diff --git a/alchemiscale/utils.py b/alchemiscale/utils.py
index df7368e8..c50dad84 100644
--- a/alchemiscale/utils.py
+++ b/alchemiscale/utils.py
@@ -84,24 +84,33 @@ def gufe_to_digraph(gufe_obj):
     other GufeTokenizables.
     graph = nx.DiGraph()
+    shallow_dicts = {}
     def add_edges(o):
+        # if we've made a shallow dict before, we've already added this one
+        # and all its dependencies; return `None` to avoid going down the tree
+        # again
+        sd = shallow_dicts.get(o.key)
+        if sd is not None:
+            return None
+        # if not, then we make the shallow dict only once, add it to our index,
+        # add edges to dependencies, and return it so we continue down the tree
+        sd = o.to_shallow_dict()
+        shallow_dicts[o.key] = sd
         # add the object node in case there aren't any connections
-        connections = gufe_objects_from_shallow_dict(o.to_shallow_dict())
+        connections = gufe_objects_from_shallow_dict(sd)
         for c in connections:
             graph.add_edge(o, c)
-    add_edges(gufe_obj)
-    def modifier(o):
-        add_edges(o)
-        return o.to_shallow_dict()
+        return sd
-    _ = modify_dependencies(
-        gufe_obj.to_shallow_dict(), modifier, is_gufe_obj, mode="encode"
-    )
+    sd = add_edges(gufe_obj)
+    _ = modify_dependencies(sd, add_edges, is_gufe_obj, mode="encode")
     return graph