Bukkit- & BungeeCord-Plugin at once
Check out our Spigot-Page for more information!
Coded by Leoko
AdvancedBan is an All-In-One Punishment-System with warns, tempwarns, mutes, tempmutes, bans, tempbans, ipbans and kicks. There is also a PlayerHistory so you can see the players past punishments and the plugin has configurable Time & Message-Layouts which automatically calculate and increase the Punishment-Time for certain reasons. AdvancedBan provides also a full Message-File so you can change and translate all messages & a detailed config-file with a lot of useful settings. This is a BungeeCord & Bukkit/Spigot-Plugin in one and it supports MySQL and Local-File-Storage.
To use the API you need to add AdvancedBan to your project and declare it as a dependency in the plugin.yml.
Add AdvancedBan to you project by adding the AdvancedBan.jar to your build-path or as a:
You can use this API for both Spigot and Bungeecord plugins. Check out the Java Docs to get started.