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Kevin Hester edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 31 revisions

See here tecnhical notes about TSDZ2:

How to compile the code on Windows

  1. Install SDCC ( version 3.7 or 3.8 (NOTE: 3.9 has a bug which causes it to crash while building LCD3). Make sure to add it to your PATH (option in one of the last screens of the installer... )
  2. Git clone the project or download zip file: (make sure to get the master branch)
  3. Use any text editor to make the desired firmware changes.
  4. Double-click Start_Compiling.bat to compile the firmware. The resulting main.ihx can be programmed in the controller.

How to compile the code on Linux

The stm8 eforth project is developed on linux.


How TSDZ2 torque sensor works

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