ScratchyShow is a graphical user interface to SCRATCHy and ITCHy - The open hardware- and software-plattform for controlling tactile displays.
ScratchyShow requires the following dependencies to be installed:
ScratchyShow uses the qmake build system and is available for linux platforms only. For building and installing the application system-wide, please follow these steps within the base directory:
mkdir ScratchyShow-build
cd ScratchyShow-build
qmake ..
make && make install
If you intend to test and/or extend ScratchyShow on a personal computer (not using the Raspberry Pi 3), you may pass an additional configuration option to qmake that disables some platform specific tests at runtime
qmake ../ CONFIG+=fake
make && make install
Please make sure that libSCRATCHy and libITCHy are build with this option as well.
Before running ScratchyShow, please make sure that the folders logs
and tactileScenes
exist within the current working directory.
The application then can be started by simply executing
inside a terminal session. For a first test afer building the application, you may want to test the example scene that comes with the source code:
cd workingdir
mkdir logs
After starting ScratchyShow for the first time, a window similar to the following image should appear:
When starting the application, an example scenario file is loaded automatically. This file contains a description defining several tactile Areas that can be placed freely inside the workspace. The current position and orientation of the tactile display is represented by a graphical depiction of the individual actuators that can be configured easily (see the respective section below). As long as the actual size of the monitor is indicated to the system, all graphical elements should match the metrical dimensions given in the scenario description.
The bottom area (denoted as "Information area") contains additional ui elements, such as the current velocity of the tactile display and a graphical guide showing the button layout of the (optional) DisplayBoard of SCRATCHy. This area can be configured to be hidden using the "Config" section of the scenario description.
In the top right of the window, three more functions can be accessed using the mouse. From left to right:
- Scenario selection
Using the drop down box, one can choose among all scenario files that are placed inside the
directory. By selecting an entry using the mouse, the corresponding scenario file will be loaded instantly. Contrarily, when using the DisplayBoard, the user can switch between the scenarios by using the up and down buttons. The selected scenario will be loaded once the select button is pressed. - Logging system See the next section for a detailed explanation
- Reveal button The graphical representations of the tactile Areas contain two states: Hidden (default) and Visible By using this button, the state of all areas of the current scenario will be toggled. This functionality is intended to be used e.g. for double-blinded user studies where the system chooses a random model for each area. After the user made a choice/statement the button allows to check whether the answer was correct or not.
Depending on the options given in the current scenario file, drag and drop may be enabled for individual tactile areas. This allows to "grab" the area using the thumb button of the tactile mouse and rearrange them.
By using the NullModel
(that will not cause the tactile display to be activated) the scenario can be "decorated" using arbitrary graphics such as texts or pictograms. One can, for example, place user instructions next to the tactile areas.
After hitting the Record button in the upper right of the screen, a random ID between 0000 and 9999 that has not been used before will be generated and a new logging session is started. During this session, user interaction will be recorded including:
- Loading/Changing the active scenario file
- Drag and Drop actions (moving tactile areas with the thumb button of ITCHy)
- Average movement velocity and hover time for each tactile area
- Timestamps for each action
- Disclosure of the random choices the system has made
- Final position of each tactile area
By clicking the button a second time, the logging session will be stopped.
The results of the session then can be found within the logs
directory of the current working directory. Here two files e.g. 1234.log
and 1234.csv
will be created. While the .log
file contains a rather verbous, textual description of the logging session, the .csv
file is formatted in a more "computer friendly" way that allows for automated analysis.
Since Qt allows to run applications independently of a X session, ScratchyShow can be run directly from console without needing a window manager. More information can be found on the Qt for Embedded Linux website.
The following commandline allows to run ScratchyShow without using X:
ScratchyShow -plugin EvdevMouse -plugin EvdevKeyboard -platform linuxfb
or - if Qt has been configured with OpenGL support - the following command may result in better graphical performance on the Raspberry Pi 3:
ScratchyShow -plugin EvdevMouse -plugin EvdevKeyboard -platform eglfs
The drop-down box in the upper right of the UI contains a list of scenarios that can be specified by the user.
It is populated during application start with the files ending with .tsc
(TactileScenario) found in the tactileScenes
folder. The items will be arranged in ascending order based on the filename.
Each tactile scenario consists of a human-readable and -editable description of a scene that may contain numerous tactile areas, i.e. regions on the screen that activate a specific model driving the tactile display. Additionally, some "inactive" regions may be specified in order to add graphical elements to e.g. guide the user. (A complex example can be seen on the title graphic showing a scene used in an actual user study.) The tactile areas also can be configured to be "draggable" allowing to grab them with the thumb-button of the tactile mouse, resulting in more interactive experiments.
Let's have a look on the example file that will be loaded automatically on first start
(it is located in the workingdir/tactileScenes
Example Scenario
Config {
BackgroundColor = #404040
Translate[0] = 0.0
Translate[1] = 0.0
DisableSecretButton = False
HideToolbar = False
Scene {
-8;-1.5;3;3 | surface_graphics/circle.png;bump_plates/circle.png | Frequency;250.0;0.9;false;false;0.0 | true
-4;-1.5;3;3 | surface_graphics/diamond.png;bump_plates/diamond.png | Frequency;50.0;0.9;false;false;0.2 | true
0;-1.5;3;3 | surface_graphics/flake.png;bump_plates/flake.png | Frequency;100.0;0.9;true;false;0.4 | true
4;-1.5;3;3 | surface_graphics/hexagon.png;bump_plates/hexagon.png | Frequency;250.0;0.9;false;true;0.6 | true
8;-1.5;3;3 | surface_graphics/plus.png;bump_plates/plus.png | Frequency;250.0;0.9;true;true;0.8 | true
Each .tsc
file follows a specific pattern:
- Lines beginning with # will be treated as comments and therefore be ignored.
- The first (non-comment) line specifies the name of the scenario that will be displayed in the drop-down box.
- A Config block allows to change the look and behaviour of the UI.
- A (optional) Substitute block can be used to create randomized scenarions (will be discussed in the follow-up example).
- The Scene block specifies the actual tactile areas to be displayed.
In this section, the following options can be specified in order to manipulate the appearance of the UI:
- BackgroundColor: Allows to change the base color of the main window, has to be specified in HTML notation (
). - Translate[0]: Moves the viewport anchor in x-direction (in metres).
- Translate[1]: Moves the viewport anchor in y-direction (in metres).
- DisableSecretButton: Makes the "Reveal" button in the upper right of the UI insensitiv if set to
. - HideToolbar: Completely removes the "Information area" if set to
- Additional options will probably be added in future releases.
Any other values specified in this area will act as a string substitution within the Scene section. For example if one specifies extension = png
in the Config section, all occurences of extension
will be substituted in the Scene section, so
will become
Please be aware that no sanity checks will be made when substituting, so it might not be a particular good idea to specify e.g. a = b
Each line in this section defines a single tactile area following the pattern
PositionX;PositionY;Width;Height | HiddenGraphic;RevealedGraphic | ModelName;[ModelParameters,...] | DragDrop
The position and size of each area are given in centimetres with the point (0, 0) being located at the center of the screen (unless a translation has been specified in the config section).
The HiddenGraphic
field hold the relative path to a .png or .jpg file that will be used to represent the tactile area after the scene has been loaded. This representation will be substituted by the file given in RevealedGraphic
as soon as the Reveal button in the upper right of the UI is pressed. The size of the image should be 100 pixels per centimetre and should match the specified Width
and Height
The ModelName
field specifies the model to be assigned to this area. (See below for a tutorial on how to define custom models.) Currently, ScratchyShow contains two pre-defined models:
: This model resets the voltages of all actuators to 0V. It is meant to be used for specifying decorative areas/graphics.Frequency
: This model accepts the additional argumentsFrequency;Amplitude;ScaleFrequency;ScaleAmplitude;Hue
(ranging from 0.0 to 1000.0) andAmplitude
(ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 (0-100% of the driving voltage)) will affect all actuators of the tactile display simultaneously. In caseScaleFrequency
is set totrue
, the frequency and/or amplitudes will be scaled linearly with the current velocity of the tactile mouse, forming a very "simple model" to drive the display. The last optionHue
will cause the RGB LED to change color according to the HSL color model.
The DragDrop
field specifies whether the tactile area can be grabbed and moved around using the thumb-button of the tactile mouse or not.
This section allows to randomize parts of the scenario thus allowing to e.g. create randomized user studies. Similar to the Config section, identifiers can be specified that will be substituted within the Scene section.
Here is another example scenario, that will place the areas at randomized positions and changing there sizes:
Randomization Example Scenario
Config {
graphics = surface_graphics/circle.png;bump_plates/circle.png
model = Frequency;250.0;0.5;false;false;0.0
Substitute {
POSX = ( 0.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 )
POSY = ( 0.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 )
SIZE = ( 1;1 | 2;2 | 3;3 )
Scene {
%POSX0%;%POSY0%;%SIZE0% | graphics | model | false
%POSX1%;%POSY1%;%SIZE1% | graphics | model | false
%POSX2%;%POSY2%;%SIZE2% | graphics | model | false
Here, three substitution tuples have been specified using the following format:
POSX = ( 0.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 )
Each entry of the tuple (enclosed by parentheses) is separated using the "pipe" symbol "|". When the scene is loaded, all entries of the tuple will be randomly permutated. For example, the following permutation could be possible:
POSX = ( 5.0 | 0.0 | 2.0 | 7.0 | 6.0 | 1.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 )
| | |
Each entry can be accessed individually using the scheme shown in this example. In this case, all occurences of %POS3%
within the Scene section will be substituted with 7.0
. Please note that the tuple entries are not limited to numbers. They may contain arbitrary strings such as filenames, model arguments, etc. as well.
In order to take the size of the screen into account (so 1cm travelled with ITCHy translates to 1cm on the screen), please edit the file config.h
constexpr std::array<float, 2>
return {
0.52, // Screen width in metres
0.25 // Screen height in metres
These values are given in metres.
The definition of the tactile display is carreid out in the file config.h
as well:
inline TactileDisplay
TactileDisplay display;
display << Actuator(QVector2D(-4, 0), QVector2D(0.71, 12.5), 0, 1, 2)
<< Actuator(QVector2D(-2, 0), QVector2D(0.71, 12.5), 0, 1, 0)
<< Actuator(QVector2D( 0, 0), QVector2D(0.71, 12.5), 0, 2, 0)
<< Actuator(QVector2D( 2, 0), QVector2D(0.71, 12.5), 0, 1, 1)
<< Actuator(QVector2D( 4, 0), QVector2D(0.71, 12.5), 0, 1, 3);
return display;
Following this scheme, as many actuators as needed may be added to the tactile display object. The example given above creates a single-row tactile display definition consisting of five actuators evenly spaced with a distance of 2mm between individual actuators. The Actuator constructor's arguments are organized as follows:
Actuator(position, size, map, port, pin)
The first two arguments should be self-explanatory. (The size
argument is only for cosmetical purposes and defines its graphical representation within the GUI.)
The map
argument is currently not used internally and may be used on your own behalf (it can be accessed within the model for example).
(ranging from 0 to 128) denotes the hardware address of the SignalBoard that is connected to the specific actuator,
whereas pin
(ranging from 0 to 3) chooses from its 4 output channels.
In case the display configuration does not match the actual addresses of the SignalBoards, this inconsistency will be detected automatically causing the application to display an error message.
Currently there are two pre-defined models available that can be used as a starting point for own experiments.
The NullModel
resets the SignalBoard's outputs to zero and is intended to act as a placeholder for e.g. adding graphical decorative elements to the scene.
The FrequencyModel
is a minimal example model that scales a given frequency (and/or the amplitude) linearly with the current velocity of the display and also sets the RGB LED of ITCHy to a specific color that is given in the scene description.
New models have to be registered within the main.cpp
as follows:
Scene scene(&tactileDisplay, currentPosition);
scene.registerModel("Frequency", Factory<FrequencyModel>());
scene.registerModel("Null", Factory<NullModel>());
scene.registerModel("YourModel", Factory<YourModel>());
New Models can be defined by implementing the Model
Here is a minimum example, that just sets the frequency and amplitude of all actuators to a fixed value given in the scene description:
#include "model/model.h"
class ExampleModel : public Model
ExampleModel() {}
virtual ~ExampleModel() {}
virtual void initialize(const QStringList& options,PositionQuery* position, QRectF bounds)
frequency = options[0].toFloat();
amplitude = options[1].toFloat();
virtual void apply(const TactileDisplay* display, QVector<FrequencyTable>& tables)
for(FrequencyTable& tab : tables)
for(fixed_q5& frequency : tab.frequency)
frequency = this->frequency;
for(fixed_q15& amplitude : tab.amplitude)
amplitude = this->amplitude;
float frequency = 0.0f;
float amplitude = 0.0f;
The initialize
method will be called once when the scene is loaded and the model instanciated. Here, the options
list will hold all arguments that have been specified in the scene description file for the particular tactile area. position
provides a basic interface to ITCHy (or a normal computer-mouse if ITCHy is not connected) that allows to access position information as well as buttons and the RGB LED. This pointer may be saved locally and can then be accessed within the apply
method. The last argument bounds
specifies the dimension of the tactile area in metres.
The apply
method will be called regularly whenever the tactile mouse is positioned within the bounds of the tactile area. The display
argument gives access to the current transformed status of the individual actuators, their actual absolute position in metres as well as their current velocity in m/s. In order to change the outputs of the SignalBoards, the values within the tables
list can be manipulated directly. The indices of the FrequencyTables point to the actuators in the same order as has been specified in the original definition of the TactileDisplay object.
After this new model has been registered within the main.cpp
by adding
scene.registerModel("Example", Factory<ExampleModel>());
a new instance of this model can be defined in a scene description file
0;0;5;5 | somegraphic.png;somegraphic.png | Example;250.0;0.9 | false
This will create a 5cm x 5cm sized tactile area in the center of the screen that causes the whole tactile display to vibrate with a frequency of 250Hz at a high amplitude when moving the tactile mouse over it.
The Python interface is currently in development and will be exposed using a special pre-defined PythonModel
. We will give additional examples in future releases.