Regardless of installation method, this is what you will need to do next, leading up to flight. Consequently, this is also what you need to do after a parameter reset in the future if you need to.
Level Calibration: Use the IMU Calibration function in the Solex app, or the level calibration function in the 3DR or SidePilot apps, or the 3D Accel Calibration in Mission Planner, or the Accelerometer Calibration in the Tower app to do the level calibration. They all do the same thing and just give it different names. Reboot when complete.
- The level calibration must be done on a solid, stable, level surface like a table or hard floor.
- For each axis you calibrate, wait about 10 seconds after putting it down before pressing the button.
- Make sure the solo is perfectly still when you push the button each time.
- The first step where it is right side up needs to be both perfectly still and as level as you can make it. The rest do not require perfect leveling. Just being still.
- Reboot when complete. The apps may not tell you to reboot. They may tell you to go fly. Reboot.
Compass Calibration: Use the Compass Calibration function in The Solex app, SidePilot or 3DR app. Or use the Onboard Compass Calibration in Mission Planner. They all do the same thing and just give it different names. Reboot when complete.
- Must be done outdoors
- Must be done in an open area away from buildings, vehicles, reinforced concrete slabs, power lines, MRI machines, metal fencing, etc.
- Remove any magnetic jewelry or steel accessories you may be wearing
- Rotate the solo around each of its axes: Right side up, both sides, nose up, nose down, upside-down, etc. If you just spin it around level, it will fail. Keep spinning it around until it completes.
- Reboot when when complete. The apps may not tell you to reboot. They may tell you to go fly. Reboot.
Settings and Options: Go through the Vehicle Settings menu in Solex or the Solo settings in the 3DR app to set and verify all your settings and options. You will need to set your RTH altitude, A & B buttons, geofence, max altitude, speed sliders, etc. You can also change the WiFi SSID and password.
FLY! Find a safe open area to test fly the Solo. Ensure everything is operating as you expect and intend. Enjoy.