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266 lines (168 loc) · 9.1 KB

File metadata and controls

266 lines (168 loc) · 9.1 KB


The JSON parser parses JSON into Euphoria sequences.

Available data types

JSON elements can be classified as one of five types:

  • JSON_OBJECT - an key/value list of elements
  • JSON_ARRAY - a sequential list of elements
  • JSON_STRING - any valid string value
  • JSON_NUMBER - any valid number value
  • JSON_PRIMITIVE - one of only true, false, or null

Returning data types

Parsed JSON elements will always be returned as {type,value}. For example, a parsed string will return {JSON_STRING,"the string value"}, a parsed number will return {JSON_NUMBER,12345}, etc.

Reporting parser errors

If a value cannot be parsed, the returned value will be {JSON_NONE,0}. You can use the string stored in the global variable json_last_error to determine what may have gone wrong.


include mvc/json.e

object json_data = json_parse(`{
    "name": "John Smith",
    "age": 42,
    "address": "123 Easy St",
    "phones": [
        "(989) 555-1234",
        "(616) 555-9876" 

sequence name = json_fetch( json_data, "name" )
-- name is {JSON_STRING,"John Smith"}

integer  age = json_fetch( json_data, "age" )
-- age is {JSON_NUMBER,42}

sequence address = json_fetch( json_data, "address" )
-- address is {JSON_STRING,"123 East St"}

sequence phones = json_fetch( json_data, "phones" )
-- phones is {JSON_ARRAY,{
--   {JSON_STRING,"(989) 555-1234"},
--   {JSON_STRING,"(616) 555-9876"}
-- }}

Parser routines


include mvc/json.e
public function json_append( object json_target, object json_object )

Appends one JSON value onto another. Objects of type JSON_NUMBER or JSON_PRIMITIVE will be converted to JSON_ARRAY. Objects of type JSON_ARRAY or JSON_STRING will be concatenated together. Objects of type JSON_OBJECT will have the key/value pairs from json_object simply appended to the end of json_target. Absolutely no checking for duplicate keys is done at this time.


  • json_target - the object being appended to
  • json_object - the object whose values will be appended to json_target


  • The updated version of json_target with the values from json_object appended to it.


include mvc/json.e
public function json_compare( sequence json_a, sequence json_b )

Performs a "deep" comparison of two parsed JSON values. This will decend into key/value pairs and ensure they're all compared correctly.


  • json_a - a parsed JSON value
  • json_b - a parsed JSON value


  • Returns -1 if json_a is less than json_b.
  • Returns 0 if json_a is equal to json_b.
  • Returns 1 if json_a is greater than json_b.


include mvc/json.e
public function json_fetch( object json_object, sequence keys, object sep = '.' )

Fetches a nested value from inside JSON object using the provided keys.


  • json_object - a value returned from json_parse
  • keys - a string of keys separated by sep (e.g. "") or a sequence of keys (e.g. {"user","name"})
  • sep - a string or character to act as a separator for keys


The requeted value. See json_parse for possible return values and types.


include mvc/json.e
public function json_haskey( object json_object, sequence keys, object sep = '.' )

Returns TRUE if the value of keys exists in json_object.


  • json_object - the object whose keys will be searched (this should be a JSON_OBJECT value)
  • keys - a string of keys separated by sep (e.g. "") or a sequence of keys (e.g. {"user","name"})
  • sep - a string or character to act as a separator for keys


Returns TRUE if the key or nested key path exists in the json_object.


include mvc/json.e
public function json_import( object map_object )

Imports the key/value pairs from a map to a JSON_OBJECT value.

Please keep in mind that this function has significant limits:

  • Only string keys are allowed (this is a JSON limitation).
  • Only number and string values are allowed (this is a Euphoria limitation).


  • map_object - the map containing key/value pairs to import


A sequence containing {type,value} where type is JSON_OBJECT if the map was parsed correctly, or JSON_NONE if there was an error, in which case check the output of json_last_error() for the reason.


include mvc/json.e
public function json_markup( object json_object, integer sorted_keys = TRUE, integer white_space = TRUE, integer indent_width = 4, integer start_column = 0 )

Similar to json_sprint but it formats the parsed JSON value into Euphoria "markup" which should be valid Euphoria code. This is useful for debugging or validating the JSON parser output, or caching data in native Euphoria code files.


  • json_object - a value returned from json_parse
  • sorted_keys - if TRUE, print JSON_OBJECT keys in sorted order
  • white_space - if TRUE, insert white space to "pretty print" data
  • indent_width - number of spaces to indent when printing white space
  • start_column - number of spaces to indent the entire output


The formatted string containing the Euphora markup of a JSON object.


If you want to use the output as Euphoria code, remember to add a line for include mvc/json.e to your code file.


include mvc/json.e
public function json_parse( string js )

Parses a string and returns the JSON type and value.


  • js - the literal string containing JSON data


A sequence containing {type,value} where type is one of:

  • JSON_OBJECT - a key/value list, value is a sequence of {key,{type,value}} elements
  • JSON_ARRAY - a sequential list, value is a sequence of {type,value} elements
  • JSON_STRING - a string, value is a Euphoria string (sequence)
  • JSON_NUMBER - a number, value is a Euphoria atom or integer
  • JSON_PRIMITIVE - a primitive, value is a string contianing "true", "false", or "null"
  • JSON_NONE - something went wrong and value will be zero (0)

If the return type is JSON_NONE check json_last_error for an error message.


include mvc/json.e
public function json_parse_file( string file_name )

Parses a file and returns the JSON type and value.


  • file_name - the path to the file containing JSON data


See json_parse for possible return values and types.


include mvc/json.e
public procedure json_print( object fn, sequence json_object, integer sorted_keys = TRUE, integer white_space = FALSE, integer indent_width = 4, integer start_column = 0 )

Writes a parsed JSON value from json_parse to a file in its native structure. Optionally can insert white space to "pretty print" the data.


  • fn - an open file number or a file name to open, write, and close
  • json_object - a value returned from json_parse
  • sorted_keys - if TRUE, print JSON_OBJECT keys in sorted order
  • white_space - if TRUE, insert white space to "pretty print" data
  • indent_width - number of spaces to indent when printing white space
  • start_column - number of spaces to indent the entire output


include mvc/json.e
public function json_remove( object json_object, sequence keys, object sep = '.' )

Removes a nested value from inside JSON object using the provided keys.


  • json_object - the object whose keys will be searched (this should be a JSON_OBJECT value)
  • keys - a string of keys separated by sep (e.g. "") or a sequence of keys (e.g. {"user","name"})
  • sep - a string or character to act as a separator for keys


The updated json_object with the value of keys removed.


include mvc/json.e
public function json_sprint( sequence json_object, integer sorted_keys = TRUE, integer white_space = FALSE, integer indent_width = 4, integer start_column = 0 )

Formats a parsed JSON value from json_parse back into its native structure. Optionally can insert white space to "pretty print" the data.


  • json_object - a value returned from json_parse
  • sorted_keys - if TRUE, print JSON_OBJECT keys in sorted order
  • white_space - if TRUE, insert white space to "pretty print" data
  • indent_width - number of spaces to indent when printing white space
  • start_column - number of spaces to indent the entire output


The formatted string containing the native JSON structures.