flag string constant IDs
 export type FlagTypes =
 // flags that are not in this list only show in prerelease mode
diff --git a/protocol-designer/src/localization/en/feature_flags.json b/protocol-designer/src/localization/en/feature_flags.json
index 12043dc1267..762beeb4bc5 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/src/localization/en/feature_flags.json
+++ b/protocol-designer/src/localization/en/feature_flags.json
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
     "title": "Allow all tip rack options",
     "description": "Enable selection of all tip racks for each pipette."
-    "title": "Enable 96-channel pipette",
-    "description": "Allow users to select 96-channel pipette"
-  },
     "title": "Enable Flex deck modification",
     "description": "Allow users to select waste chute, Flex staging, and modify trash slot"

From cc2298198ba633f4cb8be883ed9d2f1086de0feb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jethary <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 09:24:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] fix cypress test case

 .../8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json      | 4777 +++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 2389 insertions(+), 2388 deletions(-)

diff --git a/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json b/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
index 7b3a5c1d1de..6cab0fdf76e 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
+++ b/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
@@ -1,2413 +1,2414 @@
-  "$otSharedSchema": "#/protocol/schemas/8",
-  "schemaVersion": 8,
-  "metadata": {
-    "protocolName": "96ChannelFullAndColumn",
-    "author": "",
-    "description": "",
-    "created": 1701805621086,
-    "lastModified": 1701805663768,
-    "category": null,
-    "subcategory": null,
-    "tags": []
-  },
-  "designerApplication": {
-    "name": "opentrons/protocol-designer",
-    "version": "8.0.0",
-    "data": {
-      "_internalAppBuildDate": "Tue, 05 Dec 2023 19:46:18 GMT",
-      "defaultValues": {
-        "aspirate_mmFromBottom": 1,
-        "dispense_mmFromBottom": 0.5,
-        "touchTip_mmFromTop": -1,
-        "blowout_mmFromTop": 0
-      },
-      "pipetteTiprackAssignments": {
-        "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9": "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1"
-      },
-      "dismissedWarnings": { "form": {}, "timeline": {} },
-      "ingredients": {},
-      "ingredLocations": {
-        "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {}
+    "$otSharedSchema": "#/protocol/schemas/8",
+    "schemaVersion": 8,
+    "metadata": {
+      "protocolName": "96ChannelFullAndColumn",
+      "author": "",
+      "description": "",
+      "created": 1701805621086,
+      "lastModified": 1701872458249,
+      "category": null,
+      "subcategory": null,
+      "tags": []
+    },
+    "designerApplication": {
+      "name": "opentrons/protocol-designer",
+      "version": "8.0.0",
+      "data": {
+        "_internalAppBuildDate": "Wed, 06 Dec 2023 14:20:10 GMT",
+        "defaultValues": {
+          "aspirate_mmFromBottom": 1,
+          "dispense_mmFromBottom": 0.5,
+          "touchTip_mmFromTop": -1,
+          "blowout_mmFromTop": 0
+        },
+        "pipetteTiprackAssignments": {
+          "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9": "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1"
+        },
+        "dismissedWarnings": { "form": {}, "timeline": {} },
+        "ingredients": {},
+        "ingredLocations": {
+          "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {}
+        },
+        "savedStepForms": {
+          "__INITIAL_DECK_SETUP_STEP__": {
+            "labwareLocationUpdate": {
+              "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1": "C2",
+              "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
+              "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2": "B1",
+              "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "D1"
+            },
+            "pipetteLocationUpdate": {
+              "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9": "left"
+            },
+            "moduleLocationUpdate": {},
+            "stepType": "manualIntervention",
+            "id": "__INITIAL_DECK_SETUP_STEP__"
+          },
+          "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a": {
+            "pipette": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+            "volume": "10",
+            "changeTip": "always",
+            "path": "single",
+            "aspirate_wells_grouped": false,
+            "aspirate_flowRate": null,
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+            "stepDetails": ""
+          },
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+            "path": "single",
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+            "aspirate_labware": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
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+            "stepDetails": ""
+          }
+        },
+        "orderedStepIds": [
+          "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a",
+          "f5ea3139-1585-4848-9d5f-832eb88c99ca"
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "robot": { "model": "OT-3 Standard", "deckId": "ot3_standard" },
+    "labwareDefinitionSchemaId": "opentronsLabwareSchemaV2",
+    "labwareDefinitions": {
+      "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {
+        "ordering": [
+          ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
+          ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
+          ["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3", "E3", "F3", "G3", "H3"],
+          ["A4", "B4", "C4", "D4", "E4", "F4", "G4", "H4"],
+          ["A5", "B5", "C5", "D5", "E5", "F5", "G5", "H5"],
+          ["A6", "B6", "C6", "D6", "E6", "F6", "G6", "H6"],
+          ["A7", "B7", "C7", "D7", "E7", "F7", "G7", "H7"],
+          ["A8", "B8", "C8", "D8", "E8", "F8", "G8", "H8"],
+          ["A9", "B9", "C9", "D9", "E9", "F9", "G9", "H9"],
+          ["A10", "B10", "C10", "D10", "E10", "F10", "G10", "H10"],
+          ["A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11"],
+          ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
+        ],
+        "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
+        "metadata": {
+          "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
+          "displayCategory": "tipRack",
+          "displayVolumeUnits": "µL",
+          "tags": []
+        },
+        "dimensions": {
+          "xDimension": 127.75,
+          "yDimension": 85.75,
+          "zDimension": 99
+        },
+        "gripForce": 16,
+        "gripHeightFromLabwareBottom": 23.9,
+        "wells": {
+          "A1": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 14.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B1": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 14.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C1": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 14.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D1": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 14.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E1": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 14.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F1": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 14.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G1": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 14.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H1": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
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+            "x": 14.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
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+            "shape": "circular",
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+            "x": 23.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B2": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 23.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C2": {
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+            "x": 23.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D2": {
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+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
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+            "x": 23.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E2": {
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+            "x": 23.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F2": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
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+            "x": 23.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G2": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 23.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H2": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 23.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A3": {
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+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
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+            "x": 32.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B3": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 32.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C3": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
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+            "x": 32.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
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+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
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+            "x": 32.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E3": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
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+            "x": 32.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F3": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 32.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G3": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 32.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H3": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 32.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A4": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 41.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B4": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 41.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C4": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 41.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D4": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 41.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E4": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 41.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F4": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 41.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G4": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 41.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H4": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 41.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A5": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 50.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B5": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 50.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C5": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 50.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D5": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 50.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E5": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 50.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F5": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 50.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G5": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 50.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H5": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 50.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A6": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B6": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C6": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D6": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E6": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F6": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G6": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H6": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A7": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 68.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B7": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 68.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C7": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
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+            "x": 68.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D7": {
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+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 68.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E7": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 68.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F7": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 68.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G7": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 68.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H7": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 68.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A8": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 77.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B8": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 77.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C8": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 77.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D8": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 77.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E8": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 77.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F8": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
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+            "x": 77.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G8": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
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+            "x": 77.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H8": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
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+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 77.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A9": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 86.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B9": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 86.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C9": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 86.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D9": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 86.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E9": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
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+            "x": 86.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F9": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
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+            "x": 86.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G9": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 86.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H9": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 86.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A10": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 95.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B10": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 95.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C10": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 95.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D10": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
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+            "x": 95.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E10": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 95.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F10": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 95.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G10": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 95.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H10": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 95.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A11": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 104.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B11": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 104.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C11": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 104.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D11": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 104.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E11": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 104.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F11": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 104.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G11": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 104.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H11": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 104.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "A12": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 113.38,
+            "y": 74.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "B12": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 113.38,
+            "y": 65.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "C12": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 113.38,
+            "y": 56.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "D12": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 113.38,
+            "y": 47.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "E12": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 113.38,
+            "y": 38.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "F12": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 113.38,
+            "y": 29.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "G12": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 113.38,
+            "y": 20.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          },
+          "H12": {
+            "depth": 97.5,
+            "shape": "circular",
+            "diameter": 5.58,
+            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+            "x": 113.38,
+            "y": 11.38,
+            "z": 1.5
+          }
+        },
+        "groups": [
+          {
+            "metadata": {},
+            "wells": [
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+              "B1",
+              "C1",
+              "D1",
+              "E1",
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+              "H1",
+              "A2",
+              "B2",
+              "C2",
+              "D2",
+              "E2",
+              "F2",
+              "G2",
+              "H2",
+              "A3",
+              "B3",
+              "C3",
+              "D3",
+              "E3",
+              "F3",
+              "G3",
+              "H3",
+              "A4",
+              "B4",
+              "C4",
+              "D4",
+              "E4",
+              "F4",
+              "G4",
+              "H4",
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+              "C5",
+              "D5",
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+              "H5",
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+              "B6",
+              "C6",
+              "D6",
+              "E6",
+              "F6",
+              "G6",
+              "H6",
+              "A7",
+              "B7",
+              "C7",
+              "D7",
+              "E7",
+              "F7",
+              "G7",
+              "H7",
+              "A8",
+              "B8",
+              "C8",
+              "D8",
+              "E8",
+              "F8",
+              "G8",
+              "H8",
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+              "B9",
+              "C9",
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+              "E9",
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+              "G9",
+              "H9",
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+              "B10",
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+              "D10",
+              "E10",
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+              "G10",
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+              "H11",
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+              "B12",
+              "C12",
+              "D12",
+              "E12",
+              "F12",
+              "G12",
+              "H12"
+            ]
+          }
+        ],
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+          "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul"
+        },
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+        }
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-        "__INITIAL_DECK_SETUP_STEP__": {
-          "stepType": "manualIntervention",
-          "id": "__INITIAL_DECK_SETUP_STEP__",
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-            "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1": "C2",
-            "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
-            "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2": "B1",
-            "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "D1"
-          },
-          "pipetteLocationUpdate": {
-            "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9": "left"
-          },
-          "moduleLocationUpdate": {}
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+        "ordering": [],
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+        "metadata": {
+          "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
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+          "tags": []
+        },
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+          "yDimension": 93,
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+        },
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+        "groups": [{ "metadata": {}, "wells": [] }],
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+          "isMagneticModuleCompatible": false,
+          "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter"
-        "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a": {
-          "id": "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a",
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-          "stepName": "transfer",
-          "stepDetails": "",
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-          "aspirate_flowRate": null,
-          "aspirate_labware": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
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+      },
+      "opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2": {
+        "ordering": [
+          ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
+          ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
+          ["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3", "E3", "F3", "G3", "H3"],
+          ["A4", "B4", "C4", "D4", "E4", "F4", "G4", "H4"],
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+          ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
+        ],
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+          "tags": []
+        },
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+        },
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+            "y": 11.24,
+            "z": 1.25
+          },
+          "G1": {
+            "depth": 14.81,
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+            "y": 20.24,
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+          },
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+            "z": 1.25
+          },
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+            "x": 14.38,
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+          },
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+          },
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+            "y": 29.24,
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+          },
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+          },
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+          },
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+          "B4": {
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+            "y": 65.24,
+            "z": 1.25
+          },
+          "A6": {
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+            "shape": "circular",
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+            "x": 59.38,
+            "y": 74.24,
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+            "z": 1.25
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+            "z": 1.25
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-          "dispense_airGap_volume": "5",
-          "dispense_delay_checkbox": false,
-          "dispense_delay_seconds": "1",
-          "dispense_delay_mmFromBottom": null,
-          "dropTip_location": "1e553651-9e4d-44b1-a31b-92459642bfd7:trashBin",
-          "nozzles": "COLUMN"
+        "groups": [
+          {
+            "wells": [
+              "A1",
+              "B1",
+              "C1",
+              "D1",
+              "E1",
+              "F1",
+              "G1",
+              "H1",
+              "A2",
+              "B2",
+              "C2",
+              "D2",
+              "E2",
+              "F2",
+              "G2",
+              "H2",
+              "A3",
+              "B3",
+              "C3",
+              "D3",
+              "E3",
+              "F3",
+              "G3",
+              "H3",
+              "A4",
+              "B4",
+              "C4",
+              "D4",
+              "E4",
+              "F4",
+              "G4",
+              "H4",
+              "A5",
+              "B5",
+              "C5",
+              "D5",
+              "E5",
+              "F5",
+              "G5",
+              "H5",
+              "A6",
+              "B6",
+              "C6",
+              "D6",
+              "E6",
+              "F6",
+              "G6",
+              "H6",
+              "A7",
+              "B7",
+              "C7",
+              "D7",
+              "E7",
+              "F7",
+              "G7",
+              "H7",
+              "A8",
+              "B8",
+              "C8",
+              "D8",
+              "E8",
+              "F8",
+              "G8",
+              "H8",
+              "A9",
+              "B9",
+              "C9",
+              "D9",
+              "E9",
+              "F9",
+              "G9",
+              "H9",
+              "A10",
+              "B10",
+              "C10",
+              "D10",
+              "E10",
+              "F10",
+              "G10",
+              "H10",
+              "A11",
+              "B11",
+              "C11",
+              "D11",
+              "E11",
+              "F11",
+              "G11",
+              "H11",
+              "A12",
+              "B12",
+              "C12",
+              "D12",
+              "E12",
+              "F12",
+              "G12",
+              "H12"
+            ],
+            "metadata": { "wellBottomShape": "v" }
+          }
+        ],
+        "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 },
+        "stackingOffsetWithLabware": {
+          "opentrons_96_well_aluminum_block": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 15.41 }
+        },
+        "stackingOffsetWithModule": {
+          "thermocyclerModuleV2": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 10.75 }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    "liquidSchemaId": "opentronsLiquidSchemaV1",
+    "liquids": {},
+    "commandSchemaId": "opentronsCommandSchemaV8",
+    "commands": [
+      {
+        "key": "a04d26cb-a689-4dcb-ac27-1cef05d53677",
+        "commandType": "loadPipette",
+        "params": {
+          "pipetteName": "p1000_96",
+          "mount": "left",
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9"
-      "orderedStepIds": [
-        "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a",
-        "f5ea3139-1585-4848-9d5f-832eb88c99ca"
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  "robot": { "model": "OT-3 Standard", "deckId": "ot3_standard" },
-  "labwareDefinitionSchemaId": "opentronsLabwareSchemaV2",
-  "labwareDefinitions": {
-    "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {
-      "ordering": [
-        ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
-        ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
-        ["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3", "E3", "F3", "G3", "H3"],
-        ["A4", "B4", "C4", "D4", "E4", "F4", "G4", "H4"],
-        ["A5", "B5", "C5", "D5", "E5", "F5", "G5", "H5"],
-        ["A6", "B6", "C6", "D6", "E6", "F6", "G6", "H6"],
-        ["A7", "B7", "C7", "D7", "E7", "F7", "G7", "H7"],
-        ["A8", "B8", "C8", "D8", "E8", "F8", "G8", "H8"],
-        ["A9", "B9", "C9", "D9", "E9", "F9", "G9", "H9"],
-        ["A10", "B10", "C10", "D10", "E10", "F10", "G10", "H10"],
-        ["A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11"],
-        ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
-      ],
-      "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
-      "metadata": {
-        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
-        "displayCategory": "tipRack",
-        "displayVolumeUnits": "µL",
-        "tags": []
+      {
+        "key": "4f2796ef-1087-4adf-a5fe-005c30dcc6db",
+        "commandType": "loadLabware",
+        "params": {
+          "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
+          "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
+          "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter",
+          "namespace": "opentrons",
+          "version": 1,
+          "location": { "slotName": "C2" }
+        }
-      "dimensions": {
-        "xDimension": 127.75,
-        "yDimension": 85.75,
-        "zDimension": 99
+      {
+        "key": "2047ebfd-1af3-4e05-b50b-8ace628af278",
+        "commandType": "loadLabware",
+        "params": {
+          "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
+          "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+          "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
+          "namespace": "opentrons",
+          "version": 1,
+          "location": {
+            "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1"
+          }
+        }
-      "gripForce": 16,
-      "gripHeightFromLabwareBottom": 23.9,
-      "wells": {
-        "A1": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B1": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C1": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D1": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "E1": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F1": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G1": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "H1": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A2": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B2": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C2": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D2": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "E2": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F2": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G2": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "H2": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A3": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 32.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B3": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 32.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C3": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 32.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D3": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 32.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "E3": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 32.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F3": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 32.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G3": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 32.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "H3": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 32.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A4": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 41.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B4": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 41.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C4": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 41.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D4": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 41.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "E4": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 41.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F4": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 41.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G4": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 41.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "H4": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 41.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A5": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 50.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B5": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 50.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C5": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 50.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D5": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 50.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "E5": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 50.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F5": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 50.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G5": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 50.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "H5": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 50.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A6": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 59.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B6": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 59.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C6": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 59.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D6": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 59.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
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-        "E6": {
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-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "x": 59.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F6": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 59.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G6": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 59.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "H6": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 59.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A7": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 68.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B7": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 68.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C7": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 68.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D7": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 68.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
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-        },
-        "E7": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 68.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F7": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 68.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G7": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 68.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "H7": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 68.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A8": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 77.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B8": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 77.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C8": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 77.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D8": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 77.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "E8": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 77.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F8": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
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-        },
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-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 77.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
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-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "x": 86.38,
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-        },
-        "B9": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
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-          "x": 86.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
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-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 86.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
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-          "x": 86.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
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-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "x": 86.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
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-          "y": 29.38,
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-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
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-          "y": 20.38,
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-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A10": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 95.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B10": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 95.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 95.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "x": 95.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
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-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 95.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
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-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 95.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G10": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 95.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
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-          "x": 95.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 104.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 104.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
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-          "depth": 97.5,
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-          "y": 56.38,
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-          "x": 104.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
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-          "depth": 97.5,
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-          "z": 1.5
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-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 104.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G11": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 104.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
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-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 104.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "A12": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 74.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "B12": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 65.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "C12": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 56.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "D12": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
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-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 47.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "E12": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
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-          "diameter": 5.58,
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-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 38.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "F12": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 29.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "G12": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.58,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 20.38,
-          "z": 1.5
-        },
-        "H12": {
-          "depth": 97.5,
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-          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 11.38,
-          "z": 1.5
+      {
+        "key": "74ac5df9-371f-4f87-b649-e393c8c82c61",
+        "commandType": "loadLabware",
+        "params": {
+          "displayName": "Bio-Rad 96 Well Plate 200 µL PCR",
+          "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+          "loadName": "biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr",
+          "namespace": "opentrons",
+          "version": 2,
+          "location": { "slotName": "B1" }
-      "groups": [
-        {
-          "metadata": {},
-          "wells": [
-            "A1",
-            "B1",
-            "C1",
-            "D1",
-            "E1",
-            "F1",
-            "G1",
-            "H1",
-            "A2",
-            "B2",
-            "C2",
-            "D2",
-            "E2",
-            "F2",
-            "G2",
-            "H2",
-            "A3",
-            "B3",
-            "C3",
-            "D3",
-            "E3",
-            "F3",
-            "G3",
-            "H3",
-            "A4",
-            "B4",
-            "C4",
-            "D4",
-            "E4",
-            "F4",
-            "G4",
-            "H4",
-            "A5",
-            "B5",
-            "C5",
-            "D5",
-            "E5",
-            "F5",
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-            "H5",
-            "A6",
-            "B6",
-            "C6",
-            "D6",
-            "E6",
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-            "G6",
-            "H6",
-            "A7",
-            "B7",
-            "C7",
-            "D7",
-            "E7",
-            "F7",
-            "G7",
-            "H7",
-            "A8",
-            "B8",
-            "C8",
-            "D8",
-            "E8",
-            "F8",
-            "G8",
-            "H8",
-            "A9",
-            "B9",
-            "C9",
-            "D9",
-            "E9",
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-            "G9",
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-            "A10",
-            "B10",
-            "C10",
-            "D10",
-            "E10",
-            "F10",
-            "G10",
-            "H10",
-            "A11",
-            "B11",
-            "C11",
-            "D11",
-            "E11",
-            "F11",
-            "G11",
-            "H11",
-            "A12",
-            "B12",
-            "C12",
-            "D12",
-            "E12",
-            "F12",
-            "G12",
-            "H12"
-          ]
+      {
+        "key": "85e1b54e-a32c-41eb-81a2-017f6ca4a143",
+        "commandType": "loadLabware",
+        "params": {
+          "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
+          "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+          "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
+          "namespace": "opentrons",
+          "version": 1,
+          "location": { "slotName": "D1" }
-      ],
-      "parameters": {
-        "format": "96Standard",
-        "quirks": [],
-        "isTiprack": true,
-        "tipLength": 57.9,
-        "tipOverlap": 10.5,
-        "isMagneticModuleCompatible": false,
-        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul"
-      "namespace": "opentrons",
-      "version": 1,
-      "schemaVersion": 2,
-      "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 },
-      "stackingOffsetWithLabware": {
-        "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 121 }
-      }
-    },
-    "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1": {
-      "ordering": [],
-      "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
-      "metadata": {
-        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
-        "displayCategory": "adapter",
-        "displayVolumeUnits": "µL",
-        "tags": []
+      {
+        "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
+        "key": "b4ce373e-8b48-434a-b96e-ec8fba4fbe19",
+        "params": {
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "configurationParams": { "style": "ALL" }
+        }
-      "dimensions": {
-        "xDimension": 156.5,
-        "yDimension": 93,
-        "zDimension": 132
+      {
+        "commandType": "pickUpTip",
+        "key": "e5c62b8a-efe9-4ba9-bb7d-5973bff58b76",
+        "params": {
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+          "wellName": "A1"
+        }
-      "wells": {},
-      "groups": [{ "metadata": {}, "wells": [] }],
-      "parameters": {
-        "format": "96Standard",
-        "quirks": [],
-        "isTiprack": false,
-        "isMagneticModuleCompatible": false,
-        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter"
+      {
+        "commandType": "aspirate",
+        "key": "868d7c2a-8009-46c6-b5d6-34ccc10f628a",
+        "params": {
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "volume": 10,
+          "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+          "wellName": "A1",
+          "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
+          "flowRate": 7.85
+        }
-      "namespace": "opentrons",
-      "version": 1,
-      "schemaVersion": 2,
-      "allowedRoles": ["adapter"],
-      "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": -14.25, "y": -3.5, "z": 0 }
-    },
-    "opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2": {
-      "ordering": [
-        ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
-        ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
-        ["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3", "E3", "F3", "G3", "H3"],
-        ["A4", "B4", "C4", "D4", "E4", "F4", "G4", "H4"],
-        ["A5", "B5", "C5", "D5", "E5", "F5", "G5", "H5"],
-        ["A6", "B6", "C6", "D6", "E6", "F6", "G6", "H6"],
-        ["A7", "B7", "C7", "D7", "E7", "F7", "G7", "H7"],
-        ["A8", "B8", "C8", "D8", "E8", "F8", "G8", "H8"],
-        ["A9", "B9", "C9", "D9", "E9", "F9", "G9", "H9"],
-        ["A10", "B10", "C10", "D10", "E10", "F10", "G10", "H10"],
-        ["A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11"],
-        ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
-      ],
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-      "namespace": "opentrons",
-      "metadata": {
-        "displayName": "Bio-Rad 96 Well Plate 200 µL PCR",
-        "displayCategory": "wellPlate",
-        "displayVolumeUnits": "µL",
-        "tags": []
+      {
+        "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
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+        "params": {
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+          "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+        }
-      "dimensions": {
-        "yDimension": 85.48,
-        "xDimension": 127.76,
-        "zDimension": 16.06
+      {
+        "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
+        "key": "e1828ea8-1567-4787-9185-43895b1f50c9",
+        "params": {
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+          "volume": 10,
+          "flowRate": 7.85
+        }
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-        "loadName": "biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr",
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+      {
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+          "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+        }
-      "gripForce": 15,
-      "gripHeightFromLabwareBottom": 10.14,
-      "wells": {
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-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "y": 11.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
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-          "depth": 14.81,
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-          "diameter": 5.46,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 20.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "F1": {
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-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 29.24,
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-        },
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-          "y": 47.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
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-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 56.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "B1": {
-          "depth": 14.81,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
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-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 65.24,
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-        },
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-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
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-          "x": 14.38,
-          "y": 74.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
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-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
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-          "x": 23.38,
-          "y": 11.24,
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-        },
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-          "y": 20.24,
-          "z": 1.25
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-          "depth": 14.81,
-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "y": 38.24,
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-        },
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-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "y": 56.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
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-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "y": 65.24,
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-        },
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-          "y": 74.24,
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-          "y": 56.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
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-        },
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-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "B11": {
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-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "A11": {
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-        },
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-          "y": 11.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "G12": {
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-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
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-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 20.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "F12": {
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-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 29.24,
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-        },
-        "E12": {
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-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "D12": {
-          "depth": 14.81,
-          "shape": "circular",
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-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 47.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "C12": {
-          "depth": 14.81,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 56.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "B12": {
-          "depth": 14.81,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
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-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 65.24,
-          "z": 1.25
-        },
-        "A12": {
-          "depth": 14.81,
-          "shape": "circular",
-          "diameter": 5.46,
-          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-          "x": 113.38,
-          "y": 74.24,
-          "z": 1.25
+      {
+        "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
+        "key": "fafbc2d4-6675-48c7-aff0-04aa4a5f4dcf",
+        "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
+      },
+      {
+        "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
+        "key": "c0022ba6-ea8f-468e-b3db-3ab1137ac8e6",
+        "params": {
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "configurationParams": { "primaryNozzle": "A12", "style": "COLUMN" }
-      "brand": {
-        "brand": "Bio-Rad",
-        "brandId": ["hsp9601"],
-        "links": [
-          ""
-        ]
+      {
+        "commandType": "pickUpTip",
+        "key": "a9fb93dd-d2bc-4829-a331-6e39b453c5d0",
+        "params": {
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+          "wellName": "A1"
+        }
-      "groups": [
-        {
-          "wells": [
-            "A1",
-            "B1",
-            "C1",
-            "D1",
-            "E1",
-            "F1",
-            "G1",
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-            "D2",
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-            "D3",
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-            "G4",
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-            "D5",
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-            "A6",
-            "B6",
-            "C6",
-            "D6",
-            "E6",
-            "F6",
-            "G6",
-            "H6",
-            "A7",
-            "B7",
-            "C7",
-            "D7",
-            "E7",
-            "F7",
-            "G7",
-            "H7",
-            "A8",
-            "B8",
-            "C8",
-            "D8",
-            "E8",
-            "F8",
-            "G8",
-            "H8",
-            "A9",
-            "B9",
-            "C9",
-            "D9",
-            "E9",
-            "F9",
-            "G9",
-            "H9",
-            "A10",
-            "B10",
-            "C10",
-            "D10",
-            "E10",
-            "F10",
-            "G10",
-            "H10",
-            "A11",
-            "B11",
-            "C11",
-            "D11",
-            "E11",
-            "F11",
-            "G11",
-            "H11",
-            "A12",
-            "B12",
-            "C12",
-            "D12",
-            "E12",
-            "F12",
-            "G12",
-            "H12"
-          ],
-          "metadata": { "wellBottomShape": "v" }
+      {
+        "commandType": "aspirate",
+        "key": "f355e2fb-7045-43df-8dba-5485007eca92",
+        "params": {
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+          "volume": 10,
+          "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+          "wellName": "A7",
+          "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
+          "flowRate": 7.85
-      ],
-      "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 },
-      "stackingOffsetWithLabware": {
-        "opentrons_96_well_aluminum_block": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 15.41 }
-      "stackingOffsetWithModule": {
-        "thermocyclerModuleV2": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 10.75 }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  "liquidSchemaId": "opentronsLiquidSchemaV1",
-  "liquids": {},
-  "commandSchemaId": "opentronsCommandSchemaV8",
-  "commands": [
-    {
-      "key": "1d25bee2-a752-4acf-be83-9c565ae56102",
-      "commandType": "loadPipette",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteName": "p1000_96",
-        "mount": "left",
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "key": "2c5ba05f-e87d-429e-b3bc-42c08c9a0436",
-      "commandType": "loadLabware",
-      "params": {
-        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
-        "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
-        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter",
-        "namespace": "opentrons",
-        "version": 1,
-        "location": { "slotName": "C2" }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "key": "378d27b9-988a-4e62-a66a-c873e8361d82",
-      "commandType": "loadLabware",
-      "params": {
-        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
-        "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
-        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
-        "namespace": "opentrons",
-        "version": 1,
-        "location": {
-          "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1"
+      {
+        "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+        "key": "edc0b963-b9fb-4ec8-b528-fb1e513e70bc",
+        "params": {
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+          "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      },
+      {
+        "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
+        "key": "492bb9b6-6349-4f8e-91a7-cacb310732e0",
+        "params": {
+          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+          "volume": 10,
+          "flowRate": 7.85
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+        "key": "56906667-0837-4b36-b13f-08903b7a4d8c",
+        "params": {
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+          "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+          "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
+        "key": "2b6cf6b5-73e6-46db-a52d-be7c1e09f281",
+        "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
-    },
-    {
-      "key": "f60cf23f-1c26-41c2-9ce5-024693fdd215",
-      "commandType": "loadLabware",
-      "params": {
-        "displayName": "Bio-Rad 96 Well Plate 200 µL PCR",
-        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
-        "loadName": "biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr",
-        "namespace": "opentrons",
-        "version": 2,
-        "location": { "slotName": "B1" }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "key": "e42d93d7-e810-475d-a450-d36742993524",
-      "commandType": "loadLabware",
-      "params": {
-        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL (1)",
-        "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
-        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
-        "namespace": "opentrons",
-        "version": 1,
-        "location": { "slotName": "D1" }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
-      "key": "e4bd89a9-5a75-4576-afcd-fd74ed9c3acb",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "configurationParams": { "style": "ALL" }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "pickUpTip",
-      "key": "e3c4c59e-d1ce-486f-a992-e5c703b69f9f",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
-        "wellName": "A1"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "aspirate",
-      "key": "8bcf437f-4d6a-4149-9d3f-bfadbb229bd1",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "volume": 10,
-        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
-        "wellName": "A1",
-        "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
-        "flowRate": 7.85
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
-      "key": "ec9d8fe9-5974-4005-b6d1-f378ba1dd7a8",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
-        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
-      "key": "fc18ba7e-ca1d-4176-b031-8a340a9edd63",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "volume": 10,
-        "flowRate": 7.85
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
-      "key": "b416808a-a15c-4e3c-88b4-71ec9d2bdfa4",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
-        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
-      "key": "d48d32d4-84f0-4861-9806-fa5f372f3735",
-      "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
-      "key": "67dc3148-1b4f-4a21-9516-5278e1e490d6",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "configurationParams": { "primaryNozzle": "A12", "style": "COLUMN" }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "pickUpTip",
-      "key": "dfef5121-7409-4ccb-8a03-e7cc0a81eedf",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
-        "wellName": "A1"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "aspirate",
-      "key": "ff8920cd-0568-4fed-9dfa-de5e9b37ae7d",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "volume": 10,
-        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
-        "wellName": "A7",
-        "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
-        "flowRate": 7.85
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
-      "key": "64cd8937-81a0-4e92-85de-019accfe2d51",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
-        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
-      "key": "7919a477-1932-478a-9b67-1da715cfdcbb",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "volume": 10,
-        "flowRate": 7.85
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
-      "key": "c8274db7-d0dd-488e-8c1a-2e18a1206e79",
-      "params": {
-        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
-        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
-      "key": "f17232c7-ff68-41a9-91c1-5e7fb0646f66",
-      "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
-    }
-  ],
-  "commandAnnotationSchemaId": "opentronsCommandAnnotationSchemaV1",
-  "commandAnnotations": []
+    ],
+    "commandAnnotationSchemaId": "opentronsCommandAnnotationSchemaV1",
+    "commandAnnotations": []
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

From 7d58324675dc5285637b5c023c41dfb798698f91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jethary <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 14:45:41 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] fix prettier

 .../8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json      | 4777 ++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 2388 insertions(+), 2389 deletions(-)

diff --git a/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json b/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
index 6cab0fdf76e..5fc322f7dd8 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
+++ b/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
@@ -1,2414 +1,2413 @@
-    "$otSharedSchema": "#/protocol/schemas/8",
-    "schemaVersion": 8,
-    "metadata": {
-      "protocolName": "96ChannelFullAndColumn",
-      "author": "",
-      "description": "",
-      "created": 1701805621086,
-      "lastModified": 1701872458249,
-      "category": null,
-      "subcategory": null,
-      "tags": []
-    },
-    "designerApplication": {
-      "name": "opentrons/protocol-designer",
-      "version": "8.0.0",
-      "data": {
-        "_internalAppBuildDate": "Wed, 06 Dec 2023 14:20:10 GMT",
-        "defaultValues": {
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-          "dispense_mmFromBottom": 0.5,
-          "touchTip_mmFromTop": -1,
-          "blowout_mmFromTop": 0
-        },
-        "pipetteTiprackAssignments": {
-          "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9": "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1"
-        },
-        "dismissedWarnings": { "form": {}, "timeline": {} },
-        "ingredients": {},
-        "ingredLocations": {
-          "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {}
-        },
-        "savedStepForms": {
-          "__INITIAL_DECK_SETUP_STEP__": {
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-              "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
-              "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2": "B1",
-              "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "D1"
-            },
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-              "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9": "left"
-            },
-            "moduleLocationUpdate": {},
-            "stepType": "manualIntervention",
-            "id": "__INITIAL_DECK_SETUP_STEP__"
-          },
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-          }
-        },
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-          "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a",
-          "f5ea3139-1585-4848-9d5f-832eb88c99ca"
-        ]
-      }
-    },
-    "robot": { "model": "OT-3 Standard", "deckId": "ot3_standard" },
-    "labwareDefinitionSchemaId": "opentronsLabwareSchemaV2",
-    "labwareDefinitions": {
-      "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {
-        "ordering": [
-          ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
-          ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
-          ["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3", "E3", "F3", "G3", "H3"],
-          ["A4", "B4", "C4", "D4", "E4", "F4", "G4", "H4"],
-          ["A5", "B5", "C5", "D5", "E5", "F5", "G5", "H5"],
-          ["A6", "B6", "C6", "D6", "E6", "F6", "G6", "H6"],
-          ["A7", "B7", "C7", "D7", "E7", "F7", "G7", "H7"],
-          ["A8", "B8", "C8", "D8", "E8", "F8", "G8", "H8"],
-          ["A9", "B9", "C9", "D9", "E9", "F9", "G9", "H9"],
-          ["A10", "B10", "C10", "D10", "E10", "F10", "G10", "H10"],
-          ["A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11"],
-          ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
-        ],
-        "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
-        "metadata": {
-          "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
-          "displayCategory": "tipRack",
-          "displayVolumeUnits": "µL",
-          "tags": []
-        },
-        "dimensions": {
-          "xDimension": 127.75,
-          "yDimension": 85.75,
-          "zDimension": 99
-        },
-        "gripForce": 16,
-        "gripHeightFromLabwareBottom": 23.9,
-        "wells": {
-          "A1": {
-            "depth": 97.5,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
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-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 74.38,
-            "z": 1.5
-          },
-          "B12": {
-            "depth": 97.5,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 65.38,
-            "z": 1.5
-          },
-          "C12": {
-            "depth": 97.5,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 56.38,
-            "z": 1.5
-          },
-          "D12": {
-            "depth": 97.5,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 47.38,
-            "z": 1.5
-          },
-          "E12": {
-            "depth": 97.5,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 38.38,
-            "z": 1.5
-          },
-          "F12": {
-            "depth": 97.5,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 29.38,
-            "z": 1.5
-          },
-          "G12": {
-            "depth": 97.5,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 20.38,
-            "z": 1.5
-          },
-          "H12": {
-            "depth": 97.5,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.58,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 11.38,
-            "z": 1.5
-          }
-        },
-        "groups": [
-          {
-            "metadata": {},
-            "wells": [
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-              "B1",
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-              "D1",
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-              "B2",
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-              "H2",
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-              "C3",
-              "D3",
-              "E3",
-              "F3",
-              "G3",
-              "H3",
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-              "B4",
-              "C4",
-              "D4",
-              "E4",
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-              "G4",
-              "H4",
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-              "H6",
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-              "B7",
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-              "D7",
-              "E7",
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-              "G7",
-              "H7",
-              "A8",
-              "B8",
-              "C8",
-              "D8",
-              "E8",
-              "F8",
-              "G8",
-              "H8",
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-              "C12",
-              "D12",
-              "E12",
-              "F12",
-              "G12",
-              "H12"
-            ]
-          }
-        ],
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-          "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul"
-        },
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-          "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 121 }
-        }
-      },
-      "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1": {
-        "ordering": [],
-        "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
-        "metadata": {
-          "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
-          "displayCategory": "adapter",
-          "displayVolumeUnits": "µL",
-          "tags": []
-        },
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-          "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter"
-        },
-        "namespace": "opentrons",
-        "version": 1,
-        "schemaVersion": 2,
-        "allowedRoles": ["adapter"],
-        "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": -14.25, "y": -3.5, "z": 0 }
-      },
-      "opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2": {
-        "ordering": [
-          ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
-          ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
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-          ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
-        ],
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-          "tags": []
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-        },
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-            "y": 29.24,
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-            "y": 65.24,
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-            "y": 74.24,
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-            "x": 59.38,
-            "y": 56.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
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-            "y": 65.24,
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-            "y": 74.24,
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-            "x": 68.38,
-            "y": 11.24,
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-            "x": 68.38,
-            "y": 56.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
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-            "y": 65.24,
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-          "A7": {
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-            "y": 11.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
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-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
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-            "x": 77.38,
-            "y": 20.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
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-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 77.38,
-            "y": 29.24,
-            "z": 1.25
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-            "x": 77.38,
-            "y": 38.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "D8": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
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-            "x": 77.38,
-            "y": 47.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "C8": {
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-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 77.38,
-            "y": 56.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "B8": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 77.38,
-            "y": 65.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "A8": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 77.38,
-            "y": 74.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "H9": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
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-            "x": 86.38,
-            "y": 11.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
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-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 86.38,
-            "y": 20.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "F9": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 86.38,
-            "y": 29.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "E9": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 86.38,
-            "y": 38.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "D9": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 86.38,
-            "y": 47.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "C9": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 86.38,
-            "y": 56.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "B9": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 86.38,
-            "y": 65.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "A9": {
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-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 86.38,
-            "y": 74.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "H10": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 95.38,
-            "y": 11.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "G10": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 95.38,
-            "y": 20.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "F10": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 95.38,
-            "y": 29.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "E10": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 95.38,
-            "y": 38.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "D10": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 95.38,
-            "y": 47.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "C10": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 95.38,
-            "y": 56.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "B10": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 95.38,
-            "y": 65.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "A10": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 95.38,
-            "y": 74.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "H11": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 104.38,
-            "y": 11.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "G11": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 104.38,
-            "y": 20.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "F11": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
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-            "x": 104.38,
-            "y": 29.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "E11": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
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-            "x": 104.38,
-            "y": 38.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "D11": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 104.38,
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-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "C11": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
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-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 104.38,
-            "y": 56.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "B11": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 104.38,
-            "y": 65.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "A11": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 104.38,
-            "y": 74.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "H12": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 11.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "G12": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 20.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "F12": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 29.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "E12": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 38.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "D12": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 47.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "C12": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 56.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "B12": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 65.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          },
-          "A12": {
-            "depth": 14.81,
-            "shape": "circular",
-            "diameter": 5.46,
-            "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
-            "x": 113.38,
-            "y": 74.24,
-            "z": 1.25
-          }
-        },
-        "brand": {
-          "brand": "Bio-Rad",
-          "brandId": ["hsp9601"],
-          "links": [
-            ""
-          ]
-        },
-        "groups": [
-          {
-            "wells": [
-              "A1",
-              "B1",
-              "C1",
-              "D1",
-              "E1",
-              "F1",
-              "G1",
-              "H1",
-              "A2",
-              "B2",
-              "C2",
-              "D2",
-              "E2",
-              "F2",
-              "G2",
-              "H2",
-              "A3",
-              "B3",
-              "C3",
-              "D3",
-              "E3",
-              "F3",
-              "G3",
-              "H3",
-              "A4",
-              "B4",
-              "C4",
-              "D4",
-              "E4",
-              "F4",
-              "G4",
-              "H4",
-              "A5",
-              "B5",
-              "C5",
-              "D5",
-              "E5",
-              "F5",
-              "G5",
-              "H5",
-              "A6",
-              "B6",
-              "C6",
-              "D6",
-              "E6",
-              "F6",
-              "G6",
-              "H6",
-              "A7",
-              "B7",
-              "C7",
-              "D7",
-              "E7",
-              "F7",
-              "G7",
-              "H7",
-              "A8",
-              "B8",
-              "C8",
-              "D8",
-              "E8",
-              "F8",
-              "G8",
-              "H8",
-              "A9",
-              "B9",
-              "C9",
-              "D9",
-              "E9",
-              "F9",
-              "G9",
-              "H9",
-              "A10",
-              "B10",
-              "C10",
-              "D10",
-              "E10",
-              "F10",
-              "G10",
-              "H10",
-              "A11",
-              "B11",
-              "C11",
-              "D11",
-              "E11",
-              "F11",
-              "G11",
-              "H11",
-              "A12",
-              "B12",
-              "C12",
-              "D12",
-              "E12",
-              "F12",
-              "G12",
-              "H12"
-            ],
-            "metadata": { "wellBottomShape": "v" }
-          }
-        ],
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-          "opentrons_96_well_aluminum_block": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 15.41 }
-        },
-        "stackingOffsetWithModule": {
-          "thermocyclerModuleV2": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 10.75 }
-        }
-      }
-    },
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-    "liquids": {},
-    "commandSchemaId": "opentronsCommandSchemaV8",
-    "commands": [
-      {
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-        "commandType": "loadPipette",
-        "params": {
-          "pipetteName": "p1000_96",
-          "mount": "left",
-          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9"
-        }
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+  "metadata": {
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+    "description": "",
+    "created": 1701805621086,
+    "lastModified": 1701872458249,
+    "category": null,
+    "subcategory": null,
+    "tags": []
+  },
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+    "version": "8.0.0",
+    "data": {
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-      {
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-        "params": {
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-        }
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-          "namespace": "opentrons",
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-          "location": {
-            "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1"
-          }
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-          "version": 2,
-          "location": { "slotName": "B1" }
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+            "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1": "C2",
+            "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
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-        "params": {
-          "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
-          "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
-          "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
-          "namespace": "opentrons",
-          "version": 1,
-          "location": { "slotName": "D1" }
-        }
+      "orderedStepIds": [
+        "83a095fa-b649-4105-99d4-177f1a3f363a",
+        "f5ea3139-1585-4848-9d5f-832eb88c99ca"
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  "robot": { "model": "OT-3 Standard", "deckId": "ot3_standard" },
+  "labwareDefinitionSchemaId": "opentronsLabwareSchemaV2",
+  "labwareDefinitions": {
+    "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1": {
+      "ordering": [
+        ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
+        ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
+        ["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3", "E3", "F3", "G3", "H3"],
+        ["A4", "B4", "C4", "D4", "E4", "F4", "G4", "H4"],
+        ["A5", "B5", "C5", "D5", "E5", "F5", "G5", "H5"],
+        ["A6", "B6", "C6", "D6", "E6", "F6", "G6", "H6"],
+        ["A7", "B7", "C7", "D7", "E7", "F7", "G7", "H7"],
+        ["A8", "B8", "C8", "D8", "E8", "F8", "G8", "H8"],
+        ["A9", "B9", "C9", "D9", "E9", "F9", "G9", "H9"],
+        ["A10", "B10", "C10", "D10", "E10", "F10", "G10", "H10"],
+        ["A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11"],
+        ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
+      ],
+      "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
+      "metadata": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
+        "displayCategory": "tipRack",
+        "displayVolumeUnits": "µL",
+        "tags": []
-      {
-        "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
-        "key": "b4ce373e-8b48-434a-b96e-ec8fba4fbe19",
-        "params": {
-          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-          "configurationParams": { "style": "ALL" }
-        }
+      "dimensions": {
+        "xDimension": 127.75,
+        "yDimension": 85.75,
+        "zDimension": 99
-      {
-        "commandType": "pickUpTip",
-        "key": "e5c62b8a-efe9-4ba9-bb7d-5973bff58b76",
-        "params": {
-          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-          "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
-          "wellName": "A1"
+      "gripForce": 16,
+      "gripHeightFromLabwareBottom": 23.9,
+      "wells": {
+        "A1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H1": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 14.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H2": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 23.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H3": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 32.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H4": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H5": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H6": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H7": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A8": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B8": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C8": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D8": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
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+          "y": 47.38,
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+        },
+        "E8": {
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+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F8": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G8": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H8": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H9": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G10": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H10": {
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+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
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+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
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+        },
+        "C11": {
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+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
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+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
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+        },
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
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+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G11": {
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+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H11": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "A12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 74.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "B12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 65.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "C12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 56.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "D12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
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+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 47.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "E12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 38.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "F12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 50,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 29.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "G12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 20.38,
+          "z": 1.5
+        },
+        "H12": {
+          "depth": 97.5,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.58,
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+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 11.38,
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-      {
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-        "params": {
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-          "volume": 10,
-          "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
-          "wellName": "A1",
-          "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
-          "flowRate": 7.85
+      "groups": [
+        {
+          "metadata": {},
+          "wells": [
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+            "B2",
+            "C2",
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+            "E2",
+            "F2",
+            "G2",
+            "H2",
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+            "B3",
+            "C3",
+            "D3",
+            "E3",
+            "F3",
+            "G3",
+            "H3",
+            "A4",
+            "B4",
+            "C4",
+            "D4",
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+            "C7",
+            "D7",
+            "E7",
+            "F7",
+            "G7",
+            "H7",
+            "A8",
+            "B8",
+            "C8",
+            "D8",
+            "E8",
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+            "G8",
+            "H8",
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+            "B9",
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+            "D9",
+            "E9",
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+            "G9",
+            "H9",
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+            "B10",
+            "C10",
+            "D10",
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+            "F11",
+            "G11",
+            "H11",
+            "A12",
+            "B12",
+            "C12",
+            "D12",
+            "E12",
+            "F12",
+            "G12",
+            "H12"
+          ]
+      ],
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+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul"
-      {
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-        "params": {
-          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-          "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
-          "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
-        }
+      "namespace": "opentrons",
+      "version": 1,
+      "schemaVersion": 2,
+      "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 },
+      "stackingOffsetWithLabware": {
+        "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 121 }
+      }
+    },
+    "opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1": {
+      "ordering": [],
+      "brand": { "brand": "Opentrons", "brandId": [] },
+      "metadata": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
+        "displayCategory": "adapter",
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+        "tags": []
-      {
-        "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
-        "key": "e1828ea8-1567-4787-9185-43895b1f50c9",
-        "params": {
-          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-          "volume": 10,
-          "flowRate": 7.85
-        }
+      "dimensions": {
+        "xDimension": 156.5,
+        "yDimension": 93,
+        "zDimension": 132
-      {
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-        "params": {
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-          "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
-          "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
-        }
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+      "groups": [{ "metadata": {}, "wells": [] }],
+      "parameters": {
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+        "quirks": [],
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+        "isMagneticModuleCompatible": false,
+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter"
-      {
-        "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
-        "key": "fafbc2d4-6675-48c7-aff0-04aa4a5f4dcf",
-        "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
+      "namespace": "opentrons",
+      "version": 1,
+      "schemaVersion": 2,
+      "allowedRoles": ["adapter"],
+      "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": -14.25, "y": -3.5, "z": 0 }
+    },
+    "opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2": {
+      "ordering": [
+        ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1"],
+        ["A2", "B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2", "H2"],
+        ["A3", "B3", "C3", "D3", "E3", "F3", "G3", "H3"],
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+        ["A12", "B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12"]
+      ],
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+      "version": 2,
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+      "metadata": {
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-      {
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-        "params": {
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-        }
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-        "params": {
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-        }
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-        "params": {
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+          "shape": "circular",
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+        },
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+        },
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+        },
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+          "z": 1.25
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+          "shape": "circular",
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+        },
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+          "z": 1.25
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+          "y": 65.24,
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+        },
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+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 41.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "H5": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 11.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "G5": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 20.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "F5": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 29.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "E5": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 38.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "D5": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 47.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "C5": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "B5": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 65.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "A5": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 50.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "H6": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 11.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "G6": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 20.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "F6": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 29.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "E6": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 38.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "D6": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 47.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "C6": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "B6": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 65.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "A6": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 59.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "H7": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 11.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "G7": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 20.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "F7": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 29.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "E7": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 38.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "D7": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 47.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "C7": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "B7": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 65.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "A7": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 68.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "H8": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 11.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "G8": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 20.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "F8": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 29.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "E8": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 38.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "D8": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 47.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "C8": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "B8": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 65.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "A8": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 77.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "H9": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 11.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "G9": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 20.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "F9": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 29.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "E9": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 38.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "D9": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 47.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "C9": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "B9": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 65.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "A9": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 86.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "H10": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 11.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "G10": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 20.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "F10": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 29.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "E10": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 38.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "D10": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 47.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "C10": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "B10": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 65.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "A10": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 95.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "H11": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 11.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "G11": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 20.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "F11": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 29.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "E11": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 38.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "D11": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 47.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "C11": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "B11": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 65.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "A11": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 104.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "H12": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 11.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "G12": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 20.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "F12": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 29.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "E12": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 38.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "D12": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 47.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "C12": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 56.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "B12": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 65.24,
+          "z": 1.25
+        },
+        "A12": {
+          "depth": 14.81,
+          "shape": "circular",
+          "diameter": 5.46,
+          "totalLiquidVolume": 200,
+          "x": 113.38,
+          "y": 74.24,
+          "z": 1.25
-      {
-        "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
-        "key": "edc0b963-b9fb-4ec8-b528-fb1e513e70bc",
-        "params": {
-          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-          "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
-          "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
-        }
+      "brand": {
+        "brand": "Bio-Rad",
+        "brandId": ["hsp9601"],
+        "links": [
+          ""
+        ]
-      {
-        "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
-        "key": "492bb9b6-6349-4f8e-91a7-cacb310732e0",
-        "params": {
-          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-          "volume": 10,
-          "flowRate": 7.85
+      "groups": [
+        {
+          "wells": [
+            "A1",
+            "B1",
+            "C1",
+            "D1",
+            "E1",
+            "F1",
+            "G1",
+            "H1",
+            "A2",
+            "B2",
+            "C2",
+            "D2",
+            "E2",
+            "F2",
+            "G2",
+            "H2",
+            "A3",
+            "B3",
+            "C3",
+            "D3",
+            "E3",
+            "F3",
+            "G3",
+            "H3",
+            "A4",
+            "B4",
+            "C4",
+            "D4",
+            "E4",
+            "F4",
+            "G4",
+            "H4",
+            "A5",
+            "B5",
+            "C5",
+            "D5",
+            "E5",
+            "F5",
+            "G5",
+            "H5",
+            "A6",
+            "B6",
+            "C6",
+            "D6",
+            "E6",
+            "F6",
+            "G6",
+            "H6",
+            "A7",
+            "B7",
+            "C7",
+            "D7",
+            "E7",
+            "F7",
+            "G7",
+            "H7",
+            "A8",
+            "B8",
+            "C8",
+            "D8",
+            "E8",
+            "F8",
+            "G8",
+            "H8",
+            "A9",
+            "B9",
+            "C9",
+            "D9",
+            "E9",
+            "F9",
+            "G9",
+            "H9",
+            "A10",
+            "B10",
+            "C10",
+            "D10",
+            "E10",
+            "F10",
+            "G10",
+            "H10",
+            "A11",
+            "B11",
+            "C11",
+            "D11",
+            "E11",
+            "F11",
+            "G11",
+            "H11",
+            "A12",
+            "B12",
+            "C12",
+            "D12",
+            "E12",
+            "F12",
+            "G12",
+            "H12"
+          ],
+          "metadata": { "wellBottomShape": "v" }
+      ],
+      "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 },
+      "stackingOffsetWithLabware": {
+        "opentrons_96_well_aluminum_block": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 15.41 }
-      {
-        "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
-        "key": "56906667-0837-4b36-b13f-08903b7a4d8c",
-        "params": {
-          "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
-          "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
-          "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      "stackingOffsetWithModule": {
+        "thermocyclerModuleV2": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 10.75 }
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  "liquidSchemaId": "opentronsLiquidSchemaV1",
+  "liquids": {},
+  "commandSchemaId": "opentronsCommandSchemaV8",
+  "commands": [
+    {
+      "key": "a04d26cb-a689-4dcb-ac27-1cef05d53677",
+      "commandType": "loadPipette",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteName": "p1000_96",
+        "mount": "left",
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "4f2796ef-1087-4adf-a5fe-005c30dcc6db",
+      "commandType": "loadLabware",
+      "params": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack Adapter",
+        "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1",
+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter",
+        "namespace": "opentrons",
+        "version": 1,
+        "location": { "slotName": "C2" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "2047ebfd-1af3-4e05-b50b-8ace628af278",
+      "commandType": "loadLabware",
+      "params": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
+        "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
+        "namespace": "opentrons",
+        "version": 1,
+        "location": {
+          "labwareId": "ec850fd3-cf7c-44c5-b358-fba3a30315c9:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_adapter/1"
-      },
-      {
-        "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
-        "key": "2b6cf6b5-73e6-46db-a52d-be7c1e09f281",
-        "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
-    ],
-    "commandAnnotationSchemaId": "opentronsCommandAnnotationSchemaV1",
-    "commandAnnotations": []
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "74ac5df9-371f-4f87-b649-e393c8c82c61",
+      "commandType": "loadLabware",
+      "params": {
+        "displayName": "Bio-Rad 96 Well Plate 200 µL PCR",
+        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+        "loadName": "biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr",
+        "namespace": "opentrons",
+        "version": 2,
+        "location": { "slotName": "B1" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "85e1b54e-a32c-41eb-81a2-017f6ca4a143",
+      "commandType": "loadLabware",
+      "params": {
+        "displayName": "Opentrons Flex 96 Tip Rack 50 µL",
+        "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+        "loadName": "opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul",
+        "namespace": "opentrons",
+        "version": 1,
+        "location": { "slotName": "D1" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
+      "key": "b4ce373e-8b48-434a-b96e-ec8fba4fbe19",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "configurationParams": { "style": "ALL" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "pickUpTip",
+      "key": "e5c62b8a-efe9-4ba9-bb7d-5973bff58b76",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "labwareId": "75aa666f-98d8-4af9-908e-963ced428580:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+        "wellName": "A1"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "aspirate",
+      "key": "868d7c2a-8009-46c6-b5d6-34ccc10f628a",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "volume": 10,
+        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+        "wellName": "A1",
+        "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
+        "flowRate": 7.85
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+      "key": "de22e6ff-5989-4820-a8ca-8f39785eb1c6",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
+      "key": "e1828ea8-1567-4787-9185-43895b1f50c9",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "volume": 10,
+        "flowRate": 7.85
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+      "key": "1a094b33-5bef-4371-8968-182f83838f77",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
+      "key": "fafbc2d4-6675-48c7-aff0-04aa4a5f4dcf",
+      "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "configureNozzleLayout",
+      "key": "c0022ba6-ea8f-468e-b3db-3ab1137ac8e6",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "configurationParams": { "primaryNozzle": "A12", "style": "COLUMN" }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "pickUpTip",
+      "key": "a9fb93dd-d2bc-4829-a331-6e39b453c5d0",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "labwareId": "9bd16b50-4ae9-4cfd-8583-3378087e6a6c:opentrons/opentrons_flex_96_tiprack_50ul/1",
+        "wellName": "A1"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "aspirate",
+      "key": "f355e2fb-7045-43df-8dba-5485007eca92",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "volume": 10,
+        "labwareId": "fe1942b1-1b75-4d3a-9c12-d23004958a12:opentrons/biorad_96_wellplate_200ul_pcr/2",
+        "wellName": "A7",
+        "wellLocation": { "origin": "bottom", "offset": { "z": 1 } },
+        "flowRate": 7.85
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+      "key": "edc0b963-b9fb-4ec8-b528-fb1e513e70bc",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "dispenseInPlace",
+      "key": "492bb9b6-6349-4f8e-91a7-cacb310732e0",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "volume": 10,
+        "flowRate": 7.85
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "moveToAddressableArea",
+      "key": "56906667-0837-4b36-b13f-08903b7a4d8c",
+      "params": {
+        "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9",
+        "addressableAreaName": "movableTrashA3",
+        "offset": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "commandType": "dropTipInPlace",
+      "key": "2b6cf6b5-73e6-46db-a52d-be7c1e09f281",
+      "params": { "pipetteId": "de7da440-95ec-43e8-8723-851321fbd6f9" }
+    }
+  ],
+  "commandAnnotationSchemaId": "opentronsCommandAnnotationSchemaV1",
+  "commandAnnotations": []

From 832952f13f44d649f471c52c85746fe82f9a7e77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jethary <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 10:35:27 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] fix cypress test fixture to have udpated labware def

 .../protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json  | 14 ++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json b/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
index 5fc322f7dd8..5e0519d6e6b 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
+++ b/protocol-designer/fixtures/protocol/8/ninetySixChannelFullAndColumn.json
@@ -2215,10 +2215,20 @@
       "cornerOffsetFromSlot": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 },
       "stackingOffsetWithLabware": {
-        "opentrons_96_well_aluminum_block": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 15.41 }
+        "opentrons_96_well_aluminum_block": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 15.41 },
+        "opentrons_96_pcr_adapter": {
+          "x": 0,
+          "y": 0,
+          "z": 10.16
+        }
       "stackingOffsetWithModule": {
-        "thermocyclerModuleV2": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 10.75 }
+        "thermocyclerModuleV2": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 10.75 },
+        "magneticBlockV1": {
+          "x": 0,
+          "y": 0,
+          "z": 3.87
+        }

From ae032abf0efe2855adabd81b2afbfc396284ee47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jethary <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 10:47:28 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] fix import

 .../src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx   | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx b/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx
index 5ac6930f34a..23645c6919a 100644
--- a/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx
+++ b/protocol-designer/src/components/modals/FilePipettesModal/PipetteFields.tsx
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import {
 } from '@opentrons/shared-data'
 import { i18n } from '../../../localization'
@@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ import { createCustomTiprackDef } from '../../../labware-defs/actions'
 import { getLabwareDefsByURI } from '../../../labware-defs/selectors'
 import { FormPipettesByMount } from '../../../step-forms'
 import { getAllowAllTipracks } from '../../../feature-flags/selectors'
-import { RIGHT } from '@opentrons/shared-data/js/constants'
 import { getTiprackOptions } from '../utils'
 import { PipetteDiagram } from './PipetteDiagram'